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    ITT Interconnect Solutions FRCIR00CFZ-20-29PW-F80-T108-VO

    Standard Circular Connector
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics FRCIR00CFZ-20-29PW-F80-T108-VO
    • 1 -
    • 10 $135.77
    • 100 $130.94
    • 1000 $130.94
    • 10000 $130.94
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    ITT Interconnect Solutions FRCIR00CFZ-28-21PW-F80-T108-VO

    Standard Circular Connector
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics FRCIR00CFZ-28-21PW-F80-T108-VO
    • 1 -
    • 10 $137.75
    • 100 $132.8
    • 1000 $132.8
    • 10000 $132.8
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    TT Electronics Resistors IRCPW53R30JLF

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics IRCPW53R30JLF 500
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    IRC PW 5 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: PC1094 MPC1094G *c1094g
    Text: DATA S H E E T NEC BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUI /¿PC109* ELECTRON DEVICE SW ITCHING REGULATOR CO N TR O L CIRCUIT FOR 500 kHz OPERATION D E S C R IP T IO N /¿PC1094C, /HPC1094G are PW M ty p e sw itch in g regulator co n tro l c irc u it up to 5 0 0 k H z sw itch in g frequency.

    OCR Scan
    uPC109 PC1094C, /HPC1094G S14GM mpc1094 PC1094 MPC1094G *c1094g PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N o v e m b e r 19 9 8 PRELIM IN AR Y ^Ék Micro Linear ML4827 Fault-Protected PFC and PW M Controller Combo GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The M L 4 8 2 7 is a c o n tro lle r fo r p o w e r fa c to r co rre cte d , s w itc h e d m ode p o w e r supplies, th a t in c lu d e s c irc u itry

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    ML4827 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION All inform ation in this da ta she et is prelim inary and su b je c t to change. /l/l/J X I/l/l 5/92 +5V-O utput, Step-U p, C urrent-M ode PW M D C - D C C o n verter T h e M AX 751 is te s te d in -c irc u it, so o u tp u t p o w e r s p e c ific a tio n s are gu aran tee d ove r all line, load, and

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    MAX751 170kHz MAX751MJA MIL-STD-883. MAX751 A14XIA1 MAX751cpa PDF


    Abstract: PW40 50E resistor PW50E PW20E PW20 RS-344 5 watts ceramic resistor irc pw 5 PW-30
    Text: General Purpose Radial Terminal Power Wirewound Resistor Inorganic fireproof encapsulant PW Radial Series • • • • • 0.10Ω to 2.0KΩ 20 watts to 50 watts ±10% or ±5% tolerance RoHS compliant construction available Custom parts available - consult factory

    PW-20E PW-30 PW-40 PW-50E RS-344, PW20E, PW-50E PW40 50E resistor PW50E PW20E PW20 RS-344 5 watts ceramic resistor irc pw 5 PW-30 PDF

    50E resistor

    Abstract: irc pw 5
    Text: General Purpose Radial Terminal Power Wirewound Resistor Inorganic fireproof encapsulant PW Radial Series • • • • • 0.10Ω to 2.0KΩ 20 watts to 50 watts ±10% or ±5% tolerance RoHS compliant construction available Custom parts available - consult factory

    PW-20E PW-30 PW-40 PW-50E RS-344, PW20E, 50E resistor irc pw 5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: General Purpose Axial Leaded Power Wirewound Resistor Fireproof high temperature ceramic case- stand offs optional PW Series • • • • • Alloy resistance wire on fiberglass substrate 0.10Ω to 30KΩ 2 watts to 25 watts ±10% or ±5% tolerance TC’s from 300 ppm/°C to +5500 ppm/°C


    irc pw5

    Abstract: RS-344 irc lf IRC pw22 50 Ohms Resistors 0.63 watts irc pw10
    Text: PW SERIES GENERAL PURPOSE AXIAL LEADED POWER WIREWOUND RESISTOR • • • • • Fireproof high temperature ceramic case - stand offs optional 2 watts to 25 watts 0.10 ohms to 30K ohms ±10% or ±5% tolerance TC's from 300 ppm/°C to +5500 ppm/°C Alloy resistance

    PW-10 PW-15 PW-18 PW-22 PW-25 18watts irc pw5 RS-344 irc lf IRC pw22 50 Ohms Resistors 0.63 watts irc pw10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: July 1992 PRELIMINARY Micro Linear ML4506 5V Disk Voice Coil Servo Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The p o w e r fail d e tection c irc u it includ es a precision 1.5V bandgap reference. The M L 4 5 0 6 is a v o ic e c o il p o w e r d riv e r inte nded fo r use

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    ML4506 200nF L2341 12-bit ML4506CS L4506CR 20-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Resistors Make Possible General Purpose Radial Terminal Power Wirewound Resistor General Purpose PW Radial SeriesTerminal Radial 0.10 to 2.0K Power Wirewound Resistor 20 watts to 50 watts ±10% or ±5% tolerance RoHStocompliant construction available • 0.10Ω

    2011/65/EU PW50EBRK1201KLF PW50E PW20E PW50E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: neralGeneral Purpose Purpose Radial Terminal dial Terminal Power Wirewound Resistor wer Wirewound Resistor General Purpose PW Radial Series dial Series • 0.10 to 2.0K Radial Terminal · · Power Wirewound Resistor to 2.0KΩ 20 watts to 50 watts ±10% or ±5% tolerance

    01KLF PW50E PW20E PW50E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: sime THE RESISTOR PEOPLE Fireproof high tem p, ceram ic case - standoffs optonal GENERAL-PURPOSE POWER WIREWOUNDS -Inorganic fireproof encapsulant PW SERIES • • • • 2 watts to 25 watts ±10%, ±5% tolerance 0.10 ohms to 30K ohms TC’s from 300 ppm/°C to +5500 ppm/°C

    OCR Scan
    PW-22 PW-25 er--------------------------18 PDF

    transformer dash 2 b-5

    Abstract: dash transformer 2 B-5 5512D lc dash 2 b-5 HC-55564 HC-5512D-2 HC-5512D-9 33KHZ 1250c agc
    Text: HC-5512D 33 HARRIS PCM or CVSD Monolithic Filter Features • +5V, -5 V P o w e r S u p p lies • L o w P o w e r C o n s u m p tio n : Pinouts H C -5 5 1 2 D C E R A M IC H C 4 -5 5 1 2 D (L C C ) T O P V IE W T O P V IE W 4 5 m W (6 0 0 !i OdBm Lo ad )

    OCR Scan
    HC-5512D 50/60HZ HC-5512D-2/-8 HC4-5512D transformer dash 2 b-5 dash transformer 2 B-5 5512D lc dash 2 b-5 HC-55564 HC-5512D-2 HC-5512D-9 33KHZ 1250c agc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SANYO S E N I C O N D U C T O R i CORP 32E D • dOC^bb^ T T -9 0 -6 0 3-Phase Brushless Motor Drivers without Sensors T -5 2 -T 3 -2 5 * : Under development T y p e N um ber LBI670M Package VccI V M F P -3 0 S L F I .8-12 lo m ax (A ) .5 Pd T a = 2 5 'C

    OCR Scan
    7T1707b T-90-60 T-52-T3-25 LBI670M LBI672M MFP-30SLF MFP-30SP MFP-24S MFP-24S D007ti PDF

    Ceramic Resistor 20W axial wirewound

    Abstract: IRC RESISTORS BN720 pulse load resistor wirewound resistors BN72
    Text: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, BN720 May 2, 2006 For more information, contact: Keith Chipman, Product Manager 828-264-8861 Beth Polizzotto, BtB Marketing Communications 919-872-8172 High power resistors available in axial and radial lead configurations…

    BN720 Ceramic Resistor 20W axial wirewound IRC RESISTORS BN720 pulse load resistor wirewound resistors BN72 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H C -5512D 33 HARRIS PCM or CVSD Monolithic Filter Features Pinouts • +5V, -5V Power Supplies H C -5 5 1 2 D C E R A M IC T O P V IE W • Low Power Consumption: H C 4 -5 5 1 2 D (L C C ) T O P VIEW 45mW (600! > OdBm Load) 30mW (Pow er Amps Disabled)

    OCR Scan
    -5512D 50/60H PDF

    LA7832 equivalent

    Abstract: LA7833 equivalent LA7555 LA7833 LA7838 LA7838 equivalent IC LA7837 LA 7625 IC LA7832 la7621
    Text: O rd e rin g n u m b e r: E N 2 2 8 9 B M onolithic L inear 1C 7626 No. 22Ö9B SAiYO Video, Chroma and Deflection Circuit for Color Television Sets i / / if' ¿' / ' ív!" Package Dimensions Overview unit : mm The L A 7 6 2 5 and L A 7 6 2 6 are based on the LA762Q and

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    LA7625 LA7626 LA762G LA7621 DIP30S DIP22) LA7832 equivalent LA7833 equivalent LA7555 LA7833 LA7838 LA7838 equivalent IC LA7837 LA 7625 IC LA7832 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0 50025-X PDF

    digital tuner

    Abstract: S0P16 audio head irc decoder VTR precision voltage reference
    Text: HDHrn ICs for Video Part No. Supply voilage Internal circ u its range V B A 7 6 3 0 S /F 5 Clam p 6dB am pi if er VTR switch meeting scramble broadcasting decoder. 7 5 0 driver M uting Remarks P ackage Built-in 9 bit serial/parallel conveder 1 Appfications

    OCR Scan
    SDIP22/SOP28 7631/F BA7632F BA7631F 140KQ S0P16 D1P16/SOP16 7656S 7657S SDIP24 digital tuner audio head irc decoder VTR precision voltage reference PDF


    Abstract: RURD3050 RURD3060 APEC 27721
    Text: RURD3040 RURD3050 RURD3060 HARRIS SbE D • IHAS 4 3 G 2 27 1 0 0 4 2 41 5 ^3T May 1991 30A Ultrafast Dual Diode With Soft Recovery Characteristic - " P Z 3 ' - 0 ' 7 HA RR IS S E H I C 0 N D S E CT OR Features Package TO -218AC • U ltra fa st w ith S o ft R e c o v e ry C h a ra c te ris tic

    OCR Scan
    43G2271 RURD3040 RURD3050 RURD3060 PZ3-07 RURD3040, RURD3050, RURD3060 APEC 27721 PDF


    Abstract: floppy read write
    Text: SiliconSudani INNOVATORS IN /INTEGRATION SSI 5 7 0 2-Channel Floppy Disk Read/W rite Circuit Preliminary Data Sheet GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The SSI 570 is an in te g ra te d c irc u it w h ic h p e rform s the fu n c tio n s o f g e n e ra tin g w rite s ig n a ls and a m p lify in g and

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    sumida coil

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A M /F M RADIO NJM2241 The NJM2241 is a monolithic integrated circuit in a 24-lead small outline package designed for use in 3-6V portable AM/FM radio receivers. The functions incorporated are AM RF amplifier, AM mixer, FM/AM IF amplifier, FM/AM detecter, FM/AM

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    NJM2241 NJM2241 24-lead 550mA 700mW 2241M 12mmji 455kHz 1500pF sumida coil PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o ir c THE RESISTOR PEOPLE GENERAL PURPOSE POWER WIREWOUND RESISTOR Tinned steel Alloy resistance wire on hberglass substrate i PW • • • • Steatite ceramic case SERIES 20 watts to 50 watts 0.10 ohms to 2.OK ohms ±10% or ±5% tolerance Customs SPECIFICATIONS:

    OCR Scan
    PW-20E PW-30 PW-40 PW-50E RS-344, PW-30E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: \rfr 2 W A»PD9513 A D /9 5 1 4 AD CMOS S E R IA L INTERFACE c o d e c - f i l t e r c o m b i n a t io n *~ NEC Electronics Inc. Aprii 1987 Description Features T h e / yPD9513AD and //PD9514AD are m o n o lith ic PCM codecs w ith integ ra ted filters. These devices provide

    OCR Scan
    uPD9513AD uPD9514AD 9513a PDF


    Abstract: 2SA1153 2sa115 PA33 SC-43B
    Text: NEC PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR ELECTRON DEV IC E 2 S A 1 153 DESCRIPTION The 2 S A 1 153 is designed fo r general purpose a m p lifie r and high PA C K AG E D IM ENS IO NS speed switching applications. in m illim e te rs inches FEATURES • 5.2 MAX. (0.204 MAX.)

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    2SA1153 2SA1153 2SC2720 2sa115 PA33 SC-43B PDF