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    Bel Fuse HYB-5411-X3-SMA-79

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    Avnet Abacus HYB-5411-X3-SMA-79 25 Weeks 1
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    HYB 541 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: Q67100-Q2010 514400BJ
    Text: 1M x 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module 2M x 16-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 321160S/GS-60/-70 Advanced Information • 1 048 576 words by 32-bit organization (alternative 2 097 152 words by 16-bit) • CAS-before-RAS refresh, RAS-only-refresh, Hidden refresh • Fast access and cycle time

    32-Bit 16-Bit 321160S/GS-60/-70 16-bit) Q67100-Q2009 Q67100-Q2010 514400BJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HYS64T32000GU HYS64T64000GU, HYS72T64000GU HYS64T128020GU, HYS72T128020GU Preliminary Datasheet Rev. 0.8 07.03 1.8 V 240-pin Unbuffered DDR2 SDRAM Modules 256 MByte, 512 MByte & 1 GByte Modules PC2-3200U /-4300U /-5300U • Programmable CAS Latencies (3, 4 & 5),

    HYS64T32000GU HYS64T64000GU, HYS72T64000GU HYS64T128020GU, HYS72T128020GU 240-pin PC2-3200U /-4300U /-5300U PDF


    Abstract: DM 321 PC2-4300 256MB HYS64T128020GU HYS64T32000GU HYS64T64000GU HYS72T128020GU HYS72T64000GU ddr infineon hyb PC2-4300U-44410-A
    Text: D at a S h ee t, V 0 .8 2 , O c t. 2 00 3 H YS64 T 320 00 GU 2 56 M B y t e H YS64 T 640 00 GU (5 12 M B y t e ) H YS72 T 640 00 GU (5 12 M B y t e E C C ) H YS64 T 128 02 0GU ( 1 G B y t e ) H YS72 T 128 02 0GU ( 1 G B y t e E C C ) DDR 2 Unb uffe r ed DIMM Mo dul es

    HYS64T32000GU HYS64T64000GU, HYS72T64000GU HYS64T128020GU, HYS72T128020GU 240-pin PC2-3200U /-4300U /-5300U pc2-4300u-444 DM 321 PC2-4300 256MB HYS64T128020GU HYS64T32000GU HYS64T64000GU HYS72T128020GU HYS72T64000GU ddr infineon hyb PC2-4300U-44410-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D a ta S h e e t , V0 . 8 , A u g . 2 0 0 3 H Y S 6 4T 32 0 0 0G U 256 MB yte H Y S 6 4T 64 0 0 0G U (512 MB yte) H Y S 7 2T 64 0 0 0G U (512 MB yte E C C ) H Y S 6 4T 12 8 0 20 G U ( 1 G B y t e) H Y S 7 2T 12 8 0 20 G U ( 1 G B y t e E C C ) DD R 2 U nbuf fer ed D IMM Modules

    HYS64T32000GU HYS64T64000GU, HYS72T64000GU HYS64T128020GU, HYS72T128020GU 240-pin PC2-3200U /-4300U /-5300U PC2-4300U-44410-A PDF

    KS-15544 L508

    Abstract: gec switchgear TT 66 n 1200 KOF Crystal 568b
    Text: CATALOGUE 9 Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Tunisia Turkey Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam Weidmüller is a leading international provider of solutions

    1274570000/06/2011/SMMD KS-15544 L508 gec switchgear TT 66 n 1200 KOF Crystal 568b PDF


    Abstract: Q67100-Q1101 514256BJ-70 361120S-70 5118165BSJ-60 5117405BJ-60 Q67100-Q727 hyb 511
    Text: SIEM EN S Summary of Types in Alphanumerical Order Summary of Types in Alphanumerical Order Type Memory Components HYB 3116160BSJ-50 HYB 3116160BSJ-60 HYB 3116160BSJ-70 HYB 3116400BJ-50 HYB 3116400BJ-60 HYB 3116400BJ-70 HYB 3116400BT-50 HYB 3116400BT-60 HYB 3116400BT-70

    OCR Scan
    3116160BSJ-50 3116160BSJ-60 3116160BSJ-70 3116400BJ-50 3116400BJ-60 3116400BJ-70 3116400BT-50 3116400BT-60 3116400BT-70 3117400BJ-50 511000BJ-70 Q67100-Q1101 514256BJ-70 361120S-70 5118165BSJ-60 5117405BJ-60 Q67100-Q727 hyb 511 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS Summary of Types Summary of Types Type Ordering Code Package Description DRAM Pa Memory Components HYB 5 1 1000BJ-50 Q67100-Q1056 P-SOJ-26/20-1 300 mil 1 M X 1, 50 ns 33 HYB 5 1 1000BJ-60 Q67100-Q518 P-SOJ-26/20-1 300 mil 1 M X 1, 60 ns 33 HYB 5 1 1000BJ-70

    OCR Scan
    1000BJ-50 1000BJ-60 1000BJ-70 1000BJL-50 1000BJL-60 1000BJL-70 514256B-50 514256B-60 514256B-70 514256BJ-50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 256K X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 514256B-60/-70/-80 HYB 514256BL-60/-70 A d va n c e In fo rm atio n • • 262 144 w o rd s by 4 -b it org a n iza tio n F ast a cce ss and cycle tim e 60 ns acce ss tim e 110 ns cycle tim e H Y B 5142 5 6B /B L -60

    OCR Scan
    514256B-60/-70/-80 514256BL-60/-70 514256B/514256BL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 2M x 8-Bit Dynamic RAM 2k-Refresh Hyper Page Mode- EDO HYB 3117805BSJ(L)-50/-60/-70 Advanced Information • 2 097 152 words by 8-bit organization • 0 to 70 ‘C operating temperature • Performance: -50 -60 -70 ÍRAC RAS access time 50 60 70

    OCR Scan
    3117805BSJ -5Q/-60/-70 85max 18j54mj, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 2M x 8-Bit Dynamic RAM 2k-Refresh Hyper Page Mode- EDO HYB 3117805BSJ(L)-50/-60/-70 Advanced Information • 2 097 152 words by 8-bit organization • 0 to 70 °C operating temperature • Performance: -50 -60 -70 50 60 70 ns Jrac RAS access time

    OCR Scan
    3117805BSJ E35b05 A235b05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM ENS 2M x 8-Bit Dynamic RAM 2k-Refresh Hyper Page Mode- EDO HYB 3117805BSJ(L)-50/-60/-70 Advanced Information • 2 097 152 words by 8 -bit organization * 0 to 70 °C operating temperature ♦ Performance: -50 -60 -70 ÍRAC RAS access time 50 60 70 ns

    OCR Scan
    3117805BSJ fl23SbD5 P-SOJ-28-3 N025IAI fl23SbDS P-SOJ-28-3 PDF

    zck m1

    Abstract: SIEMENS BST ABIAP zck d15 D1113 SIEMENS BST h 05 90 SIEMENS SCR BST smd marking mop smd marking T22 Siemens pulse sequence
    Text: SIEM ENS HYB 39S13620TQ-6/-7/-8 Overview • Special Mode Registers High Performance: -6 -7 -7 -8 Units fc K 166 125 125 125 MHz latency 3 2 3 3 - ÍCK3 6 8 7 8 ns ^AC3 5.5 5.5 5.5 6 Two color registers Burst Read with Single Write Operation Block Write and Write-per-Bit Capability

    OCR Scan
    39S13620TQ-6/-7/-8 cycles/32 39S16320TQ 023Sb05 zck m1 SIEMENS BST ABIAP zck d15 D1113 SIEMENS BST h 05 90 SIEMENS SCR BST smd marking mop smd marking T22 Siemens pulse sequence PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS HYB 39S13620TQ-6/-7/-8 Overview • Special Mode Registers High Performance: -6 -7 -7 -8 Units fcK 166 125 125 125 MHz latency 3 2 3 3 - tcKS 6 8 7 8 ns {AC3 5.5 5.5 5.5 6 ns Two color registers Burst Read with Single Write Operation Block Write and Write-per-Bit Capability

    OCR Scan
    39S13620TQ-6/-7/-8 cycles/32 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM EN S 4M X 4-Bit Dynamic RAM 3.3 V, 2k-refresh HYB 3 1 1 7400BJ/BT -50/-60/-70 P re lim in a ry In fo rm a tio n • 4 194 3 0 4 w o rd s by 4 -b it o rg a n iz a tio n • • 0 to 70 C o p e ra tin g te m p e ra tu re Fast a c c e s s a n d c ycle tim e

    OCR Scan
    7400BJ/BT 3117400BJ/BT PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Couplers 3 dB 180° Hybrids- Crossover Type Excellent Phase and Amplitude Balance 500 MHz to 18.0 GHz Performance • 0°or 180° Phase Difference • Low VSWR - High Isolation • Rugged StriplineConstruction • Meets MIL-E-5400 and MIL-E-16400 • Midwest Microwave's series of 3 dB 180° Hybrid Couplers may be used as a power

    OCR Scan
    MIL-E-5400 MIL-E-16400 PDF

    30-pin 9-bit ram module

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4 194 304 X 9-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 94000S-80/-10 Advance Information • 4 194 304 words by 9-bit organization • Fast access and cycle time 80 ns access time 160 ns cycle time HYM 94000S-80 • • • • • • • • • • • •

    OCR Scan
    94000S-80/-10 94000S-80) 94000S-10) 94000S-80/-10 30-pin 9-bit ram module PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4 194 304 x 9-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 94000S-80/-10 Advance Information • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 194 304 words by 9-bit organization Fast access and cycle time 80 ns access time 160 ns cycle tim e HYM 94000S-80

    OCR Scan
    94000S-80/-10 94000S-80) 94000S-10) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 4M X 32-Bit EDO-DRAM Module Small Outline Memory Module HYM 32V4025GD-50/-60 HYM 32V4025GDL-50/-60 Advanced Information • 72-Pin Small Outline Dual-in-Line Memory Module • 4 194 034 words by 32-bit organization • Hyper Page Mode - EDO - performance

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 32V4025GD-50/-60 32V4025GDL-50/-60 72-Pin 32V4025GD GLD05961 A235b05 PDF


    Abstract: Q67100-Q2010
    Text: SIEMENS 1M X 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module 2M X 16-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 321160S/GS-60/-70 Advanced Inform ation 1 048 576 words by 32-bit organization (alternative 2 097 152 words by 16-bit) CAS-before-RAS refresh, RAS-only-refresh, Hidden refresh Fast access and cycle time

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 321160S/GS-60/-70 16-Bit 16-bit) 72ectrical 023SbOS Q67100-Q2009 Q67100-Q2010 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 1M X 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module 2M X 16-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 321160S/GS-60/-70 Advanced Information 1 048 576 words by 32-bit organization (alternative 2 097 152 words by 16-bit) CAS-before-RAS refresh, RAS-only-refresh, Hidden refresh Fast access and cycle time

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 16-Bit 321160S/GS-60/-70 16-bit) G071720 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 1M X 32-Bit Dynamic RAM Module 2M X 16-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 321160S/GS-60/-70 Advanced Inform ation 1 048 576 words by 32-bit organization (alternative 2 097 152 words by 16-bit) CAS-before-RAS refresh, RAS-only-refresh, Hidden refresh Fast access and cycle time

    OCR Scan
    32-Bit 16-Bit 321160S/GS-60/-70 16-bit) 110ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: B SIEMENS ñSBSbGS DDaQ2aa 1 13 SIEG SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF M7E D T - V 6 ~ Z 3 - f X - 4 194 304 x 9-Bit Dynamic RAM Module HYM 94000S-80/-1Q Advance Information • 4 194 304 words by 9-bit organization • Fast access and cycle time 80 ns access time

    OCR Scan
    94000S-80/-1Q 94000S-80) 94000S-10) 94000S-1Q) 9400QS-80) HYM94000S-80/-10 T-46-23-18 94000S-80/-10 PDF


    Abstract: B 503 Potentiometers 6639S 6537s
    Text: BOUR- S _ ORDERING INFORMATION Precision Potentiometers For product specifications, see page 84 P a rt N u m b e r* R e s is ta n c e v2 N o m in al R e s o lu tio n P rin te d C irc u it P in s 100 200 500 1,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 50,000

    OCR Scan
    3070S -1-101M 3070S-1 -1-501M -1-102M -1-202M 3682S-1 B 503 Potentiometers 6639S 6537s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: y 'V SC11297 Modem Analog Front End ' i f SIERRA SEMICONDUCTOR 1 □ □ ± 5 V C M O S tech n o lo g y 7th o rd e r re ce iv e lo w -p ass filter A d a p tiv e h yb rid fu n ctio n for n ear-en d ech o ca n cella tio n S u p p o rt m u lti-m o d e m o d em s

    OCR Scan
    SC11297 PDF