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    J-K FLIP FLOPS Search Results

    J-K FLIP FLOPS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC4013BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, D-Type Flip-Flop, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WZ74FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), D-Type Flip-Flop, SOT-505 (SM8), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WZ74FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), D-Type Flip-Flop, SOT-765 (US8), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WH74FU Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), D-Type Flip-Flop, SOT-505 (SM8), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7WH74FK Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), D-Type Flip-Flop, SOT-765 (US8), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    J-K FLIP FLOPS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: C1995 DM54L73 DM54L73J J14A W14B
    Text: DM54L73 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs The J and K data is processed by the flip-flops after a complete clock

    DM54L73 DM54L73W C1995 DM54L73J J14A W14B PDF


    Abstract: DM5473W DM7473N 5473FMQB 5473DMQB DM7473 J14A N14A W14B
    Text: DM7473 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flops after a complete clock

    DM7473 DM5473J DM5473W DM7473N 5473FMQB 5473DMQB DM7473 J14A N14A W14B PDF


    Abstract: 400X C1995 DM54 DM54107 J14A
    Text: DM54107 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs The J and K data is processed by the flip-flops after a complete clock

    DM54107 DM54107J 400X C1995 DM54 J14A PDF


    Abstract: DM74LS73A DS006372 DM54LS73AJ DM54LS73AW DM74LS73AM J14A M14A N14A W14B
    Text: DM74LS73A Dual Negative-Edge-Triggered Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent negative-edge-triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flops on

    DM74LS73A DM74LS73AN DM74LS73A DS006372 DM54LS73AJ DM54LS73AW DM74LS73AM J14A M14A N14A W14B PDF


    Abstract: DM54LS109AW DM74LS109A DM74LS109AM J16A 54LS109 54LS109DMQB 54LS109FMQB DM54LS109AJ
    Text: DM74LS109A Dual Positive-Edge-Triggered J-K Flip-Flops with Preset, Clear, and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive-edge-triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is accepted by the flip-flop on the

    DM74LS109A DM74LS109AN DM54LS109AW DM74LS109A DM74LS109AM J16A 54LS109 54LS109DMQB 54LS109FMQB DM54LS109AJ PDF


    Abstract: DM7476 5476DMQB 5476FMQB DM5476W DM7476N J16A N16E W16A
    Text: DM7476 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear, Preset, and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flop after a complete clock

    DM7476 DM5476J DM7476 5476DMQB 5476FMQB DM5476W DM7476N J16A N16E W16A PDF


    Abstract: 5473 DM5473J DM7473 DM7473N 5473FMQB DM5473W J14A N14A W14B
    Text: 5473 DM5473 DM7473 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs The J and K data is processed by the flip-flops after a complete clock

    DM5473 DM7473 5473DMQB 5473 DM5473J DM7473 DM7473N 5473FMQB DM5473W J14A N14A W14B PDF


    Abstract: 54LS112DMQB 54LS112FMQB 54LS112LMQB DM54LS112AJ DM54LS112AW DM74LS112A DM74LS112AM DM74LS112AN DM74LS112
    Text: DM74LS112A Dual Negative-Edge-Triggered Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Preset, Clear, and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent negative-edge-triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flop on the

    DM74LS112A 54LS112 54LS112DMQB 54LS112FMQB 54LS112LMQB DM54LS112AJ DM54LS112AW DM74LS112A DM74LS112AM DM74LS112AN DM74LS112 PDF


    Abstract: DM7476N MS-001 N16E
    Text: Revised July 2001 DM7476 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear, Preset, and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flop after a complete clock

    DM7476 DM7476 DM7476N MS-001 N16E PDF


    Abstract: 74LVX112M 74LVX112MTC 74LVX112SJ LVX112 M16A M16D MTC16
    Text: Revised March 1999 74LVX112 Low Voltage Dual J-K Flip-Flops with Preset and Clear General Description The LVX112 is a dual J-K Flip-Flop where each flip-flop has independent inputs J, K, PRESET, CLEAR, and CLOCK and outputs (Q, Q). These devices are edge sensitive and

    74LVX112 LVX112 74LVX112 74LVX112M 74LVX112MTC 74LVX112SJ M16A M16D MTC16 PDF

    7476 J-K Flip-Flop

    Abstract: J-K Flip-Flop 7476 7476 J-K Flip-Flop Master-Slave edge master slave J-K Flip-Flop 7476 Flip-Flop 7476
    Text: Revised February 2000 DM7476 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear, Preset, and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flop after a complete clock

    DM7476 ////roarer/root/data13/imaging/BIT. 0804/08032000/FAIR/08022000/DM7476 29-JUL-00) DM7476N DM7476N DM7476CW 7476 J-K Flip-Flop J-K Flip-Flop 7476 7476 J-K Flip-Flop Master-Slave edge master slave J-K Flip-Flop 7476 Flip-Flop 7476 PDF


    Abstract: DM7476N MS-001 N16E
    Text: Revised February 2000 DM7476 Dual Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear, Preset, and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive pulse triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flop after a complete clock

    DM7476 DM7476 DM7476N MS-001 N16E PDF


    Abstract: 400X C1995 DM54 DM54109J DM54109W J16A W16A
    Text: DM54109 Dual Positive-Edge-Triggered J-K Flip-Flops with Preset Clear and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent positive-edge-triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs The J and K data is accepted by the flip-flop on the rising edge of the

    DM54109 400X C1995 DM54 DM54109J DM54109W J16A W16A PDF


    Abstract: DM54LS107A DM54LS107AJ DM54LS107AW DM74LS107A DM74LS107AM J14A M14A N14A W14B
    Text: DM54LS107A DM74LS107A Dual Negative-EdgeTriggered Master-Slave J-K Flip-Flops with Clear and Complementary Outputs General Description This device contains two independent negative-edge-triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary outputs The J and K data is processed by the flip-flops on the falling edge of

    DM54LS107A DM74LS107A DM74LS107AN DM54LS107AJ DM54LS107AW DM74LS107AM J14A M14A N14A W14B PDF

    74ls112 pin configuration

    Abstract: 74ls112 function table 74LS112 74S112
    Text: Signetics 74LS112, S112 Flip-Flops Dual J-K Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '112 is a dual J-K negative edgetriggered flip-flop featuring individual J, K, Clock, Set and Reset inputs. The Set So and Reset (R q) inputs, when LOW,

    OCR Scan
    74LS112, 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns 74ls112 pin configuration 74ls112 function table 74LS112 74S112 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GD54/74LS73A DUAL NEGATIVE EDGE-TRIGGERED MASTER-SALVE J-K FLIP-FLOPS WITH CLEAR AND COMPLEMENTARY OUTPUTS Description Pin Configuration This device contains two independent negativeedge-triggered J-K flip-flops with complementary out­ puts. The J and K data is processed by the flip-flops

    OCR Scan
    GD54/74LS73A PDF

    jk flip flop 7476

    Abstract: 7476 PIN DIAGRAM 7476 7476 ttl 7476 PIN DIAGRAM input and output TTL 74ls76 pin diagram of 7476 PIN CONFIGURATION 7476 7476 J-K Flip-Flop pin diagram of ttl 7476
    Text: Signetics 7476, LS76 Flip-Flops Dual J-K Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '76 is a dual J-K flip-flop with individual J, K, Clock, Set and Reset inputs. The 7476 is positive pulse-trig­ gered. JK information is loaded into the

    OCR Scan
    74LS76 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns jk flip flop 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM 7476 7476 ttl 7476 PIN DIAGRAM input and output TTL 74ls76 pin diagram of 7476 PIN CONFIGURATION 7476 7476 J-K Flip-Flop pin diagram of ttl 7476 PDF

    ci 7476

    Abstract: 7476 PIN DIAGRAM pin diagram of 7476 jk flip flop 7476 pin diagram of ttl 7476 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM input and output 7476 J-K Flip-Flop 7476 ttl LS 7476
    Text: Signetics 7476, LS76 Flip-Flops Dual J-K Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '76 is a dual J-K flip-flop with individual J, K, Clock, Set and Reset inputs. The 7476 is positive pulse-trig­ gered. JK information is loaded into the

    OCR Scan
    74LS76 1N916, 1N3064, 500ris 500ns ci 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM pin diagram of 7476 jk flip flop 7476 pin diagram of ttl 7476 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM input and output 7476 J-K Flip-Flop 7476 ttl LS 7476 PDF


    Abstract: 74LS41 74ls112n 74LS112D 74ls112 pin configuration 74LS112
    Text: 74LS112, S112 Signetics Flip-Flops Dual J-K Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '112 is a dual J-K negative edgetriggered flip-flop featuring individual J, K, Clock, Set and Reset inputs. The Set So and Reset (R q) inputs, when LOW,

    OCR Scan
    74LS112, 500ns 500ns 74LS412 74LS41 74ls112n 74LS112D 74ls112 pin configuration 74LS112 PDF


    Abstract: pin diagram of 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM 7476 FUNCTION TABLE pin diagram of ttl 7476 7476 pin configuration LS 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM input and output 74LS76 J-K Flip-Flop 7476
    Text: 7476, LS76 Sjgnetics Flip-Flops Dual J-K Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '76 is a dual J-K flip-flop with individual J, K, Clock, Set and Reset inputs. The 7476 is positive pulse-trig­ gered. JK information is loaded into the

    OCR Scan
    74LS76 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns PIN CONFIGURATION 7476 pin diagram of 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM 7476 FUNCTION TABLE pin diagram of ttl 7476 7476 pin configuration LS 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM input and output J-K Flip-Flop 7476 PDF

    pin diagram of 7476

    Abstract: 7476 FUNCTION TABLE 7476 J-K Flip-Flop PIN CONFIGURATION 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM 7476 Jk 74ls76 pin out 74LS76 7476 PIN DIAGRAM input and output J-K Flip-Flop 7476
    Text: 7476, LS76 Signetics Flip-Flops Dual J-K Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '76 is a dual J-K flip-flop with Individual J, K, Clock, Set and Reset inputs. The 7476 is positive pulse-trig­ gered. JK information is loaded into the

    OCR Scan
    74LS76 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns pin diagram of 7476 7476 FUNCTION TABLE 7476 J-K Flip-Flop PIN CONFIGURATION 7476 7476 PIN DIAGRAM 7476 Jk 74ls76 pin out 7476 PIN DIAGRAM input and output J-K Flip-Flop 7476 PDF


    Abstract: S113 equivalent
    Text: 74LS113, S113 Signetics Flip-Flops Dual J-K Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Product Specification Logic Products DESCRIPTION The '113 is a dual J-K negative edgetriggered flip-flop featuring individual J, K, Set and Clock inputs. The asynchro­ nous Set Su input, when LOW, forces

    OCR Scan
    74LS113, WF08450S 1N916, 1N3064, 500ns 500ns 74LS113 S113 equivalent PDF

    diode M160

    Abstract: 74LCX112 74LCX112M 74LCX112MTC 74LCX112MTCX 74LCX112MX 74LCX112SJ 74LCX112SJX M16A
    Text: PRELIMINARY Semiconductor LCX112 & National 74LCX112 Low Voltage Dual J-K Flip-Flops with Preset and Clear with 5V Tolerant Inputs General Description Features The 74LCX112 are dual J-K flip-flops. Each flip-flop has in­ dependent J, K, PRESET, CLEAR, and CLOCK inputs Q, Q

    OCR Scan
    74LCX112 74LCX112 diode M160 74LCX112M 74LCX112MTC 74LCX112MTCX 74LCX112MX 74LCX112SJ 74LCX112SJX M16A PDF


    Abstract: 74LCX109M 74LCX109MTC 74LCX109MX 74LCX109SJ 74LCX109SJX dc cdi diagram
    Text: PRELIMINARY Semiconductor LCX109 & N a tio n a l 74LCX109 Dual J-K Flip-Flops with Preset and Clear with 5V Tolerant Inputs General Description Features The 74LCX109 are dual J-K flip-flops. Each flip-flop has In­ dependent J, K, PRESET, CLEAR, and CLOCK Inputs and

    OCR Scan
    74LCX109 74LCX109 74LCX109M 74LCX109MTC 74LCX109MX 74LCX109SJ 74LCX109SJX dc cdi diagram PDF