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    HR0503 Price and Stock

    KEMET Corporation SU9H-R05034

    CMC 3.4MH 500MA 2LN TH
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey SU9H-R05034 Bulk 925 1
    • 1 $1.05
    • 10 $0.952
    • 100 $0.8608
    • 1000 $0.77691
    • 10000 $0.72229
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    Mouser Electronics SU9H-R05034
    • 1 $1.74
    • 10 $1.02
    • 100 $0.845
    • 1000 $0.721
    • 10000 $0.645
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    Newark SU9H-R05034 Bulk 1
    • 1 $1.81
    • 10 $1.06
    • 100 $0.879
    • 1000 $0.75
    • 10000 $0.671
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    RS SU9H-R05034 Bulk 20 Weeks 1,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.692
    • 10000 $0.639
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    Avnet Abacus SU9H-R05034 31 Weeks 1,000
    • 1 -
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    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
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    HR0503 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Common mode SU Coils SU 9V/9H Type [RoHS [RoHS Compliant] Compliant] Rated current A 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 Model SU9V/H-01100 SU9V/H-02080 SU9V/H-03050 SU9V/H-05020 SU9V/H-07010 SU9V/H-10005 SU9V/H-R01180 SU9V/H-R02140 SU9V/H-R03090

    SU9V/H-01100 SU9V/H-02080 SU9V/H-03050 SU9V/H-05020 SU9V/H-07010 SU9V/H-10005 SU9V/H-R01180 SU9V/H-R02140 SU9V/H-R03090 SU9V/H-R05034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH MEGOHM CHIP RESISTORS HR SERIES RoHS RESISTORS CAPACITORS COILS DELAY LINES Term.W is RoHS compliant & 260°C process compatible 107 Resistance Range: 1MΩ to 1TΩ 1012Ω Standard Tol: ±5% up to 500MΩ, ±10/20/50% >500MΩ Choice of terminations: lead-free, tin/lead, or gold

    HR0805 FA103 GF-061. HR0503 PDF

    high ohm

    Abstract: HR-0805 hr0805 HR0503 FA103A 470M DSA00246336
    Text: HIGH MEGOHM CHIP RESISTORS HR SERIES RoHS RESISTORS CAPACITORS COILS DELAY LINES Term.W is RoHS compliant & 260°C process compatible Resistance Range: 1MΩ to 1TΩ 1012Ω Standard Tol: ±5% up to 500MΩ, ±10/20/50% >500MΩ Choice of terminations: lead-free, tin/lead, or gold

    HR0805 FA103A GF-061. high ohm HR-0805 hr0805 HR0503 470M DSA00246336 PDF


    Abstract: HR0805
    Text: HIGH MEGOHM CHIP RESISTORS RESISTORS MCAPS & COILS MDELAY LINES 045-41-5 107 FEATURES H Resistance Range: 1 MΩ to 1 TΩ 10 Ω H Standard Tolerances: ± 10%, ±20%. ± 50% (±5% available below 500 MΩ) H Palladium Silver terminations (Gold available)

    HR1206 HR0805 HR050 PDF


    Abstract: R0701
    Text: コモンモード SUコイル SU 9V/9Hタイプ [RoHS指令適合] [RoHS指令適合] SU Coils SU 9V/9H Type 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 SU9V/H-01100 SU9V/H-02080 SU9V/H-03050 SU9V/H-05020 SU9V/H-07010 SU9V/H-10005 SU9V/H-R01180

    SU9V/H-01100 SU9V/H-02080 SU9V/H-03050 SU9V/H-05020 SU9V/H-07010 SU9V/H-10005 SU9V/H-R01180 SU9V/H-R02140 SU9V/H-R03090 SU9V/H-R05034 R0309 R0701 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EMC Line Filters SU9V-R/9H-R Types Shape and Dimensions ● SU9V 11 max. 8 4 min. ø 0.6 7 17 max. 17 max. 8 ± 0.5 7 ± 0.5 mm ● SU9H 8 15.5 max. ø 0.6 7 4 min. 12 max. 17 max. 8 ± 0.5 7 ± 0.5 [mm] (mm) Specifications Model Rated Current (A) Inductance

    SU9V/H-R01180 SU9V/H-R02140 SU9V/H-R03090 SU9V/H-R05034 SU9V/H-R07017 SU9V/H-R10008 voltageR07017 HP-4261A R07017 PDF


    Abstract: HR0805
    Text: PRELIMINARY HIGH MEGOHM CHIP RESISTORS RESISTORS MCAPS & COILS MDELAY LINES 045-41-5 B A t FEATURES H H t H Resistance Range: 1 MΩ to 1 TΩ 1012Ω H Standard Tolerances: ± 10%, ±20%. ± 50% (±5% available below 500 MΩ) H Palladium Silver terminations (Gold available)

    HR0805, HR1206 HR0503 HR1206 HR0805 HR0503 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Common mode SU Coils SU 9V/9H Type [RoHS [RoHS Compliant] Compliant] Rated current A 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 Model SU9V/H-01100 SU9V/H-02080 SU9V/H-03050 SU9V/H-05020 SU9V/H-07010 SU9V/H-10005 SU9V/H-R01180 SU9V/H-R02140 SU9V/H-R03090

    SU9V/H-01100 SU9V/H-02080 SU9V/H-03050 SU9V/H-05020 SU9V/H-07010 SU9V/H-10005 SU9V/H-R01180 SU9V/H-R02140 SU9V/H-R03090 SU9V/H-R05034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Common mode SU Coils SU 9V/9H Type [RoHS [RoHS Compliant] Compliant] Rated current A 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.0 Model SU9V/H-01100 SU9V/H-02080 SU9V/H-03050 SU9V/H-05020 SU9V/H-07010 SU9V/H-10005 SU9V/H-R01180 SU9V/H-R02140 SU9V/H-R03090

    SU9V/H-01100 SU9V/H-02080 SU9V/H-03050 SU9V/H-05020 SU9V/H-07010 SU9V/H-10005 SU9V/H-R01180 SU9V/H-R02140 SU9V/H-R03090 SU9V/H-R05034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Q00 SERIES HR S ingle S ided Termm alion W ra p a rou n d Term ination HR0503 High Megohm Chip Resistors! HR0805. HR 1206 FEATURES • Resistance Range: 1 MS2 to 1 TQ 1012Q ■ Standard Tolerances: ±10% , ±20% , ±50% (±5% available below 500 M il) ■ Palladium Silver term inations (Gold available)

    OCR Scan
    HR0503 HR0805. HR0805 1012Q) HR1206 V-15V 1200ppm/Â 600ppm/Â 200ppm/Â PDF

    cu k08

    Abstract: sf 1020
    Text: S t H lh S n r i W ra p a ro u n d S in g le S<deO T e r m in a tio n High Megohm Chip Resistors! T e rm m a lio n HR0503 HR0805. HR1206 FEATURES Resistance Range: 1 MQ to 1 TQ 1012Q Standard Tolerances: ± 1 0 % , ± 2 0 % , ± 5 0 % (± 5 % available below 500 M il)

    OCR Scan
    HR0805. HR1206 HB0503 HR0805 HR0503 1012Q) HR1206 108il, 109ii, 1011i cu k08 sf 1020 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7Hßb3Hb 0Ü00Û12 bl 5 fil« SERIES HR -A S ingle S ided High Megohm Chip Resistors! ^Termination HR0503 HR0805, HR1206 FEATURES RCD Type Resistance Range: 1 MS2 to 1 Ti2 1012Q Standard Tolerances: ±10%, +20%, ±50% (±5% available below 500 M ii) Palladium Silver terminations (Gold available)

    OCR Scan
    HR0503 HR0805, HR1206 1012Q) HR1206 109fl, V-15V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S t K l t S n ri -1 W rapa'cunc? Term ination S ingle Sided Termination High Megohm Chip Resistors! nR 08 0 r: H R l/C 'b FEATURES Resistance Range: 1 MQ to 1 TQ 10'2Q Standard Tolerances: ±10% , ±20% , ±50% (±5% available below 500 M il) Palladium Silver term inations (Gold available)

    OCR Scan
    HR1206 V-15V 200ppm 150ppm 90ppm 50ppm HR0503 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH MEGOHM CHIP RESISTORS RES&TORS ♦CAPS ft COLS *06U W UNES HR SERIES FEATURES □ Resistance Range: 1 MQ to 2 TC2 1012C2 □ Standard Tolerances: ± 10%, ±20%. ± 50% (±5% available below 500 MQ) □ Palladium Silver terminations (Gold available)

    OCR Scan
    HR1206 V-15V HR0805 HR0805 PDF