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    GL9HY4 Search Results

    GL9HY4 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LED Lamps D • SHARP CORP fliaOTTB 000705*1 404 GL9DD41 Series ISRPJ GL9DD41 Series Rectangle Type LED Lamps T - H I- Z 3 I Model No. GL9PR41 GL9HY41 Red Yellow Outline Dimensions U nit: m m GaP GaAsP/GaP I Features 1 . 1 .9 m m x 1 .9 m m x 2 p c s r e c ta n g le ty p e

    OCR Scan
    GL9DD41 GL9DD41 GL9PR41 GL9HY41 D070b0 GL9PR41 PDF


    Abstract: GL9PR22 GL9PR2 GL5PG8 GL-9NG22 GL3NG8 GL3PG8 GL-9HY10 25H100 GL9PG3
    Text: Super-luminosity LED Lamps/ High-luminosity LED Lamps/ LED Lamps sharp elek/ iielec div i?e l • a i a c m a 00035^4 s T-V/-2/ ■ Absolute Maximum Ratings Power dissipation P mW Series <Ta=25° o Peak Deratingfactor Continuous forward current forward current*

    OCR Scan
    GL8PR25) Q003b0b GL5C3lj40, GL5CD43 GL5D042, GL5DG45 GL50D47 GL5DD41, GL5DG44 LT9562I LT9512U GL9PR22 GL9PR2 GL5PG8 GL-9NG22 GL3NG8 GL3PG8 GL-9HY10 25H100 GL9PG3 PDF


    Abstract: GL9PG3 GL8PR5 GL3PG8 GL3HD18 GL5PY8 GL-9NG22 GL3PY8 GL3NG8 GL-400
    Text: Super-luminosity LED Lamps/ High-luminosity LED Lamps/ LED Lamps sharp elek/ helec div i?e d • aiao? 00035^4 s T -W ■ Absolute Maximum Ratings 'Z f <Ta=25°c Peak Deratingfactor Continuous forward current forward current* mA/°C) Ifm If (mA) (mA)

    OCR Scan
    GL8PR25) flia07ifl GL5PG8 GL9PG3 GL8PR5 GL3PG8 GL3HD18 GL5PY8 GL-9NG22 GL3PY8 GL3NG8 GL-400 PDF


    Abstract: LDR1201 GL-5AR1 LPG3378S TLSY3200 GL5EG21 LTL-52EG GL5AR1 TLSR5300 GL9HD4
    Text: Cross Reference Guide for: h .p / t e l e f u n k e n / s ie m e n s / m a t s u s h it a / r o h m / s h a r p /ST a n l e y / q t c / LED Lamps In order to designate the similarity between the other manufacturers’ device and the nearest LITON equivalent.

    OCR Scan
    LTL-8252A LVR3378S LPG3378S MPR5364X MPR5374X PY5362X PR5362X VRPG5641K VRPG5614S PR5351K tlsg3200 LDR1201 GL-5AR1 TLSY3200 GL5EG21 LTL-52EG GL5AR1 TLSR5300 GL9HD4 PDF


    Abstract: slb 3802 GL9PR23 GL9PR2 GL-5AR1 LT 5233 GL3AR GL-9PR2 SLB-26VR LTL2251AL
    Text: CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE FOR: H .P ./TE LE FU N K E N /S IE M E N S /M A TS U S H ITA /R O H M /S H A R P /S TA N LE Y /Q TC / TOSHIBA LED LAMPS In o r d e r to d e s ig n a te th e s im ila r it y b e tw e e n th e o th e r m a n u f a c t u r e r s ’ d e v ic e a n d th e n e a re s t L IT O N e q u iv a le n t.

    OCR Scan
    MV5T54A/MV6154Â MV5754 /MV6754A MV53123 MV54123 MV57123 HLMP-OS03/0504 HLMP-0300/ ITL-3233A, LTL-3223Â GL3AR2 slb 3802 GL9PR23 GL9PR2 GL-5AR1 LT 5233 GL3AR GL-9PR2 SLB-26VR LTL2251AL PDF