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    IXYS Corporation CS45-16IO1R

    SCR 1.6KV 75A ISOPLUS247
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey CS45-16IO1R Tube 167 1
    • 1 $6.54
    • 10 $6.54
    • 100 $4.21067
    • 1000 $4.21067
    • 10000 $4.21067
    Buy Now
    Mouser Electronics CS45-16IO1R 153
    • 1 $5.65
    • 10 $5.65
    • 100 $4.22
    • 1000 $4.21
    • 10000 $4.21
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    TTI CS45-16IO1R Tube 300
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $4.11
    • 10000 $4.11
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    TME CS45-16IO1R 300 1
    • 1 $6.92
    • 10 $5.5
    • 100 $5.13
    • 1000 $5.13
    • 10000 $5.13
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    New Advantage Corporation CS45-16IO1R 60 1
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $5.65
    • 1000 $5.65
    • 10000 $5.65
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    IXYS Corporation CS60-16IO1R

    SCR 1.6KV 75A PLUS247-3
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey CS60-16IO1R Tube 300
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $7.1885
    • 10000 $7.1885
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    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey OBR10M-R100-2EP-IO-1R-IR Box 1
    • 1 $155.99
    • 10 $155.99
    • 100 $155.99
    • 1000 $155.99
    • 10000 $155.99
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    Newark OBR10M-R100-2EP-IO-1R-IR Bulk 1
    • 1 $162.58
    • 10 $133.02
    • 100 $99.94
    • 1000 $99.94
    • 10000 $99.94
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    RS OBR10M-R100-2EP-IO-1R-IR Bulk 1
    • 1 $157.55
    • 10 $141.79
    • 100 $141.79
    • 1000 $141.79
    • 10000 $141.79
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    IXYS Corporation CS45-16IO1

    SCRs 45 Amps 1600V
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics CS45-16IO1 850
    • 1 $6.64
    • 10 $5.5
    • 100 $4.07
    • 1000 $3.29
    • 10000 $3.29
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    TTI CS45-16IO1 Tube 300
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $3.2
    • 10000 $3.2
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    Littelfuse Inc CS60-16IO1R

    SCRs Power Thyristor Discretes-SCR ISOPLUS247
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics CS60-16IO1R
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $9.01
    • 10000 $9.01
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    Newark CS60-16IO1R Bulk 300
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $7.54
    • 10000 $7.54
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    RS CS60-16IO1R Bulk 8 Weeks 30
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $11.12
    • 1000 $11.12
    • 10000 $11.12
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    IO1R Datasheets Context Search

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    ixys cs 45-16 io1r

    Abstract: CS 110 thyristor
    Text: CS 45 Phase Control Thyristor VRRM = 800-1600 V 75 A IT RMS = IT(AV)M = 48 A VRSM VRRM VDSM VDRM V V Type 900 800 CS 45-08 io1 1300 1200 CS 45-12 io1 1700 1600 CS 45-16 io1 CS 45-16 io1R A C TO-247 AD ISOPLUS247TM Version io1 Version io1R C A G G h A (TAB)

    00-1600V O-247 ISOPLUS247TM 20100203a ixys cs 45-16 io1r CS 110 thyristor PDF

    ixys cs 45-16 io1r

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS 45 Phase Control Thyristor VRRM = 800-1600 V 75 A IT RMS = IT(AV)M = 48 A VRSM VRRM VDSM VDRM V V Type 900 800 CS 45-08 io1 1300 1200 CS 45-12 io1 1700 1600 CS 45-16 io1 CS 45-16 io1R A C TO-247 AD ISOPLUS247TM Version io1 Version io1R C A G G h A (TAB)

    00-1600V O-247 ISOPLUS247TM 20110725b ixys cs 45-16 io1r PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CS 45 VRRM = 800-1600 V 75 A IT RMS = IT(AV)M = 48 A Phase Control Thyristor VRSM VRRM VDSM VDRM V V Type 900 800 CS 45-08 io1 1300 1200 CS 45-12 io1 1700 1600 CS 45-16 io1 CS 45-16 io1R A C TO-247 AD ISOPLUS247TM Version io1 Version io1R C A G G h A (TAB)

    O-247 ISOPLUS247TM 20110725b PDF


    Abstract: 2100IG
    Text: CS 45 Phase Control Thyristor VRRM = 800-1600 V IT RMS = 75 A IT(AV)M = 48 A VRSM VRRM VDSM VDRM V V Type 900 800 CS 45-08 io1 1300 1200 CS 45-12 io1 1700 1600 CS 45-16 io1 CS 45-16 io1R A C TO-247 AD ISOPLUS247TM Version io1 Version io1R C A G G h A (TAB)

    00-1600V O-247 ISOPLUS247TM M48A 2100IG PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CYDM064B16 CYDM128B16 CYDM256B16 1.8 V 4 K/8 K/16 K x 16 MoBL Dual-Port Static RAM 1.8V 4K/8K/16K x 16 MoBL® Dual-Port Static RAM Features • True dual ported memory cells that allow simultaneous access of the same memory location ■ Expandable data bus to 32-bits with Master or Slave chip select

    CYDM064B16 CYDM128B16 CYDM256B16 4K/8K/16K 32-bits 100-pin PDF


    Abstract: 70V3319 A12L IDT70V3319 IDT70V3319S 70V3319S 70V3319PRF
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 256K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE PRELIMINARY IDT70V3319S Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed data access

    IDT70V3319S 166MHz 133MHz) 166MHz PK-128) 256-pin BC-256) 70V3319 70v3319s133 A12L IDT70V3319 IDT70V3319S 70V3319S 70V3319PRF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C024AV/024BV/025AV/026AV 3.3 V 4 K / 8 K / 16 K x 16 Dual-Port Static RAM 3.3 V 4 K / 8 K / 16 K × 16 Dual-Port Static RAM Features • Automatic power down ■ True dual-ported memory cells which enable simultaneous access of the same memory location

    CY7C024AV/024BV/025AV/026AV 100-pin CY7C024AV/024BV /025AV/ PDF


    Abstract: A12L IDT70V3319 IDT70V3319S L1 ORT X
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 256K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE PRELIMINARY IDT70V3319S Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed data access

    IDT70V3319S 166MHz 133MHz) 128-pin SMEN-01-05 70V3319 A12L IDT70V3319 IDT70V3319S L1 ORT X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 256/128K x 18 IDT70V3319/99S SYNCHRONOUS DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE Š Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed data access – Commercial: 3.6ns 166MHz /4.2ns (133MHz) (max.)

    256/128K IDT70V3319/99S 166MHz 133MHz) 128-pin IDT70V3399 PDF


    Abstract: CYPRESS CROSS REFERENCE dual port sram CY7C024AV-15AI 9l reset CY7C036AV cy7c026av-20axi IO0R-IO17R
    Text: CY7C024AV/024BV/025AV/026AV CY7C0241AV/0251AV/036AV 3.3V 4K/8K/16K x 16/18 Dual-Port Static RAM Features • True dual-ported memory cells which enable simultaneous access of the same memory location ■ 4, 8 or 16K x 16 organization ■ CY7C024AV/024BV [1]/ 025AV/026AV

    CY7C024AV/024BV/025AV/026AV CY7C0241AV/0251AV/036AV 4K/8K/16K CY7C036AV) CY7C0241AV/0251AV) CY7C024AV/024BV 025AV/026AV) 10application 026AV CYPRESS CROSS REFERENCE dual port sram CY7C024AV-15AI 9l reset CY7C036AV cy7c026av-20axi IO0R-IO17R PDF

    TSC695f user

    Abstract: sparc v7 ERC32 TSC695 TSC695F
    Text: Rad. Hard 32-bit SPARC Embedded Processor User Guide Table of Contents Section 1 Features. 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Description .1-2

    32-bit 4148G TSC695f user sparc v7 ERC32 TSC695 TSC695F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 256K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE PRELIMINARY IDT70V3319S Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed data access

    IDT70V3319S 166MHz 133MHz) 166MHz 208-pin BF-208) 128-pin PK-128) PDF

    SEM t11

    Abstract: A12L A13L IDT70V639 IDT70V639S 70V639S10
    Text: PRELIMINARY IDT70V639S HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 128K x 18 ASYNCHRONOUS DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM Features ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed access – Commercial: 10/12/15ns max.

    IDT70V639S 10/12/15ns 12/15ns IDT70V639 SEM t11 A12L A13L IDT70V639S 70V639S10 PDF


    Abstract: 70V3379 A12L A13L A14L IDT70V3379 IDT70V3379S
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 32K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS PIPELINED DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed clock to data access – Commercial: 4.2/5/6ns max.

    133MHz IDT70V3379S 133MHz 4833 70V3379 A12L A13L A14L IDT70V3379 IDT70V3379S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CYDM064B16 CYDM128B16 CYDM256B16 MoBL 1.8V 4K/8K/16K x 16 Dual-Port Static RAM 1.8V 4K/8K/16K x 16 MoBL® Dual-Port Static RAM Features • True dual ported memory cells that allow simultaneous access of the same memory location ■ Expandable data bus to 32-bits with Master or Slave chip select

    CYDM064B16 CYDM128B16 CYDM256B16 4K/8K/16K 32-bits 100-pin PDF

    Epcos n67 material

    Abstract: 1000uF 25V capacitor str 5 q 0765 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT ICE2B265 equivalent AN-SMPS-ICE2AXXX-1 EPCOS n67 ICE2B265 SFH617-3 ICE2B265 Application Note 500 WATT smps
    Text: Version 1.0 , September 2001 Design Note DN-SMPS Singlestage CoolSET Design of 30W Off-Line SMPS using CoolSET ICE2B265 Authors: Yew Ming Lik Junyang Luo Meng Kiat Jeoh Published by Infineon Technologies AG Power Management & Supply

    ICE2B265 Room14J1 Room1101 Epcos n67 material 1000uF 25V capacitor str 5 q 0765 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT ICE2B265 equivalent AN-SMPS-ICE2AXXX-1 EPCOS n67 ICE2B265 SFH617-3 ICE2B265 Application Note 500 WATT smps PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CY7C024AV/024BV/025AV/026AV CY7C0241AV/0251AV/036AV 3.3V 4K/8K/16K x 16/18 Dual-Port Static RAM Features • True dual-ported memory cells which enable simultaneous access of the same memory location ■ Fully asynchronous operation ■ Automatic power down

    CY7C024AV/024BV/025AV/026AV CY7C0241AV/0251AV/036AV 4K/8K/16K CY7C024AV/024BV 025AV/026AV) CY7C0241AV/0251AV) CY7C036AV) CY7C036AV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 256/128K x 18 IDT70V3319/99S SYNCHRONOUS DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE Š Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed data access – Commercial: 3.6ns 166MHz /4.2ns (133MHz) (max.)

    256/128K IDT70V3319/99S 166MHz 133MHz) 128-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Š HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 32K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS PIPELINED DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed clock to data access – Commercial: 4.2/5/6ns max.

    133MHz 133MHz IDT70V3379S PDF


    Abstract: 70V3379 A12L A13L A14L IDT70V3379 IDT70V3379S 70V3379BF
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 32K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS PIPELINED DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V I/O Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed clock to data access – Commercial: 4.2/5/6ns max.

    133MHz 133MHz IDT70V3379S 133MHz, 4833 70V3379 A12L A13L A14L IDT70V3379 IDT70V3379S 70V3379BF PDF


    Abstract: A13L A14L A15L IDT70V3389 IDT70V3389S
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 64K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS PIPELINED DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Ported memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed clock to data access – Commercial: 5/6ns max. Pipelined output mode

    IDT70V3389S 100MHz 70V3389 18-Bit) A12L A13L A14L A15L IDT70V3389 IDT70V3389S PDF


    Abstract: 70V3379 A12L A13L A14L IDT70V3379 IDT70V3379S
    Text: Š HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 32K x 18 SYNCHRONOUS PIPELINED DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM WITH 3.3V OR 2.5V INTERFACE Features: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed clock to data access – Commercial: 4.2/5/6ns max.

    133MHz 133MHz IDT70V3379S 4833 70V3379 A12L A13L A14L IDT70V3379 IDT70V3379S PDF

    mec oscillator

    Abstract: erc32 trap ERC32 2M x 16 DPRAM TSC691E TSC692E TSC693E
    Text: TSC693E TSC693E Memory Controller User's Manual For Embedded Real time 32-bit Computer ERC32 for SPACE Applications MATRA MHS Rev. D (10 Apr. 97) 1 TSC693E TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.2.1. 1.2.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.4.1. 1.4.2. 1.4.3. INTRODUCTION . 4

    TSC693E 32-bit ERC32) mec oscillator erc32 trap ERC32 2M x 16 DPRAM TSC691E TSC692E TSC693E PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH-SPEED 3.3V 256K x 18 ASYNCHRONOUS DUAL-PORT STATIC RAM IDT70V631S Features ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ True Dual-Port memory cells which allow simultaneous access of the same memory location High-speed access – Commercial: 10/12/15ns max. – Industrial: 12ns (max.)

    IDT70V631S 10/12/15ns IDT70V631 PK-128 5622 PDF