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    Abstract: 28548 R295CH40
    Text: EVALUATION LABORATORY - Issue 1 Date Origin - PAR 327 Total Pages Provisional Data - 30 August, 2000  Rating Report - 15   Distributed Gate Thyristor Types R295CH36 to R295CH40 Author Checked N. Tarling   Abstract Approved The R295CH36-40 Distributed Gate thyristor range features regenerative and interdigitated gating on a

    R295CH36-40 R295CH36 R295CH40 94-3252 28548 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Publication WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS TR200C/NQ Issue 3 January 1985. High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R200C/NQ distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses 665 amperes average: up to 2100 volts VDRM

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    TR200C/NQ R200C/NQ 200AC 000271b PDF


    Abstract: R355CH R355CH06FJ0 10ms Westinghouse thyristor 1000A
    Text: ÜIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS BTE D ^70=^55 0005431 3 iyiESBT-23 - -^ / Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR355C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R355C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    I111ESBT-23--J2/ TR355C R355C 236x3 200AC TR355C R355CH R355CH06FJ0 10ms Westinghouse thyristor 1000A PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1000A

    Abstract: R395CH12-18 Q002 R395CH16FE0 R400 Westinghouse thyristor 1500 Westinghouse thyristor 1720
    Text: f t i l ESTCODE =170^55 3*1E » SEMICONDUCTORS M • OOD2M37 ÜIESB " Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR395C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R395C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    Q002M37 TR395C R395C 200AC Westinghouse thyristor 1000A R395CH12-18 Q002 R395CH16FE0 R400 Westinghouse thyristor 1500 Westinghouse thyristor 1720 PDF


    Abstract: TR270C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A westinghouse thyristor drive thyristor 300 volt
    Text: 3TE » WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS =170^55 0DÜEM07 b iwes b- 7 -zs-a.\ Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR270C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R270C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    D002U07 TR270C R270C 60S98-1 200AC R270CH06FL0 TR270C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A westinghouse thyristor drive thyristor 300 volt PDF

    westcode ct

    Abstract: transfo MD1E
    Text: 9709955 UESTCODE WESTCODE 3 4C S EMI CONDUCTORS 01639 34 SE MI CONDUCT ORS Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR250C Issue 1 January 1982 4 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R250C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    TR250C R250C 34000A 200AC westcode ct transfo MD1E PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1000A

    Abstract: R305CH16FW0 westinghouse thyristor
    Text: WESTCODE «HOW S 3TE T> SEMICONDUCTORS DDDSH13 1 • UESB T -Z S '-^ Ì Technical WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS Publication TR305C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R305C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    QQQSH13 TR305C R305C 148Iq, 200AC Westinghouse thyristor 1000A R305CH16FW0 westinghouse thyristor PDF


    Abstract: QQQ2444 Westinghouse thyristor 1000A FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR 1000A hawker
    Text: lilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3*JE » •î7GnSS Cm02i4M3 T IÜ1ESB T ^ v r-z i Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR400C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R400C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    CIG0214M3 TR400C R400C 200AC QQQ2444 Westinghouse thyristor 1000A FAST SWITCHING THYRISTOR 1000A hawker PDF


    Abstract: westcode inverter 3000 hz WESTINGHOUSE 8250 Westinghouse thyristor 1000A S70T westinghouse h-20 High Frequency Inverter grade Capsule Thyristor
    Text: ÜIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE D 0002377 1 • l i l E S B ^ ^ ^ v ^ { Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR200C/NQ Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R200C/NQ distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    00DE377 R200C/NQ TR200C/NQ 200AC TR200C westcode inverter 3000 hz WESTINGHOUSE 8250 Westinghouse thyristor 1000A S70T westinghouse h-20 High Frequency Inverter grade Capsule Thyristor PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1000A

    Abstract: R220CH08FJ0 thyristor BT 200 BT thyristor 106
    Text: ÙIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE =170^55 D S • ÙIESB 7^2-S '” £ / 0002401 Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR220C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R220C distributed amplified gate fo r high d i/d t and low sw itching losses

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    000E401 TR220C R220C 200AC Westinghouse thyristor 1000A R220CH08FJ0 thyristor BT 200 BT thyristor 106 PDF


    Abstract: R216CH08FJ0 77az TR216 hawk 00153891
    Text: ÜIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3*3E » • ‘ìTD'ì'ìSS 000230^ ö ■ IdES B 'fL£.$?rgL Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TR216C Issue 2 May 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R216C distributed amplified gate for high di/dt and low sw itching losses

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    R216C TR216C 101A226B -200AB 2M585 Scans-00153891 R216CH08FJ0 77az TR216 hawk 00153891 PDF


    Abstract: TR200C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A WESTINGHOUSE 8250 DDD537S SCO-105
    Text: lilESTCODE 3TE D SEMICONDUCTORS ^ 7 0 ^ 5 00Q2371 □ « l i l E S B T-2.t ~ 2>{ Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR200C Issue 2 July 1984 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R200C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    00Q2371 TR200C R200C 200AC R200ch TR200C Westinghouse thyristor 1000A WESTINGHOUSE 8250 DDD537S SCO-105 PDF


    Abstract: R350CH06FJ0 2M128
    Text: WESTCODE SE MI CONDUCT ORS ilE » • ^ D ^ S S fl B 0D0E42S üJESB T - 2 3 -11 Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TR350C Issue 2 December 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R350C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    TR350C R350C 200AC 2M1285 TR350C R350CH06FJ0 2M128 PDF


    Abstract: TR219C
    Text: 3TE D ÜIESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS □ □0 23'ì S 3 • we sb 7 z- 2 « r - a i Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR219C Issue 2 December 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R219C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    023TS R219C TR219C 200AC 2M1285 R219CH06FK0 TR219C PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1500

    Abstract: TR325 R325CH08FH0 S-24 Westinghouse thyristor 1000A
    Text: 31E WE ST CO DE S E M I C O N D U C T O R S TVG'l'lSS J> DGDEHn 2 »UESB T~ 2. Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR325C Issue 2 December 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R325C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    TR325C R325C 536x3 200AC 2M128S. Westinghouse thyristor 1500 TR325 R325CH08FH0 S-24 Westinghouse thyristor 1000A PDF

    IC 2030

    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor R210CH08FJ0 ac to dc inverter by thyristor dc to ac inverter by thyristor westcode thyristor R210CH high frequency inverter
    Text: lilESTCO DE r S E M IC O N D U C TO R S 31E ^70^55 J> D0Dg3a3 7 • I i1 E S B -;-* -2 S '“ ^ ~ Technical Publication w estcode TR210C SEMICONDUCTORS Issue 1 March 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R210C distributed amplified gate for high d i/d t and low switching losses

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    000E3Ã R210C TR210C 101A226B -200AB 2M485 IC 2030 Westinghouse thyristor R210CH08FJ0 ac to dc inverter by thyristor dc to ac inverter by thyristor westcode thyristor R210CH high frequency inverter PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1500

    Abstract: TR180C R180CH06FL0 High Frequency Inverter grade Capsule Thyristor tr-180C
    Text: B'ìE D IÜESTCODE SEM ICONDUCTORS =170^ 55 00 0 235 ^ llilESBT^r T Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS TR180C Issue 1 December 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R180C d is trib u te d a m p lifie d g a te f o r hig h d i / d t a n d lo w s w itc h in g losses

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    TR180C R180C B36x19 200AC 2M1285 Westinghouse thyristor 1500 TR180C R180CH06FL0 High Frequency Inverter grade Capsule Thyristor tr-180C PDF

    Westcode Semiconductors R395

    Abstract: high frequency inverter dc to ac inverter by thyristor westcode r395
    Text: lilESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 11E D • T '2 ^ ^ U 1 7 0 ^ 5 5 DGGSÜST T ■ Technical Publication WESTCODE $ SEMICONDUCTORS TR395C/NQ Issue 2 January 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R395C/NQ d is trib u te d a m p lifie d g a te fo r h ig h d i / d t a n d lo w s w itc h in g losses

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    TR395C/NQ R395C/NQ 036x3 200AC Westcode Semiconductors R395 high frequency inverter dc to ac inverter by thyristor westcode r395 PDF

    rh 006c

    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor R185CH08FJ0 aqdaas RH 012C westinghouse thyristor drive thyristor inverter circuits Westinghouse CO-5 snubber overshoot to 200ab
    Text: WESTCÔDE SEMICONDUCTORS ITE D • ^ 7 0 ^ 5 5 []|][]B[]53 fl ■ T " - 2*9 Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TR185C Issue 1 March 1985 High Frequency Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type R185C d is trib u te d a m p lifie d g a te f o r h ig h d i / d t a n d lo w s w itc h in g losses

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    TR185C R185C 101A226B -200AB 2M485 rh 006c Westinghouse thyristor R185CH08FJ0 aqdaas RH 012C westinghouse thyristor drive thyristor inverter circuits Westinghouse CO-5 snubber overshoot to 200ab PDF

    snubber thyristor

    Abstract: P086CH08FJ0 Thyristor snubber TP086C
    Text: WESTCODE SEMI CON D UC TOR S 3*ïE D 0DGE2S5 “J « l i J E S B - T - Z f - Technical Publication W ESTCO DE SEMICONDUCTORS TP086C Issue 2 January 1985 Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P086C 190 amperes average: up to 1200 volts V RRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

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    TP086C P086C snubber thyristor P086CH08FJ0 Thyristor snubber TP086C PDF


    Abstract: P205CH06FJ0 westinghouse thyristor drive CS 370 thyristor TP205C P205CH
    Text: UESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS 3TE D • ’iTOTiSS OaQEbtl T ■ UESB T -Z S -3 lo f Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TP205C Issue 2 March 1985 Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P205C 370 amperes average: up to 1200 volts V rrm/VDrm R a tin g s Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

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    P205C TP205C T0-200AB HIGH VOLTAGE THYRISTOR fpr power P205CH06FJ0 westinghouse thyristor drive CS 370 thyristor TP205C P205CH PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor 1720

    Abstract: Westinghouse thyristor 335 thyristor tt 105 n 16 p280ch P280CH04FK0
    Text: Technical Publication WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS HE D • TTÜTTS S 00GaD3S TP280C b Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P280C MESTC<>#E 850 amperes average: up to 500 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings M ax im u m values a t 1 2 5 °C T j unless s ta ted o therw ise

    OCR Scan
    00GaD3S TP280C P280C 101A226B -200AB Westinghouse thyristor 1720 Westinghouse thyristor 335 thyristor tt 105 n 16 p280ch P280CH04FK0 PDF

    Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors

    Abstract: P200CH06FJ0
    Text: ÜJESTCODE SEM IC ONDU CT OR S ITE D • TTDTTSS □□□5011 3 ■ ¡ - T L ^ g - — / 7 * àr \ Technical Publication WESTCODE ® SEMICONDUCTORS TP200C Issue 1 March 1985 I Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P200C 295 amperes average: up to 1200 volts VRRM/VDRM

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    QGGSG11 P200C TP200C T0-200AB Westcode N thyristor Semiconductors P200CH06FJ0 PDF

    Westinghouse thyristor

    Abstract: P370CH06FJ0 west code
    Text: m WESTCODE m I WESTCODE SEMICONDUCTORS lTE D • I TTOTTSS DOaaOM? S ■ 1 SEM ICONDUCTORS l I Technical Publication 1 TP370C H Issue 2 December 1985 Inverter Grade Capsule Thyristor Type P370C 840 amperes average: up to 800 volts VRRM/VDRM Ratings Maximum values at 125°C Tj unless stated otherwise

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    P370C TP370C 200AC 2U128! Westinghouse thyristor P370CH06FJ0 west code PDF