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    93459 1515

    Abstract: a9hv 2488-32 prbs generator using ic chips ber HP71501C onspec MC27256-17/CQ-2231
    Text: in conjunction with SONET/SDH OC-48 Transceiver Reference Design Application Note 1172 HP - HFCT-5402D AMCC - S3041 and S3042 Evaluation Board Overview This document describes the operation and usage of the AMCC S3041/S3042 Evaluation Board with the HP HFCT-5402D Single

    OC-48 HFCT-5402D S3041 S3042 S3041/S3042 5968-5428E 93459 1515 a9hv 2488-32 prbs generator using ic chips ber HP71501C onspec MC27256-17/CQ-2231 PDF

    93459 1515

    Abstract: S8501 S8401 weinschel 1515 HP71501C EV3041A HFCT-5402D S3041 S3042 2.4 ghz clock
    Text: PRELIMINARY 1.1 PRELIMINARY 1.1 SONET/SDH OC-48 TRANSCEIVER EVALUATION BOARD SONET/SDH OC-48 TRANSCEIVER EVALUATION BOARD EV3041A EV3041A EVALUATION BOARD OVERVIEW This document describes the operation and usage of the AMCC S3041/S3042 Evaluation Board with the HP

    OC-48 EV3041A S3041/S3042 HFCT-5402D S3041 S3042 93459 1515 S8501 S8401 weinschel 1515 HP71501C EV3041A 2.4 ghz clock PDF

    hp function generator

    Abstract: HP 70820A 70841B 85700A HP 85700A 70311A 70841 CKE622 SY69612 SY69712
    Text: SONET OC-12 JITTER MEASUREMENT APPLICATION NOTE AN-03 JITTER GENERATION Jitter Generation Definition Bellcore TR-NWT-000499 Issue 4 , section 7.3.3 "Jitter generation is the process whereby jitter appears at the output port of an individual unit of digital equipment in the

    OC-12 AN-03 TR-NWT-000499 TA-NWT-000253 12kHz 70874B 3132A 5700A 11801B hp function generator HP 70820A 70841B 85700A HP 85700A 70311A 70841 CKE622 SY69612 SY69712 PDF


    Abstract: HP3325B HP 70820A TA-NWT-000253 sinusoidal "signals generation" SY69743 70841 11801B HP70841B SY69952
    Text: SONET OC-3 JITTER MEASUREMENT APPLICATION NOTE AN-04 JITTER GENERATION Jitter Generation Definition Bellcore TR-NWT-000499 Issue 4 , section 7.3.3 "Jitter generation is the process whereby jitter appears at the output port of an individual unit of digital equipment in the

    AN-04 TR-NWT-000499 TA-NWT-000253 12KHz 0004A 5700A 3752A 10MHz 20MHz) 11801B 85700A HP3325B HP 70820A TA-NWT-000253 sinusoidal "signals generation" SY69743 70841 HP70841B SY69952 PDF


    Abstract: 1S2070 HP8133 S2070A HP3325B 11801a 277-1236-ND S2070 P150G BLM11A601SPT
    Text: REVISION 3.0 REVISION 3.0 FIBRE CHANNEL TRANSCEIVER EVALUATION BOARD FIBRE CHANNEL TRANSCEIVER EVALUATION BOARD EV2070QF EV2070QF EVALUATION BOARD OVERVIEW This document describes operation and usage of the S2070 evaluation board. The evaluation board allows users

    EV2070QF S2070 70841A 1S2070 HP8133 S2070A HP3325B 11801a 277-1236-ND P150G BLM11A601SPT PDF


    Abstract: AMCC S2060A S2060B AMCC S2060 277-1236-ND EV2060 S2060
    Text: REVISION 4.0 REVISION 4.0 GIGABIT ETHERNET TRANSCEIVER EVALUATION BOARDS GIGABIT ETHERNET TRANSCEIVER EVALUATION BOARDS EV2060 EV2060 EVALUATION BOARD OVERVIEW This document describes operation and usage of the S2060 evaluation boards. The evaluation boards allow

    EV2060 S2060 S2060A AMCC S2060A S2060B AMCC S2060 277-1236-ND EV2060 PDF


    Abstract: DIP SWITCH EDGE 100PF 10UF 1N4001 EV3040 1n4001 melf 0955-0731
    Text: OC-48 CLOCK RECOVERY UNIT EVALUATION BOARD OC-48 CLOCK RECOVERY UNIT EVALUATION BOARD EV3040 EV3040 DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS The S3040 evaluation board provides a flexible platform for verifying the operation of AMCC OC-48 clock recovery units. This document provides information on the board contents and layout. It should

    OC-48 EV3040 S3040 OC-48 DIP SWITCH EDGE 100PF 10UF 1N4001 EV3040 1n4001 melf 0955-0731 PDF


    Abstract: S3050 hp monitor main board schematic circuit 1n4148 hp 1N4148 EV3050 hp 3050 AMCC S3050
    Text: OC-48 CLOCK RECOVERY UNIT EVALUATION BOARD OC-48 CLOCK RECOVERY UNIT EVALUATION BOARD EV3050 EV3050 DESCRIPTION ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS The S3050 Evaluation Board provides a flexible platform for verifying the operation of AMCC OC-48 clock recovery units. This document provides information on the board's contents and layout. It should

    OC-48 EV3050 S3050 OC-48 0955-0731 hp monitor main board schematic circuit 1n4148 hp 1N4148 EV3050 hp 3050 AMCC S3050 PDF

    MMIC code N10

    Abstract: HPIB CONTROLLER IC 2540-6002UB 93F2330 2520-6002UB MC100 MC100ES6222 MC100ES8111 MC92602 MC92602DVBUG
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC92602DVBUG 3/2004 Rev. 2 MC92602 Reduced Interface SerDes Design Verification Board User’s Guide Device Supported: MC92602 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MC92602DVBUG MC92602 MMIC code N10 HPIB CONTROLLER IC 2540-6002UB 93F2330 2520-6002UB MC100 MC100ES6222 MC100ES8111 MC92602 MC92602DVBUG PDF


    Abstract: 2540-6002UB MC92610 MC92610DVBUG MPC9456 marking code EE14 differential SMA connectors 80E04
    Text: MC92610 Quad SerDes Design Verification Board User’s Guide MC92610DVBUG Rev. 3, 06/2005 Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Numbers Chapter 1 General Information 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Introduction. 2-1

    MC92610 MC92610DVBUG C0805X7R500-104KNE 2540-6002UB MC92610DVBUG MPC9456 marking code EE14 differential SMA connectors 80E04 PDF


    Abstract: 93F2330 2520-6002UB berc express card DVB HMC394LP4 marking N5 mmic MC100ES6222 MC100ES8111 MC92602
    Text: MC92602 Reduced Interface SerDes Design Verification Board User’s Guide MC92602DVBUG Rev. 3, 06/2005 Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Chapter 1 General Information 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Introduction. 1-1

    MC92602 MC92602DVBUG 2540-6002UB 93F2330 2520-6002UB berc express card DVB HMC394LP4 marking N5 mmic MC100ES6222 MC100ES8111 MC92602 PDF


    Abstract: 2540-6002UB C0805X7R500-104KNE HP6624A system DC power supply P5K3 C20 OMRON Operation Manual express card DVB HP 11636B ic 825 DNA MC92610
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC92610DVBUG 3/2004 Rev. 2 MC92610 Quad SerDes Design Verification Board User’s Guide Device Supported: MC92610 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MC92610DVBUG MC92610 MC92610 11636B 2540-6002UB C0805X7R500-104KNE HP6624A system DC power supply P5K3 C20 OMRON Operation Manual express card DVB HP 11636B ic 825 DNA PDF

    Jumbo red LED

    Abstract: 2540-6002UB SFP molex 11636B Power Divider 1394b schematic C20 OMRON Operation Manual HP 11636B VIA 1394 MC100 MC100ES6222
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC92604DVBUG 3/2004 Rev. 0 MC92604 Dual GEt Design Verification Board User’s Guide Device Supported: MC92604 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MC92604DVBUG MC92604 MC92604 Jumbo red LED 2540-6002UB SFP molex 11636B Power Divider 1394b schematic C20 OMRON Operation Manual HP 11636B VIA 1394 MC100 MC100ES6222 PDF

    Raltron Electronics part marking guide crystal

    Abstract: HP 70820A MMIC code N10 2540-6002UB mARKING CODE LA4 86130A 1394b schematic HMMC-3122 AGILENT marking N5 mmic MC100
    Text: MC92603 Quad GEt Design Verification Board User’s Guide MC92603DVBUG Rev. 1, 06/2005 Contents Paragraph Number Title Page Number Contents 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Chapter 1 General Information Introduction. 1-1

    MC92603 MC92603DVBUG Raltron Electronics part marking guide crystal HP 70820A MMIC code N10 2540-6002UB mARKING CODE LA4 86130A 1394b schematic HMMC-3122 AGILENT marking N5 mmic MC100 PDF

    MMIC code N10

    Abstract: SMIQ-04B 2540-6002UB 1394b sfp HP 70820A 71500c 1394b schematic Industrial Control Applications Manual C20 OMRON Operation Manual Coax signal Splitter schematic
    Text: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. MC92603DVBUG 3/2004 Rev. 0 MC92603 Quad GEt Design Verification Board User’s Guide Device Supported: MC92603 For More Information On This Product, Go to: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.

    MC92603DVBUG MC92603 MC92603 MC92604DVBUG MMIC code N10 SMIQ-04B 2540-6002UB 1394b sfp HP 70820A 71500c 1394b schematic Industrial Control Applications Manual C20 OMRON Operation Manual Coax signal Splitter schematic PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: * SO NET/S DH/ATM O C - 1 2 C L O C K R E C O V E R IN G T R A N S C E IV E R SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES sy m ti2 DESCRIPTION • A complete SONET/SDH Transmitter & Receiver ■ Complies with Bellcore, CCITT and ANSI Specifications ■ Two on-chip PLLs: One for clock generation &

    OCR Scan
    44MHz 84MHz 100-pln SY69712 SY69712 R100-2) PDF


    Abstract: HP 85700A HP53132A
    Text: * SONET/SDH/ATM OC-12 TRANSCEIVER SYNERGY SEMICONDUCTOR FEATURES PRELIMINARY INFORMATION SY69612 DESCRIPTION A complete SONET/SDH Transmitter & Receiver Complies with Bellcore, CCiTT and ANSI specifications On-chip PLL for clock generation SONET framing defeatable

    OCR Scan
    OC-12 SY69612 SY69612 OC-12 84MHz 44MHz) SY87612, STS-12/OC-12 HP 85700A HP53132A PDF


    Abstract: HP53132A OV 5642 70874B
    Text: * SONET/SDH/ATM OC-3 CLOCK RECOVERING TRANSCEIVER SYNERGY SEM IC O N D UC TO R FEATURES DESCRIPTION • A complete SONET/SDH Transmitter & Receiver ■ Complies with Bellcore, CCITT and ANSI Specifications ■ Two on-chip PLLs: One for clock generation & another for clock recovery

    OCR Scan
    SY69411 52Mbit/sec 44MHz 84MHz 100-pln SY69411 TQ013fll WAC-013-B HP70004A HP53132A OV 5642 70874B PDF