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    INMOS IMS G171 Search Results

    INMOS IMS G171 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MOC5010 ip1717 UA741CN op amp TL081P LM3524N LM13080N 7824ct LM7915CK LM7905CK
    Text: Master Designer Version 8.5 Component Library Reference Volume 2 October 1995 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise-without the prior


    intel 845 MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 52s WD61C12 KHN 13100 transistor SMD 352a smd transistor marking 352a ECG transistor replacement guide book free TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT ECG 27mhz remote control receiver ic rx 2b circuit FO WD90C26A
    Text: OAT ABO 0 K 1992 DEVICES Systems Logic Imaging Storage ~ WESTERN DIGITAL Copyright 1992 Western Digital Corporation All Rights Reserved Information furnished by Western Digital Corporation is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Western Digital Corporation for its use; nor for any infringements of

    CA92718 intel 845 MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE 52s WD61C12 KHN 13100 transistor SMD 352a smd transistor marking 352a ECG transistor replacement guide book free TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT ECG 27mhz remote control receiver ic rx 2b circuit FO WD90C26A PDF


    Abstract: ims g171 IMSG171P-50 imsg171 IMSG171P50 IMSG171P35 IMSG171S-35 inmos imsg171s IMSG171P-35 IMSG171S-50
    Text: IN M O S ID E C OR P D I _ 4ñO H tiññ 0D030Q7 ~T -szi - 3 3 - 0 9 _ 9 IMS G171 High performance CMOS colour look-up table o o n rn o s Designed to be compatible with IBM PS/21, VGA graphics systems BLANK IREF FEATURES DESCRIPTION • •

    OCR Scan
    4fl05bà 0D030Q7 T-iTa-33-0? PS/21, RS170 50MHz. 880mW T-52-33-à IMSG171P-35 IMSG171S-35 IMSG171P ims g171 IMSG171P-50 imsg171 IMSG171P50 IMSG171P35 inmos imsg171s IMSG171S-50 PDF

    INMOS G171 G176

    Abstract: ims g171 p712c G-176 G176 G176P-50 G176P-40 G176J-40 G171 RS170
    Text: IN M O S ID E CORP J D 4ß02bäa DOOBGET T '^ c P - 3 3 □ | -¿ 7 ^ 31 IMS G176 High performance C M O S colour look-up table m m o Designed to be compatible with IBM P S /21, VGA graphics systems s PCLK- Po —P7 Timing generator Pixel latch & mask - VDD

    OCR Scan
    PS/21, RS170 65MHz. 950mW G176P-40 G176P-50 G176P-65 G176J-40 G176J-50 G176J-65 INMOS G171 G176 ims g171 p712c G-176 G176 G171 PDF


    Abstract: IMSG178 P713C ims g171 IMSG178J 86-pin g1785 g178
    Text: I NMOS IDE CORP D I M SO E b f l ñ DOOHOSl 3 3 M. 1 -¿ > 9 53 IMS G178 High performance CMOS colour look-up table Designed to be compatible with IBM PS/21, VGA graphics systems P re lim in a ry D a ta m nm os PCLK- Timing generator - VDD -VSS P0 - P 7 Pixel latch

    OCR Scan
    PS/21, RS170 80MHz. T-52-33-Ã G178J-40 G178J-50 G178J-65 G178J-80 G178J imsg171 IMSG178 P713C ims g171 IMSG178J 86-pin g1785 g178 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEP 2 d t IM S G 1 7 3 high colour palette-DAC with “PixMix"” mos Advance information The information in this document is subject to change PCIk PixMix VSync Blank Iref FEATURES FEATURES • Compatible with VGA standard IMS G171/176 • Triple 6-bit DACs with output comparators

    OCR Scan
    G171/176 SC1148x 256x18 80MHz 44-pin 28-pin 16-bit PDF


    Abstract: INMOS G171 G176
    Text: sep s tow IMS G 174 true colour palette-DAC with “PixMix mos Advance information The information in this document is subject to change PCIk PixMix CD[1:0] VSync BianR Iref FEATURES FEATURES • Triple 6 or 8-bit DACs with output comparators Pixel rates up to 85MHz

    OCR Scan
    85MHz 44-pin G171/176 SC1148x 16-bit 24-bit sup02 G-174 INMOS G171 G176 PDF

    mda to vga converter

    Abstract: cga ega to vga converter cga to vga converter cga ega vga converter HERCULES Graphics Controller OTI-037 G171 ims g171 inmos ims g171 cga to vga interface
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY, INC._ 0TI-036/0TI-037 IBM-COMPATIBLE VGA CHIP SET FEATURES OTI-036 VGA-COMPATIBLE COLOR PALETTE CONTROLLER OTI-037 VIDEO GRAPHICS CONTROLLER • Pixel rates of 50 MHz OTI-036-50 and 35 MHz (OT1-036-35) • 256 * 18 bit color palette

    OCR Scan
    0TI-036/0TI-037 OTI-036-50) OT1-036-35) 28-pin OTI-036 OTI-037 100-pin OTI-031 OTI-032 OTI-033 mda to vga converter cga ega to vga converter cga to vga converter cga ega vga converter HERCULES Graphics Controller G171 ims g171 inmos ims g171 cga to vga interface PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Preliminary Am81C176 Advanced Micro Devices CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Plug-in Replacement for Inmos G171 and G176 ■ VGA hardware and software compatible Triple 6-bit DigltaMo-Analog Converters DACs RS-170A compatible RGB outputs

    OCR Scan
    Am81C176 RS-170A 28-pin 32-pin ----11912-017A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Preliminary Am81C176 Advanced Micro Devices CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Plug-In Replacement for Inmos G171 and G176 a Triple 6-blt Dlgital-to-Analog Converters DACs ■ RS-170A compatible RGB outputs ■ VGA hardware and software compatible

    OCR Scan
    Am81C176 28-pin 32-pin RS-170A 1912-017A 81c176 PDF


    Abstract: ims g171 RS-170A imsg171 INMOS G171 176 256 color 32-PIN C176 G171 RS170
    Text: Preliminary Advanced Micro Devices Am81C176 CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Plug-in Replacement for Inmos G171 and G176 ■ VGA hardware and software compatible Triple 6-bit DigitaMo-Analog Converters DACs RS-170A compatible RGB outputs

    OCR Scan
    Am81C176 28-pin 32-pin RS-170A Am8lC176 1912-017A LM334 1912-018A ARA10 ims g171 imsg171 INMOS G171 176 256 color C176 G171 RS170 PDF


    Abstract: INMOS G171 32-PIN C176 RS170 RS-170A ims g171 G176
    Text: Preliminary Advanced Micro Devices Am81C176 CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Plug-in Replacement for Inmos G171 and G176 ■ VGA hardware and software compatible Triple 6-bit DigitaMo-Analog Converters DACs RS-170A compatible RGB outputs

    OCR Scan
    Am81C176 28-pin 32-pin RS-170A Am8lC176 2-017A LM334 1912-018A G171 INMOS G171 C176 RS170 ims g171 G176 PDF

    64X16 led matrix

    Abstract: TDA8172A 12v 400W AUDIO AMPLIFIER TEA2037 tda2824s TDA8214A CQFP-100 12v 40w tda2040 amplifier circuit tda2030 CQFP100
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE For detailed information on products referred to in the selection guide but not included as datasheet in this book, please refer to the databook indicated in column "DB" SG S-THOMSON DATABOOKS DB O RDER CODE a 4 BIT MCU FAMILY ET9400 DBET9400ST/1

    OCR Scan
    ET9400 EF6801/04/05 CB12000 ISB12000 ISB9000 ISB18000 ST6326/27/28/ ST6356/57/58 ST6340/42/44/46 64X16 led matrix TDA8172A 12v 400W AUDIO AMPLIFIER TEA2037 tda2824s TDA8214A CQFP-100 12v 40w tda2040 amplifier circuit tda2030 CQFP100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Preliminary Advanced Micro Devices A m 81C 176 CMOS Color Palette DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Triple 6-bit Digital-to-Analog Converters DACs ■ Plug-in Replacement for Inmos G171 and G176 ■ VGA hardware and software compatible ■ Clock rates up to 80 MHz

    OCR Scan
    28-pin 32-pin RS-170A 256x18 Am81C176 WCP-12 5M-5/89-0 PDF

    ims g171

    Abstract: D28D DAC0630 DAC0630CCD DAC0631 DAC0631CCD DAC0631CCN DAC0630C 96361 96364
    Text: DAC0630/DAC0631 National AA Semiconductor DAC0630/ DAC0631 Triple 6-Bit Video DAC with Color Palette General Description Features The DAC0630 and DAC0631 are monolithic triple 6-bit video digital-to-analog converters with on-chip 256 x 18 bit color palettes and are intended for graphics applications. The col­

    OCR Scan
    DAC0630/DAC0631 DAC0630 DAC0631 DAC0630) DAC0631) G171-50 ims g171 D28D DAC0630CCD DAC0631CCD DAC0631CCN DAC0630C 96361 96364 PDF

    ims g171

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DAC0630/DAC0631 National Semiconductor DAC0630/DAC0631 Triple 6-Bit Video DAC with Color Palette General Description Features The DAC0630 and DAC0631 are monolithic triple 6 -bit video digital-to-analog converters with on-chip 256 x 18 bit color palettes and are intended for graphics applications. The col­

    OCR Scan
    DAC0630/DAC0631 DAC0630/DAC0631 DAC0630 DAC0631 DAC0630) DAC0631) ims g171 PDF


    Abstract: GHOST CHIP LF
    Text: DAC0630/DAC0631 g n National Æjâ Semiconductor DAC0630/DAC0631 Triple 6-Bit Video DAC with Color Palette General Description Features The DAC0630 and DAC0631 are monolithic triple 6 -bit video digital-to-analog converters with on-chip 256 x 18 bit color

    OCR Scan
    DAC0630/DAC0631 DAC0630 DAC0631 DAC0630) DAC0631) G171-50 9636L GHOST CHIP LF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-036 COLOR PALETTE WITH TRIPLE 6-BIT DAC DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Pixel Rates of 5 0 MHz OTI-036-50 and 35 MHz (OTI-036-35) • 256 x 18 Bit C olor Palette • 256K possible Colors • Color Palette R ead-back • Three Internal 6-Bit DACs

    OCR Scan
    OTI-036 OTI-036-50) OTI-036-35) 28-Pin OTI-036, LM334 PDF


    Abstract: ims g171 inmos IMSG171 g171 UM70C171 GHOST CHIP LF
    Text: UNICORN MI CR OEL ECTR ONIC S SHE D • T2?a7flfl 0Q0Q317 b ■ EE 3 3 5 % s Fa T - ^ a - 3 3 - ^ 3 U M 7 0 C 1 71 Color Palette With Triple 6-Bit DAC PRELIMINARY Feature* Composite Blank Pixel Rates o f 35 MHz 256 x 18 Bit Color Palette 256K possible Colors

    OCR Scan
    T2767AA UM70C171 UM70C171 LM334 IN457 10//F 10flF NS3904 imsg171 ims g171 inmos IMSG171 g171 GHOST CHIP LF PDF

    ims g171

    Abstract: OTI-034 OTI-036 OTI-036-35 UZDC ot103 OTIO
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-036 COLOR PALETTE W ITH TRIPLE 6-BIT DAC DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Pixel Rates of 50 MHz OTI-036-50 and 35 MHz (OTI-036-35) The OTI-036, a monolithic triple 6-bit video digital-to-analog converters with on-chip 256 x 18 Bit color palettes is

    OCR Scan
    OTI-036 OTI-036-50) OTI-036-35) 28-Pin OTI-036, LM334 ims g171 OTI-034 OTI-036 OTI-036-35 UZDC ot103 OTIO PDF


    Abstract: ims g171 G171 UM70C171 diode gi 3106
    Text: UNICORN MICROELECTRONICS SHE D • T27Ö70Ö 0000317 b T - ^ a - 3 3 - ^ 3 UM 70C 171 U M y Color Palette With Triple 6-Bit DAC P R E L IM IN A R Y Feature* ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Composite Blank Pixel Rates of 35 MHz 256 x 18 Bit Color Palette 256K possible Colors

    OCR Scan
    T-n-33- UM70C171 UM70C171 10//F LM334 NS3904 10flF 200mV LM611. NS3904 ims g171 G171 diode gi 3106 PDF


    Abstract: inmos IMSG171 NS3904 ims g171 UM70C171 lm1201 75III OTC 3106
    Text: UNICORN MICROELECTRONICS SHE D • T27Ö70Ö 0000317 b 3 3 5 % -JS j g "— a T-^a-33-^3 U M 70C171 ÜMO Color Palette With Triple 6-Bit DAC PRELIMINARY Features Composite Blank

    OCR Scan
    T-S2-33-9-3 UM70C171 UM7QC171 10/iF LM334 -T-10JUF NS3904 LM611. -33-V-3 imsg171 inmos IMSG171 NS3904 ims g171 UM70C171 lm1201 75III OTC 3106 PDF

    tag 8514

    Abstract: C8800 WD9500 IBM vga registers ibm 8514 line polygon 386 AT chipset western+digital+8514
    Text: WD9500 Chip Set INTRODUCTION 1 .0 IN TR O D U C TIO N The Western Digital Imaging WD9500-SET1 is a set of two proprietary VLSI chips Pixel Address Manager and Pixel Data Manager . These chips are designed to serve as the primary components of intelligent high-resolution graphics add-in

    OCR Scan
    WD9500 256Kx4 120ns 8514/A 132-Pin WD9500-SET1 tag 8514 C8800 IBM vga registers ibm 8514 line polygon 386 AT chipset western+digital+8514 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WE ST ER N D I G I T A L CORF^ MIE D D cJ71fl22fl O D D ^ a ? IM A G IN G T BUDC T '5 i- 3 WD9500 PWGA Enhanced 8514/A Compatible Chip Set 32S WESTERN DIGITAL /Ù WESTERN D IG IT A L CORP M IE D E3 =1710220 000=1330 0 E3ÜIDC WD9500 Chip Set

    OCR Scan
    J71fl22fl WD9500 8514/A WD9500 T-52-33-45 8514/a PDF