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    8032 microcontroller uart programming

    Abstract: uPSD3400 uPSD3433E-40U6 uPSD3433EV-40T6 uPSD3433EV-40U6
    Text: µPSD3400 Turbo Plus Series Fast 8032 Microcontroller with USB and programmable logic STMicroelectronics’ µPSD3400* Turbo Plus is a powerful 8051-based microcontroller with full-speed USB. The flexible memory structure, programmable logic, and rich peripheral set,

    PSD3400 PSD3400* 8051-based uPSD3400 256KB 40MHz 16-bit 40MHz, 8032 microcontroller uart programming uPSD3433E-40U6 uPSD3433EV-40T6 uPSD3433EV-40U6 PDF


    Abstract: UPSD3333D TQFP80 8032 microcontroller uart programming 32kb flash memory interfacing with 8051 TQFP52 turbo timer UPSD3312D-40T6 uPSD3312DV-40T6 simple of 8051 microcontroller
    Text: µPSD3300 series Turbo 8032 Microcontroller with Programmable Logic The Turbo µPSD3300* family combines a powerful 8051-based microcontroller with a flexible memory structure, programmable logic and a rich peripheral mix, including analog and supervisor functions, to form an ideal

    PSD3300 PSD3300* 8051-based uPSD3300 256KB 40MHz progra481 40MHz, 16-bit UPSD3333D TQFP80 8032 microcontroller uart programming 32kb flash memory interfacing with 8051 TQFP52 turbo timer UPSD3312D-40T6 uPSD3312DV-40T6 simple of 8051 microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C365 INTRODUCTION The WDC W65C365 microcomputer is a complete fully static 32-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a Hi-Rel low power CMOS process. The W65C365 complements an established and growing line of W65C products and has a wide range of microcomputer

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    W65C365 W65C365 32-bit W65C832S 16-bit W65C832S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C265 INTRODUCTION The WDC W65C265 microcomputer is a complete fully static 16-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a Hi-Rel low power CMOS process. The W65C265 complements an established and growing line of W65C products and has a wide range of microcomputer

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    W65C265 W65C265 16-bit W65C816S W65C832 PDF


    Abstract: APPLE A6 CHIP 65816 Microprocessor p45 apple BS213 p66 apple bl p76 Apple A6 application processor 65C02 W65C02S
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C265 INTRODUCTION The WDC W65C265 microcomputer is a complete fully static 16-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a Hi-Rel low power CMOS process. The W65C265 complements an established and growing line of W65C products and has a wide range of microcomputer

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    W65C265 W65C265 16-bit W65C816S 65C265 APPLE A6 CHIP 65816 Microprocessor p45 apple BS213 p66 apple bl p76 Apple A6 application processor 65C02 W65C02S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C365 INTRODUCTION The WDC W65C365 microcomputer is a complete fully static 32-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a Hi-Rel low power CMOS process. The W65C365 complements an established and growing line of W65C products and has a wide range of microcomputer

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    W65C365 W65C365 32-bit W65C832S 16-bit W65C832S PDF

    CMOS 65C02

    Abstract: W65C832S apple 2 cp/m p51 apple apple A5 processor Z16B APPLE A6 CHIP 65816 Microprocessor APPLE A5 CHIP 555 timer 20 khz square wave generator
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C365 INTRODUCTION The WDC W65C365 microcomputer is a complete fully static 32-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a Hi-Rel low power CMOS process. The W65C365 complements an established and growing line of W65C products and has a wide range of microcomputer

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    W65C365 W65C365 32-bit W65C832S 16-bit CMOS 65C02 W65C832S apple 2 cp/m p51 apple apple A5 processor Z16B APPLE A6 CHIP 65816 Microprocessor APPLE A5 CHIP 555 timer 20 khz square wave generator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: irrte1 80C188EC-16, -13 16-BIT HIGH-INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR • Full Static Operation ■ True CMOS Inputs and Outputs ■ - 40°C to + 85°C Operating Temperature Range Integrated Feature Set: — Low-Power, Static, Enhanced 8088 CPU Core — Two Independent DMA Supported

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    80C188EC-16, 16-BIT 32-Bit 16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i 80C186EC-16, -13 16-BIT HIGH-INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR • Full Static Operation ■ True CMOS Inputs and Outputs ■ - 40°C to + 85°C Operating Temperature Range Integrated Feature Set: — Low-Power, Static, Enhanced 8086 CPU Core — Two Independent DMA Supported

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    80C186EC-16, 16-BIT 32-Bit 16-Bit PDF

    interfacing 8259A to the 8086

    Abstract: noble tv tcl diagram 8086 opcode sheet int 8OC186 8OC186EC-16 pfw01 8086 ic tester circuit diagram cmps a13 80C186EC 80C186EC-13
    Text: • ■ I [P R © y © T P ^ H ¥ D 1 in te i 80C186EC-16 -13 16-BIT HIGH-INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR ■ Full Static Operation ■ True CMOS Inputs and Outputs ■ —40°C to + 85°C Operating Tem perature Range Integrated Feature Set: — Low-Power, Static, Enhanced 8086

    OCR Scan
    PFW01 80C186EC-16 16-BIT 32-Bit 16-Bit interfacing 8259A to the 8086 noble tv tcl diagram 8086 opcode sheet int 8OC186 8OC186EC-16 pfw01 8086 ic tester circuit diagram cmps a13 80C186EC 80C186EC-13 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • . ! [p [F § @ y g T [PiFSEW O i in t e l® 80C188EC-16 “13 16-BIT HIGH-INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR ■ Full Static Operation ■ True CMOS Inputs and Outputs ■ - 40°C to + 85°C Operating Temperature Range Integrated Feature Set: — Low-Power, Static, Enhanced 8088

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    80C188EC-16 16-BIT 32-Bit 16-Bit PDF

    order 231369

    Abstract: 2L TRANSISTOR
    Text: 44E D in y • 4ÔEbl7S 010Sb20 1 Hi I T U . . . INTEL CORP UP/P RP HL S [p^OIOXyKDT [p[^[l¥DlW ' 7^ ¥ ' 9 - / 7 - /-5 80C188EC-16, -13 16-BIT HIGH-INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR ■ Full Static Operation ■ True CMOS Inputs and Òutputs ■ - 40°C to + 85°C Operating Tem perature Range

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    010Sb20 80C188EC-16, 16-BIT ASM86 Pascal86, iC-86 -186EC) 100-Pin S80C188EC) order 231369 2L TRANSISTOR PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: . . ! [P W P y tg T r a iV D H in tJ . 80C186EC-16, -13 16-BIT HIGH-INTEGRATION EMBEDDED PROCESSOR • Full Static Operation B True CMOS Inputs and Outputs ■ - 40°C to + 85°C Operating Temperature Range Integrated Feature Set: — Low-Power, Static, Enhanced 8086

    OCR Scan
    80C186EC-16, 16-BIT 32-Bit 16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WArAIXXX M/HITE /MICROELECTRONICS A7U\S 68020/68040 PEHPHERAL PROCESSOR [m o d u l a i m m ADVANCE? FEATURES • 68020 and 68040 Microprocessor Interfaces ■ 1553BFterrote Terminal Interface ■ Clock Frequencies: 16, 20, 25 MHz 68020 ■ 16 Ftogrammable Chip Selects

    OCR Scan
    1553BFterrote 447-pin 484-ball 48-bits 84-bail 84-ball PDF


    Abstract: pcs71 p51 apple p66 apple ice UARTO W65C802 65C26 DF-45 65C265S W65C265S
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C265S S E C T IO N 1 W 65C 265S F U N C T IO N D E S C R IP T IO N 1.1 The W 65C 816S Static 8-and 16-bit M icroprocessor Core The W65C816S 16-bit microprocessor is the fully static may be stopped when PHI2 is high or low version of

    OCR Scan
    W65C265S 16-bit W65C816S W65C816 65C02 ACSR30 pcs71 p51 apple p66 apple ice UARTO W65C802 65C26 DF-45 65C265S W65C265S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C265S IN TRO D U CTIO N The WDC W65C265S microcomputer is a complete fully static 16-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a Hi-Rel low power CMOS process. The W65C265S complements an established and growing line

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    W65C265S W65C265S 16-bit W65C816S W65C265SPCB PDF


    Abstract: CMOS 65C02 65C265S
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C265S IN TR O D U C TIO N The W DC W 65C265S microcomputer is a com plete fully static 16-bit computer fabricated on a single chip using a H i-Rel low power CMOS process. The W 65C265S complements an established and growing line

    OCR Scan
    W65C265S W65C265S 16-bit 65C265S 65C816S 65C22S CMOS 65C02 PDF


    Abstract: UPD78P7012 upd787012 uPD787012GC-xxx-7EA 787012 nec ES1200 NEC 787012 D1021 P121t rx6 ats
    Text: NEC NEC Electronics Inc. 787012 USER’S MANUAL HARDWARE EDITION 1994 Document No. 50662 1994 NEC Electronics Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America No pari of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of NEC Electronics Inc. NECEL . The

    OCR Scan
    nPD787012/P7012 MCL-0002C D1Q3135 787012 UPD78P7012 upd787012 uPD787012GC-xxx-7EA 787012 nec ES1200 NEC 787012 D1021 P121t rx6 ats PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION NEC M O S Integrated Circuit V851 32-/16-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The V851 is a single-chip microcontroller that integrates a 32-bit CPU of RISC architecture with ROM, RAM, interrupt controller, real-time pulse unit, and serial interface.

    OCR Scan
    32-/16-BIT 32-bit b4275c PDF

    erm 38b

    Abstract: A5DL I426 UV 471 XA-G1 DR110 exo 38b MO-288 80C51 P51XAG17GBKA
    Text: Prelim inary specification Philips Semiconductors CMOS single-chip 16-bit microcontroller XA-G1 FAMILY DESCRIPTION * Instruction set tailored for high level language support The Philips Semiconductors XA extended Architecture family of 16-bit single-chip microcontrollers is powerful enough to easily

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    16-bit 80C51 erm 38b A5DL I426 UV 471 XA-G1 DR110 exo 38b MO-288 P51XAG17GBKA PDF


    Abstract: cd rom drive block diagram
    Text: PRELIMINARY PRODUCT INFORMATION NEC / MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUI1 _//¿PD780921, 780922, 780923, 78092^ 8-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER Th e ^PD780921, 780922, 780923, and 780924, which are members of the ^iPD780924 subseries of the 78K/0 series, are suited to control general-purpose inverters.

    OCR Scan
    uPD780921 uPD780922 uPD780923 uPD78092 PD780921, iPD780924 78K/0 M-PD78014 PD78018F jiPD78C fX23 cd rom drive block diagram PDF


    Abstract: LH77790A
    Text: OVERVIEW THERMAL & ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATION Portable devices are becoming more and more prevalent in our daily life. They are used as personal information managers, communication devices, digital cameras, handheld games, bar-code scanners, medical equipment, electronic instrumentation, and navi­

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    LH77790A/B 176-Lead 176TQFP TQFP-176-P-2424) TQFP-176-P-2424 LH77790A PDF


    Abstract: arm8 multiplexel
    Text: Thermal & Electrical Specification Overview Portable devices are becoming more and more prevalent in our daily life. They are used as personal information managers, communication devices, digital cameras, handheld games, bar-code scanners, medical equipment, electronic instrumentation, and navigation

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    LH77790B 176-Pin 176TQFP TQFP-176-P-2424) TQFP-176-P-2424 arm8 multiplexel PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WDC THE WESTERN DESIGN CENTER, INC. W65C265S IN T R O D U C T IO N The W D C W 65C265S m icrocom puter is a com plete fully static 16-bit com puter fabricated on a single chip using a H i-R el low pow er CM OS process. T he W 65C265S com plem ents an established and

    OCR Scan
    W65C265S 65C265S 16-bit 65C265S 65C816S PDF