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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS07-12548-2E 8-bit Original Microcontroller CMOS F2MC-8L MB89530 Series MB89537/537C/538/538C MB89F538L/P538/PV530 • DESCRIPTION The MB89530 series is a one-chip microcontroller featuring the F2MC-8L core supporting low-voltage and highspeed operation. Built-in peripheral functions include timers, serial interface, A/D converter, and external interrupt.

    DS07-12548-2E MB89530 MB89537/537C/538/538C MB89F538L/P538/PV530 F0210 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS07-12548-2E 8-bit Original Microcontroller CMOS F2MC-8L MB89530 Series MB89537/537C/538/538C MB89F538L/P538/PV530 • DESCRIPTION The MB89530 series is a one-chip microcontroller featuring the F2MC-8L core supporting low-voltage and highspeed operation. Built-in peripheral functions include timers, serial interface, A/D converter, and external interrupt.

    DS07-12548-2E MB89530 MB89537/537C/538/538C MB89F538L/P538/PV530 PDF


    Abstract: DY11 vector group three-winding transformer transformer calculation ret 521 ABB TMAX T4 overcurrent relay inverse normal curves IEC 61000-4-3 level RTXP24 Yy0 vector group calculation of transformer differential relay setting
    Text: 7UDQVIRUPHU SURWHFWLRQ WHUPLQDO 5 7   1MRK 504 013-BEN Page 1 Issued: March 2003 Revision: A Data subject to change without notice (SE960158 )HDWXUHV • Multiple function transformer protection terminal in a compact design - Overexcitation restraint with 5th harmonic

    013-BEN SE960158) 010-BEN 001-BEN 015-BEN SE-721 1MRK000614-AB DY11 vector group three-winding transformer transformer calculation ret 521 ABB TMAX T4 overcurrent relay inverse normal curves IEC 61000-4-3 level RTXP24 Yy0 vector group calculation of transformer differential relay setting PDF


    Abstract: eprom writer schematic c8ah pto1 flash
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS07-12548-3E 8-bit Original Microcontroller CMOS F2MC-8L MB89530 Series MB89537/537C/538/538C MB89F538L/P538/PV530 • DESCRIPTION The MB89530 series is a one-chip microcontroller featuring the F2MC-8L core supporting low-voltage and highspeed operation. Built-in peripheral functions include timers, serial interface, A/D converter, and external interrupt.

    DS07-12548-3E MB89530 MB89537/537C/538/538C MB89F538L/P538/PV530 F0303 c64016 eprom writer schematic c8ah pto1 flash PDF

    transformer calculation ret 521

    Abstract: 1MRK000284-AB overcurrent relay inverse normal curves transformer 2 mva three-winding transformer Transformer Control, Multi Tap 500 VA inrush reactor 20 kV RTXP24 shunt reactor DY11 vector group
    Text: 3URWHFW,7 7UDQVIRUPHU SURWHFWLRQ WHUPLQDO 5 7   1MRK 504 035-BEN Page 1 Issued: April 2004 Revision: A Data subject to change without notice HDWXUHV • Multiple function transformer protection terminal in a compact design - Overexcitation restraint with 5th harmonic

    035-BEN SE-721 transformer calculation ret 521 1MRK000284-AB overcurrent relay inverse normal curves transformer 2 mva three-winding transformer Transformer Control, Multi Tap 500 VA inrush reactor 20 kV RTXP24 shunt reactor DY11 vector group PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS DATA SHEET DS07-12548-4Ea 8-bit Microcontroller CMOS F2MC-8L MB89530 Series MB89537/537C/538/538C/F538L/P538 MB89PV530 • DESCRIPTION The MB89530 series is a one-chip microcontroller featuring the F2MC-8L core supporting low-voltage and highspeed operation. Built-in peripheral functions include timers, serial interface, A/D converter, and external interrupt.

    DS07-12548-4Ea MB89530 MB89537/537C/538/538C/F538L/P538 MB89PV530 PDF

    eprom writer schematic

    Abstract: P-QFP64-1420-1 ir 538c c8ah MB89530 MB89F538L MB89P538 MB89PV530 LCC64
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS07-12548-4E 8-bit Microcontroller CMOS F2MC-8L MB89530 Series MB89537/537C/538/538C/F538L/P538 MB89PV530 • DESCRIPTION The MB89530 series is a one-chip microcontroller featuring the F2MC-8L core supporting low-voltage and highspeed operation. Built-in peripheral functions include timers, serial interface, A/D converter, and external interrupt.

    DS07-12548-4E MB89530 MB89537/537C/538/538C/F538L/P538 MB89PV530 F0704 eprom writer schematic P-QFP64-1420-1 ir 538c c8ah MB89F538L MB89P538 MB89PV530 LCC64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS07-12548-1E 8-bit Original Microcontroller CMOS F2MC-8L MB89530 Series MB89537/537C/538/538C MB89P538/PV530 • DESCRIPTION The MB89530 series is a one-chip microcontroller featuring the F2MC-8L core supporting low-voltage and highspeed operation. Built-in peripheral functions include timers, serial interface, A/D converter, and external interrupt.

    DS07-12548-1E MB89530 MB89537/537C/538/538C MB89P538/PV530 F0201 PDF


    Abstract: DIP-64P-M01 FPT-64P-M06 FPT-64P-M09 MB89530 MB89537 MB89537C 537C
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET 8-bit Proprietary Microcontroller CMOS F2MC-8L MB89530 Series MB89537/537C/538/538C/P538/PV530 • DESCRIPTION The MB89530 series has been developed as a general-purpose version of the F2MC*-8L family consisting of proprietary 8-bit, single-chip microcontrollers.

    MB89530 MB89537/537C/538/538C/P538/PV530 16-bit 21-bit 17-bit 12-bit MBM27C1001A DIP-64P-M01 FPT-64P-M06 FPT-64P-M09 MB89537 MB89537C 537C PDF


    Abstract: transistor 431A MB89530 MB89530A MB89538H MB89P538 block diagram of remote control 1431A transistor transistor 1431a transistor tl 431A
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL Revision 2.1 F2MC-8L 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB89530/530H/530A SERIES HARDWARE MANUAL PREFACE • Objective and Intended Readership of This Manual The MB89530/530H/530A series has been developed as a general-purpose version of the

    MB89530/530H/530A MB89530/ 530H/530A MB89600 D-63303 SMC21 transistor 431A MB89530 MB89530A MB89538H MB89P538 block diagram of remote control 1431A transistor transistor 1431a transistor tl 431A PDF


    Abstract: DIAGRAM AVR GENERATOR analog pds HSC11 MBM27C1001A MICROCHIP Product Guide Product Catalog MB2141A MB89530 MB89P538 MB89PV530 block diagram of remote control
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR CONTROLLER MANUAL F2MC-8L 8-BIT MICROCONTROLLER MB89530/530H SERIES HARDWARE MANUAL PREFACE • Objective and Intended Readership of This Manual The MB89530/530H series has been developed as a general-purpose version of the F2MC*-8L family consisting of proprietary 8-bit, single-chip microcontrollers. The MB89530/530H series is

    MB89530/530H MB89600 MB89530/530H D-63303 SMC12 DIAGRAM AVR GENERATOR analog pds HSC11 MBM27C1001A MICROCHIP Product Guide Product Catalog MB2141A MB89530 MB89P538 MB89PV530 block diagram of remote control PDF


    Abstract: MB89F538 SMC21 PRL11 transistor BC 406
    Text: Corporate names revised in the documents The Fujitsu Limited reorganized its LSI business into a wholly owned subsidiary, the Fujitsu Microelectronics Limited on March 21, 2008. The corporate names “Fujitsu” and “Fujitsu Limited” described all in this document have been

    CM25-10135-5E MB89530/530H/530A GCA 1943 T TRANSISTOR MB89F538 SMC21 PRL11 transistor BC 406 PDF


    Abstract: PRL11 538h Intel p45 motherboard

    CM25-10135-5E MB89530/530H/530A GCA 1943 T TRANSISTOR PRL11 538h Intel p45 motherboard PDF


    Abstract: STM32L15x 5219 5V REGULATOR LSE B3 15962 pm0044 STM8L151G rm0013 STM32L15xxx STM32L
    Text: STM8L151xx, STM8L152xx 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 32 KB Flash, 1 KB Data EEPROM RTC, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, comparators Preliminary data Features • ■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply range 1.8 V to 3.6 V down to 1.65 V at power down

    STM8L151xx, STM8L152xx LQFP32 STM8L151 STM32L15x 5219 5V REGULATOR LSE B3 15962 pm0044 STM8L151G rm0013 STM32L15xxx STM32L PDF


    Abstract: STM8L151 STM32L15x STM8L151K STM32L15xx STM8L151GX rm0031 STM8L151Kx STM32L15xxx STM8L151C6
    Text: STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 32 KB Flash, 1 KB Data EEPROM RTC, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, comparators Features • ■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply range 1.8 V to 3.6 V down to 1.65 V at power down

    STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6 STM8L151G STM8L151 STM32L15x STM8L151K STM32L15xx STM8L151GX rm0031 STM8L151Kx STM32L15xxx STM8L151C6 PDF


    Abstract: STM8 spi programming manual BJ 938 Transistor STM8AL3168 UM04 WJ-A59 501C LED Driver
    Text: STM8AL316x STM8AL314x STM8AL313x STM8AL3L6x STM8AL3L4x Automotive 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 32 Kbytes Flash, data EEPROM, RTC, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, COMPs Datasheet − preliminary data Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Operating conditions

    STM8AL316x STM8AL314x STM8AL313x STM8AL3138 STM8 spi programming manual BJ 938 Transistor STM8AL3168 UM04 WJ-A59 501C LED Driver PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STM8AL31xx STM8AL3Lxx Automotive 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 32 Kbytes Flash, RTC, data EEPROM, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, COMPs Datasheet - preliminary data Features • Operating conditions – Operating power supply range 1.8 V to 3.6 V down to 1.65 V at power down

    STM8AL31xx DocID18474 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: STM8AL31xx, STM8AL3Lxx Automotive 8-bit ultra-low-power MCU, up to 32 Kbytes Flash, RTC, data EEPROM, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, COMPs Datasheet - production data Features • Operating conditions – Operating power supply range 1.8 V to 3.6 V down to 1.65 V at power down

    STM8AL31xx, DocID18474 PDF

    7 segment display 5011

    Abstract: STM32L15x RM0031 STM8L151C STM32L1 WFQFPN gps 5350
    Text: STM8L151xx, STM8L152xx 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 32 KB Flash, 1 KB Data EEPROM RTC, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, comparators Preliminary data Features • ■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply range 1.8 V to 3.6 V down to 1.65 V at power down

    STM8L151xx, STM8L152xx 7 segment display 5011 STM32L15x RM0031 STM8L151C STM32L1 WFQFPN gps 5350 PDF

    liquid level sensor using ic 4093

    Abstract: STM32L15x STM8L151GX on 5295 equivalents IC1 4093 wwdg EG 8010 STM8L151G6 UFQFPN28 25PC2
    Text: STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 32 KB Flash, 1 KB Data EEPROM RTC, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, comparators Features • ■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply range 1.8 V to 3.6 V down to 1.65 V at power down

    STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6 liquid level sensor using ic 4093 STM32L15x STM8L151GX on 5295 equivalents IC1 4093 wwdg EG 8010 STM8L151G6 UFQFPN28 25PC2 PDF

    bj 023

    Abstract: STM8L Reference Manual STM8L CPU programming manual STM32L1 STM8l one pulse mode STM32L15xx wireless encrypt STM8L162R8 STM8l touch
    Text: STM8L162R8 STM8L162M8 8-bit ultralow power MCU, 64 KB Flash, 2 KB data EEPROM, RTC, AES, LCD, timers, USARTs, I2C, SPIs, ADC, DAC, COMPs Datasheet  production data Features • ■ ■ ■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply: 1.65 to 3.6 V without BOR , 1.8 to 3.6 V (with BOR)

    STM8L162R8 STM8L162M8 bj 023 STM8L Reference Manual STM8L CPU programming manual STM32L1 STM8l one pulse mode STM32L15xx wireless encrypt STM8l touch PDF


    Abstract: STM8L152R6 STM8L151C8 STM8L Reference Manual USART3 LCD 8x40 lcd 5421 pm0044 STM32L STM8L152R8
    Text: STM8L151M8/R8/C8 STM8L151R6 STM8L152M8/R8/C8 STM8L152R6 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 64 KB Flash, up to 2KB data EEPROM RTC, LCD, timers, USARTs, I2C, SPIs, ADC, DAC, comparators Preliminary data Features • ■ ■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply: 1.65 to 3.6 V

    STM8L151M8/R8/C8 STM8L151R6 STM8L152M8/R8/C8 STM8L152R6 STM8L151 STM8L152R6 STM8L151C8 STM8L Reference Manual USART3 LCD 8x40 lcd 5421 pm0044 STM32L STM8L152R8 PDF


    Abstract: ic lm 9314 STM32L15x 501C LED Driver stm8l151xx LQFP32 package stm8l152c6 P 4932 UFQFPN48 MARKING 514A
    Text: STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 32 KB Flash, 1 KB Data EEPROM, RTC, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, comparators Datasheet  production data Features • ■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply range 1.8 V to

    STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6 STM8L152Cx ic lm 9314 STM32L15x 501C LED Driver stm8l151xx LQFP32 package stm8l152c6 P 4932 UFQFPN48 MARKING 514A PDF


    Abstract: stm8l152c6 STM8L152Cx STM32L15x 509B STMicroelectronics marking code date lm WLCSP28 STM8L151G PM0054 STM8L151Kx
    Text: STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6 8-bit ultralow power MCU, up to 32 KB Flash, 1 KB Data EEPROM, RTC, LCD, timers, USART, I2C, SPI, ADC, DAC, comparators Datasheet − production data Features • ■ Operating conditions – Operating power supply range 1.8 V to

    STM8L151x4, STM8L151x6, STM8L152x4, STM8L152x6 STM8L151Cx stm8l152c6 STM8L152Cx STM32L15x 509B STMicroelectronics marking code date lm WLCSP28 STM8L151G PM0054 STM8L151Kx PDF