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    HIGH VOLTAGE TVR Search Results

    HIGH VOLTAGE TVR Result Highlights (5)

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    GC321AD7LP103KX18J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd High Effective Capacitance & High Ripple Current Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GC331AD7LQ153KX18J Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd High Effective Capacitance & High Ripple Current Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GC331CD7LQ473KX19K Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd High Effective Capacitance & High Ripple Current Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GC343DD7LP334KX18K Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd High Effective Capacitance & High Ripple Current Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GC355DD7LQ224KX18K Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd High Effective Capacitance & High Ripple Current Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    HIGH VOLTAGE TVR Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TVR 30 TV flyback TVR diode Flyback Xfmr 30KV 30KV rectifier
    Text: TVR30 HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE - TVR30 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits

    TVR30 UL94V-0 10seconds TVR30 TVR 30 TV flyback TVR diode Flyback Xfmr 30KV 30KV rectifier PDF


    Abstract: TVR-20 TVR 05 diode TVR diode HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 20kv 20KV DIODE TV flyback Flyback Xfmr 20KV 20kv flyback
    Text: TVR-20 HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE - TVR20 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits

    TVR-20 TVR20 UL94V-0 10seconds TVR20 TVR-20 TVR 05 diode TVR diode HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 20kv 20KV DIODE TV flyback Flyback Xfmr 20KV 20kv flyback PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BL GALAXY ELECTRICAL TVR1B - TVR1J VOLTAGE RANGE: 100- 600 V CURRENT: 0.5 A HIGH EFFICIENCY RECT IFIER FEATURES DO - 41 Low cos t Diffus ed junction Low leakage Low forward voltage drop High current capability Eas ily cleaned with freon, alcohol, ls opropanol

    DO-41, MIL-STD-202 34gram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TVR1B-TVR1J High Efficiency Rectifiers VOLTAGE RANGE: 100- 600 V CURRENT: 0.5 A Features DO - 41 Low cos t Diffus ed junction Low leakage Low forward voltage drop High current capability Eas ily cleaned with freon, alcohol, ls opropanol and s im ilar s olvents

    DO-41, 34gram ave60H PDF


    Abstract: TVR2D
    Text: TVR2B/D/G/J FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES PRV : 100 - 600 Volts Io : 0.5 Ampere D2 FEATURES : * * * * * * * High current capability High surge current capability High reliability Low reverse current Low forward voltage drop Fast switching for high efficiency



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TVR1B/G/J FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES PRV : 100 - 600 Volts Io : 0.5 Ampere DO - 41 FEATURES : * * * * * * * High current capability High surge current capability High reliability Low reverse current Low forward voltage drop Fast switching for high efficiency

    DO-41 UL94V-O MIL-STD-202, TVR1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TVR2B/D/G/J FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES PRV : 100 - 600 Volts Io : 0.5 Ampere D2 FEATURES : * * * * * * High current capability High surge current capability High reliability Low reverse current Low forward voltage drop Fast switching for high efficiency

    UL94V-O MIL-STD-202, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TVR1B/G/J FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER DIODES PRV : 100 - 600 Volts Io : 0.5 Ampere DO - 41 FEATURES : * * * * * * High current capability High surge current capability High reliability Low reverse current Low forward voltage drop Fast switching for high efficiency

    DO-41 UL94V-O MIL-STD-202, PDF


    Abstract: S4 9C BA9755S ESD16 SDIP18 voltage s16 6pin
    Text: Multimedia ICs High voltage controller for CRT displays BA9755S The BA9755S is an LSI chip with a chopper voltage controller designed to control the anode voltage of multiscan monitors and other CRTs. There are two internal high-precision power supplies, each with an output voltage precision of ±1%. Using a high-precision voltage detection resistor makes it possible to set anode voltage without adjustment. Other internal components include an output voltage error detector and an overcurrent detector, which detects

    BA9755S BA9755S 51Min. SDIP18 995v S4 9C ESD16 SDIP18 voltage s16 6pin PDF

    TVR4N X

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TVR4J/N SILICON DIFFUSED TYPE FAST RECOVERY DIODES PRV : 600 - 1000 Volts Io : 1.2 Amperes D2 FEATURES : * * * * * * 0.161 4.1 0.154 (3.9) High current capability High surge current capability High reliability Low reverse current Low forward voltage drop

    UL94V-O MIL-STD-202, TVR4N X PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BL GALAXY ELECTRICAL TVR2B-TVR2J VOLTAGE RANGE: 100 - 600 V CURRENT: 0.5 A FAST RECOVERY RECTIFIER FEATURES Low cost Diffused junction Low leakage Low forward voltage drop High current capability Easily cleaned with Freon,Alcohol,Isopropanol and similar solvents

    DO-41 STD-202 012ounces TVR2D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE— TVR30 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    TVR30 UL94V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE— TVR30 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    TVR30 UL94V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE— TVR30 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    TVR30 UL94V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE— TVR30 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    TVR30 UL94V HP-214A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE— TVR 30 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    UL94V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE—TVR20 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    TYPE--TVR20 TVR-20 2500pF UL94V PDF

    tv flyback

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE—TVR20 Ì This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    TYPE--TVR20 2500pF UL94V tv flyback PDF

    TVR diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE—TVR 20 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    TVR-20 2500pF UL94V TVR diode PDF

    horizontal deflection system of crt

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE—TVR 20 1 !> This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    2500pF horizontal deflection system of crt PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE—TVR 20 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    TVR-20 2500pF UL94V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE—TVR 20 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    -w2500pF Qb7b743 DDD1316 PDF


    Abstract: Horizontal-Deflection
    Text: Multimedia ICs High Voltage Controller for CRT displays BA9755S The BA9755S is an LSI chip with a chopper voltage controller designed to control the anode voltage of multiscan monitors and other CRTs. There are two internal high-precision power supplies, each with an output voltage preci­

    OCR Scan
    BA9755S BA9755S S4-12V Horizontal-Deflection PDF


    Abstract: Pulse generator circuit 20KV DIODE HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 20kv 20KV TVR-20 0b7b743
    Text: AMERICAN/ELECTRONIC b3E J> • 0b7b743 Q001D15 433 mZT>I HIGH VOLTAGE FAST RECOVERY SILICON DIODE FOR CRT APPLICATIONS TYPE—TVR 20 This high voltage fast recovery diode was developed for assembly or encapsulation and is intended primarily for use as a building block in the assembly of high voltage circuits for

    OCR Scan
    0b7b743 ApproximVR-20 UL94V-0 HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 20kv 1A Pulse generator circuit 20KV DIODE HIGH VOLTAGE DIODE 20kv 20KV TVR-20 PDF