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    DX9773-DLG2A01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Decoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX8773-ELG2A01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Encoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX7753-ULG2B01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Transcoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX0783-ULG2B01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Unified Transcoder/Encoder/Decoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    DX0793-ELG2B01-A4 Renesas Electronics Corporation D7Pro Unified Encoder/Decoder ASIC Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

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    VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA spartan 3

    Abstract: VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA 12-bit ADC interface vhdl code for FPGA direct sequence spread spectrum virtex JESD204 XAPP876 Xilinx ml507 prbs jesd VHDL code for high speed ADCs using SPI with FPGA virtex 4 date code for ADC
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-5 Family Virtex-5 FPGA Interface to a JESD204A Compliant ADC XAPP876 v1.0.1 February 22, 2010 Author: Marc Defossez Summary This application note describes how to interface the Virtex -5 LXT, SXT, TXT, and FXT devices featuring GTP/GTX transceivers to an analog-to-digital (ADC) converter compliant to JEDEC

    JESD204A XAPP876 JESD204A) JESD204 JESD204A VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA spartan 3 VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA 12-bit ADC interface vhdl code for FPGA direct sequence spread spectrum virtex XAPP876 Xilinx ml507 prbs jesd VHDL code for high speed ADCs using SPI with FPGA virtex 4 date code for ADC PDF

    VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA

    Abstract: VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA spartan 3 XAPP876 vhdl code for parallel to serial converter 12-bit ADC interface vhdl code for FPGA picoblaze UG347 DS202 JESD204 JESD204A
    Text: Application Note: Virtex-5 Family Virtex-5 FPGA Interface to a JESD204A Compliant ADC XAPP876 v1.0 September 18, 2009 Author: Marc Defossez Summary This application note describes how to interface the Virtex -5 LXT, SXT, TXT, and FXT devices featuring GTP/GTX transceivers to an analog-to-digital (ADC) converter compliant to JEDEC

    JESD204A XAPP876 JESD204A) JESD204 JESD204A VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA VHDL code for ADC and DAC SPI with FPGA spartan 3 XAPP876 vhdl code for parallel to serial converter 12-bit ADC interface vhdl code for FPGA picoblaze UG347 DS202 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HES-7 ASIC Prototyping HES-7™ ASIC Prototyping Platform Scalable, Flexible Solution Wi-Fi FPGA2 Bluetooth HDMI Mother Board FPGA1 up to 24m ASIC gates CONNECTOR HES-7™ provides SoC/ASIC hardware verification and software validation teams with a scalable and high quality FPGA-based

    2000T PDF


    Abstract: Virtex-5QV Device Reliability report XILINX ADQ0007 XQR5VFX130 CF1752 UG191 XQR5V XQR5VFX SGMII
    Text: Radiation-Hardened, Space-Grade Virtex-5QV Device Overview DS192 v1.1 August 30, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description The space-grade Virtex -5QV FPGA provides radiation-hardened by design technology to meet the requirements of space applications that demand high-performance as well as high reliability. For years, ASICs were the only solution available to system

    DS192 UG198) UG194) UG197) XQR5VFX130-1CF1752V Virtex-5QV Device Reliability report XILINX ADQ0007 XQR5VFX130 CF1752 UG191 XQR5V XQR5VFX SGMII PDF

    virtex-6 ML605 user guide

    Abstract: UG353 vhdl code 8 bit LFSR ML605 UCF FILE virtex 5 fpga utilization simple 32 bit LFSR using verilog 65Gbps SP006 virtex-5 ML605 user guide aurora GTX
    Text: LogiCORE IP Aurora 8B/10B v5.3 DS637 January 18, 2012 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table The LogiCORE IP Aurora 8B/10B core implements the Aurora 8B/10B protocol using the high-speed serial transceivers on the Virtex -5 LXT, SXT, FXT, and TXT

    8B/10B DS637 virtex-6 ML605 user guide UG353 vhdl code 8 bit LFSR ML605 UCF FILE virtex 5 fpga utilization simple 32 bit LFSR using verilog 65Gbps SP006 virtex-5 ML605 user guide aurora GTX PDF


    Abstract: virtex GTH AMBA AXI kintex 7 AMBA file write AXI verilog code aurora GTX virtex-7 XC6LX240T AMBA AXI4 verilog code 64B66B
    Text: LogiCORE IP Aurora 64B/66B v7.1 DS815 April 24, 2012 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table The LogiCORE IP Aurora 64B/66B core supports the AMBA protocol AXI4-Stream user interface. It implements the Aurora 64B/66B protocol using the

    64B/66B DS815 XC6LX240T-FF1156 virtex GTH AMBA AXI kintex 7 AMBA file write AXI verilog code aurora GTX virtex-7 XC6LX240T AMBA AXI4 verilog code 64B66B PDF

    virtex-6 ML605 user guide

    Abstract: virtex-7 sp605 verilog code 8 bit LFSR UG476 ARM v7 block diagram virtex7
    Text: LogiCORE IP Aurora 8B/10B v7.1 DS797 October 19, 2011 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table The LogiCORE IP Aurora 8B/10B core supports the AMBA protocol AXI4-Stream user interface. The core implements the Aurora 8B/10B protocol using the

    8B/10B DS797 virtex-6 ML605 user guide virtex-7 sp605 verilog code 8 bit LFSR UG476 ARM v7 block diagram virtex7 PDF


    Abstract: Aurora LX240T virtex7 vhdl coding for error correction and detection xilinx virtex-7 Spartan-6 LXT LX240T-FF1156 kintex 7
    Text: LogiCORE IP Aurora 8B/10B v8.1 DS797 April 24, 2012 Product Specification Introduction LogiCORE IP Facts Table The LogiCORE IP Aurora 8B/10B core supports the AMBA protocol AXI4-Stream user interface. The core implements the Aurora 8B/10B protocol using the

    8B/10B DS797 virtex-7 Aurora LX240T virtex7 vhdl coding for error correction and detection xilinx virtex-7 Spartan-6 LXT LX240T-FF1156 kintex 7 PDF


    Abstract: 1000BASE-X DSP48E1 SRL16 VIRTEX-6 UG362 ds152 VIRTEX-6 UG360 lvdci18 Virtex 6 CXT FF484
    Text: 52 Virtex-6 CXT Family Data Sheet DS153 v1.6 February 11, 2011 Product Specification General Description Virtex -6 CXT FPGAs provide designers needing power-optimized 3.75 Gb/s transceiver performance with an optimized ratio of built-in system-level blocks. These include 36 Kb block RAM/FIFOs, up to 15 Mb of block RAM, up to 768 DSP48E1

    DS153 DSP48E1 UG-361 1000BASE-X DSP48E1 SRL16 VIRTEX-6 UG362 ds152 VIRTEX-6 UG360 lvdci18 Virtex 6 CXT FF484 PDF


    Abstract: interlaken "CT scan" Sarance Technologies Virtex-5 Ethernet development Virtex 5 for Network Card Virtex-5 LXT Ethernet FPGA Virtex 6 Ethernet virtex5 datasheets of optical fpgas
    Text: Virtex-5 TXT Solutions Virtex-5 TXT FPGA Platform Single-FPGA Ultra-High Bandwidth Solutions The Challenges of Deploying Ultra-high Bandwidth Equipment • Not enough transceivers in a single device for high-performance networking, audio/video broadcast, and medical



    Abstract: HSLVDCI15 XC6VCX130 MGTRXP0 VIRTEX-6 UG362 UG-361 UG365 UG366 DSP48E1 SRL16
    Text: 48 Virtex-6 CXT Family Data Sheet DS153 v1.1 February 5, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description Virtex -6 CXT FPGAs provide designers needing power-optimized 3.75 Gb/s transceiver performance with an optimized ratio of built-in system-level blocks. These include 36 Kb block RAM/FIFOs, up to 15 Mb of block RAM, up to 768 DSP48E1

    DS153 DSP48E1 FFG1156 HSLVDCI15 XC6VCX130 MGTRXP0 VIRTEX-6 UG362 UG-361 UG365 UG366 DSP48E1 SRL16 PDF

    gtx 093

    Abstract: VIRTEX-6 ff1156 CX240T FFG1156 FF484 FF784
    Text: 52 Virtex-6 CXT Family Data Sheet DS153 v1.4 July 28, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description Virtex -6 CXT FPGAs provide designers needing power-optimized 3.75 Gb/s transceiver performance with an optimized ratio of built-in system-level blocks. These include 36 Kb block RAM/FIFOs, up to 15 Mb of block RAM, up to 768 DSP48E1

    DS153 DSP48E1 gtx 093 VIRTEX-6 ff1156 CX240T FFG1156 FF484 FF784 PDF


    Abstract: UG-361 XC6VLX240T UG365 XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 DSP48E1 VIRTEX-6 UG362 write operation using ram in fpga xc6vlx240t VIRTEX-6 UG373 frequency detection using FPGA
    Text: → 11 Virtex-6 Family Overview DS150 v2.4 January 19, 2012 Product Specification General Description The Virtex -6 family provides the newest, most advanced features in the FPGA market. Virtex-6 FPGAs are the programmable silicon foundation for Targeted Design Platforms that deliver integrated software and hardware components to enable designers to focus on

    DS150 DSP48E1 UG369) UG368) XC6VLX760. UG370) UG373) UG365 UG-361 XC6VLX240T UG365 XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 VIRTEX-6 UG362 write operation using ram in fpga xc6vlx240t VIRTEX-6 UG373 frequency detection using FPGA PDF


    Abstract: XC6VLX240T-1FFG DSP48E1 TEMAC XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156C XC6VLX240T UG366 XC6VLX130T UG-361 Virtex 6
    Text: → 11 Virtex-6 Family Overview DS150 v2.2 January 28, 2010 Advance Product Specification General Description The Virtex -6 family provides the newest, most advanced features in the FPGA market. Virtex-6 FPGAs are the programmable silicon foundation for Targeted Design Platforms that deliver integrated software and hardware components to enable designers to focus on

    DS150 XC6VLX760. UG373) UG363) UG364) XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 XC6VLX240T-1FFG DSP48E1 TEMAC XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156C XC6VLX240T UG366 XC6VLX130T UG-361 Virtex 6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 49 Virtex-6 CXT Family Data Sheet DS153 v1.0 July 8, 2009 Advance Product Specification General Description Virtex -6 CXT FPGAs provide designers needing power-optimized 3.75 Gb/s transceiver performance with an optimized ratio of built-in system-level blocks. These include 36 Kb block RAM/FIFOs, up to 15 Mb of block RAM, up to 768 DSP48E1

    DS153 DSP48E1 PDF


    Abstract: FPGA Virtex 6 LXT virtex 6 XC6VSX475T XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 "Binary Multipliers" UG-361 virtex+6 UG366 1000BASE-X DS150
    Text: 11 Virtex-6 Family Overview DS150 v2.1 November 6, 2009 Advance Product Specification General Description The Virtex -6 family provides the newest, most advanced features in the FPGA market. Virtex-6 FPGAs are the programmable silicon foundation for Targeted Design Platforms that deliver integrated software and hardware components to enable designers to focus on

    DS150 UG364) UG366) XC6VLX760. UG371) XC6VHX250T XC6VHX380T FF1154 DSP48E1 UG369) FPGA Virtex 6 LXT virtex 6 XC6VSX475T XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 "Binary Multipliers" UG-361 virtex+6 UG366 1000BASE-X DS150 PDF


    Abstract: XC7A20 XC7VX850T CPG236 FFG1930 XC7V2000T XC7K30T XC7VX485T XC7VX690T virtex-7
    Text: 13 7 Series FPGAs Overview DS180 v1.5 March 1, 2011 Advance Product Specification General Description Xilinx 7 series FPGAs comprise three new FPGA families that address the complete range of system requirements, ranging from low cost, small form factor, cost-sensitive, high-volume applications to ultra high-end connectivity bandwidth, logic capacity, and signal processing capability for the most

    DS180 XC7K325T XC7A20 XC7VX850T CPG236 FFG1930 XC7V2000T XC7K30T XC7VX485T XC7VX690T virtex-7 PDF


    Abstract: XC6VLX760 XC6VLX240T-1FFG DSP48E1 Virtex Analog to Digital Converter XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156C DS150 SRL16 XC6VLX130T XC6VLX195T
    Text: → 11 Virtex-6 Family Overview DS150 v2.3 March 24, 2011 Preliminary Product Specification General Description The Virtex -6 family provides the newest, most advanced features in the FPGA market. Virtex-6 FPGAs are the programmable silicon foundation for Targeted Design Platforms that deliver integrated software and hardware components to enable designers to focus on

    DS150 XC6VLX760. UG373) UG363) UG364) XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 XC6VLX760 XC6VLX240T-1FFG DSP48E1 Virtex Analog to Digital Converter XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156C DS150 SRL16 XC6VLX130T XC6VLX195T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: → 9 Defense-Grade Virtex-6Q Family Overview DS155 v1.1 February 8, 2012 Product Specification General Description The Defense-Grade Virtex -6Q family provides the most advanced features in the Aerospace & Defense FPGA market and represents the 3rd generation of secure silicon architecture products from Xilinx. Virtex-6Q FPGAs are the programmable silicon foundation for

    DS155 PDF


    Abstract: XC7VX485T XC7VX690 XC7V2000T XC7A200 XC7VH580T FHG1761 hp2300 FLG1925 FFG1930
    Text: 15 7 Series FPGAs Overview DS180 v1.11 May 5, 2012 Advance Product Specification General Description Xilinx 7 series FPGAs comprise three new FPGA families that address the complete range of system requirements, ranging from low cost, small form factor, cost-sensitive, high-volume applications to ultra high-end connectivity bandwidth, logic capacity, and signal processing capability for the most

    DS180 XC7VX690T XC7VX485T XC7VX690 XC7V2000T XC7A200 XC7VH580T FHG1761 hp2300 FLG1925 FFG1930 PDF


    Abstract: xc6vlx195t iodelay for adc parallel data and fpga interface VIRTEX-6 FFG1760 XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156C FF484
    Text: 10 Virtex-6 Family Overview DS150 v2.0 September 16, 2009 Advance Product Specification General Description The Virtex -6 family provides the newest, most advanced features in the FPGA market. Virtex-6 FPGAs are the programmable silicon foundation for Targeted Design Platforms that deliver integrated software and hardware components to enable designers to focus on

    DS150 DSP48E1 UG369) UG368) XC6VLX760. UG370) UG373) XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156 xc6vlx195t iodelay for adc parallel data and fpga interface VIRTEX-6 FFG1760 XC6VLX240T-1FFG1156C FF484 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: → 9 Defense-Grade Virtex-6Q Family Overview DS155 v1.1 February 8, 2012 Product Specification General Description The Defense-Grade Virtex -6Q family provides the most advanced features in the Aerospace & Defense FPGA market and represents the 3rd generation of secure silicon architecture products from Xilinx. Virtex-6Q FPGAs are the programmable silicon foundation for

    DS155 DSP48E1 PDF


    Abstract: XC7VX485T DS180 XC7K160T XC7VX690T DSP48E1 Artix-7 ffg17 XC7VH870T XC7K325T
    Text: 15 7 Series FPGAs Overview DS180 v1.10 March 2, 2012 Advance Product Specification General Description Xilinx 7 series FPGAs comprise three new FPGA families that address the complete range of system requirements, ranging from low cost, small form factor, cost-sensitive, high-volume applications to ultra high-end connectivity bandwidth, logic capacity, and signal processing capability for the most

    DS180 XC7A200T XC7VX485T DS180 XC7K160T XC7VX690T DSP48E1 Artix-7 ffg17 XC7VH870T XC7K325T PDF


    Abstract: UG475 ffg676 xc7k160t CPG236 xilinx MARKING CODE Artix 7 XC7A35SLT XC7VH870T FFG1157 XC7VX415T xc7v2000t fhg1761
    Text: 16 7 Series FPGAs Overview DS180 v1.13 November 30, 2012 Advance Product Specification General Description Xilinx 7 series FPGAs comprise three new FPGA families that address the complete range of system requirements, ranging from low cost, small form

    DS180 XC7A20SL UG475 ffg676 xc7k160t CPG236 xilinx MARKING CODE Artix 7 XC7A35SLT XC7VH870T FFG1157 XC7VX415T xc7v2000t fhg1761 PDF