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    FUJI TRANSISTOR MODULES Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828EVB Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE EVALUATION KIT Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBUA5QJ2AB-828 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd QORVO UWB MODULE Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    LBAA0QB1SJ-295 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd SX1262 MODULE WITH OPEN MCU Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MYC0409-NA-EVM Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 72W, Charge Pump Module, non-isolated DC/DC Converter, Evaluation board Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    MHM411-21 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd Ionizer Module, 100-120VAC-input, Negative Ion Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd

    FUJI TRANSISTOR MODULES Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 6mbp160rta060 6MBP80RTA060 fuji ipm 6MBP100RTA060 7MBP50RTA060 6mbp20RTA060 7MBP160RTA060 fuji 6mbp 7MBP80RTA060
    Text: R-IPM3 and Econo IPM Series of Intelligent Power Modules Manabu Watanabe Yoshiyuki Kusunoki Naotaka Matsuda 1. Introduction Fuji Electric has developed and mass-produced several series of IGBT-IPMs insulated gate bipolar transistor-intelligent power modules , beginning with

    CIPS2002, 6MBP50RTA060 6mbp160rta060 6MBP80RTA060 fuji ipm 6MBP100RTA060 7MBP50RTA060 6mbp20RTA060 7MBP160RTA060 fuji 6mbp 7MBP80RTA060 PDF

    fuji igbt transistor modules

    Abstract: 1mbi1200u fuji inverter LM 1MBI1600U4C-120 fuji transistor modules fuji bipolar transistor GTO thyristor diode fuji order number M143 1MBI1200
    Text: High-power IGBT Modules for Industrial Use Takashi Nishimura Hideaki Kakiki Takatoshi Kobayashi 1. Introduction Power devices used in industrial-use high capacity inverter system applications are predominately GTO gate turnoff thyristors, which easily handle high



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: U-series IGBT Modules 1,700 V Yasuyuki Hoshi Yasushi Miyasaka Kentarou Muramatsu 1. Introduction In recent years, requirements have increased for high voltage power semiconductor devices used in high voltage power converters such as industrial inverters.



    Abstract: 2MBI600UE-060 7MBR50UA060 6mbi60 7MBR75UB060 2MBI300UB-060 7MBR30UA060 2MBI400UB-060 fuji transistor modules fuji bipolar transistor
    Text: T-series and U-series IGBT Modules 600 V Seiji Momota Syuuji Miyashita Hiroki Wakimoto 110 2. T-series IGBT Modules 2.1 Features and challenges of T-series IGBT modules The cell structure of an NPT-type IGBT and the unit cell of PT (punch-through)-type device are shown



    Abstract: thyristor BBC thyristor aeg BBC DSDI 35 WG15013B8C WG9017 abb sami star SM18CXC805 sm13cxc174 CSG2001-18A04
    Text: REPLACEMENT TABLE FOR THE POWER SEMICONDUCTORS OF SAMI STAR FREQUENCY CONVERTERS The replacement table gives a list of those semiconductors, which can be used in SAMI STAR frequency converters. The types given for each semiconductor are interchangeable. Detail information about the mounting of the power

    400F415 460F460 500F500 630F415 730F460 800F500 570F575 630F660 870F575 1000F660 CSG3001-18A04 thyristor BBC thyristor aeg BBC DSDI 35 WG15013B8C WG9017 abb sami star SM18CXC805 sm13cxc174 CSG2001-18A04 PDF


    Abstract: TYN612 pin diagram 1n4007 smd, toshiba S0817MH TYN604 scr pin diagram kmz51 compass TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd toshiba l 300 laptop motherboard circuit diagram JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE j201 replacements for transistor NEC D 587
    Text: 5.2 5.4 5.46 5.124 5.130 5.130 5.140 5.180 Introduction Diodes & Rectifiers Transistors Triacs,Thyristors and Diacs Sensors Cross Reference General Application discretes Cross Reference Power discretes Cross Reference RF discretes Discrete Components 5.1 Introduction

    BAP1321-02 BAP65-05 BAP65-03 BAP65-05W BAP65-02 BAP63-03 BAP63-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-02 BB143 BC548 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT TYN612 pin diagram 1n4007 smd, toshiba S0817MH TYN604 scr pin diagram kmz51 compass TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd toshiba l 300 laptop motherboard circuit diagram JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE j201 replacements for transistor NEC D 587 PDF

    fuji transistor modules

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HYBRID ICS FOR BASE DRIVING OF POWER TRANSISTOR MODULE Fuji Base Driver Module Hybrid IC EXB356 Abstract The EXB356 is a hybrid - IC base driver used in Fuji transistor modules. It includes opto-couplers for the electrical isolation between in-put side and output side

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    EXR356 10-pin, fuji transistor modules PDF

    tlP521 opto coupler

    Abstract: 3 phase inverters circuit diagram TLP521-1BL EXB359 TLP521-1-BL TLP521 three phase inverters circuit diagram 1R50 TLP521-1-RL OPTO-coupler used for current output
    Text: .3 Fuji Rase Drive Module * Hybrid IC EXB359 Abstract The EXB359 is a hybrid - IC base driver used in Fuji transistor modules. It includes an opto-coupler for the electrical isolation between in-put side and out-put side of base drive circuit. One package contains three

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    EXB359 EXB359 EXB359s 15-pin, TLP521-1-RL, EXR359s ESBRO1-1R50 TLP521-1-BL 470uF tlP521 opto coupler 3 phase inverters circuit diagram TLP521-1BL TLP521 three phase inverters circuit diagram 1R50 TLP521-1-RL OPTO-coupler used for current output PDF


    Abstract: PW-20 2sd1157 2SD115 PW20
    Text: 1 1.2 * Fuji Base Driver Module Hybrid IC EXR357 Abstract The EXB357 is a hybrid-IC base driver used in FUJI transistor modules. It includes opto-couplers for the electrical isolation between in-put side and out-put side of base drive circuit and can drive a wide range of

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    EXR357 EXB357 12-pin, 2SD1157 2SR757 PW-20 2SD115 PW20 PDF

    fuji darlington power module

    Abstract: fuji MOV collmer
    Text: ABOUT COLLMER SEMICONDUCTOR Typical of Collmer Semiconductor’s unique emphasis on high power semiconductors is the company’s electric vehicle test bed for power de­ vices employed in the inverter that drives its induction motor. This converted General Motors

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    Abstract: 7D30A-050EHR 7D75A-050EHR 7D50A-050EHR 2R6D15A-050AJV 7D150A-050EHR 7d30a-050 7d50a050 6D10A-050EJR 7d30a
    Text: COLLMER SEMICONDUCTOR INC MflE J> m 22367*12 00GlS7b 3flG « C O L Power Darlington Modules 'T ^ - ^ EXB6S0 EXBS40 900 VOLT IGBTs FOR RESONANT APPLICATIONS Volts (m in) le Am ps (min) 900 900 50 60 VCE8 Device Type IMB50-090A MBT001 Rth (J-c) °C/Watts (max)

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    00GlS7b EXBS40 EXB840 IMB50-090A MBT001 T03PL EXB850 EXB840 EXB851 EXB841 7D100A-050EHR 7D30A-050EHR 7D75A-050EHR 7D50A-050EHR 2R6D15A-050AJV 7D150A-050EHR 7d30a-050 7d50a050 6D10A-050EJR 7d30a PDF


    Abstract: 7MBP75NA060-01 AC200V HCPL-4504 7MBP75NA060 HPCL-4504 MS6M0279
    Text: This m a te ria l and th e in fo rm a tio n h e re in is the p ro p e rty of Fuji E le c tric C o .,L td The y shall be n e ith e r re p ro d u c e d ,c o p ie d , lent, o r d is c lo s e d in any w a y w h a ts o e v e r fo r th e use o f any th ird p a rty .n o r u s e d fo r the m a n u fa c tu rin g p u rp o s e s w ith out

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    MS6M0279 MS6M0279 H04-004-07 H04-004-03 P607 7MBP75NA060-01 AC200V HCPL-4504 7MBP75NA060 HPCL-4504 PDF

    fuji ipm

    Abstract: AC2500 7mbp25ru2a120 ipm application note fuji 11 kw ED-4701 H04-004 HCPL-4504 MT5F12959
    Text: This material and the information herein is the property of Fuji Electric Device Technology Co., Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied,lent, or disclosed in any way whatsoever for the use of any third party nor usBd for the manufacturing purposes without the express written consent of

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    H04-004-03a fuji ipm AC2500 7mbp25ru2a120 ipm application note fuji 11 kw ED-4701 H04-004 HCPL-4504 MT5F12959 PDF


    Abstract: marking code C1L 100DC AC2500 ED-4701 H04-004 HCPL-4504 MT5F12959 block diagram of electric cooker
    Text: This m aterial and the inform ation herein is the p ro p e rty o f Fuji E lectric D evice Technology C o., Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied .lent, or disclosed in any w ay w hatsoever for the use of any third party nor used fo r the m anufacturing purposes w ithou t the exp ress w ritte n consent of

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    H04-004 7MBP25RU2A120 marking code C1L 100DC AC2500 ED-4701 H04-004 HCPL-4504 MT5F12959 block diagram of electric cooker PDF


    Abstract: 300w inverter circuit diagram MT5F12959 6MBP50RU2A120 AC2500 ED-4701 H04-004 HCPL-4504 P611 ALMG
    Text: This m ateria! and the inform ation herein is the p ro p e rty o f Fuji E le ctric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied,lent, o r disclosed in any w ay whatsoever for the use o f any third party nor used fo r the m anufacturing purposes w ithou t the express w ritte n consent o f

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    6MBP50RU2A120 H04-004-07b H04-004-03a 300W HI FI AMPLIFIER 300w inverter circuit diagram MT5F12959 6MBP50RU2A120 AC2500 ED-4701 H04-004 HCPL-4504 P611 ALMG PDF

    fuji ipm

    Abstract: 6MBP20RY060 fuji electric ipm fuji igbt transistor modules
    Text: I— \ \ -O V. V \ > m % £a. DWG.NO. CO O 8 8 a cn n c m o < D •n o c 3 s ° B> O !—+■ O o m CD £ 5 O o o <3 CL H04-004-07 T h is m atarlal and the Inform ation herein I* tha pro perty of Fuji E le ctric C o.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduoad, copied,

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    6MBP20RY060 MS6M0363 H04-004-03 6MBP20RY060. 6MBP20RY060) H04-004-03 fuji ipm 6MBP20RY060 fuji electric ipm fuji igbt transistor modules PDF

    delay line ms-31

    Abstract: fuji ipm 33UF 6MBP30RY060
    Text: H04-004-07 This m a te ria l and the Inform ation herein Is the p ro p e rty of Fuji Electrlo Co.,Ltd. They «hall be neither reproduced, copied, lent, o r disclosed In any way w hatsoever fo r the use o f any th ird p arty nor used fo r the m anufacturing purposes w itho u t

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    6MBP30RY060 MS6M0364 H04-004-07 6MBP30RY060. 6MBP30RY060) MS6M0364 H04-004-03 delay line ms-31 fuji ipm 33UF 6MBP30RY060 PDF

    fuji ipm

    Abstract: ipm application note fuji 6MBP30RH060 fuji capacitor ipm application fuji 30a GDGS532 A05 zener fin heat sink igbt fuji igbt transistor modules fuji transistor modules
    Text: Thla matarla! and ha Information haraln I» lha preparly of Fuji Glaatrlc Co,Lid. Thay ahailba nalthar reproduced, ooplad, lant, or disclosed In any way whatsoever for tha vie of any third party nor uaad for tha manufacturing purpose* w ithout tha expre»» written oonaant of Fuji EiectrlQ Co,Ltd.

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    6MBP30RH060 MS6M0387 MS6M0387 H04-004-07 H04-004-Q3 6MBP30RH060. 6MBP30RH060) 223fl7TS fuji ipm ipm application note fuji 6MBP30RH060 fuji capacitor ipm application fuji 30a GDGS532 A05 zener fin heat sink igbt fuji igbt transistor modules fuji transistor modules PDF

    M208 B1

    Abstract: fuji darlington module fuji transistor modules 1di50
    Text: High Hf e Series Darlington Modules Ratings and Characteristics Type Single Darlington Modules 600V Dual Darlington Modules 600V Six Pack Darlington Modules 600V SIL Six Pack Darlington Modules 600V v CE0 sus IV) v CEX(sus) <V) (A) •c hFE (min) (A) VCE

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    fuse ALPI

    Abstract: all transistor P621 a1j1
    Text: e¿0-tt 0-fr0H Th is m aterial and the inform ation heroin is the p roperty of Fuji Electric C o ,ltd .T h e y shall be neither reproduced. copied, lent, or disclosed in any w ay whatsoever or the use of any third party,nor used for the manufacturing purposes without

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    MS6M0672 fuse ALPI all transistor P621 a1j1 PDF


    Abstract: P621 fuse ALPI ELLS 110 AC2500 zener diode marking CODE VN S2 marking wt3 all transistor P621 Jy01
    Text: e¿0-tt 0-fr0H Th is m aterial and the inform ation heroin is the p roperty of Fuji Electric C o ,ltd .T h e y shall be neither reproduced. copied, lent, or disclosed in any w ay whatsoever or the use of any third party,nor used for the manufacturing purposes without

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    7MBP50RTJ060 MS6M067 MS6M0672 H04-004-07a H04-004-03 JIHJIK P621 fuse ALPI ELLS 110 AC2500 zener diode marking CODE VN S2 marking wt3 all transistor P621 Jy01 PDF


    Abstract: 6MBP30RY060 QQD554D
    Text: Thla m a lir la l and tha Inform ation haraln U lh# pro p e rty of Fuji Etactrlc C o.,Lid. Th«y ahall ba nallhar ra p ro d u ca d , c o p ia d , lm , or dlacloaad In any way w h « U o « v ir for tha u«a of an y third party nor uaad for tha manufacturing purpoiaa w it h o u t

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    6MBP30RY060 MS6M0364 0DD5537 H04-004-07 0GD553Ã 6MBP30RY060. 6MBP30RY060) MS6M0364 6MBP30RY060 QQD554D PDF


    Abstract: 7MBP75RU2A 7mbp75ru AC2500 H04-004 P611 300W HI FI AMPLIFIER 7mbp75ru2a-120 diode marking code 7-7-7-7
    Text: q¿0-fr0 M70H This m aterial and the inform ation herein is the p ro p e rty o f Fuji E le ctric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied,lent, o r disclosed in any w ay whatsoever fo r the use o f any third party nor used fo r the m anufacturing purposes w ithou t the express w ritte n consent o f

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    7MBP75RU2A120 H04-004-07b H04-004-03a 7MBP75RU2A120 7MBP75RU2A 7mbp75ru AC2500 H04-004 P611 300W HI FI AMPLIFIER 7mbp75ru2a-120 diode marking code 7-7-7-7 PDF


    Abstract: fuji ipm AC2500 H04-004 HCPL-4504 tj0-h ns package number h03a 2-pin 6mbp75ru2 01049
    Text: This m aterial and the inform ation herein is the p ro p e rty o f Fuji E le ctric Device Technology Co.,Ltd. They shall be neither reproduced, copied,lent, o r disclosed in any w ay whatsoever for the use o f any third party nor used fo r the m anufacturing purposes w ithou t the express w ritte n consent of

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    H04-004-03a 6MBP75RU2A120 fuji ipm AC2500 H04-004 HCPL-4504 tj0-h ns package number h03a 2-pin 6mbp75ru2 01049 PDF