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    IC TB 810 Search Results

    IC TB 810 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D1U74T-W-1600-12-HB4AC Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 1600W, Titanium Efficiency, 74 MM , 12V, 12VSB, Inlet C20, Airflow Back to Front, RoHs Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    D1U54T-M-2500-12-HB4C Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2.5KW 54MM AC/DC 12V WITH 12VDC STBY BACK TO FRONT AIR Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    IC TB 810 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Z86C9320PEC HP30C DD2S173 86c91
    Text: ZIL06 INC 4bE D • =^64043 DD2S173 S P r e l im in a r y P r o d u c t S p e c if ic a t io n T -W -H -u tb Z86C93 CMOS Z8 MULT/DlV MICROCONTROLLER FEATURES ■ Com plete m icrocontroller, 24 I/O lines, and up to 64 Kbytes of addressable external space each tor program

    OCR Scan
    ZIL06 DD2S173 Z86C93 16-bit 32-bit 256-byte G055175 Z86C9320PEC HP30C 86c91 PDF


    Abstract: 5mmX15mm 10ID
    Text: TOSHIBA {DISCRETE/OPTO} 9097250 T O SH IB A Tb D E J TOTVSSO 0D07Mfth 7 <D I S C R E T E / O P T O > SIL IC O N NPN E P IT A X IA L P L A N A R TYPE Unit in nan UHF BAND POWER AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS. FEATURES : . Output Power : P0=6W Min. (f=470MHz, VCc=12.6V, Pi=lW)

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    0D07Mfth 470MHz, 470MHz 2SC2105 07V87 470MKz 5mmx15mm 2SC2105 10ID PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S G S - T H O M S O N ItLIfèTTlfMOiÈS T B A 810S 7W AUDIO AMPLIFIER N O T FOR NEW DESIG N The TB A 810S is a m o n o lith ic integrated c ir­ c u it in a 12-lead quad in -lin e plastic package, intended fo r use as a low frequency class B am plifier. tio n . In ad d itio n, the c irc u it is provided w ith a

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    12-lead PDF

    diode sg 5 ts

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tb r 6367254 M O T O R O LA .SC CXSTRS/R »F|t.3b7HS4 D0Ö1Q0T 1 | ~ 96D F D Ö 1009 MJ10042 MJ10045 MJ10048 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA - r^is*^6-I)esiiiner*s I)ata«8heet >*.*;*?* 25« 5 0 , a n d 1 0 0 A M P E R E N P N S IL IC O N P O W E R D A R L IN G T O N

    OCR Scan
    T-33-3S MJ10042 MJ10045 MJ10048 J10042, MJ10045, IViJ10048 diode sg 5 ts PDF


    Abstract: TBA 810 amplifier TBA810 TBA 810 AT TDA 810 amplifier IRF 810 810S TBA 810 audio amplifier TBA810S TBA810AS
    Text: TBA 810S LINEAR I N T E G R A T E D C I R C U I T S 810AS 7 W AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIER WITH THERMAL SHUT-DOWN T he T B A 810 S is a m o n o lith ic in te g ra te d c ir c u it in a 12-lead q u a d in -lin e p la s tic p a cka g e , in te n d e d fo r use as a lo w fre q u e n c y c la s s B a m p lifie r.

    OCR Scan
    TBA810Ã 12-lead TBA810S/AS 810AS CS-0033/1 810AS TBA 810 amplifier TBA810 TBA 810 AT TDA 810 amplifier IRF 810 810S TBA 810 audio amplifier TBA810S TBA810AS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10 12 13 42776 N O TE S : 1 M A T E R IA L S : HO USING : G L A S S F IL L E D P O L Y E S T E R . T E R M IN A L S : P H O S P H O R B R O N Z E U L 9 4 V - 0 , COLOR: BLA CK .810 FINISH: TE R M IN A LS : S E L E C T G O LD IN C O N T A C T A R E A : 5 0 MICROINCHES MIN.

    OCR Scan
    SDA-42776-* PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DIM. L co n n a (conn b) ÏÏF Û L ÜÜ 00 TABLE 1 ÍÍ MATERIAL NO. DIM. L (MM) N O TES: 1. H O TM E LT OVERM OLD RESIN .BLA C K , 887 8 0 0 1 4 0 68560-8001 500+/-10 68560-8101 1000+/-20 68560-8201 1500+/-20 2. E L E C T R IC A L T E S T SPEC. R E F E R TO ES-012 FO R D E T A IL S .

    OCR Scan
    ES-012 SD-68560-011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1. M e c h a n ic a l D im e n s i o n s : 2. S c h e m a t i c s : Z 1- n n n n n n X F 1 ÜOB2A u u u u u u o CHOKE o oo x XFMRS YYWW • 10 15 o SEC d o ~ d >~ ho u C\l PRI 0.31 0 ± 0 . 0 1 0 0 .810 ö 6 1 ö 3 2 ö 6 ô 7 Ö 8 Max E l e c t r i c a l S p e c i f i c a t i o n s : 25°C

    OCR Scan
    XF10062A MIL-STD-202G, UL94V-D 10OuH 100KHz XF10062A PDF


    Abstract: TBA810 pin configuration ic tba 810 tba810 amplificateur BF TBA TBA 810 amplifier TBA810 characteristics tba810 circuit la 78140 TBA810AS
    Text: TUOMSON-EFCIS Integrated Circuits TBA810 S T B A 8 1 0 AS A F A M P L IF IE R AM PLIFICATEUR BF T h e T B A 8 1 0 S is a m o n o lith ic in te g rated c irc u it designed fo r classe B au d io a m p lific a tio n , w ith up to 7 W o u tp u t p o w e r; It is in te rn ally p ro te c te d

    OCR Scan
    TBA810 CB-109 CB-155 AMPLIFIER TBA810 TBA810 pin configuration ic tba 810 amplificateur BF TBA TBA 810 amplifier TBA810 characteristics tba810 circuit la 78140 TBA810AS PDF


    Abstract: 114ED
    Text: Digital Transistors FTR • FTL • ATR • ATV • SPT # 500mA Specifications NPN PNP Type Fig.1 Resistance value Type Part No. Package Ri r2 k il ( k il) Fig .2 D T B 113 E G D TB113ZD DTD 113ED 1.0 DTD113ZD 1.0 D TB114ED D TD 114ED DTB122JD D TD122JP

    OCR Scan
    500mA TB113ZD TB114ED DTB122JD 123ED 123YD 143ED 113ED DTD113ZD 114ED 6b102 PDF

    Transistor t30 motorola

    Abstract: MJ13090 MJ13091 AN-222 MJH13090 MJH13091 3819 transistor
    Text: motorola sc -c x s t r s / 6367254 r f > MOT OROL A Tb SC ÍXSTRS/R DE ^ h d b i ' r i b W F 96D 81082 DDfllOfis J~ _D T ' 3 3 -/3 MOTOROLA MJ13090 MiH13090 MJ13091 MJH13091 SEM ICO NDUCTO R TECHNICAL DATA e s if ín c i- ’ s ^ D a tifíS h o e t 15 AMPERE

    OCR Scan
    MJ13090 MJ13ing MJ13090, MJH13090 Transistor t30 motorola MJ13091 AN-222 MJH13090 MJH13091 3819 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S D -5 6 134-002 2 F aiE NOTES m : UV«Si, 0 = 0. 15 MATERIAL : PRE-TINNED PHOSPHOR BRONZE t = 0.15) 2. &&l\Oi>ycr l 51 2 4 2L/U—IX AP P L IC AB L E HOUSING : 51242 SERIES □ 1. E D SECT. X-X n C SECT. Y-Y 7151* cd 56134-8100 LOOSE 56134 -8 0 0 0 B CHAIN

    OCR Scan
    EN-02JI097) MXJ-54 56I34002 PDF


    Abstract: J13071
    Text: ñ Ó T Ó R Ó L X “ SC -CXSTRS/R 6367254 FJ- MOTOROLA DE | t , 3 b 7 E S 4 SC < X S T R S / R F> DDÛ3.D7D 4 960’ 81070 MOTOROLA D T '^ '/ 3 MJ13070 MJ13071 SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 5 AM PERE S W IT C H M O D E II S E R IE S N P N S IL IC O N P O W E R T R A N S IS T O R S

    OCR Scan
    MJ13070 MJ13071 J13070 J13071 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet SML-810TB Actualsize 3412(1305) 3.4x1.25mm(t=1.1mm) Features Color Type ・Reverse-mounttypephototransistors TB Specifications AbsoluteMaximumRatings Ta=25℃ Collector CollectorPower Operating Storage

    SML-810TB -30to R1120A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SML-810TB Data Sheet SML-810TB Actualsize 3412(1305) 3.4x1.25mm(t=1.1mm) Features Color Type ・Reverse-mounttypephototransistors TB Specifications AbsoluteMaximumRatings Ta=25℃ Collector CollectorPower Operating

    SML-810TB -30to R1120A SML-810TB PDF

    moc 300v

    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    flflbS10 810IX, 8102X, 8103X, 8104X 8101X 8102X 8103X 8104X 8101X moc 300v PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet SML-810TB Actual size 3412(1305) 3.4x1.25mm (t=1.1mm) Features Color Type ・Reverse-mount type phototransistors TB Specifications Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25℃ Collector Collector Power Operating Storage issipation Temperature Temperature

    SML-810TB R1120A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Diode RapidSwitchingEmitterControlledDiode IDP15E65D1 EmitterControlledDiodeRapid1Series Datasheet IndustrialPowerControl IDP15E65D1 EmitterControlledDiodeRapid1Series RapidSwitchingEmitterControlledDiode  Features: A •650VEmitterControlledtechnology

    IDP15E65D1 PDF


    Abstract: 2SD1355 a03 audio amplifier
    Text: jqY h IBA Tb {DISCRETE/OPTO! DE 1 =10^7550 □ □ □ 7 3 öM 0 / 9 0 9 7 2 50 T O S H I B A <D I S C R E T E / O P T O 5ò C 07 3 8 4 t>T"3B^9 S I LICON PNP T R IP L E D IF F U S E D T Y P E POWER AMPLIFIER APPLICATIONS. Unit in mm FEATURES: . High Breakdown Voltage ; V c e O=~100V

    OCR Scan
    2SD1355 llttllllllLItllllllll111Illlllllllll 2SB995 2SD1355 a03 audio amplifier PDF

    PAL 0078

    Abstract: BCRL
    Text: 6 Register Summary The tables in this section give a summary of the 21066 implementation-specific internal processor registers IPRs , memory controller registers, and I/O controller (IOC) registers. For information about the architecturally specified IPRs, see the Alpha Architecture Reference Manual.

    OCR Scan
    21066-Specific 1A0000000. PAL 0078 BCRL PDF


    Abstract: 16H8 AmPAL16R4 16R4Q 16R8 8103613RX 16L8 16R4 16R6 electrical bra
    Text: ADV MICRO PLA/PLE/ARRAY sT Î dË | . 0257SSL, D0272M2 T-46-13-47 ' AmPAL16R8 Fam ily 20-Pin IMOX"* Programmable Array Logic PAL Elements Distinctive Characteristics ! i r • AMD's superior IMOX technology - Guarantees tp o “ 1S ns Max. " B " Versions

    OCR Scan
    02S7SEb 00S75M2T T-46-13-47 20-Pin Ice13 0ES752L. ks000010 025752t, AmPAL16R8 16H8 AmPAL16R4 16R4Q 16R8 8103613RX 16L8 16R4 16R6 electrical bra PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ML6672 ATM UTP Transceiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M L 6 6 7 2 is a com p Je te m o n o lith ic tra n sc e iv e r ib r 155M b p sN RZ e n c o d e d d ata trsnan ission o v e rC a te g o ry 5 U n sh ieid ed Tw isted P a ir and S h ield ed Tw isted P a ir c a b Je s.

    OCR Scan
    ML6672 PDF

    ss-3 94v-0

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 13 10 12 44050 .600 15.24 .810 .470 20 .5 7 11.94 1 r .505 1- WHO l a x — ] o n s 12.83 [• Ï 1 .015 , 2 P L A C E S 0.38 .250 .120 (6) P LA C E S .415 3.05 6.35 10.54 .137 .350 (2) P LA C E S 3.89 3 .48 .015 iS 0.38 T O P O F PCB TO BOTTOM OF

    OCR Scan
    PK-44050-004 SD-44050-002 ss-3 94v-0 PDF

    VALVO Handbuch

    Abstract: valvo handbuch rohren valvo 89 8937 000 Valvo Bauelemente GmbH YD 1175 valvo halbleiter YD1170 20kw Triode triode FU 33
    Text: Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente. Senderöhren für Industrie­ generatoren 1983 Datenbuch Elektronik. Wir bauen die Elemente. Unser A rbeitsgebiet - besonders die M i­ kroelektronik - e ntw ickelt sich im m er rascher zum M otor für eine Vielzahl von Innovationen.

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