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    HF RECEIVER CIRCUIT Search Results

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    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM-KIT-OVER100-DE-D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 0805-1210 over100uF Cap Kit Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMSJZNCMH-225 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMS21NCMH-230 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    HF RECEIVER CIRCUIT Datasheets Context Search

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    IC 74192

    Abstract: working of ic 74123 MC4024 application circuits of ic 74123 sm0vpo 74192 ic MC4044 74192 frequency synthesizer HF receiver circuit 500Khz resonator
    Text: SYNTHESISED HF RECEIVER by SM0VPO 1 of 2 SYNTHESISED HF RECEIVER by Harry Lythall - SM0VPO This receiver was originally designed for simplicity and low cost, but, like other projects, it grew. My receiver is now synthesized and the performance is quite

    u85920178/rx/synth 500KHz 465KHz. 14MHz, 500KHz. 44MHz) 10KHz IC 74192 working of ic 74123 MC4024 application circuits of ic 74123 sm0vpo 74192 ic MC4044 74192 frequency synthesizer HF receiver circuit 500Khz resonator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AKD4679-A] AKD4679-A AK4679 Evaluation Board Rev.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AKD4679-A is an evaluation board for AK4679, 24bit stereo CODEC with Microphone/ Receiver/ Headphone/ Speaker/ Line amplifier as well as HF/Audio DSP. The AKD4679-A has the one Digital

    AKD4679-A] AKD4679-A AK4679 AKD4679-A AK4679, 24bit 10pin AK4679A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AKD4679-A] AKD4679-A AK4679 Evaluation Board Rev.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AKD4679-A is an evaluation board for AK4679, 24bit stereo CODEC with Microphone/ Receiver/ Headphone/ Speaker/ Line amplifier as well as HF/Audio DSP. The AKD4679-A has the one Digital

    AKD4679-A] AKD4679-A AK4679 AKD4679-A AK4679, 24bit 10pin AK4679A PDF

    abstract for

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: submitted to ISSCC’98/communications J. Hauenschild et al. A Two-Chip Receiver for Short Haul Links up to 3.5Gb/s with PIN-Preamp Module and CDR-DMUX Jürgen Hauenschild, Dirk Friedrich, Jürgen Herrle, Joachim Krug Siemens AG, HL HF M SL, P.O.BOX 80 17 09, D-81617 Munich,

    98/communications D-81617 25GHz 200m98/communications 24dBm) -20dBm) ISSCC98-slides abstract for PDF

    566 vco

    Abstract: IC 566 vco LF351 MC145170 vco 566 2N7002 AN1207 AN535 MC1658 MC74HCU04
    Text: MOTOROLA Order this document by AN1207/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA AN1207 The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators Prepared by: David Babin and Mark Clark Phase–locked loop PLL frequency synthesizers are commonly found in communication gear today. The carrier oscillator in a transmitter and local oscillator (LO) in a receiver are

    AN1207/D AN1207 MC145170 566 vco IC 566 vco LF351 vco 566 2N7002 AN1207 AN535 MC1658 MC74HCU04 PDF

    IC 566 vco

    Abstract: 566 vco AN1207 MV2115 2N7002 AN535 MC145170 MC1658 MC74HCU04 vco 566
    Text: MOTOROLA Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Order this document by AN1207/D SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA AN1207 The MC145170 in Basic HF and VHF Oscillators Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. Prepared by: David Babin and Mark Clark Phase–locked loop PLL frequency synthesizers are commonly found in communication gear today. The carrier oscillator in a transmitter and local oscillator (LO) in a receiver are

    AN1207/D AN1207 MC145170 IC 566 vco 566 vco AN1207 MV2115 2N7002 AN535 MC1658 MC74HCU04 vco 566 PDF


    Abstract: n22K 335 16 pin digital Megaxess frankfurt
    Text: Technical Data AK2023 M EMegaxess G AGmbH X Deutschland ESS Edition 09/00 Time Signal Receiver Short Description The bipolar integrated monolithic circuit AK2023 receives and demodulates digital time information transmitted by the time signal transmitter DCF 77.

    AK2023 AK2023 n22K 335 16 pin digital Megaxess frankfurt PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this document by MC44817/D MC44817/17B PLL Tuning Circuits with 3-Wire Bus The MC44817/17B are tuning circuits for TV and VCR tuner applications. They contain on one chip all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. The integrated circuits also contain a high frequency prescaler and thus can

    MC44817/D MC44817/17B MC44817/17B MC44817 MC44817B MC44817/D* PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Order this document by MC44818/D MC44818 PLL Tuning Circuit with I2C Bus The MC44818 is a tuning circuit for TV and VCR tuner applications. It contains, on one chip, all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. This integrated circuit also contains a high frequency prescaler and thus can

    MC44818/D MC44818 MC44818 MC44817, MC44817 MC44818/D* PDF


    Abstract: 0-T13 MOTOROLA IC PLL MC44817 MC44818 dts amplifier circuit T14 "direct replacement" motorola operational amplifier
    Text: Order this document by MC44818/D MC44818 PLL Tuning Circuit with I2C Bus The MC44818 is a tuning circuit for TV and VCR tuner applications. It contains, on one chip, all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. This integrated circuit also contains a high frequency prescaler and thus can

    MC44818/D MC44818 MC44818 MC44817, MC44817 MC44818/D* MC44818D 0-T13 MOTOROLA IC PLL MC44817 dts amplifier circuit T14 "direct replacement" motorola operational amplifier PDF


    Abstract: MC44817B MC44817BD MC44817 N4 Amplifier MC44802A HF band power amplifier analog frequency divider ic MC44802
    Text: Order this document by MC44817/D MC44817/17B PLL Tuning Circuits with 3-Wire Bus The MC44817/17B are tuning circuits for TV and VCR tuner applications. They contain on one chip all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. The integrated circuits also contain a high frequency prescaler and thus can

    MC44817/D MC44817/17B MC44817/17B MC44817 MC44817B MC44817/D* MC44817D MC44817BD N4 Amplifier MC44802A HF band power amplifier analog frequency divider ic MC44802 PDF

    application notes

    Abstract: AN1764 APP1764 HFRD
    Text: Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > FIBER-OPTIC CIRCUITS Keywords: guide, numbering system, fiber application notes, hf/fiber application notes, fiber design notes Oct 08, 2002 APPLICATION NOTE 1764 Guide and Index to Fiber/HF Communications Notes This guide will explain the numbering system HF/Fiber uses for application notes, design notes, technical

    com/an1764 AN1764, APP1764, Appnote1764, application notes AN1764 APP1764 HFRD PDF

    transistor fn 1016

    Abstract: Fn 1016 SPO2 spo2 features AN6175K spo2 specifications HF receiver circuit CCITT FILTER mic PRE-AMPLIFIER transistor r1010
    Text: ICs for Telephone AN6175K Hands-free Speech Network IC AN6175K 0.9±0.25 0.5±0.1 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 0.96±0.25 13.7±0.3 4.76±0.25 3.3±0.25 +0.1 5 0.0 3 ~ 15° • Features Unit : mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    AN6175K AN6175K transistor fn 1016 Fn 1016 SPO2 spo2 features spo2 specifications HF receiver circuit CCITT FILTER mic PRE-AMPLIFIER transistor r1010 PDF

    N4 Amplifier

    Abstract: prescaler div by 12 motorola MC44828 ANTENNA-FILTER uhf motorola ALL BAND TV TUNER pin ALL TV TUNER buffer amplifier ghz input high-impedance crystal oscillator 1 MHz 4 pins CONNECTIONS N6 Amplifier
    Text: Order this document by MC44827/D MC44827/27B Low Power PLL Tuning Circuits for 3-Wire Bus The MC44827/27B are tuning circuits for TV and VCR tuner applications. They contain on one chip all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. The integrated circuits also contain a high frequency prescaler and thus can

    MC44827/D MC44827/27B MC44827/27B MC44827 MC44827B MC44817/17B N4 Amplifier prescaler div by 12 motorola MC44828 ANTENNA-FILTER uhf motorola ALL BAND TV TUNER pin ALL TV TUNER buffer amplifier ghz input high-impedance crystal oscillator 1 MHz 4 pins CONNECTIONS N6 Amplifier PDF

    transistor fn 1016

    Abstract: transistor r1010 dYNAMIC mIC pre amp ICs FN 1016 mic preamplifier mic PRE-AMPLIFIER ZL300 600 r34 mic amplifier preamplifier st
    Text: ICs for Telephone AN6175K Hands-free Speech Network IC AN6175K 0.9±0.25 0.5±0.1 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 0.96±0.25 13.7±0.3 4.76±0.25 3.3±0.25 +0.1 5 0.0 3 ~ 15° • Features Unit : mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    AN6175K AN6175K transistor fn 1016 transistor r1010 dYNAMIC mIC pre amp ICs FN 1016 mic preamplifier mic PRE-AMPLIFIER ZL300 600 r34 mic amplifier preamplifier st PDF


    Abstract: MC44824 MC44824D MC44825 MC44825D motorola motorola operational amplifier BUS68
    Text: Order this document by MC44824/D MC44824/25 PLL Tuning Circuits with I2C Bus The MC44824/25 are tuning circuits for TV and VCR tuner applications. They contain on one chip all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. The integrated circuits also contain a high frequency prescaler and thus can

    MC44824/D MC44824/25 MC44824/25 MC44824/D* MOTOROLA IC PLL MC44824 MC44824D MC44825 MC44825D motorola motorola operational amplifier BUS68 PDF


    Abstract: 948F MC44827 MC44827B MC44827BDTB MC44827DTB
    Text: Order this document by MC44827/D MC44827/27B Low Power PLL Tuning Circuits for 3-Wire Bus The MC44827/27B are tuning circuits for TV and VCR tuner applications. They contain on one chip all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. The integrated circuits also contain a high frequency prescaler and thus can

    MC44827/D MC44827/27B MC44827/27B MC44827 MC44827B MC44817/17B MC44828 948F MC44827BDTB MC44827DTB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    SLAM-0131 53dBm. SLAM-0131 PDF

    GK 32

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HF Preliminary R F2 9 17 MICRO-DEVICES 433/868/915MHZ FM/FSK RECEIVER Typ ical A p plications • Wireless Meter Reading • Remote Data Transfers • Keyless Entry Systems • W ireless Security Systems • 4 3 3/8 68 /9 1 5 MHz ISM Band Systems Product D escription

    OCR Scan
    433/868/915MHZ F2917 32-lead RF2917 EOEIR12 GK 32 PDF


    Abstract: SM RX 433 sfeca
    Text: HF Preliminary R F2 9 19 MICRO-DEVICES 433/868/915MHZ ASK/OOK RECEIVER Typ ical A p plications • Wireless Meter Reading • Remote Data Transfers • Keyless Entry Systems • W ireless Security Systems • 4 3 3 /8 6 8 /9 1 5 MHz ISM Bands Systems Product D escription

    OCR Scan
    433/868/915MHZ F2919 32-lead SFECA10 V1233-011 433MHz) 868MHz) 915MHz) RF2919 SM RX 433 sfeca PDF


    Abstract: nte1758
    Text: LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS NTE1750 Front View 15-Lead SIP, See Diag. 542 Hammer & Stepper Motor Driver, V s s = 10V Max, Vs = 46V Max Output High Ch 2 NTE1751 (Front View) TV SCR Driver, Vcc - 30V Max 7-Lead SIP, See Diag. 220 NTE1752 18-Lead DIP, See Diag. 287

    OCR Scan
    NTE1750 15-Lead NTE1751 NTE1752 18-Lead XXX10 100XX NTE1757 XXX01 NTE1763 nte1758 PDF

    HF receiver circuit

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERICSSON ^ Preliminary A pril 1998 PBL38812 Voice-switch circuit for Handsfree speakerphone TAM Description Key Features The PBL 388 12 contains all the necessary circuitry, amplifiers, detectors, comparators and control functions to implement a high performance, voice-switched, ’’hands-free ”

    OCR Scan
    PBL38812 1522-PBL S-164 HF receiver circuit PDF

    BO 817

    Abstract: 80c98 n14 CAPACITOR MC44802A MC44807P MC44817D crystal oscillator 32 mhz
    Text: 5o i- 7- 0 \ -g-9 MC44807/17 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview PLL Tuning Circuit with 3-Wire Bus The MC44807/17 is a tuning circuit for TV and VCR tuner applications. It contains, on one chip, all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. This

    OCR Scan
    MC44807/17 BO 817 80c98 n14 CAPACITOR MC44802A MC44807P MC44817D crystal oscillator 32 mhz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC44807/17 MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR! TECHNICAL DATA Product Preview PLL Tuning Circuit with 3-Wire Bus The MC44807/17 is a tuning circuit for TV and VCR tuner applications. It contains, on one chip, all the functions required for PLL control of a VCO. This integrated circuit also contains a high frequency prescaler and thus can

    OCR Scan
    MC44807/17 MC44807/17 xnxx PDF