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    GE CARBON RESISTOR Search Results

    GE CARBON RESISTOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    37-1409 Coilcraft Inc Tuning tool Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    37-2182 Coilcraft Inc Tuning tool Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    AA1A4M-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Built-in Resistor Bipolar Transistors, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    AA1A3Q-A Renesas Electronics Corporation Built-in Resistor Bipolar Transistors, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    GA4L3Z(0)-T1-AT Renesas Electronics Corporation Built-in Resistor Bipolar Transistors Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    GE CARBON RESISTOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CARBON COMPOSITION RESISTORS RESISTORS wCOILSwDELAY LINES CC SERIES FEATURES High Reliability! r High surge/high pulse capability r Low inductance/high frequency performance r Rugged hot molded construction r 1/8W and 2W sizes in development r Surface mount styles in development

    Mil-R-39008 Mil-R-39008 UL217, IEEE587, IEC552, FA001A PDF

    10J 3kv

    Abstract: 5kv 15j capacitor 15j 3kv pr1x UL-1971
    Text: HIGH SURGE RESISTORS, 1/8W to 5W RESISTORS wCOILS wDELAY LINES PR SERIES RCD PR2 10K 5% Excellent Replacement for Carbon Composition Resistors RCD’s PR Pulse Resistant series withstands high energy pulses similar to carbon composition resistors superior to conventional

    MIL-R-39008 24-hr UL913, UL943, UL991, UL1459, UL1971, TR-NWT-001089, TR-TSY-000057, IEEE587, 10J 3kv 5kv 15j capacitor 15j 3kv pr1x UL-1971 PDF


    Abstract: audio noise reduction
    Text: AUDIO NOISE REDUCTION RESISTIVE PRODUCTS V I S H AY I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . T hrough the Use of Bulk Meta l Foil Re s i sto r s CAPABILITIES w w w. v i s h a y. c o m Audio Noise Reduction Through the Use of Bulk Metal® Foil Resistors Introduction

    VMN-PL0013-0510 VISHAY RESISTORS audio noise reduction PDF


    Abstract: RC 6123 MELF 0207 str 6668 Micro MELF vishay melf 0204 melf RC3715 mini-melf beyschlag
    Text: V is hay Beyschlag w w w. v i s h a y. c o m S e l ector G uide thin film melf resistors resisti v e products V I S HAY I N T E R T E C HN O L O G Y , I N C . Thin Film MELF Resistors Vishay Beyschlag Features • Industry standard sizes: • Excellent stability under pulse load up to 1000 W

    VMN-SG2046-0607 RC-6123 RC 6123 MELF 0207 str 6668 Micro MELF vishay melf 0204 melf RC3715 mini-melf beyschlag PDF


    Abstract: ohmite dial International Resistive Company ohmite date code spf 9001 334JE 750JE RC07 resistor IRC RC07 rc32 carbon resistor
    Text: CARBON COMPOSITION RESISTOR ISO-9001 Registered Molded Body IBT SERIES Tinned Leads • Meets performance standards of EIA RS-172 • Hot molded process for product uniformity • Ideal for pulse-load handling Molded Composition Elements PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS TESTED PER MIL-STD-202 :

    ISO-9001 RS-172 MIL-STD-202) 1-866-9-OHMITE 152JE ohmite dial International Resistive Company ohmite date code spf 9001 334JE 750JE RC07 resistor IRC RC07 rc32 carbon resistor PDF

    MELF 0207

    Abstract: VMN-TN0006-0407 vishay draloric mbb MBB 0207 beyschlag
    Text: V I S H A Y I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . LINEAR FILM RESISTORS Pulse Load Handling for Fixed Linear Resistors The power and thermal behavior of fixed linear resistors are mostly based on DC or RMS loads, but pulse loads, like single energy pulse or a continuous flow of pulses, become more and more an important factor in professional electronics. Pulse load situations for film resistors are not allowed to exceed

    VMN-TN0006-0407 MELF 0207 VMN-TN0006-0407 vishay draloric mbb MBB 0207 beyschlag PDF

    MELF 0207

    Abstract: Vishay 0414 resistor Ge carbon resistor mmb 0207 100 vishay mmb MELF 0207 diodes 331399 MMB0207
    Text: V I S H A Y I N T E R T E C H N O L O G Y, I N C . LINEAR FILM RESISTORS Pulse load handling for fixed Linear Resistors The power and thermal behavior of fixed linear resistors are mostly based on DC or RMS loads, but pulse loads, like single energy pulse or a continuous flow of pulses, become more and more an important factor in professional electronics. Pulse load situations for film resistors are not allowed to exceed

    VMN-TN0006-0701 MELF 0207 Vishay 0414 resistor Ge carbon resistor mmb 0207 100 vishay mmb MELF 0207 diodes 331399 MMB0207 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE WIREWOUND RESISTORS RESISTORS wCOILS wDELAY LINES 200 SERIES Ω 5% 255 10Ω RCD 7W FEATURES r Significant space savings! r Tolerance to +0.01%, TCR to 5ppm/°C r Wide resistance range: 0.005W to 250K r 1 Watt to 10 Watt r Available on exclusive SWIFT ΤΜ program!

    100-Hour 22-AWG 18-AWG 10ppm, 100ppm, FA014A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Flame Proof Carbon Film Resistors FP S e rie s F la m e p ro o f C a rb o n R e sisto rs are m a nu factu re d by co ating a h o m o ge n e o u s film o f pure carbon on high g rade ce ra m ic rods. T hey have a re sista n ce o f less th an 10£1, an e le ctro le ss-d e po site d

    OCR Scan
    L-1412 MIL-STD-883F, MIL-R-55342E, UL-T412 MIL-STD-202F, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ROYALOHM Carbon Film Leadless Fixed Resistors Performance Specification >1/4W : < 10K£2 = 0~350PPM/°C Temperature Coefficient 1/8W: < 1K fl = 0-350PPM/°C 11 Ki2 ~ 150Ki2 = 0-600PPM/°C 1.1 K£2 ~ 47Ki2 = 0-600PPM/°C 160KQ ~ 2.2MQ = 0-1000PPM/°C 51 Ki2 ~ 470KQ = 0-1000PPM/°C

    OCR Scan
    350PPM/ 150Ki2 0-600PPM/ 160KQ 0-1000PPM/ 0-350PPM/ 47Ki2 470KQ MC39-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AXIAL LEAD WIREWOUND RESISTORS Specifying Guide VITREOUS ENAMEL 20 Series 1 2 3 5 7 CONFORMAL T yp e . 21 22 23 25 27 20 5% Tolerance 1% - 10% available Temperature coef. = ±30 ppm/°C typical R esistan ce range .112-6 1K .1*2-8 7K H 2-22K .1* '-54K .1 0 -1 1 8 K

    OCR Scan
    2-22K 112-190K MB105F: OB1005: OK11G5: PDF

    Allen-Bradley carbon resistor

    Abstract: ALLEN-BRADLEY carbon composition resistors Allen-Bradley resistors ALLEN-BRADLEY hot molded RESISTOR allen-bradley carbon composition resistor
    Text: Fixed Resistors ." i t t '.y ymsr H ot-M olded Carbon Composition Fixed Resistors H o t Solder Dip Leads H ot-M olded Carbon Composition Fixed Resistors - Evaluation Tests Genera! Application Information Application Notes Sales Offices 19 27 •• 28 38

    OCR Scan

    RC05 carbon composition resistor

    Abstract: 2814 1K ohm 1 watt Carbon Film Resistor koolohm
    Text: OHMITE Axial Lead Resistor Specifying Guide Manufacturing Company Axial Lead Wirewound Resistors Lead taping available H igher and low er resistance values other than those listed below are available. C onsult factory. • M eets M IL -R -2 6 w here applicable

    OCR Scan
    1U-22K RC05 carbon composition resistor 2814 1K ohm 1 watt Carbon Film Resistor koolohm PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CARBON FILM RESISTORS FLAME-PROOF TYPE FCR-25, FCR-50, FCR-100, FCR-200 INTRODUCTION FEATURES • Low cost, prompt delivery ■ High power-to-size ratio for significant space savings ■ Excellent long-term stability ■ Complete flameproof construction ■ W ide resistance range: 1Q-10M0

    OCR Scan
    FCR-25, FCR-50, FCR-100, FCR-200 1Q-10M0 100KHZ 10MHZ 100MHZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE WIREWOUND RESISTORS 1WTO 10 WATT @00 200 SERIES Second generation wirewounds are typically half the size of conventional types! An RCD exclusive! I Significant space savings! I Excellent long term stability and environm ental perform ance per M IL -R -2 6 C har. V

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: :<OA SPECIAL CARBON FILM POWER RESISTORS FLAM EPROOF <nn> L ref. D IM E N S IO N C max. 7.1 11.1 15 18 28 12 15.5 24.5 Coating Color : Light Green d(n<wri%a ) O 6.5 9 mm O 2 5 = 0.5 3 5 = 0.5 H±3 1 TYPE S P R >; SPR 1 SPR 2 SPR 3 SPR 5 30 4 ? +0 8 6 =1

    OCR Scan

    resistor 2W

    Abstract: 01C3
    Text: MINIATURE WIREWOUND RESISTORS 1W TO 10 WATT 200 SERIES • Significant space savings! ■ Excellent long term stability and environm ental perform ance per M IL -R -2 6 C har. V Second generation wirewounds are typically half the size of conventional types! An RCD exclusive!

    OCR Scan
    100pm resistor 2W 01C3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODEL SPW Carbon Film Resistors Special Purpose, High Frequency Load Tubes FEATURES APPLICATIONS • High sta b ility and e xce lle nt high fre q u e n cy cha racteristics High fre q u e n cy w a ttm e te rs fo r o u tp u t m ea sure m ent • P articu la rly suited fo r high fre q u e n cy

    OCR Scan

    RCD RW

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MINIATURE WIREWOUND RESISTORS 1W TO 10 WATT 200 SERIES I Significant space savings! • Excellent long term stability and environmental performance per M IL-R-26 Char. V I Available on exclusive ‘S W IF T ’delivery program! I Tolerance to ±0.1% I Low TCR (90 ppm 0.1Q to .99Q, 50 ppm 1Q to 9.9Q,

    OCR Scan
    IL-R-26 RCD RW PDF

    STC 1r0

    Abstract: RD14S
    Text: CARBON FILM RESISTORS RD16,14,12,14S, 12S -Kamaya carbon film resistors offer uniform and reliable performance at a very economical cost. Available in a variety o f power ratings, they are the resistor o f choice for most general purpose applications. •

    OCR Scan
    RD14S RD12S C0I01 EJ00G1 STC 1r0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors Low-voltage high performance mixer FM IF system_ DESCRIPTION The SA617 is a low voltage high performance monolithic FM IF system incorporating a mixer/oscillator, two limiting intermediate frequency amplifiers, quadrature detector,

    OCR Scan
    SA617 20-lead NE605. RS790 SA617 T1046 PDF

    te 1569

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MODELS D and G Carbon Film Resistors Special Purpose, High Voltage F EATU RES • R atings to 100 W, 125KV, + 5% • Radial ba nd s o r fe rrule te rm in a ls • S tandard m odels varn ish coated, vin yl pro te ctive sle eve available • M odel G is no n-indu ctive

    OCR Scan
    125KV, 100KV 125KV 125KV 406mm] te 1569 PDF


    Abstract: P8243 178M15 transistor b492 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 P8035 sk 7443 1334 diode LM1456 LM 8361
    Text: H F To X 8366IT U N E B Issue 2/8534 STR910A B26000 2000 General Wiring Diagram Figure 10.1 +28 V sense) GROUND Meter Batt. sense + Sense Isolated Ground Batt. GND O FF 28 V O FF (T X O F F ) Relays K4, K1 & K2 BATT. MODE »DC» Relays K5, K6 +8 V in GROUND

    OCR Scan
    8366IT STR910A B26000 B26050 B2G010 B26010 B2701D 9SM102/V4T7 bd7995 P8243 178M15 transistor b492 TRANSISTOR BJ 131-6 P8035 sk 7443 1334 diode LM1456 LM 8361 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE b'lE J> m bbS3T31 DQ2^SDb QbT IAPX B LW yt H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor intended for use in class-AB operated high power industrial and military transmitting equipment in the h.f. band. The transistor presents excellent performance as a

    OCR Scan
    bbS3T31 0DS1S14 blw95 PDF