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    JPD72065 Search Results

    JPD72065 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PD780 FDC zilog UPD8080 z80 fdc
    Text: SEC fiPD72065/65B CMOS Floppy-Disk Controller NEC Electronics Inc. Description a 100% 765A/B microcode com patibility TheJL/PD72065/65B CMOS Floppy-Disk C ontroller FDC is NEC's follow -on to the juPD765A/B. (/JPD72065B is a fun ctiona lly enhanced version of ¿JPD72065.) The FDC

    OCR Scan
    uPD72065/65B 65A/B /UPD8080/85, /11PD8O86/ /PD780 TheJL/PD72065/65B JIPD72065/65B PD71071 72065B PD780 FDC zilog UPD8080 z80 fdc PDF


    Abstract: UD765 UPD72064 7360a fjs 500 machined JJPD72064 JUPD72064 63SL-73408 7361a PD72064
    Text: JUPD72064 Floppy-Disk Controller NEC Electronics Inc. Prelim inary Information September 1990 Description □ Multisector and multitrack transfer The /¿PD72064 FDC is NEC’s highly integrated solution for PC/AT-type floppy-disk controller designs. Like its

    OCR Scan
    uPD72064 /JPD72068, /iPD765 /PD72064 iPD72064 juPD72064 WD37C65 UD765 7360a fjs 500 machined JJPD72064 63SL-73408 7361a PD72064 PDF


    Abstract: NEC PD765 nec pd765 fdc
    Text: jW /J J Y * JHPD72064 CMOS Floppy-Disk Controller 1^1 M id NEC Electronics Inc. Description The /jPD72064 FDC is NECis highly integrated solution for PC/AT-type floppy-disk controller designs. Like its predecessor, the /JPD72068, the pPD72064 maintains complete microcode compatibility with the industry

    OCR Scan
    uPD72064 /jPD72064 /JPD72068, pPD72064 /PD765 PD72064 ThejuPD72064 /JPD765A/B /JPD72065/65B PD765 NEC PD765 nec pd765 fdc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JUPD72064 Floppy-Disk Controller NEC Electronics Inc. Preliminary Information September 1990 Description □ Multisector and multitrack transfer The /JPD72064 FDC is NEC’s highly integrated solution for PC/AT-type floppy-disk controller designs. Like its

    OCR Scan
    JUPD72064 /JPD72064 fiPD72068, fiPD72064 pPD765 //PD72064 PD72064LM 44-pln PD72064GC-3B6 52-pin WD37C65 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: V Ü Y 2 NEC Electronics Inc. /J > D 7 2 0 6 5 /6 6 SINGLEIDOUBLE DENSITY f l o p p y d is k c o n t r o l l e r s Description Features The^PD72065isan LSI floppy disk controller FDC chip which contains the circuitry and control functions for interfacing a processor to 4 floppy disk drives. It is capa­

    OCR Scan
    PD72065isan piPD72065 jPD72065 hPD72086 fiPD7265 pPD72M fiPD72066 iPD7265 pPD765A 125ns) d72065 PDF


    Abstract: PD72065 pluto nx nec 765 fdc D8251 d72065 HPD72065L mark 1AM UD765 FDC zilog
    Text: NEC /¿ P D 7 2 0 6 5 /6 6 SINGLE I DOUBLE D EN SITY FLOPPY D IS K CONTROLLERS N E C Electronics Inc. D escription Features ThejiPD72065isan LSI floppy disk controller {FDC chip which contains the circu itry and control functions for interfacing a processor to 4 floppy disk drives. It is capa­

    OCR Scan
    uPD72065 iPD72065 mPD72066 fiPD72066 MPD72 fiPD72066 iPD7265 d72065c PD72065 pluto nx nec 765 fdc D8251 d72065 HPD72065L mark 1AM UD765 FDC zilog PDF


    Abstract: d72065
    Text: N E C 6427525 E L E C T R O N I C S I N C Tfl N E C ELECTRONI CS jk fJ y Y ? NEC Electronics Inc. Dff|b4275a5 001S37Ö 1 INC 98D 15378 D y P D 7 2 0 6 5 /6 6 SINGLE/DOUBLE DENSITY f l o p p y d is k C o n t r o l l e r s -T '5 P - 3 3 - Description Features

    OCR Scan
    b4275a5 001S37Ö uPD72065 nPD72065 T-52-33-11 pPD720 pPD72066 pPD765A pPD7265 pPD72065 PD72066 d72065 PDF