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    INTEL 2147H Search Results

    INTEL 2147H Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    R5F72147HDFP#V1 Renesas Electronics Corporation 32-bit Microcontrollers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F72147HDFA#V1 Renesas Electronics Corporation 32-bit Microcontrollers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    R5F72147HDBG#U1 Renesas Electronics Corporation 32-bit Microcontrollers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    952601EGLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation SPRINGDALE - CK409 clock, Intel Yellow Cover part Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    954101DFLFT Renesas Electronics Corporation GRANTSDALE - CK410 clock, Intel Yellow Cover part Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    INTEL 2147H Datasheets Context Search

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    lm 7085

    Abstract: lm 7085 circuit diagram AP-316 AR 5414 intel 28F256 intel 28F256 flash epl* Thermal printer 2147H SRAM 80C186 programming 5C032
    Text: AP-316 APPLICATION NOTE Using Flash Memory for In-System Reprogrammable Nonvolatile Storage SAUL ZALES DALE ELBERT APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING INTEL CORPORATION January 1996 Order Number 292046-004 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in

    AP-316 LA19d LA18d LA17d LA16d lm 7085 lm 7085 circuit diagram AP-316 AR 5414 intel 28F256 intel 28F256 flash epl* Thermal printer 2147H SRAM 80C186 programming 5C032 PDF

    4000 series CMOS Logic ICs

    Abstract: 74HCT-series 74HCT IC family spec AP-252 hmos mosfet disadvantages of intel 8051 8051s 74c SERIES cmos logic data pressure measurement with 8051 AP252
    Text: AP-252 APPLICATION NOTE Designing With The 80C51BH TOM WILLIAMSON MCO APPLICATIONS ENGINEER March 1985 Order Number 270068-002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in

    AP-252 80C51BH AP-125 2147H AP-74 4000 series CMOS Logic ICs 74HCT-series 74HCT IC family spec AP-252 hmos mosfet disadvantages of intel 8051 8051s 74c SERIES cmos logic data pressure measurement with 8051 AP252 PDF

    Intel AP-401

    Abstract: AP-316 29204* intel lm2391
    Text: m u APPLICATION NOTE AP-316 October 1990 Using Flash Memory for In-System Reprogrammable Nonvolatile Storage SAUL ZALES DALE ELBERT APPLICATIONS ENGINEERING INTEL CORPORATION Order Number: 292046-003 6-203 6 USING FLASH MEMORY FOR IN-SYSTEM REPROGRAMMABLE

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    AP-316 LA19d, LA18d, LA17d, LA19d LA18d LA17d LA16d Intel AP-401 AP-316 29204* intel lm2391 PDF

    1k x 4

    Abstract: 2148H LD2114AL-4 ld2114 QP2114 2125AL-2 LD2114AL enhance 168 2125AL qD2125AL
    Text: RAM FAMILY EXPRESS • Standard Temperature Range ■ 168 ±8 Hour Burn-In Available ■ Extended Temperature Range - 4 0 t,C - + 85°C Available ■ Inspected to 0.1% AQL The Intel EXPRESS RAM family is a series of random-access memories which have received additional

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    2147H 1k x 4 2148H LD2114AL-4 ld2114 QP2114 2125AL-2 LD2114AL enhance 168 2125AL qD2125AL PDF

    2118 intel

    Abstract: 2114A 2114 1k x 4 2114 1k x 16 RAM intel 2118 FAMILY 2114AL-4 2148H 2114A-4 qD2125AL ram 2114
    Text: i n y RAM FAMILY EXPRESS • Standard Temperature Range ■ Extended Temperature Range ~40°C-+85°C Available ■ 168 ±8 Hour Burn-in Available ■ Inspected to, 0.1% AQL The Intel EXPRESS RAM family is a series of random-access memories which have received additional

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    AFW021S3A 2147M 2147H 2118 intel 2114A 2114 1k x 4 2114 1k x 16 RAM intel 2118 FAMILY 2114AL-4 2148H 2114A-4 qD2125AL ram 2114 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEL CORP I n t e l * MEMORY/LOGIC EOE D 4fl5bl7b 0Dbla7ci3' 3 27512 512K (64K X 8) PRODUCTION AND UV ERASABLE PROM • ■ ■ ■ Software Carrier Capability 170 ns Maximum Access Time Two-Line Control Intgllgent Identifier Mode — Automated Programming Operations

    OCR Scan
    28-Pin 288-bit -20QV05 PDF

    intel 27c512 eprom

    Abstract: 27C512-200V10 i27C512 d27c512 27C512-120V10 I27C256 intel 27c512 29022 27C512-1 27C512-2
    Text: INTEL CORP MEMORY/LOGIC 50E D • 4fl2hl7b GObböOH *4 ■ In te l' T -V L -lS -tS 27C512 *T“-V6-/3 -29 512K (64K x 8) CHMOS PRODUCTION AND UV ERASABLE PROMS ■ Software Carrier Capability ■ 120 ns Access Time ■ Two-Line Control ■ Inteligent identifier Mode

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    27C512 27C512 288-bit T-46-13-29 intel 27c512 eprom 27C512-200V10 i27C512 d27c512 27C512-120V10 I27C256 intel 27c512 29022 27C512-1 27C512-2 PDF


    Abstract: 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel
    Text: COMPONENT DATA CATALOG JANUARY 1982 Intel C orporation makes no w arranty fo r the use of its products and assumes no re sponsib ility fo r any e rrors w hich may appear in th is docum ent nor does it make a com m itm ent to update the info rm atio n contained herein.

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    RMX/80, P80A49H 8035HL F1L 250 V fuse BPK-70 interfacing 8275 crt controller with 8086 i8282 hall marking code A04 Transistor AF 138 DK55 82720 intel PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEL ir r t e l CORP UP/PRFHLS 1 2E D I MÖ2L175 0Q70Tt.l 4 ß lM G ä R M ir O 1' U \3 -3 fl M27011 PAGE-ADDRESSED 1M 8 x 16K x 8 EPROM MILITARY • Military Temperature Range —55°C to + 125°C (Tc) Automatic Page Clear — Resets to Page 0 on Power-Up

    OCR Scan
    2L175 0Q70Tt M27011 28-Pin M27011 271049 PDF

    2147 intel

    Abstract: Intel 2147H 2147-6 2141L-3 2141L-5 2147H 2147H-1 2147H-2 2147H-3 2147H-4
    Text: 14 4 K • ■ ■ n X ïâfèïïïs m « it ^ CC TAAC max <ns) A TCAC max ns) TOE max (ns) "/ TOH min (ns) nMOS fTOD max (ns) > S t a t i c 7' TWP min (ns) RAM ( 4 0 9 6 X 1 ) tí TBS min (ns) « TDH Ss) T*D rain (ns) TWR max (ns) V D D or V C C (V) 18 P I N

    OCR Scan
    4096X1) Am90440 Am9044D Am9044E C2147A C2147A-3 C2147AL C2147AL-3 C2147II-2 2147 intel Intel 2147H 2147-6 2141L-3 2141L-5 2147H 2147H-1 2147H-2 2147H-3 2147H-4 PDF

    intel 2147

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: intei* 2147H HIGH SPEED 4096 x 1 BIT STATIC RAM 2147H-1 2147H-2 2147H-3 35 45 55 70 180 180 180 160 30 30 30 20 Max. Access Time ns Max. Active Current (mA) Max. Standby Current (mA) 2147H Direct Performance Upgrade for 2147 Pinout, Function, and Power Compatible to Industry Standard 2147

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    2147H-1 2147H-2 2147H-3 2147H 18-Pin intel 2147 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: infer M27128A Advanced 128K 16x8 UV Erasable PROM M ilitary m lnteligent Programming Algorithm • Fas! Access Times: — M27128A-20 200 ns — M27128A-30 300 ns ■ Low Power — 140 mA Maximum Active — 50 mA Maximum Standby ■ Two Line Control — Fastest EPROM Programming

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    M27128A M27128A-20 M27128A-30 M2764A M27256 M27128A 072-bit M27128 PDF


    Abstract: M27128A M27128A-20 M27128A-30 M2716 M27256 M2732A M2764A AP-72 M27MA
    Text: M27128A Advanced 128K 16x8 UV Erasable PROM Military m lnteligent P r o g r a m m i n g Algorithm — Fastest EPROM Programming • lnteiigent Identifier™ Mode — Automated Programming Operations ■ Compatible with M2764A and M27256 ■ Military Temperature Range

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    M27128A M2764A M27256 M27128A 072-bit M27128 M27128A, M27128A-20 M27128A-30 M2716 M27256 M2732A AP-72 M27MA PDF


    Abstract: 2732a jl eprom intel 27512 eprom 27512 eprom 27512-170V05 27512-200V10 intel 2716 eprom 27C84 iAPX 286 Intel 2147H
    Text: intei 27512 512K 64K x 8 PRODUCTION AND UV ERASABLE PROM Software Carrier Capability Low Power — 125 mA max. Active — 40 mA max. Standby 170 ns Maximum Access Time Two-Line Control inteligent Identifier Mode — Automated Programming Operations indigent Programming™ Algorithm

    OCR Scan
    28-Pin 288-bit -200V05 27512 2732a jl eprom intel 27512 eprom 27512 eprom 27512-170V05 27512-200V10 intel 2716 eprom 27C84 iAPX 286 Intel 2147H PDF

    m27128 eprom

    Abstract: M27128 M27128A M27128A-20 M27128A-30 M2716 M27256 M2732A M2764A M27128AS
    Text: infer M27128A Advanced 128K 1 6 x 8 UV Erasable PROM Military • lnteligent P r o g r a m m i n g Algorithm — Fastest EPROM Programming ■ lnteiigent Identifier™ Mode — Automated Programming Operations ■ Compatible with M2764A and M27256

    OCR Scan
    M27128A M2764A M27256 M27128A 072-bit M27128 M27128A, m27128 eprom M27128A-20 M27128A-30 M2716 M27256 M2732A M27128AS PDF

    k5m capacitor

    Abstract: 27C128 INTEL eprom 27c64 PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT ic 27c64 intel 27C011 27CS12 2732A TVR 07 spec 27C011 27C128
    Text: in te i 27C513 PAGE-ADDRESSED 512K 4 x 16K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM • Paged Organization — Reduced Physical Address Requirement — No Bank Switching Logic Needed ■ 170 ns Access Time ■ Two Line Control ■ Low Power — 30 mA max. Active — 100 f i A max. Standby

    OCR Scan
    27C513 7128A 28-Pin 27C513 288-bit 27CS13 k5m capacitor 27C128 INTEL eprom 27c64 PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT ic 27c64 intel 27C011 27CS12 2732A TVR 07 spec 27C011 27C128 PDF

    intel 27C011

    Abstract: 27C128 INTEL 27C513 27C128 st make 27C011 27C128 27C256 27C64 27CS12 87C64
    Text: in te i 27C513 PAGE-ADDRESSED 512K 4 x 16K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM • Paged Organization — Reduced Physical Address Requirement — No Bank Switching Logic Needed ■ Software Carrier Capacity ■ Automatic Page Clear — Resets to Page 0 on Power Up and

    OCR Scan
    27C513 7128A 28-Pin 27C513 288-bit 27CS13 intel 27C011 27C128 INTEL 27C128 st make 27C011 27C128 27C256 27C64 27CS12 87C64 PDF

    7258 "drop-in replacement"

    Abstract: EPROM 27011 27011 27128 27011-200V10 27C128 INTEL 27C128 27C513 27C64 87C64
    Text: in te i 27011 PAGE-ADDRESSED 1M 8 x 16K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM • Automatic Page Clear — Resets to Page 0 on Power-Up and On Demand with RST Signal^) ■ Paged Organization — Reduced Physical Address Requirement ■ Compatible with 28-Pin JEDEC EPROMs

    OCR Scan
    28-Pin 576-bit 27011-200V10 7258 "drop-in replacement" EPROM 27011 27011 27128 27C128 INTEL 27C128 27C513 27C64 87C64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 27513 PAGE-ADDRESSED 512K 4 x 16K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM • Paged Organization — Reduced Physical Address Requirement — No Bank Switching Logic Needed ■ Software Carrier Capacity ■ Automatic Page Clear — Resets to Page 0 on Power Up and On Demand with RST SignalO)

    OCR Scan
    7128A 28-Pin 288-bit 27513 PDF


    Abstract: intel 27C011 eprom 27c64 PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT INTEL 27128A EPROM EPROM 27011
    Text: 27C513 PAGE-ADDRESSED 512K 4 x 16K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM • Paged Organization — Reduced Physical Address Requirement — No Bank Switching Logic Needed ■ 170 ns Access Time ■ Two Line Control ■ Low Power — 30 mA max. Active — 100 fxA max. Standby

    OCR Scan
    27C513 7128A 28-Pin 288-bit to100% intel 27C011 eprom 27c64 PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT INTEL 27128A EPROM EPROM 27011 PDF

    27C128 INTEL

    Abstract: 27513-170V05 27513-170V10 LD27513 TD27513 intel 27c256
    Text: 27513 PAGE-ADDRESSED 512K 4 x 16K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM • Paged Organization — Reduced Physical Address Requirement — No Bank Switching Logic Needed ■ Software Carrier Capacity ■ Automatic Page Clear — Resets to Page 0 on Power Up and On Demand with RST SignalO)

    OCR Scan
    7128A -28-Pin 288-bit 27C128 INTEL 27513-170V05 27513-170V10 LD27513 TD27513 intel 27c256 PDF


    Abstract: 271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors eprom 27c64 PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT 27C128 INTEL intel 2732 eprom 27C128 27C256 27C512 27C64 87C64
    Text: 27513 PAGE-ADDRESSED 512K 4 x 16K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM • Paged Organization — Reduced Physical Address Requirement — No Bank Switching Logic Needed ■ Software Carrier Capacity ■ Automatic Page Clear — Resets to Page 0 on Power Up and On Demand with RST SignaK1)

    OCR Scan
    7128A 28-Pin 288-bit 27s13 271 Ceramic Disc Capacitors eprom 27c64 PROGRAMMER CIRCUIT 27C128 INTEL intel 2732 eprom 27C128 27C256 27C512 27C64 87C64 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: p w io M M o n r in t e r M27C512 512K 64K x 8 UV ERASABLE PROM Military • Fast Access Time — M27C512-15 150 ns — M27C512-20 200 ns — M27C512-25 250 ns ■ Two-Line Control ■ CMOS and TTL Compatible ■ Low Power — 30 mA max. Active — 1.0 mA max. Standby

    OCR Scan
    M27C512 M27C512-15 M27C512-20 M27C512-25 M27C512 PDF

    2147 intel

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i 2147H HIGH SPEED 4096 x 1 BIT STATIC RAM 2147H-1 Max. Access Time ns Max. Active Current (mA) Max. Standby Current (mA) 2147H-2 2147H-3 2147H 2147HL 35 45 55 70 70 180 180 180 160 140 30 30 30 20 10 Pinout, Function, and Power Com­ patible to Industry Standard 2147

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    2147H 2147H-1 2147H-2 2147H-3 2147HL 18-Pin 4096-bit 2147H, 2147 intel PDF