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    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LXMSJZNCMH-225 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LXMS21NCMH-230 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ultra small RAIN RFID chip tag Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBEE5XV2BZ-883 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Shielded Small Wi-Fi® 11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2x2 MIMO + Bluetooth® 5.2 Module - CCATS N/A(self classification) Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBEE5ZZ2XS-846 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Shielded Small Wi-Fi® 11a/b/g/n/ac/ax 2x2 MIMO + Bluetooth® 5.3 Module - CCATS N/A(self classification) Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
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    Abstract: NTE103 vpt 20 germanium transistors NPN NTE10-3
    Text: NTE102 PNP & NTE103 (NPN) Germanium Complementary Transistors Power Output, Driver Description: The NTE102 (PNP) and NTE103 (NPN) are Germanium complementary transistors designed for medium–speed saturated switching applications. Features: D Low Collector–Emitter Saturation Voltage:

    NTE102 NTE103 200mV nte102 NTE103 vpt 20 germanium transistors NPN NTE10-3 PDF

    cross reference zener diodes

    Abstract: SCHOTTKY DIODES CROSS REFERENCE rf transistors cross reference



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Resolution and Accuracy of Cryogenic Temperature Measurements D. Scott Holmes and S. Scott Courts Lake Shore Cryotronics, Inc., Westerville, Ohio 43081-2399 A procedure is outlined and typical data provided for calculation of achievable resolutions and accuracies using commercially



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: , One. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. 2N439 - 2N439A NPN HIGH FREQUENCY COMPUTER TRANSISTORS 2N439 and 2N439A are NPN alloy-junction germanium transistors. Their basic NPN nature (high mobility electron flow) renders

    2N439 2N439A 2N439A 2N439Ahas PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <$£mi-t,onauctoi ^Products., IJna. 20 STERN AVE. SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07081 U.S.A. TELEPHONE: 973 376-2922 (212)227-6005 FAX: (973) 376-8960 2N4048 PNP germanium power transistors designed for high-cur rent applications requiring high gain and extremely low saturation voltage.

    2N4048 dc-60Ade, PDF

    cross reference zener diodes

    Abstract: germanium diodes
    Text: Table of Contents Page Index / Cross Reference 2 Surface Mounted Devices 47 Small Signal Transistors 65 Power Transistors 93 Junction FETs 109 Silicon Diodes 113 Germanium Diodes 117 Zener Diodes 119 Current Limiting Diodes 135 Rectifiers 157 Bridge Rectifiers

    OCR Scan

    cross reference zener diodes

    Abstract: power transistors cross reference GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS
    Text: Table off Contents Page Index / Cross Reference 2 Surface Mounted Devices 47 Small Signal Transistors 65 Power Transistors 93 Junction FETs 109 Silicon Diodes 113 Germanium Diodes 117 Zener Diodes 119 Current Limiting Diodes 135 Rectifiers 157 Bridge Rectifiers

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: AC184 AC127 AC128 2N2635 AC122 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS 2N1377 2N634 OC72 2N1924
    Text: ~ - - , - - • - 7 .-«. G E R M A N I U M PO W E R D E V I C E S Fq — - - SDE D . - . ■ . _ _£. _ ^ . - _. . - 3T473?5 00Q05Q? 2 ■ GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRO ELECTRON TYPES

    OCR Scan
    3T473 00Q05Q? AC107 AC116 AC117 AC121--IV AC121--V AC121--VI AC121--VII AC122 AC176 AC184 AC127 AC128 2N2635 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS 2N1377 2N634 OC72 2N1924 PDF

    cross reference zener diodes

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Table off Contents N Index / Cross Reference Page 2 Surface Mounted Devices 47 Small Signal Transistors 65 Power Transistors 93 Junction FETs 109 Silicon Diodes 113 Germanium Diodes 117 Zener Diodes 119 Transient Voltage Suppressors TVS 130 Current Limiting Diodes

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Table of Contents Page Index / Cross Reference 1 Small Signal Transistors 53 Power Transistors 81 Junction FETs 97 Silicon Diodes 101 Germanium Diodes 105 Zener Diodes 107 Transient Voltage Suppressors TVS 119 Current Limiting Diodes 125 Rectifiers 147 Chip Form For Hybrid Applications

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: AC187K NS257 AC187 GERMANIUM AC132 AC188K AC188 ac187 AC178 AC127 AC176
    Text: GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRO ELECTRON TYPES Polar­ Type ity K030 V Max YebO V Max Vc. V Max @ Ycb V IçBO VA Max h„_ Min Max mA Cob pf Max fab MHZ Pack Outline Min Power Dissipation 25°C MW AC107 AC116 AC117 P P P 15 30 32 12 10 18 18 AC121—IV

    OCR Scan
    AC116 NS257 AC117 AC121â AC124 AC188 AC187K AC187 GERMANIUM AC132 AC188K AC188 ac187 AC178 AC127 AC176 PDF


    Abstract: AC187 188 AC188 GERMANIUM AC132 AC188K AC188 ac187 AC125 AC181 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS AC187K
    Text: GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRO ELECTRON TYPES Type Polar­ ity yC3o ^£•0 Vc, V Max y Max Max V h" /c B O @ y ca V Cob Pf Max yA Max Min Max mA 8 18 3550-140 40- 300' 20 150 212 30-60 50-100 75-150 125-250 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 Pack Outline

    OCR Scan
    AC116 AC117 NS257 AC121â MT-36 AC187 AC187 188 AC188 GERMANIUM AC132 AC188K AC188 ac187 AC125 AC181 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS AC187K PDF


    Abstract: AC188K AC181 NS257 AC153K AC126 ac128 AC128K GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS AC180K
    Text: , GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRO ELECTRON TYPES Type Polar­ ity yc~> v*> Va y ¡CBO fin Cob Pf Max Max V Max Max Vc. V liA Max Min Max mA 6 6 8 18 3550-140 40- 300' 20 150 212 30-60 50-100 75-150 125-250 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 fab MHZ Min

    OCR Scan
    AC107 ACI16 AC117 AC121â NS257 NS257 AC124 AC187K AC188K AC181 AC153K AC126 ac128 AC128K GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS AC180K PDF


    Abstract: OC75 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS ASY26 ACY34 oc75 oc76 oc77 Germanium power Germanium Power Transistors OC74
    Text: GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRO ELECTRON TYPES Voo Type Hy y VIK, V Max hrc IcBO Va y Max @ y es y M Max Cal M in Max , mA C ob P Max fa b \1H /. Min Pack Outline Pöwer Dissipation @ 25° Mh ACY33 ACY34 ACY35 ACY36 ACY38 P P P P P 32 30 30 32 15

    OCR Scan
    ACY33 ACY34 ACY35 ACY36 ACY38 ACY39 ACY40 ACY41 ACY44 ASY26 ASY77 OC75 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS oc75 oc76 oc77 Germanium power Germanium Power Transistors OC74 PDF


    Abstract: AC188K AC181 AC188 AC125 AC127 AC141 AC126 AC179 AC180K
    Text: GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRO ELECTRON TYPES Polar­ Type ity K030 V Max YebO V Max Vc. V Max h„_ IçBO @ Ycb V VA Max Min Max mA Cob pf Max fab MHZ Pack Outline Min Power Dissipation 2 5 °C MW AC107 AC116 AC117 P P P 15 30 32 12 10 18 18 AC121—IV

    OCR Scan
    NS257 AC117 AC121â MT-22 MT-23 AC187K AC188K AC181 AC188 AC125 AC127 AC141 AC126 AC179 AC180K PDF


    Abstract: AC128K GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS ac117 ac124 Germanium Power Devices ac125 germanium ac ac125 germanium AC123 AC184
    Text: GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS PRO ELECTRON TYPES Type Polar­ ity Vc»o V Max Veto V Max f'cs V Max J’CB y 6 6 IcBO h„ Cob Pf Max VA Max Min Max mA 8 18 3550-140 40- 300' 20 150 212 30-60 50-100 75-150 125-250 100 100 100 100 40 40 40 40 Pack Outline

    OCR Scan
    AC107 AC116 AC117 AC121--IV AC121--V AC121--VI AC121--VII AC123 AC124 AC125 ac128 AC128K GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS Germanium Power Devices ac125 germanium ac ac125 germanium AC184 PDF


    Abstract: Germanium Transistors 2N396 2N965
    Text: GERMANIUM PNP MESA TRANSISTORS VcBO f^Emo Max V Max 2N828A 2N829 2N808 2N960 2N961 15 15 30 15 12 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.0 2N962 2N962 2N963 2N964 2N964 12 12 12 15 15 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.5 2.5 2N964A 2N965 2N966 2N967 2N968 15 12 12 12 15 2.5 2.0 1.2 2.0 2.5 2N969 2N970

    OCR Scan
    2N828A 2N829 2N808 2N960 2N961 2N962 2N963 2N964 2N398A Germanium Transistors 2N396 2N965 PDF


    Abstract: 2N985 2N461 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS 2n4525 2N3449 2N398A 2N427 2N963 2n964
    Text: GERMANIUM PNP MESA TRANSISTORS Type 2N828A 2N829 2N808 2N960 2N961 2N962 2N962 2N963 2N964 2N964 2N964A 2N965 2N966 2N967 2N968 2N969 2N970 2N971 2N972 2N973 2N974 2N975 2N985 2N2635 2N3449 VcBO y Max f^Emo V Max 15 15 30 15 12 12 12 12 15 15 15 12 12 12 15

    OCR Scan
    2N828A 2N829 2N808 2N960 2N961 O-181 2N962 2n2635 2N985 2N461 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS 2n4525 2N3449 2N398A 2N427 2N963 2n964 PDF

    transistor K52

    Abstract: germanium transistor pnp GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL PNP TRANSISTORS mullard germanium pnp germanium transistor mullard 160 germanium transistor GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS power ac audio transistor small signal transistor
    Text: EDISW A N MAZDA X C IO I AUDIO OUTPUT TRANSISTOR Germanium PNP Junction Type TENTATIVE GEN ERAL The X C IO I is a germanium pnp junction type transistor suitable for use in Audio Output stages. The element of the transistor is hermetically sealed in a small can.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: AD142 AF239 AU113 AD143 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL PNP TRANSISTORS 2N4358 BSX29 fairchild semiconductors 2N2894
    Text: Fairchild Sem iconductors Sem iconductors Silicon Small Signal Transistors P N P H igh Speed Saturated Sw itching Transistors Metal Can T 018, T 039 R EFEREN CE T A B L E For medium speed - see générai purpose section C H A R A C T E R I S T IC S M A X R A T IN G S

    OCR Scan
    BSX29 35322H 2N2894 35323F N2894A 35324D 2N3209 35325B 2N5023 35326X GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS AD142 AF239 AU113 AD143 GERMANIUM SMALL SIGNAL PNP TRANSISTORS 2N4358 fairchild semiconductors PDF

    germanium power devices corporation

    Abstract: GM8HS InGaas PIN photodiode, 1550 NEP Germanium power diode germanium catalog GM7VHR gep800 ingaas apd photodetector GM2HS GM10HS
    Text: Small & Large Area pn, pin Two-Color Detector OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Ge Photodetectors • Large and Small Area • Wide Performance Range • TE Coolers and Dewars Available Germanium Power Devices Corporation GPDOS00004 G Introduction/Glossary of Terms

    OCR Scan
    GPDOS00004 MIL-45208 MIL-S-19500 MIL-S-19500. MIL-STD-883, germanium power devices corporation GM8HS InGaas PIN photodiode, 1550 NEP Germanium power diode germanium catalog GM7VHR gep800 ingaas apd photodetector GM2HS GM10HS PDF


    Abstract: AC161 AG151 AC16F Q60103-X151-D Q60103-X151-D1 Q60103-X151-E Q60103-X151-E1 Q60103-X151-F Q60103-X151-F1
    Text: ESC D • û235bDS Q0Q403S ^ « S I E G 1 PNP Germanium Transistors AC 151 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 9 04035- 2- A— 151T - Not for new design fo r AF input and driver stages o f m ediu m perform ance AC 151 and AC 151 r are alloyed germanium PNP transistors in 1A 3 DIN 41871 case

    OCR Scan
    023SbGS Q0Q403S Q60103-X151-D Q60103-X151-D1 Q60103-X151-E Q60103-X151-E1 Q60103-X151-F Q60103-X151-F1 Q60103-X151-G Q62901-B1 AC181 AC161 AG151 AC16F Q60103-X151-D Q60103-X151-D1 Q60103-X151-E Q60103-X151-E1 Q60103-X151-F Q60103-X151-F1 PDF

    KJE transistor

    Abstract: KJE 17 transistor NT 101 transistor AC151 AC151 transistor kje KJE ZO transistor ac 151 k 151 transistor Q60103-X151-F1
    Text: 2SC D • fi235bQS 0004035 ISIE6 AC 151 AC 151 r PNP Germanium Transistors SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF C 04035 T- 0 9 - U Not for new design for AF input and driver stages of medium performance AC 151 and AC 151 r are alloyed germanium PNP transistors in 1A 3 DIN 41871 case

    OCR Scan
    0235bOS Q60103-X151-D Q60103-X151-D1 Q60103-X151-E Q60103-X151-E1 Q60103-X151-F Q60103-X151-F1 Q60103-X151-G Q62901-B1 AC151, KJE transistor KJE 17 transistor NT 101 transistor AC151 AC151 transistor kje KJE ZO transistor ac 151 k 151 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Small & Large Area pn, pin Two-Color Detector OPTOELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Ge Photodetectors • Large and Small Area • Wide Performance Range • TE Coolers and Dewars Available GPD Optoelectronics Corp. GPDO S00007 Introduction/Glossary of Jerms G Introduction

    OCR Scan
    S00007 MIL-l-45208. GR-468-CORE, MIL-STD-883 PDF