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    GCM188D70E226ME36D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for Automotive Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM022C71A472KE19L Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM033C81A224KE01W Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM155D70G475ME15D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    GRM155R61J334KE01D Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Chip Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors for General Purpose Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET MAXQ1743 DeepCover Secure Magnetic Card Reader IC General Description DeepCover embedded security solutions cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced physical security to provide the most secure key storage possible. The DeepCover Secure Magnetic Card Reader

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET EVALUATION KIT AVAILABLE MAXQ1743 DeepCover Secure Magnetic Card Reader IC General Description DeepCover embedded security solutions cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced physical security to provide the most secure key storage possible.

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    Abstract: ZU-M1363 pcr106 panasonic ZU magnetic card 14 ZU-1870MA5T5 ZU1870MA5T5 PCR100-ND ZU-1870MA6T2 z2064 ZU-1870
    Text: Magnetic Card Readers ­ Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Manual Swipe Card Readers: • Compact and light­weight designs • High per­form­ance head mechanism Applications: • Credit authorization term­inals • C r­ e d i t c a r d t e l­e­­ p h o n e s • POS­­ terminals • Time and attendance terminals • Banking

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET 19-5893; Rev 0; 6/11 MAXQ1740 Magnetic Card Reader Security Microcontroller General Description Features The MAXQ1740 is a low-power microcontroller that integrates a triple-track magnetic stripe reader interface, an I2C interface, two SPIK interfaces, and one universal

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    iso 7813

    Abstract: iso 7812 voltage regulator 7812 internal block diagram working pos MAGNETIC HEAD reader circuit 7812 voltage regulator, circuit diagram and data head for atm card reADER 28 TQFN-EP MAGNETIC HEAD in card readers MAXQ1740 MAXQ1740-DNS
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET 19-5893; Rev 0; 6/11 MAXQ1740 Magnetic Card Reader Security Microcontroller General Description Features The MAXQ1740 is a low-power microcontroller that integrates a triple-track magnetic stripe reader interface, an I2C interface, two SPIK interfaces, and one universal

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Motor Driven Card Reader/Writer 3S4YR-MKW Versatile Hybrid Reader/Writer Handles Both Magnetic and IC Cards • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Durable 4-wheel, 2-belt drive with roller accommodates discrepancies in card thickness to accept warped or bent cards

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    Abstract: 3S4YR-MKW omron 3S4YR-MKW magnetic stripe card MAGNETIC HEAD reader writer pos MAGNETIC HEAD reader circuit 74LS06 omron MAGNETIC HEAD writer ttl 74ls06 MAGNETIC stripe Write circuit omron MAGNETIC card reader HEAD
    Text: Motor Driven Card Reader/Writer 3S4YR-MKW Versatile Hybrid Reader/Writer Handles Both Magnetic and IC Cards • ■ ■ ■ ■ Durable 4-wheel, 2-belt drive with roller accommodates discrepancies in card thickness to accept warped or bent cards Metal blade shutter prevents tampering

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    Abstract: PM7342 PM8315 PM8316 TEMUX-84 LVDS32
    Text: PM7342 S/UNI -IMA-32 Preliminary 32 Link Inverse Multiplexer for ATM IMA / UNI PHY UNI UTOPIA / ANY-PHY INTERFACE • Each link is software configurable as either a UNI or part of an IMA group. • Performs receive cell Header Error Check (HEC) checking and transmit

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    Abstract: JAPAN magnetic stripe IC TTL 74LS06 MAGNETIC stripe Write circuit 3S4YR-MKW Magnetic card reader writer omron MKfW1PC omron card reader omron MAGNETIC card reader HEAD omron 3S4YR-MKW
    Text: Motor Driven Card Reader/Writer 3S4YR-MKW, MKF, MKS Versatile Hybrid Reader/Writer Handles Both Magnetic and IC Cards • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Durable 4-wheel, 2-belt drive with roller accommodates discrepancies in card thickness to accept warped or bent cards

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    Abstract: magnetic stripe hardware security modules MAGNETIC HEAD in card readers iso 7812
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET MAXQ1741 DeepCover Secure Microcontroller for Magnetic Card Reading General Description Features DeepCover embedded security solutions cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced physical security to provide the most secure key storage possible.

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    Abstract: magnetic card reader ATM machine working circuit diagram iso 7813 iso 7812 MAGNETIC HEAD in card readers pos MAGNETIC HEAD reader circuit
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET MAXQ1741 DeepCover Secure Microcontroller for Magnetic Card Reading General Description Features DeepCover embedded security solutions cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced physical security to provide the most secure key storage possible.

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    Abstract: iso 7812 voltage regulator 7812 internal block diagram working magnetic stripe integrated circuit MAXQ1741 MAGNETIC stripe Write circuit 28 TQFN-EP
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET MAXQ1741 DeepCover Secure Microcontroller for Magnetic Card Reading General Description Features DeepCover embedded security solutions cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced physical security to provide the most secure key storage possible.

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    Abstract: interfacing of magnetic stripe with 8051 how magnetic head reads data from magnetic stripe 99800004-1.03 magnetic stripe reader 7 pin magnetic stripe data conversion AN4095 magtek 21030001 interfacing 8051 with magnetic stripe readers magtek asic
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > Microcontrollers Keywords: DS5250, 8051, magnetic, stripe, magstripe, POS, point of sale, ATM, card Sep 12, 2007 APPLICATION NOTE 4095 Interfacing the DS5250 with a Magnetic Stripe Card Reader Abstract: This application note explains how magnetic stripe card reading and decoding can easily be

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ABRIDGED DATA SHEET MAXQ1740 DeepCover Secure Microcontroller for Magnetic Card Reading General Description Features DeepCover embedded security solutions cloak sensitive data under multiple layers of advanced physical security to provide the most secure key storage possible.

    MAXQ1740 MAXQ1740) 16-bit T2844 com/MAXQ1740 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1.2 Gbps 8 port ATM Switch IDT SwitchBIOS Programmer’s Guide Revision 4.0.1 Date 4/28/1999 Table of Contents Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION. 4 1.1 Data Path Overview. 4


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    Abstract: DSP56F802 credit card reader DSP56800 DSP56F801 DSP56F805 ticket vending machine using microcontroller 56F835x how keyboard encoder work Aiken Biphase encoder
    Text: Point of Sale Applying the DSP56F801, 803, and 805 in Magnetic Card Strip Encoders and Readers Overview In addition to the common credit card, magnetic strip card use has rapidly spread to student IDs, grocery store discount cards, copy machine user ID cards, vending

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    Abstract: z2064 panasonic zu-m1121s1 PCR106-ND ZU-M1121 zu-m1121s1 ZU1870MA5T5 panasonic ZU magnetic card 14 WM1775-ND BH24AAL-ND
    Text: Memory Protection Devices “Budget Balancers” Battery Holders Fig. 1 Fig. 3 Fig. 2 Fig. 4 Fig. 5 Fig. No. of Cells Digi-Key Part No. Description 1 Price Each 10 100 “N” Cell Holders 1 2 1 2 Solder Tabs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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    Abstract: MAGNETIC card write head MAGNETIC HEAD reader writer magnetic strip encoder how vending machine work ATM magnetic heads MAGNETIC HEAD in card readers biphase encoder MAGNETIC STRIP DSP56F803
    Text: BR1561/D Preliminary Information . Application Brief APPLICATIONS: Steppers and Encoders Home Appliance Controls Integrated with Voice Control Applying the DSP56F801,803,805 in Magnetic Card Strip Encoders & Readers For better or worse, the ubiquitous magnetic strip cards are an undeniable part of

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    Abstract: MCR f/i SN 104 SCR image 1E7d atm header error checking transistor Common Base configuration CH1T entry test schedule msap pic pid control
    Text: IDT77201 NICStAR User Manual Version 2.0 Released Edition November 30, 1995 0.0 Introduction to the User’s Manual Document 0.1 Intended Audience The intended audience of this document is programmers who will write device drivers and/or higher layer networking application software using the NICStAR

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    Abstract: ATM transaction- ABSTRACT atm header error checking msap SN 104 SCR image CRC-10 CRC-32 IDT77211 CRC-32 for FDDI "Border Gateway Protocol"
    Text: IDT77211 NICStAR User Manual Version 1.0 Released Edition February 26, 1997 Find IDT on the World Wide Web at: or Call us at 1-800-345-7015 IDT is located at: 2975 Stender Way Santa Clara, California, USA 95054-3090 0.0 Introduction to the User’s Manual Document

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    Abstract: CRC-32 for FDDI CRC10 CRC-10 CRC-32 IDT77201 IDT77211 "Border Gateway Protocol"
    Text: IDT77201 NICStAR User Manual Version 2.12 Released Edition February 26, 1997 Find IDT on the World Wide Web at: or Call us at 1-800-345-7015 IDT is located at: 2975 Stender Way Santa Clara, California, USA 95054-3090 0.0 Introduction to the User’s Manual Document

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    Abstract: 1880M
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    Abstract: oc06 magnetic stripe readers IS515 debus
    Text: by JE R R Y CORBIN A F u z z y Lo g ic -B a s e d Fin a n c ia l Transaction S yste m An ATM’s digital safeguards depend on analog information­ gathering techniques. One of the best ways to improve on magnetic stripe precision is through the use of fuzzy logic.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: mn6541 ZU-M2121 magnetic card reader
    Text: SPEC,NO.:MES-DG6QB018A SPECIFICATIONS FOR MAGNETIC CARD READER Manual In s e rtio n ty p e Z U — TVL 2 OCT. 19 9 5 M A T S U S H I T A I N D U S T R I A L E Q U I P M E N T C O . , LTD. E L E C T R O N I C E Q U I P M E N T DIV. 1 — 1, 3 — C h ô m e , I n a z u — c h o , T o y o n a k a

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    MES-DG6QB018A MES-DG60B018A MES-DG60B018-^ MES-DG60B018A MN6541 MN6543 M2695-06A100 ZU-M2121S211) 2695-06R 5159T ZU-M2121 magnetic card reader PDF