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    HARRIS VARISTORS 575 Search Results

    HARRIS VARISTORS 575 Datasheets Context Search

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    suppressors disk

    Abstract: AN8820 V131CA32 V131CA40 V151CA32 V151CA40 V251CA32 V251CA40 V251CA60
    Text: [ /Title CA Series /Subject (Industrial High Energy MetalOxide Disc Varistors) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, AC Panel, Industrial High Energy Disc Varistors CA Series Data Sheet

    1-800-4-HARRIS suppressors disk AN8820 V131CA32 V131CA40 V151CA32 V151CA40 V251CA32 V251CA40 V251CA60 PDF

    HARRIS 130L20B

    Abstract: 320l40 harris 130l10 harris 230L20 HARRIS VARISTOR 1501 150L20B harris Harris v1000LA160b mov 575L40 250L harris 230L40
    Text: LA Series Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation [ /Title LA Series /Subject (Radial Lead MetalOxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression,

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    harris V172BB60

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [ /Title BA/B B Series /Subject (Industrial High Energy MetalOxide Varistors) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, AC Panel, Industrial High Energy Varistors BA/BB Series Data Sheet

    13ription 1-800-4-HARRIS harris V172BB60 PDF


    Abstract: 150L20B 275L40B 130L20 varistor 275L20 datasheet pdf download 275L40 250l40 harris 1752 320L40 480L40
    Text: [ /Title LA Series /Subject (Radial Lead MetalOxide Varistors for Line Voltage Operation) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, LA Series Data Sheet Radial Lead Metal-Oxide Varistors for Line

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    V250PA40A harris varistors

    Abstract: Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C harris varistor V150PA20A ge varistor V250PA40C harris varistors v575pa80c harris varistors 575 harris varistor v320pa40a
    Text: [ /Title PA Series /Subject (Base Mount MetalOxide Varistors) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, AC Panel, Lightning PA Series Data Sheet July 1999 File Number 2192.5 Base Mount Metal-Oxide Varistors

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [ /Title HB34 Series /Subject (Industrial High Energy MetalOxide Varistors) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products) /Creator () /DOCI NFO pdfmark HB34 Series Data Sheet Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide Varistors The HB34 Series of transient surge suppressors are

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    Harris V481HA40

    Abstract: harris 1100 harris varistors 575 metal oxide varistor V271HA40
    Text: [ /Title HA Series /Subject (Industrial High Energy MetalOxide Varistors) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, AC Panel, Light- HA Series Data Sheet Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide

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    Abstract: MIL-STD-750-1038 MIL-STD-750-1071 v130a harris mov varistor 15k MIL-STD-750-2036
    Text: High Reliability Varistors High Reliability Series Mechanical and Environmental Testing for Aerospace, Military and High Reliability Applications The high reliability Harris varistor is the latest step in increased product performance, and is available for

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    sec 472 varistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [ /Title NA Series /Subject (Industrial High Energy MetalOxide Square Disc Varistors) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, AC NA Series Data Sheet Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide

    1-800-4-HARRIS sec 472 varistor PDF

    varistor 125 012 1310

    Abstract: harris varistors 275 harris mov harris varistors AS 108-120 mov 250 ac V100ZA15 V130LA20B SP720 MIL-STD-750-2036
    Text: High Reliability Varistors High Reliability Series Mechanical and Environmental Testing for Aerospace, Military and High Reliability Applications The high reliability Harris varistor is the latest step in increased product performance, and is available for

    MIL-STD-19500, MIL-S-750, MIL-R-83530 V130LA2 varistor 125 012 1310 harris varistors 275 harris mov harris varistors AS 108-120 mov 250 ac V100ZA15 V130LA20B SP720 MIL-STD-750-2036 PDF

    harris varistors 575

    Abstract: harris varistor V571DB40
    Text: [ /Title DA/D B Series /Subject (Industrial High Energy MetalOxide Varistors) /Autho r () /Keywords (Harris Corporation, Suppression Products, TVS, Transient Suppression, Protection, AC Line, AC Panel, DA/DB Series Data Sheet Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide

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    slip ring motor characteristics curve

    Abstract: welding transformer SCR AN9772 harris varistor UL1499 "The Magic of I2t" 20kVA transformer SCR 400V 1000A HIIAA harris varistors
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9772 Harris Suppression Products January 1998 Harris Varistor Design Examples This note is meant to be a guide for the user in selecting a varistor by describing common application examples, and illustrating the solution process to determine the appropriate

    AN9772 500V/80 V130LA20A, 1-800-4-HARRIS slip ring motor characteristics curve welding transformer SCR AN9772 harris varistor UL1499 "The Magic of I2t" 20kVA transformer SCR 400V 1000A HIIAA harris varistors PDF

    hOW TO READ varistor VALUE

    Abstract: varistor far 10k 150 hOW TO READ varistor VALUE harris varistor 05 k 575 varistor 1302 SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER C106D 1206 5 hp DC motor speed control using scr scr C106 harris varistor
    Text: Designing With Varistors Selecting the Varistor The varistor must operate under steady-state and transient conditions. Device ratings allow a selection of the proper size device to insure reliable operation. The selection process requires a knowledge of the electrical environment.

    130VRMS 117VAC 175VDC hOW TO READ varistor VALUE varistor far 10k 150 hOW TO READ varistor VALUE harris varistor 05 k 575 varistor 1302 SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER C106D 1206 5 hp DC motor speed control using scr scr C106 harris varistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Industrial High Energy Disc Varistors CA Series S E M I C O N D U C T O R Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide Disc Varistors January 1998 Features Description • Provided In Disc Form For Unique Packaging By Customer The CA Series of transient surge suppressors are industrial

    1-800-4-HARRIS PDF

    Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C

    Abstract: V250PA40A harris varistors GE 20 V 510 VARISTOR 660V strike and creep distance 660v+varistor
    Text: E HARRIS PA Seríes S E M I C O N D U C T O R Base Mount Metal-Oxide Varistors January 1998 Features Description • Recognized as "Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Std. 1449 The PA Series of transient surge suppressors are metaloxide varistors MOVs featuring a rigid base mount package

    OCR Scan
    A7811055. Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C V250PA40A harris varistors GE 20 V 510 VARISTOR 660V strike and creep distance 660v+varistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: b3E D m • 4302271 0D4A424 3Tb « H A S CA Series HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide HARRIS SEP1IC0ND SECTOR _ Disc Varistors vaiismia August 1993 Features • Provided Unpackaged For Unique Packaging By Customer • Solderable Electrode Finish Also Provides Pressure Contacts for

    OCR Scan
    0D4A424 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HA Series HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR January 1998 Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide Varistors Features Description • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Std, 1449 HA Series transienl surge suppressors are industrial high

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PA Series HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Base Mount Metal-Oxide Varistors January 1998 Description Features Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”, UL File #E75961 to Std. 1449 Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppressors”,

    OCR Scan
    E75961 LR91788 1-M1981 A7811055. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2 HARRIS CA Series S E M I C O N D U C T O R Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide Disc Varistors M a rch 1995 Features • P rovided U n p a c k a g e d Fo r U niq ue P a c k a g in g By C u s to m er • S o ld e ra b le E le c tro d e F in is h A lso P ro v id e s P res s u re C o n ta c ts for

    OCR Scan
    Des50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ÍT¡ HARRIS N A Cpp/pc fW #I ff S E M I C O N D U C T O R Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide Square Varistors March 1995 Feafures • P rovided U n p a c k a g e d For U n iq u e P a c k a g in g B y C u s to m e r • S o ld e ra b le E le c tro d e F in is h A lso P ro v id e s P res s u re C o n ta c ts for

    OCR Scan
    1050J V131N V251N V271N V321N V421N V481N V511N V571N V661N PDF

    General Electric SCR Manual, Fifth Edition, 1972

    Abstract: free transistor equivalent book 2sc tny 227 pn 270v varistor d - 302 Disc ceramic capacitor GE 130L20 Harris Transient Voltage Suppression Manual General Electric 250L40 GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual GE MOV varistor varistor xf 030 Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C
    Text: TRANSIENT VOLTAGE SUPPRESSION DEVICES 1995 ATVf\D\Ai A R R O W E L E C T R O N IC S , INC. A R R O W E L E C T R O N IC S C A N A D A LTD. 1 09 3 M E Y E R S ID E D R IV E M IS S IS S A U G A , O N TA R IO L5T 1M 4 905-670-7769 800-387-3962 FAX: 905-670-77P1

    OCR Scan
    905-670-77P1 General Electric SCR Manual, Fifth Edition, 1972 free transistor equivalent book 2sc tny 227 pn 270v varistor d - 302 Disc ceramic capacitor GE 130L20 Harris Transient Voltage Suppression Manual General Electric 250L40 GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual GE MOV varistor varistor xf 030 Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris V420PA40C PDF


    Abstract: 1-5100E V130LA20B V150LA20B 130TX10 MIL-STD-750-1071 harris varistors harris mov 420TX V272A05
    Text: bBE D • 43 G 5 2 7 1 G G 4 ô b 0 4 3bT « H A S H A R R I S S E n i C O N D SE C T O R 13 TVS HIGH RELIABILITY SERIES MECHANICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING FOR AEROSPACE, MILITARY, AND HIGH RELIABILITY APPLICATIONS The high-reliability Harris varistor is the latest step in increased product performance, and is available for applications requiring

    OCR Scan
    43G5271 Mil-Std-19500, Mil-S-750, Mil-R-83536. Mil-R-83530. 30LA2 Mil-R-83536 1-5100E V130LA20B V150LA20B 130TX10 MIL-STD-750-1071 harris varistors harris mov 420TX V272A05 PDF

    harris varistors 575

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HA Series s D ata Sheet Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide Varistors HA Series transient surge suppressors are industrial high energy metal-oxide varistors MOVs . They are designed to provide secondary surge protection in the outdoor and service entrance environment (distribution panels) of

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 2sc 6200
    Text: BA/BB Seríes S J a n u a ry 1998 Industrial High Energy Metal-Oxide Varistors Features Description • Recognized as “Transient Voltage Surge Suppres­ sors”, UL File #E75961 to Std. 1449 The BA and BB Series transient surge suppressors are heavy-duty industrial metal-oxide varistors MOVs designed

    OCR Scan
    880Vm 2800VM VARISTOR V172BB60 2sc 6200 PDF