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    GE-SPCO C702 Search Results

    GE-SPCO C702 Datasheets Context Search

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    SCR 2000V 1000A

    Abstract: GE-SPCO C702 cycloconverters Thyristor ys 150 C702CA C701PN oms 450 thyristor YS Thyristor SCR C701L
    Text: N l û E CO/ STATIC PUR CMPNT 3ME » 3074504 GDDG1G3 1 • ù E S P High Power 53m m Silicon Controlled Rsctifier GE-SPCO S ta tic Pntoer C nm nonent O peration fifnlnem .P A USA 1000 A Avg. Up To 3200 Volts "7\W\*| PG 6.052 9/1/88 [ C7 Q2 A M P L IF Y IN G G A T E

    OCR Scan
    RS-397 SCR 2000V 1000A GE-SPCO C702 cycloconverters Thyristor ys 150 C702CA C701PN oms 450 thyristor YS Thyristor SCR C701L PDF

    c701 scr

    Abstract: C701 ge scr 150a dissipator C440 C440E C440M C440N C701PN C440T
    Text: PHASE CONTROL SCR's 2 7 6 .1 27 6 940 TO 1950 AMPERES GE TYPE ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS VOLTAGE RANGE FORWARD CONDUCTION •t RMS . T (A V ) , T{ A V ) . TSM ,2. 11 y TM R Max. average on-state current @ 180° conduction (A) @ T q Max. average on*state current fo r 3^

    OCR Scan
    SF1154 SF1154, G322L LS2037 G322L, c701 scr C701 ge scr 150a dissipator C440 C440E C440M C440N C701PN C440T PDF

    THERMISTORS nsp 037

    Abstract: Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032
    Text: INDEX OF COMPONENTS A Section/Page No. A.C. Adaptor. Adaptor Kits BNC e tc . Adhesive Tapes. Adhesives, Various. Aerosols.

    OCR Scan
    200X300X360m THERMISTORS nsp 037 Thyristor TAG 9118 ICA 0726 0148 Transformer a1273 y k transistor AM97C11CN transistor SK A1104 PM7A2Q B8708 bzy79 yh 5032 PDF