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    Lumberg Connect GmbH KGV-40

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey KGV-40 Bulk 150 1
    • 1 $5.27
    • 10 $4.298
    • 100 $5.27
    • 1000 $2.9125
    • 10000 $2.9125
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    Lumberg Connect GmbH SGV-40-C

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey SGV-40-C Bulk 100 1
    • 1 $3.93
    • 10 $3.204
    • 100 $3.93
    • 1000 $2.12991
    • 10000 $2.12991
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    Lumberg Connect GmbH SGV-40

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey SGV-40 Bulk 70 1
    • 1 $5.32
    • 10 $4.332
    • 100 $5.32
    • 1000 $2.9375
    • 10000 $2.9375
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    Astro Tool Corp TGV403

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey TGV403 Bulk 1
    • 1 $183.9
    • 10 $183.9
    • 100 $183.9
    • 1000 $183.9
    • 10000 $183.9
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    Astro Tool Corp TGV402

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey TGV402 Bulk 1
    • 1 $213.61
    • 10 $213.61
    • 100 $213.61
    • 1000 $213.61
    • 10000 $213.61
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    transistor l1w smd

    Abstract: ng52 mmic transistor E5 SMD Transistor Y04 SMD K62 smd mmic transistor E5 WG1 smd O2W transistor G7FH transistor g7x
    Text: CCS1930 Product Information March 1996 1 of 2 1.85 to 2.0 GHz 1 Watt Amplifier Chip Set Features ❏ High Gain ≈ 32 dB ❏ +30 dBm Output Power @ 5 Volts ❏ >45% Efficiency Achievable ❏ Small Size Functional Block Diagram CMM1301 CFK2062 Applications

    CCS1930 CMM1301 CFK2062 CCS1930 CMM1301) CFK2062) CFK2062 PB-CCS1930 transistor l1w smd ng52 mmic transistor E5 SMD Transistor Y04 SMD K62 smd mmic transistor E5 WG1 smd O2W transistor G7FH transistor g7x PDF


    Abstract: LVDSEVAL-001 5EHK AN-905 BP21R 5F-64 M07G eh17f M07E eHM connector
    Text: LVDS Evaluation Boards Chapter 6 6.0.0 LVDS EVALUATION BOARDS Presently there are two types of evaluation boards available: The high speed link includes Channel Link and FPD-Link evaluation boards and the Generic LVDS Evaluation Board. (See the selection tables in

    50-pin RC0805 CC0805 CAP100RP CB1/11/21 BP21R, BP21B CAP100RP LVDSEVAL-001 5EHK AN-905 BP21R 5F-64 M07G eh17f M07E eHM connector PDF

    2t6 551

    Abstract: AGE T6N 600 FU5F neh es8 FB E875 H04R SR715 04-RL E5EX SAA7151B
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C TO R S F O R M U LT I M E D I A A P P L I C AT I O N S INTRODUCTION Multimedia has far reaching consequences for the information age, and Philips Semiconductors is in a unique position as the only designer and manufacturer of multimedia chipsets and system solutions that has extensive expertise

    Scb35 2t6 551 AGE T6N 600 FU5F neh es8 FB E875 H04R SR715 04-RL E5EX SAA7151B PDF

    wfx 883

    Abstract: 1117 3.3 Electronic CAP100RP eh17f 5EHK hp laptop MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram hp dv CAP100RP DS90C032 national semiconductor 400045 DS90CR582
    Text: April 25, 1997 Dear Valued Customer: Enclosed is our first edition of the LVDS Owner’s Manual & Design Guide. It can be ordered from our Customer Support Centers or through our Website as literature# 550062-001. It can also be downloaded from our Website starting in June. There is

    RS-422, wfx 883 1117 3.3 Electronic CAP100RP eh17f 5EHK hp laptop MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram hp dv CAP100RP DS90C032 national semiconductor 400045 DS90CR582 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: GV Series System Configuration Programmable Display GV Series Screen transfer cable AIGV8103 Personal computer Printer commercially available product Printer interface PLC connecting cable AFC8513 For connection to tool port of Matsushita Electric Works

    AIGV8103 AFC8513 25-pin AFB85813 AIGV890 AIGV801 AIGV8010 FP10SH PDF


    Abstract: GQ102 GT102 gf201
    Text: PRELIMINARY PhlatLight LED Binning and Labeling Introduction Table of Contents This document describes the binning and labeling nomenclature for PhlatLight LED products as well as the orderable bin kits for each part. Table of Products . 2


    smd TRANSISTOR code marking w2t

    Abstract: MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR w2t w2t smd transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s2a SMD TRANSISTOR w2w smd marking e2w smd code W2W transistor e2w lm1455 marking code w2T
    Text: N Table of Contents QML Certification .1 National’s Space-Level Product Families .1

    1-800-52-HI-REL 1-800-52-HI-REL. smd TRANSISTOR code marking w2t MARKING SMD PNP TRANSISTOR w2t w2t smd transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s2a SMD TRANSISTOR w2w smd marking e2w smd code W2W transistor e2w lm1455 marking code w2T PDF


    Abstract: gg150 GL-400 SST-50-WWRM gf700 JE201 GU-45 HE100 GN2011 GS700
    Text: CBT-40, CBT-120, SST-50 CST-90,CBM-360,CSM-360 Binning and Labeling Introduction Table of Contents This document describes the binning and labeling nomenclature for PhlatLight LED products as well as the orderable bin kits for each part. Table of Products . 2

    CBT-40, CBT-120, SST-50 CST-90 CBM-360 CSM-360 KF301 gg150 GL-400 SST-50-WWRM gf700 JE201 GU-45 HE100 GN2011 GS700 PDF


    Abstract: AFC8513 FP10SH manual FP10SH vga to cat 5 converters GV50S 8 pin plc cable AIGV5805 VGA to VGA specification sheet 2.5 inch colour
    Text: SPECIFICATIONS Technical Specification GV series G V S E R I E S S P E C I F I C AT I O N S GENERAL Operation voltage range Power supply frequency range Power consumption Permissible momentary power failure With-stand voltage Insulation resistance Ambient temperature

    AIGV481 GV60T AIGV6804 GV50S AIGV5801 GV50T AIGV5805 AFC8513D AFC8513 FP10SH manual FP10SH vga to cat 5 converters GV50S 8 pin plc cable AIGV5805 VGA to VGA specification sheet 2.5 inch colour PDF


    Abstract: 5f1e S-0201 S-0202 57F1 3x62
    Text: S-0201 8.0x64.0mm L- 6S4VY2C LCD BACK LIGHT, TAB TYPE ?O2@@6X?heW-X? ?O2@6K ?@@@@@@@)Xh?W&@1?hf?W2@@@@@6X J@@@0M?@@1h?7@@@?hfW&@@0?4@@)X? ?W&@(Me?@@@hJ@@@@?hf7@@?f@@1? ?7@@H?e?3@5g?W&@@@@?hf@@@?f@@@? ?@@@f?V'YgW&@@@@@?he?J@@5?f@@@? ?@@@W2@@6Kh7@(Y@@@?he?7@@H?f3@@L

    S-0201 h1jh 5f1e S-0202 57F1 3x62 PDF


    Abstract: 57fh b DIODE 3A do-214 Hitachi DSA00308
    Text: ADE-208-244B Z HRF302A Silicon Schottky Barrier Diode for Rectifying Rev. 2 Nov.1994 Features Outline • Low forward voltage drop and suitable for high effifiency rectifying. • DO-214 is suitable for high density surface mounting and high speed assembly.

    ADE-208-244B HRF302A DO-214 DO-214 10msec ValueX62W@ eY04V WgX62W HRF302A 57fh b DIODE 3A do-214 Hitachi DSA00308 PDF


    Abstract: TA8884AN BSW43 IC PROCESSOR VCT1 CLT00 IRE01 DR41
    Text: TO SHIBA TA8884AN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8884AN RGB PROCESSOR IC The TA8884AN is an RGB processor 1C for digital-analog system color TV. TA8884AN organizes digital-analog TV system by combined with TC90A02F or TC90A06F Digital

    OCR Scan
    TA8884AN TA8884AN TC90A02F TC90A06F 110kil 330kO 180kO gCD01 BSW43 IC PROCESSOR VCT1 CLT00 IRE01 DR41 PDF


    Abstract: transistor gi z 3m BA7625
    Text: Video ICs Video signal switcher for AV amplifiers BA7625 The BA7625 is a video signal switch that contains two five-channel analog multiplexers and wide-band 6dB amplifiers. It designedfor use in video cassette recorders. By simply adding transistor buffers to the outputs, it is possible to construct

    OCR Scan
    BA7625 BA7625 10MHz 10mvp-p. DIP16 V40U transistor gi z 3m PDF


    Abstract: gv48 w41b
    Text: TOSHIBA TA8884AN TOSHIBA BIPOLAR LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC TA8884AN RGB PRO CESSO R IC The TAS884AN is an RGB processor 1C for digital-analog system color TV. TA8884AN organizes digital-analog TV system by combined w ith TC9QA02F or TC9QAQ6F Digital

    OCR Scan
    TA8884AN TA8884AN TC90A02F TC90AQ6F IP54-P-600-1 100//F gCD01 gv48 w41b PDF


    Abstract: ct430 CT34M gt 568 gv2-M
    Text: Multimedia ICs I Video signal switcher for AV amplifiers | BA7625 The BA7625 is a video signal switch that contains two five-channel analog multiplexers and w ide-band 6dB amplifiers. Itdesigned for use in video cassette recorders. By sim ply adding transistor buffers to the outputs, it is possible to construct

    OCR Scan
    BA7625 BA7625 43MHz 10MHz 10mVp-p. DIP16 ct430 CT34M gt 568 gv2-M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Video ICs I Video signal switcher for AV amplifiers | BA7625 The BA7625 is a video signal switch that contains two five-channel analog multiplexers and wide-band 6dB amplifiers. It designed for use in video cassette recorders. By simply adding transistor buffers to the outputs, it is possibleto construct

    OCR Scan
    BA7625 BA7625 DIP16 PDF


    Abstract: FEY101B TCA290A Rifa pmr 2026 EF184 ORP52 Mullard Mullard quick reference guide GZF1200 ITT A2610 YD 6409
    Text: AN INTRODUCTION TO: Cartwright ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS 517 LAWMOOR STREET DIXONS BLAZES INDUSTRIAL ESTATE GLASGOW G5 041-429 7771 Cartwright Electronic Components started trading in April, 1971 as the electronics division of John T. Cartwright & Sons ERD North Ltd . From very modest

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TA8884AN TO SH IB A BIPO LA R LIN EAR IN TEG R A TED CIRCU IT T • A & M m f t & A A ■ « SILICON M O N O LITH IC N m ■V RGB PROCESSOR IC Th e TA 8884A N is an RGB processor 1C fo r d ig ita l-an alo g system colo r TV . TA 8884A N o rg an izes d ig ita l-an alo g TV

    OCR Scan
    TA8884AN 10/uf SDIP54-P-600-1 PDF