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    IC CD 4027 Search Results

    IC CD 4027 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    D1U74T-W-1600-12-HB4AC Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 1600W, Titanium Efficiency, 74 MM , 12V, 12VSB, Inlet C20, Airflow Back to Front, RoHs Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    D1U54T-M-2500-12-HB4C Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2.5KW 54MM AC/DC 12V WITH 12VDC STBY BACK TO FRONT AIR Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCC433T-K03-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-Axis Gyro, 3-axis Accelerometer combination sensor Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    IC CD 4027 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: cdm 12.1 laser l1210 RF-300CH CDM 12.3blc Philips cd loader L1210 rf310t11400 CDM 12.6 Philips RF-500TB-12560 tda1371
    Text: C ON T E N T S 1 INTRODUCTION _ 1.1 2 C D S YS T E M S O L U T I O N S CD-ROM block-decoders _ 3.19 CD encoder _ 3.21 CD-Recordable _ 3.22 DACs, ADCs and ADDAs _ 3.27

    CCA110 SCB44 RF-310T-11400 cdm 12.1 laser l1210 RF-300CH CDM 12.3blc Philips cd loader L1210 rf310t11400 CDM 12.6 Philips RF-500TB-12560 tda1371 PDF


    Abstract: UC1601 Ultra chip P0168 UC1608xGBE UC1608 128x240 zener WR1 lcd 128x240 4 bit UC1608xFBE 128x24
    Text: HIGH-V OLTAGE M IXED-SIGNAL IC 128COM x 240SEG Matrix LCD Controller-Driver MP Specifications Revision 1.1 November 4, 2004 ULTRACHIP The Coolest LCD Driver. Ever!! UC1608 128x240 Matrix LCD Controller-Drivers TABLE OF CONTENT INTRODUCTION .1

    128COM 240SEG UC1608 128x240 UC1601 UC1601 Ultra chip P0168 UC1608xGBE UC1608 zener WR1 lcd 128x240 4 bit UC1608xFBE 128x24 PDF


    Abstract: RCA 4027A MC14027 ELEKTOR cd 4027 4027a CD4027A DSAGER00019 BAY61 UB50
    Text: RCA elektor IC-Kartei CD 4027 A 2 x JK -M A S TE R -S LA V E FLIPFLO P F lip flo p 1 _ o T a kt Reset K 10 Der Ausgangszustand ändert sich nur bei " 0 ' '1 "-Übergang des Taktim pulses. Set = " 1 " ; (Reset = " 0 " )(•: Q = " 1 " i Reset = " 0 " ; (Set

    OCR Scan
    1012J2 5V/50nW CD4027A CD4027 BAY61 RCA 4027A MC14027 ELEKTOR cd 4027 4027a DSAGER00019 BAY61 UB50 PDF

    4093 BP

    Abstract: cd 4093 equivalent V40098D V40511D 40511 4017 BP MC 4011 BCP MC 4093 ZUD 132 ci 4093 equivalent
    Text: i iriilk if^ B c lG l-c te n a n il-i Übersicht CMOS-Schaltkreise CMOS-IC’s Übersicht CMOS-Schaltkreise - CMOS-IC’s V4001 D V 4007 D V4011 D V 4012 D V 4013 D V4015D V4017D V4019D V 4023 D V 4027 D V 4028 D V 4029 D V 4030 D V 4034 D V 4035 D V 4042

    OCR Scan
    V4001 V4011 V4015D V4017D V4019D V4051 4093 BP cd 4093 equivalent V40098D V40511D 40511 4017 BP MC 4011 BCP MC 4093 ZUD 132 ci 4093 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 4000B 4027BDC 8010012
    Text: 4027B DUAL JK FLIP-FLOP D E S C R IP T IO N — The 402 7B is a Dual J K F lip -F lo p w h ich is edge-triggered and features independent D ire ct Set, D ire ct Clear, and C lo c k inputs. Data is accepted when the C lo c k is LOW and transferred to the o u tp u t on the positive-going edge o f the C lock. The active H IG H asynchronous Clear D ire c t C q

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    4027B 4027B L0140 4000B 4027BDC 8010012 PDF


    Abstract: IC 4027B F4027B EF4027BP
    Text: HEF4027B flip-flops DUAL JK FLIP-FLOP The H E F 4027B is a dual J K flip -flo p w h ich is edge-triggered and features indepedent set d ire ct S q , clear d ire c t ( C q ), clo ck (CP) inputs and o u tp u ts ( 0 , 0 ) . Data is accepted when CP is LOW, and transferred

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    HEF4027B HEF4027B 4027B HEF4027BP IC 4027B F4027B EF4027BP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HEF4027B flip-flops DUAL JK FLIP-FLO P The H E F 4027B is a dual JK flip - flo p w h ich Is edge-triggered and features indepsdent set d ire c t S p , clear d ire c t (C p ), c lo ck (CP) in p u ts and o u tp u ts ( 0 , 0 ) . Data is accepted when CP is LOW, and transferred

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    HEF4027B HEF4027B 4027B PDF

    IC 4027B

    Abstract: GD4027B 4027b 4027BT 8585M
    Text: GD4027B DUAL JK FLIP-FLOP D E S C R IP T IO N — The 4027B is a Dual J K Flip-Flop which is edge-triggered and features independent Direct Set, Direct Clear, and C lo ck inputs. Data is accepted when the C lo ck is LOW and. transferred to the output on the positive-going edge of the Clock. The active HIGH asynchronous Clear Direct C p

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    GD4027B 4027B IC 4027B GD4027B 4027BT 8585M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS Logic MN4000B Series MN4027B/MN4027BS MN4027B / MN4027BS Dual J - K F l i p - F l o p s • D escription The M N 4027B /S P- 3 are dual J-K flip-flops. Each flip-flop has i n d e p e n d e n t J, K , s e t, c l e a r a n d c l o c k i n p u t s a n d c o m p l e m e n t a r y

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    MN4000B MN4027B/MN4027BS MN4027B MN4027BS 4027B C14027B CD4027B. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4027B DUAL JK FLIP-FLOP D E S C R IP TIO N — The 402 7B is a Dual J K F lip -F lo p w h ich is edge-triggered and features independent D irect Set, D ire ct Clear, and C lo c k inputs. Data is accepted when the C lo c k is LOW and transferred to the o u tp u t on the positive-going edge o f the C lock. The active H IG H asynchronous Clear D ire c t C p

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    4027B PDF


    Abstract: VEB mikroelektronik "Mikroelektronik" Heft mikroelektronik Heft v 4013 d mikroelektronik Heft 12 MHF 4013 V4001D ic HEF 4013 Schieberegister
    Text: o = ü = D D [ ] = « [ r q s e l e l - « t e n o n i l - f Integrierte Schaltkreise Funktion und Einsatzmöglichkeiten CMOS-Logikschaltkreise V 4013 D, V 4015 D und V 4027 D C M O S - Logikbaureihe V 40 00 D Heft 3 Funktion und Einsatzm öglichkeiten der

    OCR Scan

    cd40106 application notes

    Abstract: ic cd4017 CD4069 replacement CD4027 applications CD4047 internal structure Cd4017 CD4543 cd4017 application ic CD4040 application Applications CD4026
    Text: C D 4 0 0 0 -S e r ie s R a tin g s a n d C la s s ific a tio n s A b s o lu te M axim um R atings R eliability In fo rm atio n D C S u p p ly V o lta g e R a nge, V q q . -0 .5 V to + 2 0 V (V o lta g e R e fe re n ce d to V 5 5 T erm inals)

    OCR Scan
    CD4000-Series -550C CD4000B-Series 20-Terminal 92cs-35333 9ZCS-35334 28-Terminal 92CS-35335 cs-35336 cd40106 application notes ic cd4017 CD4069 replacement CD4027 applications CD4047 internal structure Cd4017 CD4543 cd4017 application ic CD4040 application Applications CD4026 PDF


    Abstract: 2SB865 828d
    Text: Ordering number: EN 8 2 8 D 2SB865/2SD1153 N0.828D PNP/ NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Darlington Transistors i Drivers Applications : 2SB865 Uses • Relay drivers, hammer drivers, lamp drivers, motor drivers Features • High DC current gain {4000 or more)

    OCR Scan
    2SB865/2SD1153 2SB865 Ratings/Tae25Â n0828 828d PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A * 0,1 Û .5 5 i0 J :Q 1 n o v y ? •LO ±0.1 1.5 LO HOUSING P P A ,U L 9 4 V -0 Ì j o+i ro Ì CM èà-ÉÂé-ÉÉ flffp 0. 3 2) LA Y O U TtR EF.) 1 (MOUNT AREA) 40 17.6 16.85 15.2 52465-4027 0.8 16.8 16.05 14.4 -3827 38 0 .4 16.0 15.25 13.6 -3627 36

    OCR Scan
    SD-52465-- 11TH0UT 91/ii/M J1100II PDF

    IC 4027B

    Abstract: 4019B 40175B
    Text: cn £ Item Quad 2-Input Quad 2-Input Dual 4-Input Single 8-Input Function MULTIPLEXERS cn It m co $ CD ? 3 ° r* 2 •o o I -ll a 2 in Q> D 0 -5 3 CO ^ o □ ? 74 S? (Û O c 09 Q. O c 03 CL a Tl D 3] Tl O a m Ia- m c/> 1 -6 "5 CD "Tl T\ ■0 T3 Function s

    OCR Scan
    4512B 4519B 4539B 4019B 4027B 4013B 40175B 40174B IC 4027B 4019B 40175B PDF


    Abstract: u125d UB8820M ub 8820 u880 UL7211D ub 8840 MC 4011 BCP U806D UB8840M
    Text: in n flkän X □ n i Typenübersicht TkinOBOM 0D30p Fertigungsprogram m n pOH3BOACTBeHHaa nporpaMMa Das vorliegende H eft soll dem Zweck dienen, U e/ibto npeflCTaB/ieHHOM npocneKTa-TeipaAn AB/iaeTcs» einen Überblick über das Erzeugnissortim enten H a lb ­

    OCR Scan
    0D30p R-5023 UB8830D u125d UB8820M ub 8820 u880 UL7211D ub 8840 MC 4011 BCP U806D UB8840M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [^Ordering number : EN 2 0 1 7 A 2SB1125/2SD1625 NO.2017A PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Transistors Driver Applications Applications . Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers, voltage regulator control Features . Sigh DC current gain. . Large current capacity and wide ASO

    OCR Scan
    2SB1125/2SD1625 2SB1125 250mm 100mA sd1625 PDF

    JRC 45600

    Abstract: YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541
    Text: I SEMICON INDEXES Contents and Introduction Manufacturers' Information V O LU M E 3 INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS INDEX 15th EDITION 1997 Numerical Listing of Integrated Circuits Substitution Guide U D C 621.382.3 Diagram s THE S E M IC O N INTERNATIONAL INDEXES

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    ZOP033 ZOP035 ZOP036 ZOP037 ZOP038 ZOP039 ZOP045 ZOP042 ZOP041 ZOP043 JRC 45600 YD 803 SGS 45600 JRC TDA 7277 TDA 5072 krp power source sps 6360 2904 JRC Sony SHA T90 SA philips HFE 4541 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ordering number : EN 9 2 4 E 2SB880/2SD1190 N0.924E PNP/NPN Epitaxial Planar Silicon Darlington Transistors SA WO 60V/4A Driver Applications Applications • Motor drivers, printer hammer drivers, relay drivers, voltage regulators Features • High DC current gain

    OCR Scan
    2SB880/2SD1190 2SB880 880/2SD 880/2S PDF

    MSD 7818

    Abstract: MN9106 information applikation 7490 N TDA 5700 information applikation mikroelektronik udssr hefte 143KT1 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation K 176 LE, K 561 LN
    Text: In n in ik ü r Q fâ lI Information Applikation RGW Typen­ übersicht + Vergleich TeiM UdSSR JitfÆÊL JUUUUUUL&JJJUL i m i n i ^ r ^ c z l c i c b p o n Information Applikation , 9 H E F T 4 9 * R G W T y p e n ü b e r s i c h t + V e r g l e i c h Teil 1

    OCR Scan
    6250b MSD 7818 MN9106 information applikation 7490 N TDA 5700 information applikation mikroelektronik udssr hefte 143KT1 Mikroelektronik Information Applikation K 176 LE, K 561 LN PDF

    stepping motor EPSON EM - 234

    Abstract: EPSON motor em 402 induction cooker fault finding diagrams ECG transistor replacement guide book free stepping motor EPSON EM 234 stepping motor EPSON em 331 S576B transistor d389 maranyl TMS1601A
    Text: Issued March 1988 8773 Data Library Contents list and semiconductor device type index Data library contents Subject Title Number Communications Equipment B. T. telephone connection system Digital compact paging system Escort 2 + 6 telephone switching system

    OCR Scan
    RS232 RS232C stepping motor EPSON EM - 234 EPSON motor em 402 induction cooker fault finding diagrams ECG transistor replacement guide book free stepping motor EPSON EM 234 stepping motor EPSON em 331 S576B transistor d389 maranyl TMS1601A PDF

    logos 4012B

    Abstract: 1LB553 Rauland ETS-003 Silec Semiconductors MCP 7833 4057A transistor sr52 74c912 1TK552 74S485

    OCR Scan
    TDA1510 TDA1510A logos 4012B 1LB553 Rauland ETS-003 Silec Semiconductors MCP 7833 4057A transistor sr52 74c912 1TK552 74S485 PDF

    IC 4027 pin diagram

    Abstract: IC CD 4027 purpose of IC 4027 MK4027 MK4027-1 MK4027-3 ram 4027 4096X1-BIT IC 4027 501C
    Text: MQSTEK 4096x1-BIT DYNAMIC RAM M K 4 0 2 7 J/N -2 /3 F E A TU R E S □ Ind ustry standard 16-pin DIP (M K 4096) co n fig u ra tio n □ 120ns access tim e, 320ns cycle (M K 4027-1) 150ns access tim e , 320ns cycle (M K 40 27 -2) 200ns access tim e, 375ns cycle (M K 4027-3)

    OCR Scan
    4096x1-BIT MK4027 16-pin 120ns 320ns MK4027-1) 150ns MK4027-2) 200ns IC 4027 pin diagram IC CD 4027 purpose of IC 4027 MK4027-1 MK4027-3 ram 4027 IC 4027 501C PDF


    Abstract: TESLA mh 7400 MH 7404 mh 7400 tesla cdb 838 tda 7851 L 741PC TDB0124DP tda 4100 TDA 7851 A
    Text: m ö lk ^ o e le l-c te n a n il-c Information Applikation RGW Typenübersicht Vergleich Teil 2: RGW M iM U Z A U l KÉD lnrüÖC=SraO Information Applikation HEFT 50 RGW Typenübersicht + Vergleich Teil 2: RGW wob Halbleiterwerk Frankfurt /oder bt r iab im v«b kombinat mikrootektronik

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