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    IR 37 0023 Search Results

    IR 37 0023 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    UPD780023AYGB-XXX-8EU-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications (Non Promotion), LQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780023AGK(A)-XXX-9ET Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications (Non Promotion), TQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780023AGB-XXX-8EU Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications (Non Promotion), LQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780023AGK-XXX-9ET Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications (Non Promotion), TQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    UPD780023ASGB-XXX-8ET-A Renesas Electronics Corporation 8-bit Microcontrollers for General Purpose Applications (Non Promotion), LQFP, / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    IR 37 0023 Datasheets Context Search

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    OMRON C500-PS221

    Abstract: OMRON C500-PS221 manual c500-ps223 omron 3G2A5-ID219 omron C200h oc224 C500-PS221 CT001 OMRON Operation Manual C1000H-SLK21-V1 Omron 3G2A5-ID218 c500-ap003
    Text: Cat. No. W149-E1-02 SYSMAC C1000HF Programmable Controller SYSMAC C1000HF Programmable Controller Operation Manual Revised May 2003 iv Notice: OMRON products are manufactured for use according to proper procedures by a qualified operator and only for the purposes described in this manual.

    W149-E1-02 C1000HF W149-E1-02 OMRON C500-PS221 OMRON C500-PS221 manual c500-ps223 omron 3G2A5-ID219 omron C200h oc224 C500-PS221 CT001 OMRON Operation Manual C1000H-SLK21-V1 Omron 3G2A5-ID218 c500-ap003 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . N AUER P H I L I P S / D IS C R E T E M AINTENANCE TYPE 2SE D IT ^ 53=131 0023377 1 B Bz.yyi s t H it S REGULATOR DIODES A lso available to B S 9 3 0 5 — F052 A range of diffused silicon diodes in DO-5 metal envelopes, intended for use as voltage regulator and

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    BZY91-C bb53131 BZY91 PDF


    Abstract: 2 colour led ATID led 3 color VRPG3349S VRBG3349S VRBG5314S VRBG5315S VRBG5345X VRPG5345X
    Text: A C INT ERFACE INC IDE d I 0023363 0000013 | SUPER BRIGHT LED T - Ü 'X S ▼BI-COLOR TYPE LED Shape . Emitted Color - Type No. Red VRPY5314S I ] ' ! VRBG5314S Yellow 1 1 I * 1 ; ' ^ fc ï^ -j VRBG5345X VRPY3349S ^ > i : r li j t H . VRPG3349S VRBG3349S

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    VRPY5314S VRBG5314S VRPY5315S VRBG5315S VRPY5345X BR3808S-J11) VRPG4307K 2 colour led ATID led 3 color VRPG3349S VRBG3349S VRBG5345X VRPG5345X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PD - 9.1370B International IGR Rectifier IRL3705N PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power M OSFET • • • • • • Logic-Level Gate Drive Advanced Process Technology Dynamic dv/dt Rating 175°C Operating Temperature Fast Switching Fully Avalanche Rated V DSS = 55V

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    1370B IRL3705N 43SS4S2 PDF


    Abstract: 4361F MBG4361F MPG4361F MVR4361F pa 605
    Text: A C INTERFACE INC IDE □E D D I 0023303 DOoailfl 1 | STANLEY SUPER BRIGHT * LED LAMP 03.6 TYPE SERIES 4361F/4371F • DESCRIPTION COLOR ' M A TE R IA L GaAIAs Red . PART N U M B E R - BR 4 3 6 1 F, 4 3 7 1 F G aAsP/G aP M VR 4 3 6 1 F , 4 3 7 1 F GaP M PR 4 3 6 1 F , 4 3 7 1 F

    OCR Scan
    4361F/4371F 4361F, 436IF, BR4361F 4361F MBG4361F MPG4361F MVR4361F pa 605 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: blE D • mSbSQB 002318b 721 ■ HIT2 HM514270/L Series Preliminary 262,144-word x 16-bit Dynamic Random Access Memory H IT A C H I/ The Hitachi HM514270 are CMOS dynamic RAM organized as 262,144-word x 16-bit. HM514270 have realized higher density, higher performance

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    QG231flt> HM514270/L 144-word 16-blt HM514270 16-bit. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ZILOG INC MbE D • TiöMQMB 0G2330D S HZIL P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n ì^ Z i Iì j G Z86C40 CCP CONSUMER CONTROLLER PROCESSOR FEATURES ■ 8-bit CMOS microcontroller, 40- or 44-pin package ■ Two programmable 8-bit Counter/Timers ■ Low cost

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    0G2330D Z86C40 44-pin Z86C4008VSC Z86C4008VEC Z86C4008FSC Z86C4008FEC 40-Pin Z86C4012PSC PDF


    Abstract: 436IF 4361F MPG4361F MVR4361F Maa436 4371
    Text: A C INTERFACE INC IDE □E D D I 0023303 DOoailfl STANLEY SUPER BRIGHT * LED LAMP 1 | 0 3 .6 TYPE SERIES 4361F/4371F • DESCRIPTION COLOR ' MATERIAL GaAIAs Red . PART NUMBER - BR 4361 F, 43 71 F GaAsP/GaP MVR 4 3 6 1 F , 4 3 7 1 F GaP MPR 4 3 6 1 F , 4 3 7 1 F

    OCR Scan
    4361F/4371F 4361F, 436IF, BR4361F 436IF 4361F MPG4361F MVR4361F Maa436 4371 PDF


    Abstract: 71-22T00-D03 TLR303 LP141X5 cy4h Z768 LP133X7 IK04 JC283 ht13x
    Text: Schematic Diagrams Appendix B: Schematic Diagrams Mainboard 71-22T00-D03 Sheet 1 of 31 OVCCT H 0*3 635 l U ifl AMO S _ d A l i _AW L S _-£iA*2_AMU \ ;iA * . . \ _ AfcLUL V_ H M 2 _ AL2_ \ _ HAJL1G_Afctfe. _ K _ H A I l i t _ A tti\ . H A lL i. AkL

    OCR Scan
    71-22T00-D03) MDI12 HA122_ HAH21, RB751V PR104 DTC114EUA PC105 2N7002 PC112 CLAA141XB01 71-22T00-D03 TLR303 LP141X5 cy4h Z768 LP133X7 IK04 JC283 ht13x PDF


    Abstract: Z8800 C1TC8-C1TC15 R216 p2am smr r220 RLR26 PS 235S R192 R214
    Text: Super-8 Family of Microcomputers Preliminary Product Specification Z ilO g April 1985 Snper-8 Family FEATURES • Improved Z 8 instruction set includes multiply and divide instructions, Boolean and BCD operations. ■ Additional instructions support languages, such as “ Forth.”

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    16-bit 40-pin 48-pin Z8833 Z8832 Z8801 Z8800 DR155 C1TC8-C1TC15 R216 p2am smr r220 RLR26 PS 235S R192 R214 PDF


    Abstract: Z8671 MIL883 Microprocessor z8671 Z8671 PS ms 102y 7 chip computer zilog z8671 Z8681 STR w 6262 DL118
    Text: w m u m Z8 MICROCOMPUTER k . FAMILY 3 EDITION Application board using Z8671 tiny Basic microcomputer Contents P age SGS: a n in tro d u c tio n .

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    Z8671 8681l MIL883 Microprocessor z8671 Z8671 PS ms 102y 7 chip computer zilog z8671 Z8681 STR w 6262 DL118 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International S Rectifier PD 9.1406 IRFZ48N PRELIMINARY HEXFET Power MOSFET Advanced Process Technology Dynam ic dv/dt Rating 175°C Operating Tem perature Fast Switching V dss = 55 V ^D S on = 0 . 0 1 6 D Fully Avalanche Rated Id = 5 3 A Description utilize advanced processing techniques to achieve

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    IRFZ48N O-220 0D5344b PDF


    Abstract: C7063 C7673
    Text: imnmv 8 RELEASED FOR PUBLICATION 19 REVISIONS in 5 1 .2 6 5 .3 6 [.2 1 1 3 £ 2 .0 1 8 3 POSN * 7 4 .6 8 6 f . 78453 POSN * 3 5 POSN * 2 POSN * 3 6 r2ó Í 7 ° ? & § ? O H ^ a i —4 . 3 2 * 0 . 0 8 C. 17 0 ± . 0033 2 PLC « \ POSN * 3 3 7 .9 7 Í.0 7 5 3

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    S/3/93 1710S-3G08 07531 C7063 C7673 PDF

    header 2X10 pin solder tail

    Abstract: DS411 LR46923 230 98 Pm
    Text: Unshrouded Headers 2.00 X 2.00 m m 0.079 x 0.079 in. Description Vertical Through-Mount Stacking Header DIM Y REF - DIM X - 2.00 m m (0.0 7 9 in.) 4_ I— $ $ m 2.0 0fl m mm (0.0 7 9 in.) 4.00 mm (0.1 5 7 in.) fj} 2.00 mm (0.0 7 9 in.) ^ T 0.180 mm in.)

    OCR Scan
    DS411 0D02343 header 2X10 pin solder tail LR46923 230 98 Pm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Internationa! P D - 9.1351 SRectifier IRF530N PRELIMINARY H EXFET Pow er M O S FE T • Advanced Process Technology • Dynamic dv/dt Rating • 175°C Operating Temperature • Fast Switching • Fully Avalanche Rated V o s s = 100V R DS on = 0 . 1 1 Q

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    IRF530N ca9/95 DQ23Dbl PDF

    IR 10e 1c

    Abstract: 4361F BR4361F MPG4361F MVR4361F
    Text: A C INTERFACE INC IDE □E D D I 0023303 DOoailfl STANLEY SUPER BRIGHT * LED LAMP 1 | 03.6 TYPE SERIES 4361F/4371F • DESCRIPTION COLOR ' M A TE R IA L GaAIAs Red . PART N U M B E R - BR 4 3 6 1 F, 4 3 7 1 F G aAsP/G aP M VR 4 3 6 1 F , 4 3 7 1 F GaP M PR 4 3 6 1 F , 4 3 7 1 F

    OCR Scan
    4361F/4371F 4371F 4361F 20mA- IR 10e 1c 4361F BR4361F MPG4361F MVR4361F PDF


    Abstract: A5 GNE mosfet Hall sensor 44e 402 2N8491 FTG 1087 S TRIAC BCR 10km FEB3T smd transistor marking 352a sharp EIA 577 sharp color tv schematic diagram MP-130 M mh-ce 10268
    Text: Table of Contents N E W A R K E L E C T R O N IC S “Where serving you begins even before you call” Newark Electronics is a UNIQUE broadline distributor of electronic components, dedicated to provid­ ing complete service, fast delivery and in-depth inventory. Our main

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    131-6 bj 028

    Abstract: BJ 131-6 10 PIN 2 ROW berg connector 131-6 bj 008 B-26 LR46923 MIL-P-55110 QQ-W-343 BERG Electronics 731aa
    Text: Shrouded Headers 2.54 X 2.54 mm 0.100 x 0.100 in. Description Right-Angle 2-Row Header, Series 65268 2.54 i 0.08 mm {0100 1 0.003 In.) TOL NON-CUMULATIVE t ¿ h y i— (b o o ' V V 1,00* 0,76,nmO 1.00 * 0.76 mm . . (0.040 1 0.003 in ) 2.54 i 0.08 mm (0.100 t 0.003 In.)

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 5 6 3 6 9 8 BOWMAR/WHITE TECHNOLOGY : 7Sf. n n ? ^ 7 BOWNAR/WH]^^ ”?5 •:ir. W hO/ DE I I S b B b T Û G 0 0 D S 3 2 fl r r jl DIGITALLY PROGRAMMEED 1 \ | AMPLIFIER 1 1 W d T “7 A h it e 1 y MODEL 8089 "^ Advance « * Ê g |£ S _ FEATURES ^ OperatincfTemperature Range

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    1000Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International S Rectifier Provisional Data Sheet No. PD-9.1391 IRH9230 AVALANCHE ENERGY AND dv/dt RATED HEXFET TRANSISTOR p -c h a n n e l RAD HARD Product Summary -200 Volt, 0.8Q, RAD HARD HEXFET International Rectifier’s P-Channel RAD HARD technology

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    IRH9230 4SS5455 PDF

    RAS 05

    Abstract: HB56D436SBR-7AC HB56D436BR-7A HBS6D436SBR-8A hb56d436br-6ac
    Text: HB56D436 Series 4,194,304-word x 36-bit High D ensity D ynam ic R AM Module T h e H B 56D 436 is a 4 M x 36 d y n am ic RA M m o d u le, m ounted 8 p iece s o f 16 -M b it D R A M H M 5117400A S sealed in SO J package and 4 p ie c e s o f 4 -M b it D R A M (H M 5 1 4 1 0 0 B S /C S )

    OCR Scan
    HB56D436 304-word 36-bit 117400A HB56D436BR-6A HB56D436BR-7 RAS 05 HB56D436SBR-7AC HB56D436BR-7A HBS6D436SBR-8A hb56d436br-6ac PDF


    Abstract: RGN2004 EZ707 ERG IC 1118 rgn 1064 AZ4 philips Scans-048 RGN1504 telefunken rohren PP031
    Text: S ta rk e rw e ite rte , v ö llig neu b e c rb e ite te A u fla g e l Q i / I / 4 0 I FUNKSCHAU-ROHRENTABELLE D ie F U N K S C H A U - R ö h re n to b e lle b rin g t in ih re m H o uptte il d ie a u s fü h rlic h e n D a te n un d S o c k e ls c h a lto n g e n

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡Ordering number : EN 5160A CMOS IC LC89585 SAfSVOl CD Encoder LSI for CD-R Systems Overview Package Dimensions The L C89585 is an LSI that im plem ents the digital processing required for CD-R recording in conformance with the orange book specifications. The LC89585 adds

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    LC89585 C89585 LC89585 3151-QFP100E LC89585] 7T17D7b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FUJITSU SEMICONDUCTOR DATA SHEET DS04-28309-3E ASSP TV/VCR D/A Converter 3 ch, 8 bit MB86029 • DESCRIPTION The MB86029 is a 3-channel high-speed CMOS 8-bit D/A converter for TV and VCR application. The MB86029 features on-chip voltage reference, pedestal insertion, and power-down circuits, and a maximum conversion

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    DS04-28309-3E MB86029 MB86029 DIP-42P-M03) D42009S-2C-2 GGE34SS PDF