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    Abstract: ep4se530h40 f7807 EP4SE820H35 EP4SE530H35 H1152 EP4SE230 EP4SE530 EP4SE230F29 stratix LF1152
    Text: HardCopy IV E ASIC Product Table v0.121 HardCopy Base Die HardCopy IV E ASIC Stratix IV E FPGA Prototype HardCopy IV E Resource Stratix IV E FPGA Prototype Max Resource 1 Package2 (Body Size) Generic Part Number Prototyping Device LEs ASIC Gates3 I/O Pins4

    18x18 M144Ks WF484 FF484 HC4E25WF484N HC4E25FF484N EP4SE230F29 WF780 HC4E25WF780N EP4SE820H40 ep4se530h40 f7807 EP4SE820H35 EP4SE530H35 H1152 EP4SE230 EP4SE530 EP4SE230F29 stratix LF1152 PDF

    Altera DDR3 FPGA sampling oscilloscope

    Abstract: sgmii Ethernet "Direct Replacement" HIV51001-2 HIV51002-1 HIV51003-1 HIV51004-2 HIV51005-2 diode 226 16k 718 HIV51007-2
    Text: HardCopy IV Device Handbook, Volume 1 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 HC4_H5V1-2.2 Copyright 2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other



    Abstract: DDR3 jedec pcie Gen2 payload pcie X8 HIV51001-2 HIV51002-1 HIV51003-1 HIV51004-2 HIV51005-2 HIV51006-2
    Text: HardCopy IV Device Handbook, Volume 1 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 HC4_H5V1-2.2 Copyright 2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other



    Abstract: EP4SE360 ep4sgx180 EP4SGX290 EP4SGX360 EP4SGX70 HIV51001-2 EP4SE530H35 "Stratix IV" Package layout footprint HC4GX35
    Text: Section I. Device Core This section provides a complete overview of all features relating to the HardCopy IV device family. HardCopy IV devices are Altera’s latest generation of low-cost, high-performance, low power ASICs with pin-outs, densities, and



    Abstract: HC4GX35FF1517 EP4SGX180 EP4SGX230 F1517
    Text: HardCopy IV Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration HardCopy IV Device Handbook Volume 1: Device Interfaces and Integration 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 HC4_H5V1-2.3 2011 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. ALTERA, ARRIA, CYCLONE, HARDCOPY, MAX, MEGACORE, NIOS, QUARTUS and STRATIX are Reg. U.S. Pat.



    Abstract: EP4SE360 HIV52001-2 HIV52002-1 HIV52003-2 HIV52004-2 EP4SE230 EP4SGX70 EP4SGX230 EP4SGX360HF35
    Text: HardCopy IV Device Handbook, Volume 2 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 HC4_H5V2-2.1 Copyright 2010 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved. Altera, The Programmable Solutions Company, the stylized Altera logo, specific device designations, and all other



    Abstract: EP4SGX180 EP4SGX70 F1517 HIV52001-2 EP4SGX360 EP4SGX290 EP4SGX360HF35 EP4SE820 ep4sgx230f1517
    Text: Section I. HardCopy IV Design Flow and Prototyping with Stratix IV Devices This section provides a description of the design flow and the implementation process used by the HardCopy Design Center. It also provides information about mapping Stratix IV devices to HardCopy® IV devices and associated power and configuration



    Abstract: HC4GX35FF1517N EP4SGX360KF40 H151 EP4SE820H40 HC4E35FF1152N EP4SE360 HIV51005-2 EP4SE530H35 HC4E25FF780
    Text: 5. Clock Networks and PLLs in HardCopy IV Devices HIV51005-2.1 This chapter provides a general description of clock networks and phase-locked loops PLLs in HardCopy IV devices. HardCopy IV devices support a hierarchical clock structure and multiple PLLs with

    HIV51005-2 ep4se530h40 HC4GX35FF1517N EP4SGX360KF40 H151 EP4SE820H40 HC4E35FF1152N EP4SE360 EP4SE530H35 HC4E25FF780 PDF


    Abstract: EP4SE530 ep4se530h40 EP4SGX180 HC4GX15LAF780N EP4SE230 EP4SGX180FF35 HC4GX25 EP4SE820 HC4GX25LF1152
    Text: 3. Mapping Stratix IV Device Resources to HardCopy IV Devices HIV52003-2.1 This chapter discusses the available options for mapping from a Stratix IV device to a HardCopy ® IV device. The Quartus II software limits resources to those available to both the Stratix IV FPGA

    HIV52003-2 1517-pin EP4SE530 ep4se530h40 EP4SGX180 HC4GX15LAF780N EP4SE230 EP4SGX180FF35 HC4GX25 EP4SE820 HC4GX25LF1152 PDF