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    flyback operate in both ccm and dcm

    Abstract: an9208 DCM flyback transfer function single stage flyback operate in ccm cuk converter 10A zvs flyback driver 12 to -12v cuk converter 100W sub amplifier Buck-Boost Converter disadvantages Rudy Severns
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9208 Harris Intelligent Power April 1994 HIGH FREQUENCY POWER CONVERTERS Authors: Rudy Severns, Springtime Enterprises Hal Wittlinger, Harris Semiconductor Introduction Computers and telecom equipment are steadily becoming more complex, providing ever higher levels of performance.

    AN9208 flyback operate in both ccm and dcm an9208 DCM flyback transfer function single stage flyback operate in ccm cuk converter 10A zvs flyback driver 12 to -12v cuk converter 100W sub amplifier Buck-Boost Converter disadvantages Rudy Severns PDF


    Abstract: 4dt 823 b chevalier Phoenix Contact 29 61 202 foster 81 - 22 Zeus Industrial Products zi 9512 78378 523233 harris 122015
    Text: HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR Sales Offices, Representatives and Authorized Distributors North American Sales Offices, Representatives and Authorized Distributors ALABAMA Harris Semiconductor 600 Boulevard South Suite 103 Huntsville, AL 35802 TEL: 205 883-2791 FAX: 205 883 2861

    837-90me F9232 4dt 823 b chevalier Phoenix Contact 29 61 202 foster 81 - 22 Zeus Industrial Products zi 9512 78378 523233 harris 122015 PDF

    cms 702

    Abstract: foster 81 - 22 Zeus Industrial Products B1130 BA 6686 Taiwan Oasis Enterprise Co., LTD
    Text: HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR Sales Offices, Representatives and Authorized Distributors North American Sales Offices, Representatives and Authorized Distributors ALABAMA Harris Semiconductor 600 Boulevard South Suite 103 Huntsville, AL 35802 TEL: 205 883-2791 FAX: 205 883 2861

    52-HI-REL cms 702 foster 81 - 22 Zeus Industrial Products B1130 BA 6686 Taiwan Oasis Enterprise Co., LTD PDF

    IC HS 8108

    Abstract: harris 721a 9416 Diode zener diode 6c 5T capacitor symbols data sheet zener diode 6c 5T IC HS 8108 power supply borosilicate glass NIST 2114M XHS 4A
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9416.1 Harris Intelligent Power May 1995 Thermal Considerations In Power BiMOS Low Side Drivers HIP0080, HIP0081, HIP0082, CA3282 and Others Author: Wayne Austin Overview the user with a practical working knowledge of the thermal

    AN9416 HIP0080, HIP0081, HIP0082, CA3282 HIP0082 -40oC IC HS 8108 harris 721a 9416 Diode zener diode 6c 5T capacitor symbols data sheet zener diode 6c 5T IC HS 8108 power supply borosilicate glass NIST 2114M XHS 4A PDF


    Abstract: SCR Handbook, General electric AN9319 Rudy Severns 5 hp DC motor speed control using scr d50026 "General Electric SCR Manual" 6th AN918 MOTOROLA 14v 10A mosfet TA84-5
    Text: Harris Semiconductor No. AN9319 Harris Power September 1993 Parallel Operation Of Insulated Gate Transistors Author: Sebald R. Korn, Consulting Applications Engineer that the only part of the bipolar in parallel to the MOSFET and modulation resistance is the base-collector junction, but

    AN9319 IBJT SCR Handbook, General electric AN9319 Rudy Severns 5 hp DC motor speed control using scr d50026 "General Electric SCR Manual" 6th AN918 MOTOROLA 14v 10A mosfet TA84-5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [ /Title CD74H C4040, CD74HC T4040 /Subject (High Speed CMOS Logic 12-Stage Binary CD54/74HC4040, CD54/74HCT4040 Data sheet acquired from Harris Semiconductor SCHS203B High Speed CMOS Logic 12-Stage Binary Counter February 1998 - Revised March 2002 Features

    CD54/74HC4040, CD54/74HCT4040 SCHS203B 12-Stage HC4040 HCT4040 14-stage CD74H C4040, CD74HC PDF


    Abstract: CD4016BF3A dow 8257 CD4016BF cd4016be
    Text: Data sheet acquired from Harris Semiconductor SCHS026C – Revised September 2003 The CD4016 “B” Series types are supplied in 14-lead hermetic dual-in-line ceramic packages F3A suffix , 14-lead dual-in-line plastic packages (E suffix), 14-lead small-outline

    SCHS026C CD4016 14-lead 17-Oct-2005 5962-9064001CA CD4016BE CD4016BEE4 D4016 CD4016BF3A dow 8257 CD4016BF PDF

    Creative IC CT 1975

    Abstract: 74s188 programming sd 431 sn74s454 MMI TiW PROM programming procedure ci la 7610 74S472 PROM PROGRAMMING MB7122H 74S287 programming instructions FZH 161
    Text: Part of the Harris Spectrum of Integrated Circuits 44 HARRIS Q Quantum e! scironic#500 Sox 391262 B ra m ie y 1984 Harris Bipolar Digital Data Book 2018 Harris Semiconductor Bipolar Digital Products represent state-of-the-art production in density and performance.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 74C929 74C930 1 phase SCR TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER d8259ac zener chn 848 P8255 interfacing 8289 with 8086 HD-6402C-9 harris semiconductor cmos
    Text: ADVANCED SEMICONDUCTOR DEVIC^S P T Y LTD y I JOHANNESBURG 2000 TEL. 802-5820 DIGITAL DATA BOOK Part of the Harris Spectrum of Integrated Circuits HARRIS $ 5 .0 0 1 9 8 4 Harris C M O S Digital Data Book Harris Semiconductor CMOS Digital Products Division's

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    equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet

    Abstract: MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40
    Text: $5.00 S E M I C O N D U C T O R TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Harris Marketing Support Services HMSS , 1-800-4HARRIS HMSS provides world-class service to customers requiring information on all products offered by Harris Semiconductor. Ask Harris Marketing Support Services for answers concerning:

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    1-800-4HARRIS equivalent data book of 10N60 mosfet MC14016CP GD4511 an-6466 CX 2859 SMD 74AC14 spice 6120* harris HCF4018be 7028 SMD Transistor spice irfbc40 PDF

    hcl laptop MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram

    Abstract: ward leonard tubular resistors laptop cq 42 MOTHERBOARD VOLTAGE diagram casio tv 1400 hsp43168 CY7C510 om 25fs electronic tubes harris "device marking conventions" AUDIO DELAY CIRCUIT DIAGRAM instrument echo rever
    Text: fH HARRIS U U S E M I C O N D U C T O R HARRIS SEMICONDUCTOR DSP PRODUCTS T his Digital Signal Processing databook represents the full line o f H arris S em iconductor DSP products for com m ercial and m ilitary applications and supersedes previously published DSP m aterial under the Harris, G E,

    OCR Scan
    -201S hcl laptop MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT diagram ward leonard tubular resistors laptop cq 42 MOTHERBOARD VOLTAGE diagram casio tv 1400 hsp43168 CY7C510 om 25fs electronic tubes harris "device marking conventions" AUDIO DELAY CIRCUIT DIAGRAM instrument echo rever PDF


    Abstract: H-1381 HI1-381
    Text: HARRIS SEfllCOND SECTOR IDE D I 4302271 0013400 I HI-361/Q83 ül HARRIS • • , T—51-11 f" Dual SPST CMOS Analog Switch January 19 89 Features Description • This Circuit Is Processed In Accordance to M ll-S td - The H I-381/883 dual SPST sw itch is a m o n o lith ic device

    OCR Scan
    -381/Q83 T-51-11 Mll-Std-883 1250C) 100nA DG381 HI-380 h1381 H-1381 HI1-381 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10E D HARRIS SENICOND SECTOR I 43Q5271 0 0 1 2 ^ - 0 | H A-2540/883 HARRIS T-79-07-10 Wideband, Fast Settling Operational Amplifier January 1989 Features This Circuit Is Processed In Accordance to Mll-Std883 and Is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of

    OCR Scan
    43Q5271 T-79-07-10 Mll-Std883 50V/ps 00V/ps 200ns 300MHz 400MHz of/883, 5602B. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 15 Ï Ë 1 4305271 001QS71, G 7=ff'/7V¿. 'T 1 HARRIS CMOS 16 Bit Microprocessor Features Pinout * • Compatible with NMOS 8086 • Completely Static CM OS Design ► D C to 5MHz 80C86 ► D C to 8MHz (80C86-2) • Low Power Operation

    OCR Scan
    001QS71, 80C86) 80C86-2) 10mA/MHz I80C86. M80C86. 16-bit 110then PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ç£\ HARRIS HA-4741/883 S E M I C O N D U C T O R Quad Operational Amplifier juiy 1994 Features Description • This Circuit is Processed in Accordance to MIL-STD883 and is Fully Conformant Under the Provisions of Paragraph 1.2.1. The Harris HA-4741/883, which contains four am plifiers on a

    OCR Scan
    HA-4741/883 MIL-STD883 HA-4741/883, HA-4741/883 741-type 483nm 4741 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 33 HARRIS ME D I 43Da571 0D135Q2 t | H 1 - 3 8 7 / 8 8 3 T-51-11 SPDT CMOS Analog Switch January 1 9 8 9 Features Description • This Circuit Is Procèsseci In Accordance to M il-S td 883 and Is Fully Conform ant Under the Provisions of

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    HI-387/8Q3 T-51-11 Mit-Std-883 100nA DG387 HI-390 m387 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HARRIS SEMI'COND SECTOR S H A R R 40E D I S • H 4302271 0032817 7 ■ H A S S P 4 5 1 6 ~ P l7 - O S May 1991 16 Bit Num erically C ontrolled Oscillator Features Description • 25.6M Hz, 33MHz, 40M Hz Versions The Harris HSP45106 is a high performance 16-bit

    OCR Scan
    33MHz, HSP45106 16-bit NC016) M302271 HSP45106 T-77-09 PDF


    Abstract: AD1845
    Text: HMP8201 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R Audio Link Processor June 1997 Features Description • Performs ITU G.711, G.722, and G.728 Audio Com pression for H.320 Video Conferencing The Harris Audio Link Processor ALP combines high performance audio processing with a PCI bus interface to

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    HMP8201 1-800-4-HARRIS 68J6 AD1845 PDF

    Gray to excess-3 code conversion

    Abstract: cd40288 GD4028 CD4028B 15-V 92CS-294 nixie gd4028b
    Text: HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR MME D H M302271 □ Ü 3 7 3 ci cl S « H A S HARRIS CD4028B Types Features: BCD-to-Decimal Decoder High-Voltage T yp es {20-Volt Rating • -CD4028B types are BCD-to* decimal or binary-to-octal decoders consist' log of buffering on all 4 inp uts, decodinglogic gates, and 10 output buffers. A B C D

    OCR Scan
    M302271 CD4028B 20-Volt GD4028B CD4028B-Series 16-lead C040Z88 B408I C0402Ã 64jit Gray to excess-3 code conversion cd40288 GD4028 15-V 92CS-294 nixie PDF


    Abstract: SKD15
    Text: 80C286 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R High Perform ance M icroprocessor w ith M em ory M anagem ent and Protection March 1997 Features Description • Com patible with NMOS 80286 The Harris 80C286 is a static CMOS version of the NMOS 80286 microprocessor. The 80C286 is an advanced, highperformance microprocessor with specially optimized capa­

    OCR Scan
    80C286 80C286 25MHz cs80c286 SKD15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3875081 G E SOLID STATE 01E 19856 D Optoelectronic Specifications- - HARRIS SEMICOND SECTOR 37E D • 4302271 aQ273ia b B Photon Coupled Isolator GE3020-GE3023

    OCR Scan
    aQ273ia GE3020-GE3023 GE3020-GE3023 isola02 S-42662 S-429S1 PDF


    Abstract: N80C88 harris 6616 D80C88 412A11 HM-8616 M80C88-2 62C88 80C88A intel 8085 pin assignments
    Text: HARRIS SENICOND SECTOR TS 4305571 D O I Q Ö ^ 0 ~ -p -H I-n -0 7 88008 80C8S HARRIS CMOS 8/16-Bit Microprocessor Features Pinout* • Com patible w ith N M O S 6088 T O P VIEW • D irect Softw are C om patibility w ith 80C 86, 8086, 80C8B M IN MODE • 8-B lt Data bus Interface; 16-B lt Internal Architecture

    OCR Scan
    M302371 80C88 8/16-Bit 80C86, 80CBB 16-Blt 80C88) 80C88-2) 500pA 10mA/MHz M80C88 N80C88 harris 6616 D80C88 412A11 HM-8616 M80C88-2 62C88 80C88A intel 8085 pin assignments PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: tf\nn/s HI-381 thru HI-387 June 1999 CMOS Analog Switches File Num ber 3126.2 Features The HI-381 thru HI-387 series of switches are monolithic de­ vices fabricated using CMOS technology and the Harris dielectric isolation process. These devices are TTL compatible

    OCR Scan
    HI-381 HI-387 HI-387 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FSS230D, FSS230R S em iconductor 8A, 200V, 0.440 Ohm, Rad Hard, SEGR Resistant, N-Channel Power MOSFETs Features Description • 8A, 200V, rQs^oN = 0.440£2 The Discrete Products Operation of Harris Semiconductor has developed a series of Radiation Hardened MOSFETs

    OCR Scan
    FSS230D, FSS230R O-257AA MIL-S-19500 PDF