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    IGBT MODULE APPLICATION Result Highlights (5)

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    LBUA5QJ2AB-828EVB Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE EVALUATION KIT Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MYC0409-NA-EVM Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 72W, Charge Pump Module, non-isolated DC/DC Converter, Evaluation board Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    IGBT MODULE APPLICATION Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE75BA60 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GAE75BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across IGBT.

    GAE75BA60 E76102 GAE75BA60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE75BA60 UL;E76102 (M) SanRex IGBT Module GAE75BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across IGBT.

    GAE75BA60 E76102 GAE75BA60 3-M5depth12mm VCES600V 31MAX 32MAX IC75A PDF


    Abstract: GAE150BA60 GAE75BA60 sanrex IGBT GH-039 GH-038
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE75BA60 UL;E76102 (M) SanRex IGBT Module GAE75BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across IGBT.

    GAE75BA60 E76102 GAE75BA60 3-M5depth12mm VCES600V 31MAX 32MAX IC75A GAE100BA60 GAE150BA60 sanrex IGBT GH-039 GH-038 PDF


    Abstract: FS800R06A2E3
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FS800R06A2E3 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules HybridPACK2 Modul mit Trench/Feldstop IGBT³ und Emitter Controlled Diode HybridPACK2 module with trench/fieldstop IGBT³ and Emitter Controlled diode IGBT-Wechselrichter / IGBT-inverter

    FS800R06A2E3 Y1600 FS800R06A2E3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FD600R17KF6C_B2 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules 1700V IGBT Modul mit low loss IGBT der 2.ten Generation und softer EmCon Diode 1700V IGBT Module with low loss IGBT of 2nd generation and soft EmCon Diode IGBT-Wechselrichter / IGBT-inverter

    FD600R17KF6C PDF


    Abstract: FD1600 1200R ulw diode
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FD1600/1200R17KF6C_B2 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules 1700V IGBT Modul mit low loss IGBT der 2.ten Generation und softer EmCon Diode 1700V IGBT Module with low loss IGBT of 2nd generation and soft EmCon Diode IGBT-Wechselrichter / IGBT-inverter

    FD1600/1200R17KF6C 55F32 FD1600 1200R ulw diode PDF


    Abstract: jc31 welder inverter
    Text: IGBT MODULE GSA400BA60 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GSA400BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and with a fast switching, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across each IGBT.

    GSA400BA60 E76102 GSA400BA60 jc31 welder inverter PDF

    igbt 1200v 600a

    Abstract: GSA300AA120 INVERTER FOR motor Inverter Welder sanrex IGBT 30v igbt gate ratings welder inverter Soft Recovery Diode 30V 600A igbt
    Text: IGBT MODULE GSA300AA120 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GSA300AA120 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and with a fast switching, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across each IGBT.

    GSA300AA120 E76102 GSA300AA120 igbt 1200v 600a INVERTER FOR motor Inverter Welder sanrex IGBT 30v igbt gate ratings welder inverter Soft Recovery Diode 30V 600A igbt PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IGBT MODULE GSA300AA120 UL;E76102 (M) SanRex IGBT Module GSA300AA120 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and with a fast switching, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across IGBT.

    GSA300AA120 E76102 GSA300AA120 Ic300A VCES1200V depth11mm 63MAX 25MAX 36MAX 109MAX PDF

    dc welder

    Abstract: sanrex IGBT welder inverter AC welder IGBT circuit igbt ac motor speed control IGBT welder circuit GSA400AA120
    Text: IGBT MODULE GSA400AA120 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GSA400AA120 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and with a fast switching, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across each IGBT.

    GSA400AA120 E76102 GSA400AA120 dc welder sanrex IGBT welder inverter AC welder IGBT circuit igbt ac motor speed control IGBT welder circuit PDF


    Abstract: FS800R07 diode 2dl C0148 JG4100 FS800 kb 61
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FS800R07A2E3 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules HybridPACK 2 Modul mit Trench/Feldstop IGBT³ und Emitter Controlled Diode HybridPACK 2 module with trench/fieldstop IGBT³ and Emitter Controlled diode IGBT-Wechselrichter / IGBT-inverter

    FS800R07A2E3 FS800R07A2E3 FS800R07 diode 2dl C0148 JG4100 FS800 kb 61 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FP100R06KE3 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules EconoPIM 3 Modul mit schnellem Trench/Feldstopp IGBT³ und EmCon3 Diode EconoPIM™3 module with fast trench/fiedstop IGBT³ and EmCon3 diode IGBT-Wechselrichter / IGBT-inverter

    FP100R06KE3 FP100R06KE3 PDF


    Abstract: VCES1200V
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE75AA120 UL;E76102 (M) SanRex IGBT Module GAE75AA120 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE75AA120 E76102 GAE75AA120 31MAX 32MAX VCES1200V IC75A 3-M5depth12mm VCES1200V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE150BA60 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GAE150BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE150BA60 E76102 GAE150BA60 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE100BA60 UL;E76102 (M) SanRex IGBT Module GAE100BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE100BA60 E76102 GAE100BA60 31MAX 32MAX VCES600V IC100A 3-M5depth12mm PDF

    igbt module

    Abstract: sanrex IGBT GAE75AA120
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE75AA120 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GAE75AA120 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE75AA120 E76102 GAE75AA120 igbt module sanrex IGBT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE100AA120 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GAE100AA120 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE100AA120 E76102 GAE100AA120 PDF


    Abstract: diode 6-7
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE100AA120 UL;E76102 (M) SanRex IGBT Module GAE100AA120 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE100AA120 E76102 GAE100AA120 31MAX 32MAX VCES1200V IC100A 3-M5depth12mm diode 6-7 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE150BA60 UL;E76102 (M) SanRex IGBT Module GAE150BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE150BA60 E76102 GAE150BA60 95MAX 3-M5depth12mm VCES600V 49MAX IC150A 31MAX PDF

    600V 200A igbt MOTOR SPEED CONTROL

    Abstract: GAE200BA60 diode 230 IGBT 600V 200A
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE200BA60 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GAE200BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE200BA60 E76102 GAE200BA60 600V 200A igbt MOTOR SPEED CONTROL diode 230 IGBT 600V 200A PDF


    Abstract: sanrex IGBT
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE200AA120 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GAE200AA120 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE200AA120 E76102 GAE200AA120 sanrex IGBT PDF


    Abstract: GATE VOLTAGE FOR 100A ,300V IGBT
    Text: IGBT MODULE GAE100BA60 UL;E76102 M SanRex IGBT Module GAE100BA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and contains IGBT connected with clamp diode in series, soft recovery diode trr=0.1 s reverse connected across

    GAE100BA60 E76102 GAE100BA60 GATE VOLTAGE FOR 100A ,300V IGBT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technische Information / technical information FF300R17ME3 IGBT-Module IGBT-modules EconoDUAL 3 Modul mit Trench/Feldstop IGBT³ und EmCon3 Diode EconoDUAL™3 module with trench/fieldstop IGBT³ and EmCon3 diode IGBT-Wechselrichter / IGBT-inverter Vorläufige Daten / preliminary data

    FF300R17ME3 FF300R17ME3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IGBT MODULE 7^1243 DOOnAO 2fll GSA400AA60 SanRex IGBT Module GSA400AA60 is designed for high speed, high current switching applications. This Module is electrically isolated and with a fast switching, soft recovery diode tr r = 0 . 1/zs reverse connected across each IGBT.

    OCR Scan
    GSA400AA60 GSA400AA60 PDF