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    Abstract: varistor 100v harris varistors single phase 220v phase shift circuit diagram BL203 harris varistor gemov "upturn region" V130LA10A 9a 92693
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9767 Harris Suppression Products January 1998 Harris Varistors - Basic Properties, Terminology and Theory What Is A Harris Varistor? Varistors are voltage dependent, nonlinear devices which have an electrical behavior similar to back-to-back zener

    AN9767 pr981. AN9767 varistor 100v harris varistors single phase 220v phase shift circuit diagram BL203 harris varistor gemov "upturn region" V130LA10A 9a 92693 PDF

    harris varistors

    Abstract: harris varistor harris mov GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual GE MOV varistor GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual sem 3040 271 varistor V24ZA4 varistor 220 ge VARISTOR DATA SHEET
    Text: Harris MOV Quality and Reliability Quality Statement Harris Total Quality Management Principles “Harris is committed to being a company Customer Focus of the highest quality in every aspect of its business activity” John T. Hartley Chairman, Harris Corporation

    UL-1449 E75961) UL-497B E135010) UL-1414 E56529) harris varistors harris varistor harris mov GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual GE MOV varistor GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual sem 3040 271 varistor V24ZA4 varistor 220 ge VARISTOR DATA SHEET PDF

    80386 microprocessor features

    Abstract: architecture of microprocessor 80386 80386 microprocessor ARCHITECTURE OF 80386 task switching in 80386 microprocessor 80386 microprocessor architecture registers OF 80386 architecture of 80386 microprocessor bytes and string manipulation of 8086 80386 architecture
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN111.1 Harris Digital March 1997 Harris 80C286 Performance Advantages Over the 80386 Author: Ted Dimbero Introduction Architecture Background The Harris 80C286, operating at the same frequency as the 80386, has performance advantages over the 80386 when

    AN111 80C286 80C286, 16-bit 80C86 16MHz, 20MHz 80386 microprocessor features architecture of microprocessor 80386 80386 microprocessor ARCHITECTURE OF 80386 task switching in 80386 microprocessor 80386 microprocessor architecture registers OF 80386 architecture of 80386 microprocessor bytes and string manipulation of 8086 80386 architecture PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9760.1 Harris FingerLoc October 1997 Using the Harris FingerLoc Evaluation Kit Author: Alan Kasten Introduction The kit contains the following elements: The Harris FingerLoc evaluation kit is designed to enable evaluators to perform two distinct functions:

    AN9760 1-800-4-HARRIS fingerloc PDF

    microcontroller fingerprint application

    Abstract: microcontroller fingerprint optical fingerprint sensor "Fingerprint Sensor" AN9760 finger print sensor fingerprint sensor fingerprint Sensor datasheet processor of fingerprint system fingerloc
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9760 Harris FingerLoc July 1997 Using the Harris FingerLoc Evaluation Kit Preliminary Author: Alan Kasten Introduction The kit contains the following elements: The Harris FingerLoc evaluation kit is designed to enable evaluators to perform two distinct functions:

    AN9760 1-800-4-HARRIS microcontroller fingerprint application microcontroller fingerprint optical fingerprint sensor "Fingerprint Sensor" AN9760 finger print sensor fingerprint sensor fingerprint Sensor datasheet processor of fingerprint system fingerloc PDF


    Abstract: microprocessor 80286 internal architecture 80286 Microprocessor 80286 microprocessor features architecture of microprocessor 80386 80386SX HARRIS 80286 80386 microprocessor 8086-to-80286 microprocessor 80286 Number of registers size
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN121.1 Harris Digital March 1997 Harris 80C286 Performance Advantages Over the 80386SX Author: Ted Dimbero Introduction The Harris 80C286, operating at the same frequency as the 80386SX, can outperform the 80386SX when executing software written for the 80286 and 8086, including all

    AN121 80C286 80386SX 80C286, 80386SX, 80386SX 80C286 80386SX. 16-bit 80386SX-16 microprocessor 80286 internal architecture 80286 Microprocessor 80286 microprocessor features architecture of microprocessor 80386 HARRIS 80286 80386 microprocessor 8086-to-80286 microprocessor 80286 Number of registers size PDF


    Abstract: MLA0805 harris mov HARRIS Transient Voltage Suppression
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9671.1 Harris Suppression Products January 1998 The ABCs of Harris Multilayer Suppressors Author: Don Tidey Introduction The products and circuits to which these Multilayer Suppressors are applicable are diverse and include: This guide is similar to “The ABCs of MOVs”, offering

    AN9671 IEC-1000-4-2 MLA0805 harris mov HARRIS Transient Voltage Suppression PDF


    Abstract: tdc1007 IC STU 404 1007J TRW tdc stu 407 siemens rs 1007 trw 1007 clifford relay TDC-1007J
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN548.1 Harris Linear November 1996 A Designers Guide for the HA-5033 Video Buffer Author: Carl Wolfe Introduction Harris Semiconductor is an industry leader in the high speed, wideband, monolithic operational amplifier market. Due to the high performance of Harris products, designers in

    AN548 HA-5033 1-800-4-HARRIS TDC1007J tdc1007 IC STU 404 1007J TRW tdc stu 407 siemens rs 1007 trw 1007 clifford relay TDC-1007J PDF


    Abstract: HP8780A HP8981 HP8165A fireberd HP8780 fireberd 6000a processor schematics HSP3824 HP-8657B CRC16
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9615 April 1996 Harris Digital Signal Processing Using the HSP3824 Evaluation Board and Associated Software Authors: Carl Andren, John Fakatselis Harris Semiconductor and Eric Turner (Squires Engineering) TM Introduction This application note describes

    AN9615 HSP3824 HSP3824, SPARE76 SPARE77 SPARE78 SPARE79 SPARE80 SPARE81 CON24A HP8780A HP8981 HP8165A fireberd HP8780 fireberd 6000a processor schematics HP-8657B CRC16 PDF

    16 pin diagram of lcd display 16x2

    Abstract: 14 pin diagram of optrex lcd display 16x2 LCD ASCII CODE 16x2 LCD display module 16x2 characters HD44780 16 pin diagram of HD44780 lcd display 16x2 16x2 lcd HD44780 16 pin diagram of lcd display 16x2 hd44780 16x2 lcd method optrex lcd display 16x2 hitachi 16x2 lcd datasheet
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9702 Harris Digital February 1997 Keypad Scan and LCD Interface for the CDP68HC05 Author: Christopher Mazzanti Introduction This application note details input/output interfaces to a Harris CDP68HC05 microcontroller. Being able to easily display

    AN9702 CDP68HC05 CDP68HC05 HD44780 6B657900 C0202020 16 pin diagram of lcd display 16x2 14 pin diagram of optrex lcd display 16x2 LCD ASCII CODE 16x2 LCD display module 16x2 characters HD44780 16 pin diagram of HD44780 lcd display 16x2 16x2 lcd HD44780 16 pin diagram of lcd display 16x2 hd44780 16x2 lcd method optrex lcd display 16x2 hitachi 16x2 lcd datasheet PDF


    Abstract: schematic diagram regulator 12v dc SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM POWER SUPPLY 12v 5A SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM POWER SUPPLY 12v 10A schematic diagram for ac line voltage monitor 80w audio amplifier schematic circuit diagram AN9212 "Intelligent Power Devices" XCK-S example schematic diagram power supply 12v
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9212.1 Harris Intelligent Power April 1994 HIP5060 FAMILY OF CURRENT MODE CONTROL ICs ENHANCE 1MHz REGULATOR PERFORMANCE Authors: Robert G. Hodgins and Hal Wittlinger Abstract uted power. They were jointly designed by IBM and Harris

    AN9212 HIP5060 AN9208. an9208 schematic diagram regulator 12v dc SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM POWER SUPPLY 12v 5A SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM POWER SUPPLY 12v 10A schematic diagram for ac line voltage monitor 80w audio amplifier schematic circuit diagram "Intelligent Power Devices" XCK-S example schematic diagram power supply 12v PDF


    Abstract: came
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. TB304 Harris Power February 1994 Advanced Power Package Construction Method Raises TO-252 Reliability To New Heights This technical backgrounder is intended to show how Harris redesigned the TO-252 surface-mount power package into

    TB304 O-252 O-252packaged O-252-packaged TB304 came PDF


    Abstract: MCT thyristor 1000v MCT thyristor 100v A23 D-pak transistor 60n06 HARRIS CD4000 QML cdp68hc68 cd4000 cmos logic series guide SMD L4 Transistor SOT-223 CD4016BE
    Text: Harris Semiconductor Ordering Information Guide PRODUCT NOMENCLATURES January 1998 S E M I C O N D U C T O R BR-027.4 HARRIS ORDERING NOMENCLATURE GUIDE Table of Contents PAGE HARRIS ORDERING NOMENCLATURE GUIDE Table of Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    BR-027 82CXXX CD4016BEX MCT thyristor 1000v MCT thyristor 100v A23 D-pak transistor 60n06 HARRIS CD4000 QML cdp68hc68 cd4000 cmos logic series guide SMD L4 Transistor SOT-223 CD4016BE PDF

    68hc11 multiple byte transfer using spi

    Abstract: H17190 intel 8051 and 68HC11 AN9527 Harris Semiconductor h17190 instruction set microcontroller 68HC11 weigh scale calibration program microcontroller 8051 medical APPLICATION intel 8051 SSR T 9527
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9527 Harris Data Acquisition September 1995 Interfacing the HI7190 to a Microcontroller Authors: Stephen LaJeunesse and John Kornblum Introduction 10MHz The Harris HI7190 is a 24-bit monolithic instrumentation sigma delta A/D converter designed for applications such as

    AN9527 HI7190 10MHz 24-bit 1-800-4-HARRIS 68hc11 multiple byte transfer using spi H17190 intel 8051 and 68HC11 AN9527 Harris Semiconductor h17190 instruction set microcontroller 68HC11 weigh scale calibration program microcontroller 8051 medical APPLICATION intel 8051 SSR T 9527 PDF


    Abstract: 82C52 74xx1 82c521 uart with bit parity 80C86 80C88 AN108 82C338 rs232c protocol
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN108.1 Harris Digital March 1997 82C52 Programmable UART PAGE INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-4 Copyright 1.0 GLOSSARY OF DATA COMMUNICATION TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4

    AN108 82C52 82C52 82C59A 74XX138 80C88 74xx138 74xx1 82c521 uart with bit parity 80C86 80C88 82C338 rs232c protocol PDF

    Leach Relay Reliability

    Abstract: Leach Suppressor Metal Oxide Varistor MOV SUPPRESSOR varistor 222 Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris Transient Voltage Suppression Manual AN9211 harris varistors Syfer Capacitors zinc-oxide nonlinear resistors
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9211 Harris MOVs April 1993 Soldering Recommendations for Surface Mount Metal Oxide Varistors and Multilayer Transient Voltage Suppressors Authors: Marty Corbett and Neil McLoughlin Introduction In recent years, electronic systems have migrated towards

    AN9211 DB450) Leach Relay Reliability Leach Suppressor Metal Oxide Varistor MOV SUPPRESSOR varistor 222 Metal-Oxide Varistor Harris Transient Voltage Suppression Manual AN9211 harris varistors Syfer Capacitors zinc-oxide nonlinear resistors PDF


    Abstract: WICKMAN FUSE idc 20 pin data ribbon connector PWM code using fpga diode 7935 Floppy connector 34 pin IDC Fuse FF8 Sage 6805 APA-320-T-A1 HIP7030ICE
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R USER MANUAL FOR THE HARRIS CDP68HC05ICE DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT FOR HARRIS CDP68HC05C4B, C8B, C16B, AND J4B MICROCONTROLLERS VERSION 1.1 1/30/97 1997 Harris Semiconductor, Somerville, NJ Created by Christopher Mazzanti and Paul Sferrazza

    CDP68HC05ICE CDP68HC05C4B, 68HC05ICE APA-320-T-A1 APA-628-T-A1 APA-640-T-A1 CD74HCU04E 5x20mm CBL-DB25-MM DB25 FOOTPRINT PCB WICKMAN FUSE idc 20 pin data ribbon connector PWM code using fpga diode 7935 Floppy connector 34 pin IDC Fuse FF8 Sage 6805 APA-320-T-A1 HIP7030ICE PDF

    tl5001 spice model

    Abstract: tl5001 spice model up century fasteners rdsl AN9526 HIP5011 amplifier 40khz with gain 100 with 5v SLVA034 tl5001 applications 1N4148
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9526 Harris Intelligent Power September 1995 A 5V to 3.3V, 7A, Synchronous Rectified Buck Regulator Using the Harris SynchroFET HIP5011 Author: David Hamo The SynchroFET is ideal for implementing 5V to ≤3.3V or 3.3V to ≤2.9V converters. Efficiencies greater than 90% are

    AN9526 HIP5011 HIP5010 HIP5011 1-800-4-HARRIS tl5001 spice model tl5001 spice model up century fasteners rdsl AN9526 amplifier 40khz with gain 100 with 5v SLVA034 tl5001 applications 1N4148 PDF

    aircraft logic gates

    Abstract: HS 3282 arinc 429 serial transmitter HS-3282 HELICOPTER bell 8086 microprocessor helicopter design AN400 boeing logic gates HS3282
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN400.1 Harris Digital March 1997 Using the HS-3282 ARINC Bus Interface Circuit Author: Daniel B. Clifton Introduction The Harris HS-3282 is a high performance CMOS programmable bus interface circuit that was designed to meet the requirements of ARlNC Specification 429, and similarly

    AN400 HS-3282 aircraft logic gates HS 3282 arinc 429 serial transmitter HELICOPTER bell 8086 microprocessor helicopter design boeing logic gates HS3282 PDF

    MOV 103 M 3 KV

    Abstract: Thyristor 6kV metal oxide surge arrester SURGE ARRESTER spark gap Thyristor 6kV 500a
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9310.1 Harris Suppression Products January 1998 Surge Suppression Technologies for AC Mains Compared MOVs, SADs, Gas Tubes, Filters and Transformers Author: Martin P. Corbett Synopsis Protection on the low voltage AC mains system from

    AN9310 1-800-4-HARRIS MOV 103 M 3 KV Thyristor 6kV metal oxide surge arrester SURGE ARRESTER spark gap Thyristor 6kV 500a PDF

    Creative IC CT 1975

    Abstract: 74s188 programming sd 431 sn74s454 MMI TiW PROM programming procedure ci la 7610 74S472 PROM PROGRAMMING MB7122H 74S287 programming instructions FZH 161
    Text: Part of the Harris Spectrum of Integrated Circuits 44 HARRIS Q Quantum e! scironic#500 Sox 391262 B ra m ie y 1984 Harris Bipolar Digital Data Book 2018 Harris Semiconductor Bipolar Digital Products represent state-of-the-art production in density and performance.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 74C929 74C930 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER d8259ac zener chn 848 P8255 interfacing 8289 with 8086 HD-6402C-9 harris semiconductor cmos
    Text: ADVANCED SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC^S P T Y LTD y I JOHANNESBURG 2000 TEL. 802-5820 DIGITAL DATA BOOK Part of the Harris Spectrum of Integrated Circuits HARRIS $ 5 .0 0 1 9 8 4 Harris C M O S Digital Data Book Harris Semiconductor CMOS Digital Products Division's

    OCR Scan

    pin diagram AMD FX 9590

    Abstract: Transistor AF 138 laser sharp measurement d6406 pby 283 diode data book SN74298
    Text: V o lu m e 5 $5.00 Harris Semiconductor Sector Capabilities Harris Semiconductor, one of the top ten U.S. merchant semiconductor suppliers, is a sector of Harris Corporation — a producer of advanced information processing, communication and microelectronic

    OCR Scan
    K29793 NZ21084 RS39191 pin diagram AMD FX 9590 Transistor AF 138 laser sharp measurement d6406 pby 283 diode data book SN74298 PDF

    amplifier HS 9004

    Abstract: AN9102 AN7275 CA3130 spice AN7326 ICL7103A Replacement CA3079 Low Cost Digital Panel Meter Designs 9012 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT SE 660001
    Text: DATA ACQUISITION 18 HOW TO USE HARRIS AnswerFAX What is AnswerFAX? AnswerFAX is Harris’ automated fax response system. It gives you on-demand access to a full library of the latest data sheets, application notes, and other information on Harris products.

    OCR Scan
    HA-5104 HA-5112 HA-5114 HA-5127 HA-5137 HA-5147 HA-5190 HA-5221/22 MM5033 MM5101 amplifier HS 9004 AN9102 AN7275 CA3130 spice AN7326 ICL7103A Replacement CA3079 Low Cost Digital Panel Meter Designs 9012 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT SE 660001 PDF