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    HR-R CAPACITOR Search Results

    HR-R CAPACITOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    NFM15PC755R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC435R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    NFM15PC915R0G3D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Feed Through Capacitor, Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ151KA4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    DE6B3KJ471KB4BE01J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Safety Standard Certified Lead Type Disc Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    HR-R CAPACITOR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: M24M01-H
    Text: M24M01-R, M24M01-W M24M01-HR 1 Mbit serial I²C bus EEPROM Features • Compatible with I2C extended addressing ■ Two-wire I2C serial interface: – M24M01-HR: 1 MHz clock, compatible with the Fastmode Plus I2C protocol – M24M01-R, M24M01-W: 400 kHz clock, compatible with the Fastmode I2C protocol

    M24M01-R, M24M01-W M24M01-HR M24M01-HR: M24M01-W: 40-year 208-mils M24M01-H PDF

    SO8W pads

    Abstract: JEDEC J-STD-020d AEC-Q100-002 JESD22-A114A J-STD-020D M24M01-R M24M01-H
    Text: M24M01-R, M24M01-W M24M01-HR 1 Mbit serial I²C bus EEPROM Features • Compatible with I2C extended addressing ■ Two-wire I2C serial interface: – M24M01-HR: 1 MHz clock, compatible with the Fastmode Plus I2C protocol – M24M01-R, M24M01-W: 400 kHz clock, compatible with the Fastmode I2C protocol

    M24M01-R, M24M01-W M24M01-HR M24M01-HR: M24M01-W: 40-year SO8W pads JEDEC J-STD-020d AEC-Q100-002 JESD22-A114A J-STD-020D M24M01-R M24M01-H PDF

    SO8W pads

    Abstract: AEC-Q100-002 JESD22-A114A J-STD-020D M24M01-R M24M01-H
    Text: M24M01-HR M24M01-R, M24M01-W 1 Mbit serial I²C bus EEPROM Features • Support I2C bus modes: – 1 MHz Fast-mode Plus – 400 kHz Fast mode – 100 kHz Standard mode WLCSP CS ■ M24M01-HR: 1 MHz, 400 kHz, or 100 kHz I2C clock frequency ■ M24M01-R, M24M01-W:

    M24M01-HR M24M01-R, M24M01-W M24M01-HR: M24M01-W: 40-year SO8W pads AEC-Q100-002 JESD22-A114A J-STD-020D M24M01-R M24M01-H PDF


    Abstract: SMD zener 562 rca1218 RCA2010 CRCW0201 D12 vishay RCWP0603 RC5100 CRCW2010-TR RCA1206
    Text: V i s h ay I n t e r t e c h n o l o g y, I n c . r e s i s t i v e p r o d uc t s thick film chip resistors Selector Guide C RH V D/CRCW-P CRCW-HP RC C RM V RCA D/CRCW RCL D/CRCW-IF R C HR D A P, C R C W - A P RCWE D / C R C W -T R RCWL D/CRCW-HR RCWP Key Benefits

    VMN-SG2020-1010 CRCW2010-HP SMD zener 562 rca1218 RCA2010 CRCW0201 D12 vishay RCWP0603 RC5100 CRCW2010-TR RCA1206 PDF

    SO8w package outline

    Abstract: M24512-x M24512-HR M24512-R M24512-W AEC-Q100-002 JESD22-A114 J-STD-020D M24256-BR M24256-BW
    Text: M24512-W M24512-R M24512-HR M24256-BW M24256-BR M24256-BHR 512 Kbit and 256 Kbit serial I²C bus EEPROM with three Chip Enable lines Features • Two-wire I2C serial interface supports the 1 MHz protocol ■ Supply voltage ranges: – 1.8 V to 5.5 V M24xxx-R

    M24512-W M24512-R M24512-HR M24256-BW M24256-BR M24256-BHR M24xxx-R) M24xxx-W) 40-year SO8w package outline M24512-x M24512-HR AEC-Q100-002 JESD22-A114 J-STD-020D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CONDENSATEURS POLYESTER METALLISE METALLIZED POLYESTER CAPACITORS R CARACTERISTIQUES GENERALES Température d'utilisation - 55oC + 125oC Gamme de capacités • HR 64 S - HA 64 S 4 700 pF – 10 µF 10 nF – 6,8 µF • HB 64 ± 20 %, ± 10 %, ± 5 % Tolérances sur capacité

    125oC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M24512-W M24512-R M24512-HR M24256-BW M24256-BR 512 Kbit and 256 Kbit serial I²C bus EEPROM with three Chip Enable lines Features • Two-wire I2C serial interface supports the 1 MHz protocol ■ Supply voltage ranges: – 1.8 V to 5.5 V M24xxx-R – 2.5 V to 5.5 V (M24xxx-W)

    M24512-W M24512-R M24512-HR M24256-BW M24256-BR M24xxx-R) M24xxx-W) 40-year M24512-W, M24512-R, M24512-X PDF

    SO8w package outline

    Abstract: M24512-X
    Text: M24512-W M24512-R M24512-HR M24256-BW M24256-BR M24256-BHR 512 Kbit and 256 Kbit serial I²C bus EEPROM with three Chip Enable lines Features • Supports the I2C bus 100 kHz Standard-mode, 400 kHz Fast-mode and 1 MHz Fast-mode Plus ■ Supply voltage ranges:

    M24512-W M24512-R M24512-HR M24256-BW M24256-BR M24256-BHR M24xxx-R) M24xxx-W) 40-year M24512-x SO8w package outline PDF


    Abstract: SO8w package outline M24M01-H
    Text: M24M01-R M24M01-HR 1 Mbit serial I²C bus EEPROM Features • Compatible with I2C extended addressing ■ Two-wire I2C serial interface supports 1 MHz protocol ■ Single supply voltage: – 1.8 V to 5.5 V ■ Hardware write control ■ Byte and Page Write up to 256 bytes

    M24M01-R M24M01-HR 40-year M24M01-R, SO-8W SO8w package outline M24M01-H PDF


    Abstract: M24M01-HR 12943 M24XXX M24M01-R AEC-Q100-002 J-STD-020D M24M01-W M24M01-H
    Text: M24M01-HR M24M01-R, M24M01-W 1 Mbit serial I²C bus EEPROM Features • Compatible with all I2C bus modes: – 1 MHz Fast-mode Plus – 400 kHz Fast mode – 100 kHz Standard mode SO8 MN 150 mils width ■ Memory array: – 1 Mb (128 Kbytes) of EEPROM – Page size: 256 bytes

    M24M01-HR M24M01-R, M24M01-W 40-year EEPROM M24M01-HR 12943 M24XXX M24M01-R AEC-Q100-002 J-STD-020D M24M01-W M24M01-H PDF

    capacitor fixed electrolytic 200uf

    Abstract: IPC-A-610C
    Text: Technical S pecification PQ55540HTL05 38-55V 54V 275W 2250Vdc Half-brick Input Output Power Isolation DC/DC Conver ter Th e P Q55 540H TL 05 Pow e r Qor Te ra h alf - br ic k conv e rt e r i s a n ext - gene ra t ion , b oa r d- mou n t ab le , is ol a te d, fixed s wit ch in g fr eq ue ncy DC /DC c on ver ter tha t u se s sy nc hr on ou s re cti fi ca tio n t o a ch iev e ext r emel y h igh con v ers io n effic ien cy . T he

    PQ55540HTL05 8-55V 2250Vdc 005-2HT554F capacitor fixed electrolytic 200uf IPC-A-610C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R K A Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Series RKA 130°C, High-Reliability, Long-Life Capacitors • Maintenance-free capacitors, 130°C 4000 hr. guaranteed equivalent to 75°C, 20 years case dia. 10 mm or smaller 2000 hr. guaranteed. • For switching power supplies requiring high-reliability and long-life.

    OCR Scan
    16v1000mf 10x18 RKA-250V3R3M 10x22 RKA-250V4R7M RKA-35V471MX 16x31 RKA-50V4R7MX RKA-250V100M 16x25 PDF

    xf 017

    Abstract: 8X18 capacitors wa elna 220 RKA-63V330MX 10v470
    Text: | RKAMiniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors Series R K A 130°C, High-Reliabiiity, Long-Life Capacitors • Maintenance-free capacitors, 130°C 4000 hr. guaranteed equivalent to 75°C, 20 years case dia. 10 mm or smaller 2000 hr. guaranteed. • For switching power supplies requiring high-reliability and long-life.

    OCR Scan
    15min. 16V1G00mF 16x31 RKA-160V330M 16x35 RKA-160V470M 18x35 RKA-200V3R3M 10x18 RKA-200V4R7M xf 017 8X18 capacitors wa elna 220 RKA-63V330MX 10v470 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HR10 SERIES SHELL SIZE 7mm PUSH-PULL CONNECTORS Introduction \ / • The HR 10 series connectors are push-pull coupling type micro-connectors. They have been developed in response to customers'needs fo r miniaturization, high density, and easy handling. The HR 10 series connectors offer light weight and assure

    OCR Scan

    5330-5 harris

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HA-5330 HR H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Very High Speed Precision Monolithic Sample and Hold Amplifier March 1993 Features Description 500ns 0.1% 650ns (0.01%) • Low Droop R ate. 0.01 (iV/ns • Very Low O ffset. 0.2mV

    OCR Scan
    HA-5330 HA-5330 650ns 5330-5 harris PDF


    Abstract: GP1A GP1A52HR
    Text: SHARP GP1A50HR/GP1A51HR/GP1A52HR/GP1A53HR one GP1A50HR/GP1A51 HR GP1A52HR/GP1A53HR P h o to in te r r u p te r • Features ■ Applcations 1. High sensing accuracy Slit width : 0.5mm 2. LSTTL and T T L compatible output 1. OA equipm ent, such as printers, facsim iles,

    OCR Scan

    mos 3021

    Abstract: ICL7663SIJA
    Text: ICL7663S HR H A R R IS S E M I C O N D U C T O R CMOS Programmable Micropower Positive Voltage Regulator GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Harris ICL7663S Super Programmable Micropower Voltage Regulator is a low power, high efficiency positive voltage regulator which accepts 1.6V to 16V inputs and pro­

    OCR Scan
    ICL7663S ICL7663SA) ICL7663S. ICM7233 mos 3021 ICL7663SIJA PDF

    HIP5600 HARRIS TO-220

    Abstract: V275LA10B 400Vdc to 5V DC Regulator 280VRMS simple power supply smps 24 volt dc 120vac to 12vdc schematic diagram pnp transistor 650v smps 24vdc out 1000MJ
    Text: HR H A R R IS % d lV S E M I C O N D U C T O R HIP5600 Thermally Protected High Voltage Linear Regulator April 1994 Features Description • Operates from 50VDC to 400VDC The HIP5600 is an adjustable 3-terminal positive linear voltage regulator capable of operating up to either

    OCR Scan
    HIP5600 HIP5600 400VDC 280VRMS. HIP5600 HARRIS TO-220 V275LA10B 400Vdc to 5V DC Regulator 280VRMS simple power supply smps 24 volt dc 120vac to 12vdc schematic diagram pnp transistor 650v smps 24vdc out 1000MJ PDF

    Application Notes CD4029

    Abstract: CD4029 application note CD4029 decade counting
    Text: HR H A R R IS « A # S E M I C O N D U C T O R CD4029BMS CMOS Presettable Up/Down Counter December 1992 Features Description • High-Voltage Type 20V Rating CD4029BMS consists of a four-stage binary or BCD-decade up/ down counter with provisions for look-ahead carry in both count­

    OCR Scan
    CD4029BMS CD4029BMS Application Notes CD4029 CD4029 application note CD4029 decade counting PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    250-6K 250V500V/1KV DE50-6 PDF


    Abstract: VC406 VC407 VC409 VC410 VC414 VC415 VC432 VC446 VC467
    Text: ~ 30 74^74 EASTRON CORP J ^ 7 4 4 7 H □□□□117 5 Eastron T o~f-0*1 ~ Q °f ^Hr Voltage Variable Capacitor .offers you High Q Voltago Variable Capacitors with a wido choico of voltogos-from tho K » nomical 30 volt typos to tho high voltaao typos h r more critical noods. Excollont for harmonic gonorators,

    OCR Scan
    DEI3D74474 y/C25v VC406 VC409 VC414 VC411 VC416 VC423 VC434 VC448 VC421 VC407 VC410 VC415 VC432 VC446 VC467 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TP S 9111 CELLULAR SUBSCRIBER TERMINAL POWER SUPPLY S L V S 1 3 4 - N O VE M B E R 1996 PW PACKAGE TOP VIEW C o m p l e t e P o w e r S u p p l y for Cel l ul ar Handsets T hr e e L o w - D r o p o u t R e g u l a t o r s ( L D O s ) with 1 00-m V D r o p o u t

    OCR Scan
    28-Pin PDF

    I 8432

    Abstract: Memory Stick pinouts 82C50A LG tv remote circuit diagram T-75-37-05 0944D 303AL
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR IS BE § 43QE571 D 0 1 [ m 4 1 | 0944 D 8 2 C 5 0 A GB h a r r i s CM OS Asynchronous Communications Element Pinouts DOC 1 01 C 2 02 C 3 03 C 4 40 3 vcc 04 C 5 OS c 6 36 □ CTS 35 ] HR 06 i 7 07 C a 34 3 0UT1 33 3 DTR 32 3 RTS 31 ] 0UT2

    OCR Scan
    430EE71 82Q5QA 6S53S 80C86/80C88 82C50A T-75-37-05 -I8CDI34) ISIKTI35) ISTK40) I 8432 Memory Stick pinouts LG tv remote circuit diagram 0944D 303AL PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ra m ili- M X # 't ± F E A T U R E 0 5 'C L ife tim e : 1 0 5 !C 1 0 0 0 h o u rs 1 0 0 0 /J v B # . * 5 m m M ¡S.ifc Pfl K hr L o w im p e d a n c e s e r ie s w ith 5 m m h e ig h t » iS ffli a _ . . + r - Q l F o r s w itc h in g p o w e r s u p p lie s a n d o th e r in d u s tn a

    OCR Scan