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    JPD41416 Search Results

    JPD41416 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: D41416
    Text: SEC jJ>D41416 1 6 ,3 8 4 X 4-BIT DYNAMIC NMOS RAM NEC Electronics Inc. Revision 2 Description Pin Configuration The /j PD41416 is a 16,384-word by 4-bit dynamic Nchannel MOS RAM designed to operate from a single +5 V power supply. The negative voltage substrate bias

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    D41416 uPD41416 384-word nPD41416 jPD41416 if7777777/ 83-001785B U7777 PDF


    Abstract: PD41416 PD41416-15 HPD41416-12 PD41416-12
    Text: SEC jJ>D41416 1 6 ,3 8 4 X 4-BIT DYNAMIC NMOS RAM NEC Electronics Inc. Revision 2 Description Pin Configuration The /j PD41416 is a 16,384-word by 4-bit dynamic Nchannel MOS RAM designed to operate from a single +5 V power supply. The negative voltage substrate bias

    OCR Scan
    D41416 uPD41416 384-word nPD41416 jPD41416 3-001783A 3-001784A 83-001785B PD41416 PD41416-15 HPD41416-12 PD41416-12 PDF


    Abstract: DHR NEC PD41416 MPD41416-12
    Text: SEC JUPD41416 1 6 ,3 8 4 X 4-B IT D YNA M IC NMOS RAM NEC Electronics Inc. Revision 2 D e s c rip tio n P in C o n fig u ra tio n The /¿PD41416 is a 16,384-word by 4-bit dynam ic Nchannel M O S RAM designed to operate from a single + 5 V power supply. The negative voltage substrate bias

    OCR Scan
    UPD41416 PD41416 384-word jPD41416 83-001785B 41416 DHR NEC MPD41416-12 PDF