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    MP-54RJ45UNNE-002 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-54RJ45UNNE-002 Cat5e Non-Booted Patch Cable with RJ45 Connectors (350MHz) 2ft Datasheet
    CN-AC3MMDZBAU Amphenol Cables on Demand 3-Pin XLR Male Panel Mount Connector - Amphenol AC3MMDZB-AU - Solder Type (Black + Gold Contacts) Datasheet
    MP-54RJ45UNNE-001 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol MP-54RJ45UNNE-001 Cat5e Non-Booted Patch Cable with RJ45 Connectors (350MHz) 1ft Datasheet
    CN-ACPRREDAA0 Amphenol Cables on Demand RCA Male Plug Cable Connector (Red) - Amphenol ACPR-RED - Gold Plated Diecast Shell Datasheet
    CN-DSUB50PIN0-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUB50PIN0-000 D-Subminiature (DB50 Male D-Sub) Connector, 50-Position Pin Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet

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    Abstract: No abstract text available

    MIL-DTL-5015 10SL-51 10SL-4 10SL-52 10SL-53 10SL-54 10SL-3 10SL-55 PDF

    edge detector robot circuit diagram

    Abstract: sony tv ir remote control TV IR remote control circuit diagram parallax 350-00014 IR detector ir remote control ROBOt IR LED USED IN TV REMOTE CONTROL sony IR remote control data format basic stamp BS2sx pbasic pwm microcontroller sony
    Text: 599 Menlo Drive, Suite 100 Rocklin, California 95765, USA Office: 916 624-8333 Fax: (916) 624-8003 General: Technical: Web Site: Educational: Infrared Remote AppKit (#29122) A Wireless Keypad for Your BASIC Stamp Microcontroller Module


    555 timer 38 khz

    Abstract: 555-timer ir-detektoren SFH505 LD271 555 timer 1.2 khz schrumpfschlauch IR LD271 IR-LEDs elektor
    Text: MIKROPROZESSOREN Programmieren mit der BASIC-stamp 2 Teil 4: Hindernislauf Als Teilnehmer im Straßenverkehr wissen Sie, daß zwei Objekte niemals zur gleichen Zeit den gleichen Raum einnehmen sollten. Was für den Straßenverkehr richtig ist, gilt um so mehr für


    IR sensor for line follower robot

    Abstract: 6 led dancing light project report Light-sensitive Alarm Project circuit diagram of line follower robot light following robot diagram car reverse horn mini project report Light-sensitive Alarm Project 555 timer 24 led having dancing light project report 6 led having dancing light project report object follower robot using microcontroller
    Text: Advanced Robotics with the Toddler Student Guide VERSION 1.2 WARRANTY Parallax warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days. If you discover a defect, Parallax will, at its option, repair, replace, or refund the purchase price. Simply call for a Return Merchandise

    14-DAY IR sensor for line follower robot 6 led dancing light project report Light-sensitive Alarm Project circuit diagram of line follower robot light following robot diagram car reverse horn mini project report Light-sensitive Alarm Project 555 timer 24 led having dancing light project report 6 led having dancing light project report object follower robot using microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNISONICTECHNOLOGIESCO., LTD URCZ1284-XX Preliminary LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PARALLEL PORT SI N GLE T ERM I N AT I ON N ET WORK WI T H ±1 5 K V ESD PROT ECT I ON  DESCRI PT I ON The UTC URCZ1284-XX is a high-speed parallel port single termination .Here is two basic cells in the integrated termination,

    URCZ1284-XX URCZ1284-XX QW-R127-001 PDF


    Abstract: servo for Basic Stamp 2 Lesen Sie mehr!
    Text: MIKROPROZESSOREN Programmieren mit der BASIC Stamp II Teil 5: Fernsteuerung 1 Vin P15 Servo Diesen Monat lernt der BoE-Bot, auf die Signale einer InfrarotFernsteuerung zu reagieren. VDD 10k VSS Vin 3300µF Servo P3 10k VDD IR-Empfänger P0 100n VSS Entwurf von Al Williams


    ORing fet 12v 100a

    Abstract: IR5001 1kw mosfet 300w power amplifier circuit diagram IRF6609 IRAC5001-HS100 IRAC5001-HS100A
    Text: IRAC5001-HS100A ORing Demo Board INTRODUCTION High-reliability DC power distribution system normally consists of several DC power supplies with each output connected in parallel to the system load bus. These power converters may come with current sharing and/or hot-swapping

    IRAC5001-HS100A ORing fet 12v 100a IR5001 1kw mosfet 300w power amplifier circuit diagram IRF6609 IRAC5001-HS100 PDF


    Abstract: IR object DETECTOR Sumo Wrestling Robot ping ultrasonic distance sensor project report on pick and place robot ir remote control ROBOt project report line maze solving robot Parallax "ping" sumobot ultrasonic parallax ping
    Text: Applied Robotics with the SumoBot Student Guide VERSION 1.0 WARRANTY Parallax Inc. warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from receipt of product. If you discover a defect, Parallax Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace the merchandise, or refund the


    elektor mag

    Abstract: Lesen Sie mehr!
    Text: MIKROPROZESSOREN Programmieren mit der BASIC-Stamp 2 Teil 8: Ende : Der photophobische Roboter Von Dennis Clark Phase 3: Der photophobische Roboter und die subsumtive Programmierung Wir wollen nun überlegen, ob es für den Roboter eine anspruchsvollere Tätigkeit gibt als nur planund ziellos im Raum umherzufahren. Ein Schritt in


    DC motor speed control using 555 and ir sensor

    Abstract: line maze solving robot futaba servo motor motor servo futaba circuit on breadboard of remote control car vs2 servo motor FUTABA SERVO IR SENSOR to detect heart rate position control DC servo motor theory using 555 radar position control servo motor
    Text: SumoBot – Mini-Sumo Robotics Assembly Documentation and Programming VERSION 2.1 WARRANTY Parallax Inc. warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from receipt of product. If you discover a defect, Parallax Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace the merchandise, or refund the



    Abstract: 14S-54 MS3057B 101013 4066 BM Stub ACME 3.375 bj 938 10-107632 10-597107-161
    Text: Amphenol QWL Series Cylindrical Connectors 12-053-4 Amphenol TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Description. Page QWL Series . 2 QWL - accessories

    03ATEX 1101X. cylindri69 MIL-C-22992 12-053 14S-54 MS3057B 101013 4066 BM Stub ACME 3.375 bj 938 10-107632 10-597107-161 PDF

    555 timer 38 khz

    Abstract: ir remote control ROBOt project report Parallax usb oscilloscope project report on pick and place robot ic 555 timer IR remote control TRANSMITTER AND RE parallax 350-00014 5.1 home theatre remote circuit diagram obstacle detection with ir sensors ic 555 timer IR remote switch for home appliances sony DVD player home theatre circuit diagram
    Text: IR Remote for the Boe-Bot By Andy Lindsay VERSION 1.1 WARRANTY Parallax Inc. warrants its products against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 90 days from receipt of product. If you discover a defect, Parallax Inc. will, at its option, repair or replace the merchandise, or refund the


    51n diode

    Abstract: IR3R51N IR3M03A IR3r
    Text: Variable Speech Controller IR 3R 51/IR 3R 51N IR3R51 IR3R51N Variable Speech Controller IC • Descirption Pin Connections T h e IR 3R 51/IR 3R 51N is a variable speech con­ troller IC, which restores pitch even if the playback speed of a tape recorder is increased.

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    51/IR IR3R51 IR3R51N 12kHz. 300kHz. 51n diode IR3M03A IR3r PDF

    IR3M03A sharp

    Abstract: IR3M03A IR3M03AN IC IR3M03A sharp ir3m03a nir3
    Text: DC/DC Converter IR3M03A/IR3M03AN IR3M03A/IR3M03AN • Description DC/DC Converter Pin Connections The IR 3 M 0 3 A /T R 3 M 0 3 A N is a DC/DC con ver­ ter IC, consisting of an oscillator with reference voltage and a current limit circuit, flip-flop, driver,

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    IR3M03A/IR3M03AN IR3M03A IR3M03AN IR3M03A sharp IC IR3M03A sharp ir3m03a nir3 PDF


    Abstract: F100K
    Text: S E M IC O N D U C T O R tm 100364 Low Power 16-Input Multiplexer General Description • 2000V ESD protection ■ Pin/function com patible w ith 100164 The 100364 is a 16-input multiplexer. Data paths are con­ trolled by four S elect lines S0—S3 . T h e ir decoding is shown

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    16-lnput MIL-STD-883 710004 F100K PDF


    Abstract: I002
    Text: C A T A L O G L IS T IN G H MICRO SWITCH FN EEPO RT BZ-2ADT1 IL L IN O IS SW ITCH-BASIC A DIVISIO N O F H O N E Y W E L L FB P. M f o . con t it s » .9171.010 N.C.2 N.C.I N.O.I N.0.2 C IR C U IT D IAG R A M -.0 2 5 MAX -53 D IA - » — STAINLESS S T E E L

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    I937I 2tK24 CJC062404 P7I606 5A-250VDC I002 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Astcs| M o ilu k ir P t y c r S u p p ly System À M P S S 1 offers an olT-the-shelf solution lo system power. Featuring high re liab ility and c f f i c i & i y , anjl eoftvcnien i con tra) and m b éilo rin g functions, the AMPSS' fa m ily o f IX 7 IX ' m odules is designed to reduce

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    regulation15V AA25A AA25B AA25C AA25D AA25E AA30A AA30C AA40A AA40C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R tm 100364 Low Power 16-Input Multiplexer General Description • 2000V ESD protection The 100364 is a 16-input m ultiplexer. Data paths are con­ trolled by fo u r S elect lines S0—S3 . T h e ir decoding is shown in th e truth table. O utput data polarity is the sam e as the seleted input data. All inputs have 50 kQ pulldown resistors.

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    16-Input PDF


    Abstract: EZ 648 ST EZ 648 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110
    Text: MECL 10.000 semes INTEGRATED C IR C U ITS FROM MOTOROLA MC10,100/10,200 Series -30 to +85°C WIC10,500/10,600 Series (-55 to +125°C) C irc u it design w ith M E C L 1 0 ,0 0 0 is u nusually con­ venient. The d iffe re n tia l a m p lifie r in p u t and e m itte rfo llo w e r o u tp u t p e rm it high fa n o u t, th e w ired-O R o p tio n ,

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    MC10509 MC10531. MC10536 MC10536 EZ 648 ST EZ 648 C101 MC10102 MC10103 MC10105 MC10106 MC1011 MC10110 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LETTER SYMBOLS _ LETTER SYMBOLS FOR TRANSISTORS AND SIGNAL DIODES based on E C Publication 148 LETTER SYMBOLS FOR CURRENTS, VOLTAGES AN D POWERS Basic letters T h e b a s ic l e t t e r s to be u sed a r e : I , i = cu rren t V , v = v o ltag e

    OCR Scan

    mmic p07

    Abstract: hp mmic p07
    Text: MICROWAVE GaAs STANDARD FOUNDRY SERVICE 1 - STANDARD FOUNDRY SERVICE 1.1. BASIC FOUNDRY SERVICE T he standard approa ch en ables a single cu sto ­ m er to im ple m en t one or several chip designs o r d e s ig n v a r ia tio n s on a s a m e re tic le an d

    OCR Scan
    ldss/100 ldss/100 mmic p07 hp mmic p07 PDF


    Abstract: IC 74C926 circuit diagram of IC 74C926 CD4027 applications pin diagram of IC MM74C926 CD4027 ic ic 8053 ic mm74c926 74L04 circuit diagram of IC MM74C926
    Text: D IM M ICL8052/8053 31 /2Digit ICL8052A/8053A(4V2Digit) Precision Chip Pairs for A / D Conversion FEATURES • Accuracy high enough tor ±40,000 count instruments • Priced low enough to com pete with 3 -1 /2 digit D P M /D V M pairs • O ne basic circuit for an entire family of DVMs

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    ICL8052/8053 ICL8052A/8053A ICL8052CPD ICL8052CDD ICL8052ACPD ICL8052ACDD ICL8053CPD ICL8052 ICL8068 74C926 IC 74C926 circuit diagram of IC 74C926 CD4027 applications pin diagram of IC MM74C926 CD4027 ic ic 8053 ic mm74c926 74L04 circuit diagram of IC MM74C926 PDF

    mr 4020

    Abstract: ICL7135 schematic diagram Storage heater ICL8075-9 heater section AD75201 schematic diagram heater ICL8075-0D1JCTV ICL8075-0D1LCTV ICL8076-1D0LCTV
    Text: I C L 8 0 7 5 -9 J J B lâ P rè c is io n T em p eratu re .^l;| p p b fliz e d V oltag e R e fe re n ce s : * 1‘ 41 FEATURES . The series o f devices is produced by ad ju stin g basic parts w ith various m etal m asks so th a t exact voltages are available

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    ICL8075-9 ICL8075-9 1/16mV. 14-Bit ICL8075â ICH8530 AD7541 mr 4020 ICL7135 schematic diagram Storage heater heater section AD75201 schematic diagram heater ICL8075-0D1JCTV ICL8075-0D1LCTV ICL8076-1D0LCTV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LATALOGLE SWITCH-BASIC o er CL o Lü _l D < o in 8 .3 LEV ER - S T A IN LE S S LISTING V5B2IOCBIL ±0 S TE E L _ i CG O O C \J LO LÜ OD Lf O < _l CL LÜ > GL O CO 20 co zMcc LU . 6 O PER ATIN G PO S IT IO N sm <2 m s CC D D Z 9 .6 er m m f\J LU en en D C/1

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    0V0RTRAV00 00RC0 MI00IM0TR0S T000RANC0S T150 PDF