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    HELIX TUBE Search Results

    HELIX TUBE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CR6KM-12A#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors, TO-220FN, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3AS-8ME#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors, MP-3A, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR6LM-12B#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors, TO-220FL, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR3PM-12G-A8#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors, TO-220F, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    CR8KM-12A#B00 Renesas Electronics Corporation Thyristors, TO-220FN, /Tube Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    HELIX TUBE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    BUB 0641

    Abstract: PERKINELMER FLASH TUBE PerkinElmer Optoelectronics BUB 0641 PerkinElmer STS 36 PerkinElmer Optoelectronics ZS 1052 linear flashlamps du 7670 d 1052 ZS-1052
    Text: PerkinElmer Optoelectronics offers the largest assortment of different lamp shapes for meeting the needs of diverse products within the warning beacon market. We offer many lamp forms, including linear lamps, U-shape, circular, helical and double helix forms.

    800-775-OPTO DTS0904P BUB 0641 PERKINELMER FLASH TUBE PerkinElmer Optoelectronics BUB 0641 PerkinElmer STS 36 PerkinElmer Optoelectronics ZS 1052 linear flashlamps du 7670 d 1052 ZS-1052 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance applications

    PS-70928 E29179 LR19980 Terminals--30µ Shields--150µ N-106 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance applications

    15-pin PS-70928 E29179 LR19980 Terminals--30µ Shields--150µ N-100 15-92-2251 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance applications

    PS-71626 E29179 LR19980 Unmatin00 Terminals--30µ Shields--150µ N-110 51241040 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH Matrix 50 Shielded Plug Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 by .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    PS-71626 E29179 LR19980 Terminals--30m" Shields--150m" 160-Circuit PDF


    Abstract: LD7215 LD7215C LD7215D traveling wave tube
    Text: DATA S H E E T HIGH POWER TRAVELING WAVE TUBE FOR GROUND TERMINALS LD7215, LD7215C, LD7215D 6 GHz, 3 kW, HELIX TYPE, PPM FOCUSING, HIGH POWER GAIN, FLAT GAIN VARIATION GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NEC LD7215, LD7215C and LD7215D are PPM-focused traveling wave tubes designed for use as the final

    LD7215, LD7215C, LD7215D LD7215C LD7215D LD7215 TH3640 traveling wave tube PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.90mm .075" Pitch LFH Matrix 75 Shielded Receptacle FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .075 x .075" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    96-circuit 50-pin PS-70660 E29179 LR19980 Terminals--30µ Shields--100µ N-116 PDF


    Abstract: 15PIN D-SUB
    Text: 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH Matrix 50 Shielded Receptacle FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    15-pin PS-70928 E29179 LR19980 Terminals--30µ Shields--150µ 15PIN 15PIN D-SUB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH Matrix 50 Shielded Receptacle FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    PS-71718 E29179 LR19980 Terminals--30µ Shields--150µ N-114 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH Matrix 50 Shielded Plug FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    PS-71626 E29179 LR19980 N-111 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH Matrix 50 Shielded Receptacle FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    PS-71626 E29179 LR19980 N-109 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.90mm .075" Pitch LFH Matrix 75 Shielded Plug FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .075 x .075" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    96-circuit 50-pin PS-70660 E29179 LR19980 Terminal--30µ Shields--100µ N-118 50PIN D-SUB CONNECTORS PDF

    6111 tube

    Abstract: 71990
    Text: 1.90mm .075" Pitch LFH Matrix 75 Shielded Receptacle FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .075 x .075" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    96-circuit 50-pin PS-70660 E291794 LR19980 Terminals--30µ Shields--100µ N-117 6111 tube 71990 PDF

    6111 tube

    Abstract: N119
    Text: 1.90mm .075" Pitch LFH Matrix 75 Shielded Plug FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .075 x .075" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    96-circuit 50-pin PS-70660 E29179 LR19980 Terminals--30µ Shields--100µ N-119 6111 tube N119 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH Matrix 50 Shielded Plug FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    15-pin PS-70928 E29179 LR19980 Terminals--30µ Shields--150µ N-101 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH Matrix 50 Shielded Receptacle FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    PS-70928 Shields--150µ N-105 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH Matrix 50 Shielded Receptacle FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits • High-performance, Low Force Helix terminal with contact layout .050 x .050" ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces ■ Suitable for high-density and high-performance

    15-pin PS-70928 E29179 LR19980 M27mm PDF

    traveling wave tube

    Abstract: TRAVELING WAVE TUBE 3 collector LD7215W microwave nec 500 transmitter Helix tube
    Text: DATA S H E E T HIGH POWER TRAVELING WAVE TUBE FOR GROUND TERMINALS LD7215W 6 GHz, 3 kW CW, PPM FOCUSING, HIGH POWER GAIN GENERAL DESCRIPTION NEC LD7215W is a PPM-focused traveling wave tube designed for use as final amplifier in the earth-to-satellite communications transmitter.

    LD7215W LD7215W traveling wave tube TRAVELING WAVE TUBE 3 collector microwave nec 500 transmitter Helix tube PDF


    Abstract: MIL-STD-461E 157000
    Text: Travelling Wave Tube Power Supply Type APS-15-7000 Description The APS-15-7000 power supply has been designed to provide all the regulated voltages for high power low noise dual collector communications TWTs. It operates from a 3-phase prime supply and can deliver up to 7000W of mean output power. The power supply is

    APS-15-7000 APS-15-7000 MIL-STD-461E. 1100mA 650mA 990mA 10-100Hz 10kva MIL-STD-461E 157000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: molex 1.27m m .0 5 0 " Pitch FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits a Unique Low Force Helix terminal LFH M a trix 50 Shielded Receptacle Electrical a High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces Voltage: 40V Current: 0.75A

    OCR Scan
    15-pin b2A7325 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m o l e x * 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH M atrix 50 Shielded Receptacle FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits Electrical m High-performance, Low Force Helix term inal with contact Voltage: 40V layout .050 x .050" Current: 1.0A • High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: m o le x 1.27mm .050" Pitch LFH M atrix 50 Shielded Plug FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Features and Benefits Electrical • High-performance, Low Force Helix term inal with contact Voltage: 40V layout .050 x .050" Current: 1.0A ■ High cycle life from controlled plating and contact surfaces

    OCR Scan
    15-pin PDF

    Helix tube

    Abstract: MAX 7642
    Text: 7642 Traveling-Wave Tube H ELIX-TRA N SM ISSIO N -LIN E TYPE FREQUENCY RANGE INTEGRAL PERIO D IC1700-2300 Me S - B a n d PERMANENT-MAGNET TYPE Fo r Use as an O utput A m p lif ie r in R a d io R e la y System s E le c t r i c a l : H e a te r, f o r U n ip o t e n t ia l C athode:

    OCR Scan

    ci 4053

    Abstract: Helix tube thermostatic switch 4053
    Text: 4053 Traveling-W ave Tube H E L IX - T R A N S M IS S IO N - L IN E T Y P E FREQUENCY RANGE 1— 2 Gc L - B a n d IN TEGRAL P E R IO D IC PERMANENT-MAGNET TY PE Electrical: H e a te r, fo r U n ip o te n tia l Cathode: V o lta g e (AC o r D C J .

    OCR Scan