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    INVERTER 4009 Search Results

    INVERTER 4009 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TC74HC14AF Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC14D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC04D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, SOIC14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC74HC14AP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Hex Inverter, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC4069UBP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Inverter, DIP14 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    INVERTER 4009 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: fzh261 FZK105 FZH131 FZJ111 FZH115 FZH205 Multiplexer IC 74151 FZH265B 74LS104
    Text: Digital I.C.s, 74INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DIGITAL TTL, 74LS & 74HC Series Quad 2-input NAND gate Quad 2-input NAND gate, open collector Quad 2-input NOR gate Quad 2-input NOR gate, open collector Hex inverter Hex inverter, O/C collector Hex inverter, Buffer 30V O/P

    74INTEGRATED Line-to-10 150ns 16-DIL 150ns 18-pin 250ns 300ns FZH115B fzh261 FZK105 FZH131 FZJ111 FZH115 FZH205 Multiplexer IC 74151 FZH265B 74LS104 PDF

    star delta wiring diagram motor start y siemens

    Abstract: siemens G110 SINAMICS G110 ELCB 4 pole 1LA7166 a.c. motor speed control with 4046 siemens star delta starter 1LA7163 siemens simatic G110 MHB 4053
    Text: Parameter List Edition 11/2004 sinamics SINAMICS G110 SINAMICS G110 Documentation Getting Started Guide The Getting Started Guide is designed to give the user quick access to all the basic information required to install and set-up the SINAMICS G110 for operation.

    D-91050 6SL3298-0BA11-0BP0 star delta wiring diagram motor start y siemens siemens G110 SINAMICS G110 ELCB 4 pole 1LA7166 a.c. motor speed control with 4046 siemens star delta starter 1LA7163 siemens simatic G110 MHB 4053 PDF


    Abstract: 74574 7486 XOR GATE 7486 full adder latch 74574 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7490 Decade Counter 74373 cmos dual s-r latch 2 bit magnitude comparator using 2 xor gates design a BCD counter using j-k flipflop
    Text: Semiconductor Logic Device Cross-Reference Here is a comprehensive cross-reference of TTL and CMOS chips that are readily available over the counter from such places as Maplin Electronics in the UK . Tables of both TTL and CMOS devices are provided along with tables grouping chips with the same functionality together.



    Abstract: "symmetrical gate commutated thyristor" Allen-Bradley VFD Powerflex 700 thyristor 6-pulse full wave firing circuit siemens VFD availability SGCTs symmetrical gate commutated thyristor sGCT function how a three phase vfd works EN61000-2-4
    Text: Medium Voltage AC Drives Selection Guide PowerFlex 7000 • Direct-to-Drive Technology • Air-Cooled • Liquid-Cooled POWERFLEX 7000 MEDIUM VOLTAGE AC DRIVES Improve efficiency and maximize profitability with a single solution for all your motor control applications from 200 hp to 34,000 hp

    7000-SG010C-EN-P 7000-SG010B-EN-P sGCT "symmetrical gate commutated thyristor" Allen-Bradley VFD Powerflex 700 thyristor 6-pulse full wave firing circuit siemens VFD availability SGCTs symmetrical gate commutated thyristor sGCT function how a three phase vfd works EN61000-2-4 PDF


    Abstract: Allen-Bradley VFD Powerflex 700 symmetrical gate commutated thyristor "symmetrical gate commutated thyristor" sGCT function transformerless variable frequency drive SGCTs 220 ac INVERTER without transformer laptop 6600 5 hp DC motor speed control using scr
    Text: Medium Voltage AC Drives Selection Guide PowerFlex 7000 • Direct-to-Drive Technology • Air-Cooled • Liquid-Cooled POWERFLEX 7000 MEDIUM VOLTAGE AC DRIVES Improve efficiency and maximize profitability with a single solution for all your motor control applications from 200 hp to 34,000 hp

    7000-SG010C-EN-P 7000-SG010B-EN-P SGCT Allen-Bradley VFD Powerflex 700 symmetrical gate commutated thyristor "symmetrical gate commutated thyristor" sGCT function transformerless variable frequency drive SGCTs 220 ac INVERTER without transformer laptop 6600 5 hp DC motor speed control using scr PDF


    Abstract: 7400 datasheet 2-input nand gate 74LVC05A LVC1G04 transistor x1 pv 25 inverter board design pv 74ALVC1G04 74ALVCH244 7400 nand gate series 74ALVC1G14
    Text: Selector Guide for ALVC/LVC Products the leading provider of high-performance logic. From single-gate to 32-bit, IDT is your source for ALVC/LVC logic. Today’s designers are developing the most challenging telecommunications, networking and PC products ever designed

    32-bit, compatibilit-7850 74LVC05 7400 datasheet 2-input nand gate 74LVC05A LVC1G04 transistor x1 pv 25 inverter board design pv 74ALVC1G04 74ALVCH244 7400 nand gate series 74ALVC1G14 PDF


    Abstract: 4049UB 4009UB 4000B 74C04
    Text: 4069UB INTERNATIONAL, INC. CMOS HEX INVERTER FEATURES ♦ ♦ ♦ Fully "B"-Series Compatible Diode Protection on all Inputs Pin Compatible with 74C04 CONNECTION D IA G R A M all packages DESCRIPTION The 4069UB consists of six CMOS inverter circuits. The device is intended for general-purpose inverter

    OCR Scan
    4069UB 74C04 4069UB 4009UB 4049UB 4049UB, the4449UB 4000B 74C04 PDF


    Abstract: 4009UB 4449UB 2X10X 4000B 4049B 4049UB diagram pulsa
    Text: R&E 4449UB INTERNATIONAL, INC. CMOS HEX INVERTER FEATURES ♦ All Inputs Fully Diode-Protected ♦ Pin Compatible with 4009B, 4049B ♦ Fully "B"-Series Compatible DESCRIPTION The 4449UB consists of six CMOS inverter circuits. It is pin-compatible with the 4009UB,

    OCR Scan
    4449UB 4009B, 4049B 4449UB 4009UB, 4049UB, 2x-10x) 4449UÂ 4009B 4009UB 2X10X 4000B 4049B 4049UB diagram pulsa PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4449UB INTERNATIONAL, INC CMOS HEX INVERTER FEATURES ♦ ♦ ♦ All Inputs Fully Diode-Protected Pin Compatible with 4009B, 4049B Fully "B"-Series Compatible D E SC R IP T IO N The 4449U B consists of six C M O S inverter circuits. It is pin-compatible with the 4009UB,

    OCR Scan
    4009B, 4049B 4449U 4009UB, 4049UB, PDF


    Abstract: inverter 4009 ELEKTOR DSAGER00018 4009 file
    Text: M p o -ein RCA 6 INVERTER (HEX-INVERTER) N.C. +Uo ¡st die Speisespannung für die Inverterausgänge, diese Spannung darf +Ub nicht über­ schreiten. Bei +Ub = 10,5 V . . . 15 V darf die kapazitive Belastung des Ausgangs max. 200 pF be­ tragen. Die Einschaltdauer der Speise­

    OCR Scan
    1012J2 rs-flip-flop inverter 4009 ELEKTOR DSAGER00018 4009 file PDF


    Abstract: 4017BD 4013BD 4093bd 40194BD 4049BD HEC4556BDB 4066BD EF4104BP 4539bd
    Text: ^ NUMERICAL INDEX extended type no. description page HEC4001 BDB HEC 4002BD B HEC 4007U BDB H EC 40097BD B H EC 40098BD B Q uadruple 2-input NOR gate Dual 4-input NOR gate Dual com plem entary pair and inverter 3-state hex non-inverting buffer 3-state hex inverting buffer

    OCR Scan
    HEC4001 4002BD 4007U 40097BD 40098BD 4012BD 4013BD HEC4014BDB 4015BD EC4016BDB 40175BD 4017BD 4093bd 40194BD 4049BD HEC4556BDB 4066BD EF4104BP 4539bd PDF


    Abstract: 4098B 4013B 4026B 4504B 4572UB 4051B 4500B 4009UB 4081B
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE HCC/HCF 4000B/4500B 40100B STANDARD SERIES AND CROSSPOINT SWITCHES Function GATE BUFFER FLIPFLOP Standard Code NAND 4011B, 4012B, 4023B, 4068B, 40107B NOR 4000B AND 4068B, 4073B, 4081B, 4082B OR 4071B, 4072B, 4075B, 4078B INVERTER 4069UB, 4502B

    OCR Scan
    4000B/4500B 40100B 4011B, 4012B, 4023B, 4068B, 40107B 4000B 4073B, 4069UB 4098B 4013B 4026B 4504B 4572UB 4051B 4500B 4009UB 4081B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4069UB INTERNATIONAL, INC CMOS HEX INVERTER FEATURES ♦ ♦ ♦ Fully "B"-Series Compatible Diode Protection on all Inputs Pin Compatible with 74C04 CONNECTION D IA G R A M all packages 4Y V DD 6A 6Y 5A 5 Y 4A 1 | _I_ I _ _1_ | 12 11 10 9 14 13 DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    4069UB 74C04 4009UB 4049UB, 4449UB 4069UB 4049UB PDF

    schematic diagram dc inverter

    Abstract: 4069UB 74C04 CI 4069 4049UB SCL4069UB 4009UB 4449UB cmos 4069
    Text: SOLID ^ STATE SCIENTIFIC SCL4069UB 883/4069UB CMOS HEX INVERTER FE A T U R E S ♦ ♦ ♦ Fully "B"-Series Com patible Diode Protection on all Inputs Pin Com patible w ith 74C 04 C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M a ll packages V DD 6 A I 1 D E S C R IP T IO N

    OCR Scan
    SCL4069UB 883/4069UB 74C04 4069UB 4009UB 4049UB 4049UB, 4449UB schematic diagram dc inverter 74C04 CI 4069 cmos 4069 PDF

    PA 4023B

    Abstract: BCD-to-7-Segment d 4021b 4504B 4098B hcf4001b 4011 astable CMOS Dual 64-Stage Static Shift Register 10 line to 7-segment hex to 7 segment 4529B
    Text: ALPHANUMERICAL INDEX Type Number Function Package DIP Page Number HCC/HCF 4000B HCC/HCF 4001B HCC/HCF 4002B HCC/HCF 4006B HCC/HCF 4007UB HCC/HCF 4008B HCC/HCF 4009UB HCC/HCF 401 OB HCC/HCF 4011B HCC/HCF 4012B HCC/HCF 4013B HCC/HCF 4014B HCC/HCF 4015B HCC/HCF 4016B

    OCR Scan
    4000B 4001B 4002B 4006B 4007UB 4008B 4009UB 4011B 4012B 4013B PA 4023B BCD-to-7-Segment d 4021b 4504B 4098B hcf4001b 4011 astable CMOS Dual 64-Stage Static Shift Register 10 line to 7-segment hex to 7 segment 4529B PDF

    c17 dual mos

    Abstract: 40097B 40098B 75326 4085B 4069UB inline CCD 24 pin Dual In-Line 4072B 4077B 4030B
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS DIGITAL-CMOS C15 40097B C13 4050B NC 16 15 12 13 14 10 11 - 9 -<1- r<h <h -< h N . 2A \ ) 3A >. 4A R •t R - -© V DD = P in 1 6 V SS = pin 8 -© ® ? 1 4 3 5 8 6 © - t C14 40098B - t ^ ® - - 0 c i6 4030B, 4070B

    OCR Scan
    4050B 40098B 4077B 40097B Pin16 4030B, 4070B 4085B 4049B 4050B c17 dual mos 40097B 40098B 75326 4085B 4069UB inline CCD 24 pin Dual In-Line 4072B 4077B 4030B PDF


    Abstract: IC 4009 cd4049a 4049A inverter 4009 ELEKTOR DSAGER00019
    Text: CD 4049A RCA 1 16 | I 15 | l-Ein r i4 i n.c. 1 13 | ^Aus ^Ein *"*Aus G Ein J 12 | I 11 I I 10 | 9 I IC-Kartei O Maus elektor n.c. 6 I N V E R T E R (Hex-lnverter) H K D M o Dieses IC ist äquivalent zum T y p C D 4 009 A mit der Ausnahm e, daß bei dem 4009 A gesonderte Anschlüsse für die Speisespannung der Ausgangs­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 4086B 4737V cmos 4072B 4059B
    Text: 7 V FUNCTIONAL INDEX CMOS HE4000B F A M IL Y SURVEY Type numbers have a suffix which signifies the type o f package and burn-in option: P = plastic D IL ; D = ceramic cerdip D IL; T = plastic SO mini-pack; 2nd B = burn-in option 4000B : 4000V : 4000UB: HEC

    OCR Scan
    HE4000B 4000B 4000UB: 4Q08B 4631B 4041B 4050B 4502B 40097B 40098B 4001UB 4086B 4737V cmos 4072B 4059B PDF


    Abstract: 4737V 4059b 4086B HE4000B 40244B 4000UB 4521B 4541B
    Text: FUNCTIONAL yv IN D E X CMOS HE4000B F A M ILY SURVEY Type numbers have a suffix which signifies the type of package and burn-in option: P = plastic Dl L; D = ceramic cerdip Dl L; T = plastic SO mini-pack; 2nd B = burn-in option 4000B : 4000V : 4000UB: HEC

    OCR Scan
    HE4000B 4000B 4000UB: range--55 4008B 4531B 4041B 4049B 4050B 4502B 4001UB 4737V 4059b 4086B 40244B 4000UB 4521B 4541B PDF

    sla 4038

    Abstract: 4008 ic for 8bit full adder 4094 bp 4014 bp 2W21 sla 4051 IC4116 4068 BP tc 4030 IC 4093 bp
    Text: ¡7] 1. C2MOS Standard Package Components Features o f The C 2MOS 1 The TC4xxxB Series C2MOS are designed and manufactured with the ratings and characteristics defined by the EIA/JEDEC standards. Specifically, these include basic requirements such as: Compatibility with wide supply voltage range. (3V to 18V)

    OCR Scan
    TC74HxER 12-STATE sla 4038 4008 ic for 8bit full adder 4094 bp 4014 bp 2W21 sla 4051 IC4116 4068 BP tc 4030 IC 4093 bp PDF


    Abstract: D4010A CD4010AE 4009A mos 4009
    Text: 40 Cff U h ú O !O Li CMOS Hex Buffers/Converters CD4009A, CD4010A Types O— ^ * Inverting Type: CD4009A Non-Inverting Type: CD4010A The R C A -C D 4009A and C D 4 010A Hex Buffer/Converters may be used as COS/MOS to T T L or D T L logic-level converters or

    OCR Scan
    CD4009A CD4010A D4009A CD4010A, D4069B 16-lead CD4009A, D4010 D4010A CD4010AE 4009A mos 4009 PDF


    Abstract: 4069UB fairchild 4073B 4007UB 4086B 4093B 4049B 40098B 40097B 4041B
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL CMOS SSI FUNCTIONS Cont’d Item A Function Logic/Connection Diagram DEVICE NO. NOR Gates Package(s) \ 3I.6A.9A 1 Quad 2-Input NOR 4001B C5 2 Triple 3-Input NOR 4025B C6 3I.6A.9A 4002B C7 " 3H6A.9A 4078B 08 3I.6A.9A ( C9 ) • 3I.6A.9A

    OCR Scan
    4001B 4025B 4002B 4078B 4081B 4073B 4082B 4071B 4072B 4075B 4069UB 4069UB fairchild 4007UB 4086B 4093B 4049B 40098B 40097B 4041B PDF


    Abstract: 40097 40098B 40508 4041B 4583B 40097B 4086B 4007UB 40728
    Text: FAIRCHILD DIGITAL CMOS SSI FUNCTIONS Cont’d DEVICE NO. Function Item Logic/Connection Diagram Package(s) NOR Gates 1 Quad 2-Input NOR 4001B C5 3I.6A.9A 3I.6A.9A 2 Triple 3-Input NOR 4025B C6 3 Dual 4-Input NOR 4002B C7 3I.6A.9A 4 8-Input NOR 4078B 08 3I.6A.9A

    OCR Scan
    4001B 4025B 4002B 4078B 4081B 4073B 4082B 4071B 4072B 4075B 4069UB 40097 40098B 40508 4041B 4583B 40097B 4086B 4007UB 40728 PDF


    Abstract: 4007ae HBF4001AE HBF4002AE 34706C HBF4027AE power transistor e27 HBF4013A mos inverter 4007A
    Text: SGS-ATES Semiconductors Digital I.C .'s-C O S/ M O S Integrated Circuits -C O S /M O S HBF4000AE Series FEATURES Very low power dissipation: 10 nW typ./gate package Equivalent to R CA CD40Q0AE series 10 ,xWty p./MSI DESCRIPTION The HBF4000AE series is a complementary N and

    OCR Scan
    HBF4000AE CD4000AE HBF4051 34721E HBF4052AE 34722C HBF4053AE 4723A HBF4055AE HBF4011AE 4007ae HBF4001AE HBF4002AE 34706C HBF4027AE power transistor e27 HBF4013A mos inverter 4007A PDF