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    Abstract: 28PF1 J12TE3-66D-R250U J12LD2-R250U thermistor inas CMAMP-TO66-PA5 420081 J12TE4 TAG 8142 J12-18C
    Text: Indium Arsenide Detectors ISO 9001 Certified Germany and other countries: LASER COMPONENTS GmbH, Phone: +49 8142 2864 0, Fax: +49 8142 2864 11, Great Britain: LASER COMPONENTS UK Ltd., Phone: +44 1245 491 499, Fax: +44 1245 491 801,



    Abstract: J12TE3-66D-R250U INSB PHOTODIODE jones chopper J12-18C-R250U RBBG J12-18C thermistor inas detector inas hsa2
    Text: Judson Technologies J12 SERIES INAS DETECTORS PB 220 October 2000 Operating Instructions Typical J12 Series Operating Circuit RF > 10x RD IS - Vo = IS • RF + Detector Ios Preamp Selection vs Shunt Selection Impedance Recommended Detector Shunt Op Amp Impedance ohms


    D-22A thermistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Indium Arsenide Detectors Judson Technologies LLC 221 Commerce Drive Montgomeryville, PA 18936 USA Tel: 215-368-6900 Fax: 215-362-6107 Visit us on the web. ISO 9001 Certified J12 Indium Arsenide Detector Operating Notes 1.0 to 3.8 µm



    Abstract: J12TE3-66D-R01M HgCdTe J12TE2-66D-R02M J12TE1-37S-R01M J12-18C J12TE3-66D-R250U judson PA-9 J12TE3 J12TE2-66D-R01M
    Text: J}^EGsG JUDSON Indium Arsenide Detector Operating Notes 1.0 to 3.8 ¡am General Responsivity Temperature Effects J12 Series detectors are high-quality Indium Arsenide photodiodes for use in the 1 to 3.8 |am wavelength range. The equivalent circuit is a photon­

    OCR Scan
    J12TE2-66S J12TE3-66S J12TE4-3CN-R01M J12TE3-66D-R01M HgCdTe J12TE2-66D-R02M J12TE1-37S-R01M J12-18C J12TE3-66D-R250U judson PA-9 J12TE3 J12TE2-66D-R01M PDF

    dr 25 germanium diode

    Abstract: thermistor inas J12-18C
    Text: EGa Indium Arsenide Detector Operating Notes 1.0 to 3.8 |im General Responsivity Temperature Effects J12 Series detectors are high-quality Indium Arsenide photodiodes for use in the 1 to 3.8 jim wavelength range. The equivalent circuit is a photon­ generated current source I h with parallel

    OCR Scan
    J12TE3-66S-R250U J12TE3-66S-R01M J12TE2-66S J12TE3-66S dr 25 germanium diode thermistor inas J12-18C PDF


    Abstract: PbSe Judson J12TE3-66S-R250U J12TE3-66S-R01M detector active area size nep fast light detector Photodiodes Germanium LF356 OP27 OPA111
    Text: n Indium Arsenide Detector Operating Notes 1.0 to 3.8 |im General Responsivity Tem perature Effects J12 Series detectors are high-quality Indium A rsenide photodiodes for use in the 1 to 3.8 jim w avelength range. The equivalent circuit is a photon­ generated current source I h w ith parallel

    OCR Scan
    J12TE3-66S-R250U J12TE3-66S-R01M J12TE2-66S J12TE3-66S HgCdTe PbSe Judson detector active area size nep fast light detector Photodiodes Germanium LF356 OP27 OPA111 PDF


    Abstract: J12-18C-R250U J12D-M204-R01M J12-18C-R01M J12D-M204-R02M metal detectors circuit HgCdTe PbSe Judson judson PA-100 J12-18C
    Text: E G S G JUI1S0N 31E D m 3030b05 D0D0225 □ • JlID T -V /-V / Indium Arsenide Detector Operating Notes General Responsivity Temperature Effects J12 Series detectors are high-quality Indium Arsenide photodiodes for use in the 1 to 3.6 urn wavelength range.

    OCR Scan
    303Db0S J12TE2-8B6-R01M J12TE2-8B6-R02M J12TE3 J12TE3-66S J12D-M204-R01M J12D-M204-R02M 45016m J12-18C-R250U J12-18C-R01M metal detectors circuit HgCdTe PbSe Judson judson PA-100 J12-18C PDF


    Abstract: R/Detector/"detectors ic"/"CD"/iRAM*10up60a OP2750 J12-5A PbSe Judson thermistor inas R/Detector/"detectors ic"/"CD"/4a2d
    Text: A EGæG JUDSON Indium Arsenide Detector Operating Notes 1.0 to 3.8 im General Responsivity Temperature Effects J12 Series detectors are high-quality Indium Arsenide photodiodes for use in the 1 to 3.8 |am wavelength range. The equivalent circuit is a photon­

    OCR Scan
    J12TE2-66S J12TE3-66S 30b05 J12-18C R/Detector/"detectors ic"/"CD"/iRAM*10up60a OP2750 J12-5A PbSe Judson thermistor inas R/Detector/"detectors ic"/"CD"/4a2d PDF

    lf356 op-amp

    Abstract: judson PA-100 thermistor inas
    Text: E 6 8 6 JUJSON b =IE D • 3D3Db05 0000225 G ■ JUD T -V /-V / Indium Arsenide Detector Operating Notes General Responsivity Temperature Effects J12 Series detectors are high-quality Indium Arsenide photodiodes for use in the 1 to 3.6 urn wavelength range.

    OCR Scan
    3D3Db05 J12TE3 lf356 op-amp judson PA-100 thermistor inas PDF


    Abstract: J16D thermistor inas detector inas judson PA-100 Germanium itt
    Text: J16TE Thermoelectrically Cooled Germanium Detectors judson tach-nalogiea J16TE2 Series 2-Stage Thermoelectrically Cooled Ge General J16TE Series detectors are Judson's high-quality Ge photodiodes mounted on thermoelectric coolers for reduced dark current, improved sensitivity and superior

    OCR Scan
    J16TE J16TE J16TE2 4C-70 16C-70 32C-70 4C-60 16C-60 16C70 J16D thermistor inas detector inas judson PA-100 Germanium itt PDF