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    KDS 16 MHZ CRYSTAL C30 Search Results

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    MK3711DMLFTR Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Cost 8MHz to 16MHz 3.3V VCXO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    MK3711DMLF Renesas Electronics Corporation Low Cost 8MHz to 16MHz 3.3V VCXO Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CLC2622 Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Driver Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW8830-LA1-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    TW8820-LA1-CR Renesas Electronics Corporation LCD Controller Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    UHF RFID reader

    Abstract: as3991 application note C8051F340 AS399X as3991 915 MHz RFID reader HF RFID loop antenna design rfid reader schematic RFID loop antenna 134 KHz DE117
    Text: Hardware Description of AS399x “LEO” - UHF RFID Reader System Demo Kit Reference Rev 0.3 Feb 2010 Proprietary and Confidential 1 Table of Contents: 1 1.1 2 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

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    Abstract: UHF rfid reader AS3990
    Text: austriamicrosystems AG is now ams AG The technical content of this austriamicrosystems application note is still valid. Contact information: Headquarters: ams AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 0 3136 500 0 e-Mail:

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    Abstract: rcp890a05 UHF rfid reader RCP890 AS399X circuit micro controller interface between rfid 748431090 748131009 C8051F340 as3991 application note
    Text: Hardware Description of AS399x “ROGER” - UHF RFID Reader System Demo Kit Reference Rev 1.5 March 2010 Proprietary and Confidential 1 1 Introduction. 2

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    Abstract: UHF rfid reader
    Text: austriamicrosystems AG is now ams AG The technical content of this austriamicrosystems application note is still valid. Contact information: Headquarters: ams AG Tobelbaderstrasse 30 8141 Unterpremstaetten, Austria Tel: +43 0 3136 500 0 e-Mail:

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    Abstract: R6793 telephone handset circuit schematic diagram R6793-11 SoftK56 R6793-12 atmel 952 R6795-11 h 125 tam ic LM386
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    Abstract: Conexant P9573-11 p9573 conexant Conexant smartdaa 20463-11 schematic laptop motherboard 20463 kds 12.000 MD26 schematic diagram of laptop motherboard "dib transformer"
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    Abstract: 835-00021 4 MHz crystal KDS 2K l2800 conexant l2800 20434 conexant KDS 28.224 MHZ crystal cap cer x7r 1uf 200v 10% 2225 smd "dib transformer" conexant hd
    Text: 6PDUW$& 0RGHP '$$ 7HFKQRORJ\ 'HVLJQHU}V*XLGH Conexant Proprietary Information Dissemination or use of this information is not permitted without the written permission of Conexant Systems, Inc.

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    Abstract: Ho-12c hosonic ho-12c CRYSTAL 20 mhZ DOC-20NA 16MHz Oscillator KDS DOC-20NA hosonic 12c 474j 250v capacitor hosonic crystal cross reference CRYSTAL 20 MHZ datasheet DOC-20NA ho-12c 16MHZ
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. In-Circuit Simulator User’s Manual A G R E E M E N T M68ICS08ASAZ N O N - D I S C L O S U R E Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. R E Q U I R E D M68ICS08ASAZUM/D For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

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    Abstract: hosonic ho-12c ho-12c 474j 250v capacitor CRYSTAL 20 mhZ DOC-20NA 16MHz Oscillator KDS DOC-20NA ho-12c 16MHZ 474j capacitor hosonic 12c 104j capacitor
    Text: In-Circuit Simulator User’s Manual N O N - D I S C L O S U R E M68ICS08ASAZ A G R E E M E N T R E Q U I R E D M68ICS08ASAZUM/D User’s Manual Important Notice to Users While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of all information in this document, Motorola

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    Abstract: RTM875T-605 MARVELL G77 9lpr462aglf KDS crystal 20.000 FDN338P-NL-GP 88E8071 wistron R1045 ATI-RS690M
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    Abstract: MMA7260 3-Axis Accelerometer MMA7260 3-Axis Accelerometer Sensor Module mma7260 application note MMA7260 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF MMA7260Q ACCELEROMETER schematic human detection sensors MMA7260QHFDRM wireless triaxial accelerometer sensor
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor Reference Manual MMA7260QHFDRM Rev 2.0, 12/2005 Human Fall Detection Using 3-Axis Accelerometer Reference Manual Developed by: Rogelio Reyna Edgard Palomera Rogelio González Sergio García de Alba Michelle Clifford This document contains information on a new product.

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    Abstract: eeprom programmer schematic 24c08 80960KB Programmer Reference manual 270929 KDS crystal 20.000 zilog 4202 IC 24c08 PCI cyclone 3 schematics KDS 4.000 Crystal cpu 80960kx
    Text: i960 Microprocessor User’s Guide for Cyclone and PCI-SDK Evaluation Platforms April 1996 Order Number: 272577-002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

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    Abstract: 24C08 code example KDS 4.000 oscillator 80960KB Programmer Reference manual IC 24c08 eeprom programmer schematic 24c08 beckman display Vishay Dale 10 ohm resistorS 4 MHz crystal KDS 2K Vishay Dale 1 ohm resistorS
    Text: A i960 Microprocessor User Guide for Cyclone and PCI-SDK Evaluation Platforms April 1995 Order Number: 272577-002 i CONTENTS A Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including

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    Text: 5 4 Clock Generator ICS954305D/CY28447LFXCT 4 3 2 Bermuda Block Diagram Intel Mobile CPU Yonah 2M/Meron FSB: 533 or 667 Mhz Project code:91.4E201.001 PCB P/N :05224 PCB REVISION:-1 DELL REVISION:A00 System DC/DC 39 5,6 D 533/667MHz HOST BUS 200-PIN DDR2 SODIMM

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    Text: NetChip Technology, Inc. 335 Pioneer Way Mountain View, California 94041 Tel 650 526-1490 Fax (650) 526-1494 e-mail: Internet: NET2280 PCI USB 2.0 High Speed Peripheral Controller Rev 1A Device Doc #: 605-0177-0120 Revision: 1.2

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    Abstract: MAX8776 AC adapter 19V AES2501B ICS9LPRS355AGLFT csp cd1 10v 1p0 smsc kbc1070 NS892402P intel 82556 Lcd tv circuit schematic diagram
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 Sapporo 1.0 BLOCK DIAGRAM CPU Thermal Sensor P38 CPU CORE Merom D +1.05V/+1.5V /+1.25V/+1.25VM Clock Generator P04 MAX6657 D CK505 P17 P37 478Pins Micro-FCBGA P35 3VPCU/5VPCU 14.318MHz P4,P5 Ambient Light Sensor 667/800 MHz FSB 1.8V/SMDDR_VTERM/SMDR_VREF

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    Abstract: RR0510S-80R6-FN ALC269 FIC CW0A0 TRANSISTOR SMD K27 smd transistor g28 w32 smd transistor w27 smd transistor 1TJE125DP1A000B aPM4906
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 First International Computer,Inc Portable Computer Group HW Department D Board name : Mother Board Schematic D 1. Schematic Page Description : Project : CW0A0/CW0A1 Diamondville+945GMS+ICH7M Version : 0.1 2. PCI & IRQ & DMA Description : 3. Block Diagram :

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    Text: A B C D E COMPAL CONFIDENTIAL 1 MODEL NAME : IBQ00 PCB NO : LA-3301P DA80000771L BOM P/N : 45144631L01 1 M08 (UMA) Briscoe 2 2 uFCPGA Mobile Merom Intel Crestline + ICH8M 2007-03-07 REV : 1.0 (A00) 3 3 DAZ P/N:DAZZGX0010L MB PCB Part Number DA80000771L Description

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    Abstract: FW3227 h48 diode zener transistor u6h ZENER h48 Zener diode H48 diode Aa42 smd transistor L44 TRANSISTOR C2328 F8250
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 First International Computer,Inc Portable Computer Group HW Department D Board name : MotherBoard Schematic 1. Schematic Page Description : Project : MY031 2. PCI & IRQ & DMA Description : Version : 0.5 3. Block Diagram : C Initial Date : Aug. 07 , 2008

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    Abstract: fsk modem ax.25 AOS single digit year KDS 12 MHZ crystal c30 LS 2027 amp rockwell modem guide C3438
    Text: RC229ATF/2-W Modem Designer’s Guide Preliminary Rockwell International Digital Communications Division 1992 Rockwell International All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A. Order No. 892 November 1992 NOTICE Information furnished by Rockwell International Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility

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    KDS 4B 12 MHZ crystal

    Abstract: plcc ic xc3042a 84pin Xc3030a
    Text: E X I LI N X XC3000 Series Field Programmable Gate Arrays June 1, 1996 Version 2.0 Product Description Features • • • • • • • • Complete line of four related Field Programmable Gate Array product families - XC3000A, XC3000L, XC3100A, XC3100L

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    Abstract: crystal KDS 4m his 3020a
    Text: XC3000 Series Field Programmable Gate Arrays XC3000A/L, XC31OOA/L O lL IN X Novem ber 9, 1998 (Version 3.1) Product Description Features • • • • • • • • C om plete line of four related Field Program m able Gate A rray product fam ilies

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    XC3000 XC3000A/L, XC31OOA/L) XC3000A, XC3000L, XC3100A, XC3100L XC3142L XC3190L XC3020A Xilinx XC3090A crystal KDS 4m his 3020a PDF