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    Harris Semiconductor ICL7555IBA

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    Quest Components ICL7555IBA 66
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    Harris Semiconductor ICL7555CBA

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    Quest Components ICL7555CBA 52
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    • 10 $14.7072
    • 100 $13.6042
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    Intel Corporation ICL7555IPA

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    Intersil Corporation ICL7555IBAZ

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    Intersil Corporation ICL7555IPAZ

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    Abstract: a to d converter using ic 555 timer ic3 555 timer Analog Digital Converter by using 555 MAX190 555 timer 555 timer datasheet ic 555 timer Ic4 555 AN43
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A CONVERSION/SAMPLING CIRCUITS Keywords: a/d converters, analog digital converter, MAX190, ICL7555, 555, timer, low power, average power, ADC, A/D, mW, uW, power on Jul 09, 1998 APPLICATION NOTE 43 12-Bit Sampling A/D Converter Conserves Power

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ICM7243 Data Sheet March 4, 2010 8-Character, Microprocessor-Compatible, LED Display Decoder Driver The ICM7243 is an 8-character, alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to interface a microprocessor or digital system to a 14-segment

    ICM7243 ICM7243 14-segment 16-segment 64-character FN3162 PDF


    Abstract: 80C35 16-SEGMENT ICM7243 ICM7243AIM44Z ICM7243AIPLZ TB347 IC sequential DATA BASE
    Text: ICM7243 Data Sheet March 4, 2010 8-Character, Microprocessor-Compatible, LED Display Decoder Driver The ICM7243 is an 8-character, alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to interface a microprocessor or digital system to a 14-segment

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    replacement for udn2981

    Abstract: icl7555 replacement for icl7660 LT751M MIC4427 MIC2940 lm555 texas KA3843 LM2575 UC2575
    Text: Device Replacement You are in Databook Vol. 1 • Click for Main Menu Micrel Device Replacement Cross Reference Part Number Allegro/Sprague A8184 A8187 A8188 UCN4807 UCN5800 UCN5801 UCN5810 UCN5812 UCN5818 UCN5821 UCN5822 UCN5841 UCN5842 UCN5891 UDN2981 UDN2982

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    Abstract: ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY driver common cathode 14-segment display driver ICM7243AIPL 14-SEGMENT 16-SEGMENT ICM7243 ICM7243AIJL ICM7243BIJL IM6403
    Text: ICM7243 8-Character, MicroprocessorCompatible, LED Display Decoder Driver August 1997 Features Description • 14-Segment and 16-Segment Fonts with Decimal Point The ICM7243 is an 8-character, alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to

    ICM7243 14-Segment 16-Segment ICM7243 14-segment 64-character 200kHz. icl7555 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY driver common cathode 14-segment display driver ICM7243AIPL ICM7243AIJL ICM7243BIJL IM6403 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8-Character, 16-Segment, Microprocessor Compatible, LED Display Decoder Driver ICM7245 Features The ICM7245 is an 8-character, alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to interface a microprocessor or digital system to a 16-segment

    16-Segment, ICM7245 ICM7245 16-segment 64-character 5M-1982. 12o-16o FN8587 PDF


    Abstract: led driver sequential resistance ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY driver equivalent for 2N2219 common cathode 14-segment display driver 80c48
    Text: ICM7243 S E M I C O N D U C T O R 8-Character, MicroprocessorCompatible, LED Display Decoder Driver August 1997 Features Description • 14-Segment and 16-Segment Fonts with Decimal Point The ICM7243 is an 8-character, alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to

    ICM7243 ICM7243 14-segment 16-segment 64-character 400Hz ICM7243B) icl7555 led driver sequential resistance ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY driver equivalent for 2N2219 common cathode 14-segment display driver 80c48 PDF


    Abstract: ICL7555 ICM7243BIJL 80C35 14-SEGMENT 16-SEGMENT ICM7243 ICM7243AIJL ICM7243AIPL IM6403
    Text: ICM7243 S E M I C O N D U C T O R 8-Character µP-Compatible LED Display Decoder Driver December 1993 Features Description • 14-Segment and 16-Segment Fonts With Decimal Point The ICM7243 is an 8-character alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to

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    Abstract: ICL7650 LM741 ICL7652S ICL7660 L7650CTV ICL7650CSD
    Text: 19-0960; Rev 2; 1/00 Chopper-Stabilized Op Amps A 14-pin version is available that can be used with either an internal or external clock. The 14-pin version has an output voltage clamp circuit to minimize overload recovery time. Features ♦ ICL7650/53 are Improved Second Sources to

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCED LINEAR DEVICES, INC. ALD7555/ALD7556 SINGLE/DUAL CMOS ANALOG RC TIMER GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ALD7555/ALD7556 timers are high performance single/dual monolithic analog RC timing circuits. They offer significantly upgraded performance in speed, leakage currents, supply current, stability, temperature

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    Abstract: ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY driver 80c48 2N2219 transistor application of sequential circuit transistor 2N2219 data sheet 16-SEGMENT HD6402 ICM7244 ICM7244AIM44Z
    Text: ICM7244 Data Sheet May 30, 2008 8-Character, MicroprocessorCompatible, LED Display Decoder Driver The ICM7244 is an 8-character, alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to interface a microprocessor or digital system to a 16-segment

    ICM7244 ICM7244 16-segment 64-character FN6675 icl7555 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY driver 80c48 2N2219 transistor application of sequential circuit transistor 2N2219 data sheet 16-SEGMENT HD6402 ICM7244AIM44Z PDF

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    Abstract: eltek smps 1000 Eltek smps 250 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 eltek smps 600 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3843 -96 eltek smps 1500 eltek smps 1500 si ELTEK SMPS 1800 si SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UC3842
    Text: You are in Databook Vol 2a • Click for Main Menu Product Categories CLICK ANY ITEM Return to Main Menu Volume 2a Table of Contents Volume 2a Part Number and App. Note/Hint Index General Information PC Card Power Protected Switches Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators

    Hint-29 MIC5158 IRLZ44 CD4093BC 1N914 470pF IRFZ44 smps 1000 eltek eltek smps 1000 Eltek smps 250 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 eltek smps 600 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3843 -96 eltek smps 1500 eltek smps 1500 si ELTEK SMPS 1800 si SMPS CIRCUIT DIAGRAM UC3842 PDF

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    Abstract: eltek smps 1000 si 48v icl7555 motorola analog ICs vol.1 motorola analog POWER ICs vol.1 eltek smps 1000 eltek smps 1500 Flatpack 1500 48V uc3844 schematic diagram 24v dc dc smps power circuit using ka3842
    Text: You are in Databook Vol. 1 • Click for Main Menu Product Categories CLICK ANY ITEM Return to Main Menu Volume 1 Table of Contents Volume 1 Part Number and App. Note/Hint Index General Information PC Card Power Protected Switches Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators

    16-pin 300-inch 150-inch 300-inch 150-inch/0 SO-16 eltek SMPS 1500 48V eltek smps 1000 si 48v icl7555 motorola analog ICs vol.1 motorola analog POWER ICs vol.1 eltek smps 1000 eltek smps 1500 Flatpack 1500 48V uc3844 schematic diagram 24v dc dc smps power circuit using ka3842 PDF

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    Abstract: eltek smps 600 24v smps circuit using ka3842 Marking Code SMD CM sot-23-5 AS Eltek smps 250 smps power circuit using ka3842 pwm schematic inverter uc2844 atx power supply UC3842 diagram uc3844 schematic diagram 24v dc dc UC3843 smps diagrams
    Text: You are in Databook Vol. 3 • Click for Main Menu Product Categories CLICK ANY ITEM Return to Main Menu Volume 3 Table of Contents Volume 3 Part Number and App. Note/Hint Index General Information PC Card Power Protected Switches Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators

    400mW 625mW MIC5204BS OT-223 MIC5204 eltek smps 1000 si 48v eltek smps 600 24v smps circuit using ka3842 Marking Code SMD CM sot-23-5 AS Eltek smps 250 smps power circuit using ka3842 pwm schematic inverter uc2844 atx power supply UC3842 diagram uc3844 schematic diagram 24v dc dc UC3843 smps diagrams PDF

    MITEL cross reference

    Abstract: ka3842 application notes ka3842 equivalent uc3842 ka3842 equivalent LP2989 CROSS UC3845 dc dc applications KA3843 TP2330 UDN2981 application note RT9179 cross reference
    Text: Analog Cross Reference Allegro Sprague Part Number Direct Cross(1) A8184 MIC5207 A8187 MIC5207 A8188 MIC5209 UCN4807 MIC4807 UCN5800 MIC5800 UCN5801 MIC5801 UCN5821 MIC5821 UCN5822 MIC5822 UCN5841 MIC5841 UCN5842 MIC5842 UCN5891 MIC5891 UDN2981 MIC2981 UDN2982

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    Abstract: MAX7650 ICL7650 application notes ICL7650CSD LM741 op amp and circuit LM741 op07 oscillator ICL7650CPA ICL7650CPD ICL7650CSA
    Text: 19-0960; Rev 2; 1/00 Chopper-Stabilized Op Amps A 14-pin version is available that can be used with either an internal or external clock. The 14-pin version has an output voltage clamp circuit to minimize overload recovery time. Features ♦ ICL7650/53 are Improved Second Sources to

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    SOP8 8002 Amplifier

    Abstract: SCR s838 TRANSISTOR s838 4606 MOSFET INVERTER transistor SMD DK QB Marking Code SMD CM sot-23-5 4606 inverter reg EL34 SMD MOSFET DRIVE DATASHEET 4606 voltage regulator SOT-223-4 C5 87
    Text: Shortform Catalog June 2003 Micrel Semiconductor • 1849 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • tel +1 408 944-0800 • fax +1 408 944-0970 Micrel Shortform Catalog June 2003 2003 Micrel, Inc. The information furnished by Micrel, Inc., in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Micrel for its use, nor any

    TinyFE81090 M-0009 SOP8 8002 Amplifier SCR s838 TRANSISTOR s838 4606 MOSFET INVERTER transistor SMD DK QB Marking Code SMD CM sot-23-5 4606 inverter reg EL34 SMD MOSFET DRIVE DATASHEET 4606 voltage regulator SOT-223-4 C5 87 PDF


    Abstract: SMD MOSFET DRIVE DATASHEET 4606 mosfet cross reference inverter 4606 A12A 4606 inverter ic eltek flatpack LED DRIVER ana 618 uc3843 inverter circuit 4606 inverter KA3843
    Text: Shortform Catalog February 2001 Micrel Semiconductor • 1849 Fortune Drive • San Jose, CA 95131 • USA • +1 408 944-0800 • +1 408 944-0970 Micrel Shortform Catalog February 2001 2001 Micrel, Inc. The information furnished by Micrel, Inc., in this publication is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Micrel for its use, nor any


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    Abstract: LP2989 CROSS lt1232 TP2330 semiconductor cross index replacement for udn2981 KA3843 ka3842 equivalent UCN5821 equivalent microsemi cross index
    Text: Analog Cross Reference Allegro Sprague Part Number Direct Cross(1) Functional Cross(2) A8184 MIC5207 A8187 MIC5207 A8188 MIC5209 UCN4807 Comments MIC4807 UCN5800 MIC5800 UCN5801 MIC5801 UCN5821 MIC5821 UCN5822 MIC5822 UCN5841 MIC5841 UCN5842 MIC5842 UCN5891

    A8184 A8187 MIC5207 A8188 MIC5209 UCN4807 MIC4807 UCN5800 MIC5800 ka3842 equivalent uc3842 LP2989 CROSS lt1232 TP2330 semiconductor cross index replacement for udn2981 KA3843 ka3842 equivalent UCN5821 equivalent microsemi cross index PDF


    Abstract: common cathode 14-segment display driver ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY DRIVER 16 seg led ICM7243BIJL ICM7243 ICM7243AIJL ICM7243AIPL 14-SEGMENT 16-SEGMENT
    Text: ICM7243 8-Character, MicroprocessorCompatible, LED Display Decoder Driver August 1997 Features Description • 14-Segment and 16-Segment Fonts with Decimal Point The ICM7243 is an 8-character, alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to

    ICM7243 14-Segment 16-Segment ICM7243 14-segment 64-character icl7555 common cathode 14-segment display driver ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY DRIVER 16 seg led ICM7243BIJL ICM7243AIJL ICM7243AIPL PDF


    Abstract: eltek rectifier module circuit diagram IRF830 smps design with TL431 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 UC3842 smps design with TL431 3842 smps battery charger circuit electronic transformer halogen ret 220c 500 WATT smps using ka3844 eltek smps 1000 si 48v tpa 5017
    Text: You are in Databook Vol. 2b • Click for Main Menu Product Categories CLICK ANY ITEM Return to Main Menu Volume 2b Table of Contents Volume 2b Part Number and App. Note/Hint Index General Information PC Card Power Protected Switches Low-Dropout Linear Voltage Regulators

    MIC5014. MIC5014 SN54COO IRLZ24 1N754 MIC5016BN 100pF SD MOSFET DRIVE 4468 8 PIN eltek rectifier module circuit diagram IRF830 smps design with TL431 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 UC3842 smps design with TL431 3842 smps battery charger circuit electronic transformer halogen ret 220c 500 WATT smps using ka3844 eltek smps 1000 si 48v tpa 5017 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m H W S E M IC O N D U C T O R A R R ICM7243 IS 8-Character jxP-Compatible LED Display Decoder Driver December 1993 Features Description • 14-Segment and 16-Segment Fonts W ith Decimal Point The ICM7243 is an 8-character alphanumeric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to

    OCR Scan
    ICM7243 14-Segment 16-Segment ICM7243 14-segment 64-character 400Hz ICM7243B) PDF


    Abstract: HDSP-6508 ICL7555 HDSP6508 LR3784R ICM72438 HDSP-6300 decoder ic LED drive CM724 IC sequential
    Text: IC M 7 2 4 3 ICM 7243 ff H A R R IS V I S E M I C O N D U C T O R 8-C haracter jixP-Compatible LED Display Decoder Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The ICM7243 is an 8-character alphanumeric display driv­ er and controller which provides all the circuitry required to

    OCR Scan
    16-Segment 64-Character ICM7243 ICM7243A/6 80C36 40C4I 80C48 MAN2815 HDSP-6508 ICL7555 HDSP6508 LR3784R ICM72438 HDSP-6300 decoder ic LED drive CM724 IC sequential PDF


    Abstract: ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY driver decoder Ic led display board 7 segment common cathode counter decoder
    Text: ICM7243 Semiconductor 8-Character, MicroprocessorCompatible, LED Display Decoder Driver August 1997 Features Description • 14-Segm ent and 16-Segm ent Fonts with Decimal Point The ICM7243 is an 8-character, alphanum eric display driver and controller which provides all the circuitry required to

    OCR Scan
    ICM7243 14-Segment 16-Segment 64-Character ICM7243AIJL ICM7243AIPL ICM7243BIJL 300ns, 400Hz ICM7243B) icl7555 ALPHANUMERIC DISPLAY driver decoder Ic led display board 7 segment common cathode counter decoder PDF