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    FSR 406 Search Results

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    force sensor resistors

    Abstract: FSR 400 FSR 406 low cost force sensor interlink Force Resistor fsr-400 FSR-406
    Text: FSR 406 Data Sheet FSR 400 Series Square Force Sensing Resistor Description Features and Benefits • Actuation Force as low as 0.1N and sensitivity range to 10N. • Easily customizable to a wide range of sizes • Highly Repeatable Force Reading; As low as 2% of initial reading



    Abstract: RPE122 kjaer 1049 applications of cd 4060 AD842AN bruel kjaer 1051
    Text: BACK a 16-Bit 500 kHz Wide Temperature Range Sampling ADC AD1385 FEATURES 16-Bit Resolution 500 kHz Sampling Rate Differential Linearity Autocalibration Specified over –55؇C to +125؇C Range SNR 90 dB @ 100 kHz min THD –88 dB @ 100 kHz (min) 0.0006% FSR DNL (typ)

    16-Bit AD1385 AD1385 16-bit, RN55C 20-Turn 299W-1-503) C1579 RPE122 kjaer 1049 applications of cd 4060 AD842AN bruel kjaer 1051 PDF


    Abstract: AD1385 AD1382 AD1385KD AD1385TD RPE122 C1579 kjaer 1049 jfet selection guide DH48A
    Text: a 16-Bit 500 kHz Wide Temperature Range Sampling ADC AD1385 FEATURES 16-Bit Resolution 500 kHz Sampling Rate Differential Linearity Autocalibration Specified over –55؇C to +125؇C Range SNR 90 dB @ 100 kHz min THD –88 dB @ 100 kHz (min) 0.0006% FSR DNL (typ)

    16-Bit AD1385 AD1385 16-bit, 74ALS574 AD845KN 74ALS04 74ALS32 MPS1P-32-GG) TDL106K035S1D AD1382 AD1385KD AD1385TD RPE122 C1579 kjaer 1049 jfet selection guide DH48A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FSR 400 Ser i esDat aSheet For ceSensi ngResi st or s® Feat ur esandBenef i t s •Act uat i onFor ceasl oswas0. 2Nand sensi t i vi t yr anget o20N •CostEf f ect i ve •Ul t r aThi n •Robust ;upt o10M act uat i ons •Si mpl eandeasyt oi nt egr at



    Abstract: AN581 AN586 PIC16C54 PIC16C57 PIC16C5X PIC16C64 PIC16C71 PIC16CXX
    Text: AN586 Macros for Page and Bank Switching Author: Mark Palmer Microchip Technology Inc. Contributions: Mike Morse Sr. Field Applications Engineer Dallas INTRODUCTION This application note discusses the use of the MPASM assembler's conditional assembly to automatically

    AN586 AN581) PIC16C5X DS00586B-page 16c57 AN581 AN586 PIC16C54 PIC16C57 PIC16C64 PIC16C71 PIC16CXX PDF


    Abstract: AN586 PIC16C54 PIC16C57 PIC16C5X PIC16C64 PIC16C71 PIC16CXX AN581 M00234
    Text: AN586 Macros for Page and Bank Switching Author: Mark Palmer Microchip Technology Inc. Contributions: Mike Morse Sr. Field Applications Engineer Dallas INTRODUCTION This application note discusses the use of the MPASM assembler's conditional assembly to automatically

    AN586 AN581) PIC16C5X 16c57 AN586 PIC16C54 PIC16C57 PIC16C64 PIC16C71 PIC16CXX AN581 M00234 PDF

    calibration ADS1216

    Abstract: ADS1218 application note ADS1218 application notes ADS1217 ADC calibration ADS1218 h249f00 MSC1210 Flash Routines selfoc ADS1216
    Text: Application Report SBAA099 – August 2003 Calibration Routines and Register Value Generation for the ADS1216, ADS1217 and ADS1218 Joseph Wu Data Acquisition Group ABSTRACT In order to achieve the best possible performance, offset and gain can be often be

    SBAA099 ADS1216, ADS1217 ADS1218 ADS1217, ADS1218 calibration ADS1216 ADS1218 application note ADS1218 application notes ADC calibration h249f00 MSC1210 Flash Routines selfoc ADS1216 PDF


    Abstract: PICSTART-16C schematics DS30189 rs232 lm78s40 PICSTART-16C putchar PIC16CXXX DS30190 diode 0A81 pic programmer schematic
    Text: AN656 In-Circuit Serial Programming of Calibration Parameters Using a PICmicro Microcontroller PROGRAMMING FIXTURE Author: John Day Microchip Technology Inc. A programming fixture is needed to assist with the self programming operation. This is typically a small

    AN656 PIC ISP PICSTART-16C schematics DS30189 rs232 lm78s40 PICSTART-16C putchar PIC16CXXX DS30190 diode 0A81 pic programmer schematic PDF


    Abstract: DS30190 CMD 0229 DS30189 rs232 PIC16C58 09AE MAX 232A W0098 PICSTART-16C P16CX
    Text: AN656 In-Circuit Serial Programming ICSP of Calibration Parameters Using a PICmicro™ Microcontroller PROGRAMMING FIXTURE Author: John Day Microchip Technology Inc. A programming fixture is needed to assist with the self programming operation. This is typically a small

    AN656 PIC ISP DS30190 CMD 0229 DS30189 rs232 PIC16C58 09AE MAX 232A W0098 PICSTART-16C P16CX PDF

    PICSTART-16C schematics

    Abstract: DS30190 PICSTART-16C 022d 16C58A lm78s40 DS30228 0a73 P16CX PIC16CXX
    Text: AN656 In-Circuit Serial Programming ICSP of Calibration Parameters Using a PICmicro™ Microcontroller PROGRAMMING FIXTURE Author: John Day Microchip Technology Inc. A programming fixture is needed to assist with the self programming operation. This is typically a small

    AN656 PICSTART-16C schematics DS30190 PICSTART-16C 022d 16C58A lm78s40 DS30228 0a73 P16CX PIC16CXX PDF


    Abstract: AN527 PIC16C57 PIC16C5X
    Text: AN527 Software Stack Management Author: Stan D’Souza Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION The PIC16C5X has a stack which is only 2 deep, and, as a result, only two nested calls can be made i.e., only one call within a call routine . If more than two levels of

    AN527 PIC16C5X DS00527D-page 16c54 AN527 PIC16C57 PDF

    fst 239

    Abstract: 850C W681310
    Text: W681310 3V SINGLE-CHANNEL VOICEBAND CODEC Preliminary Data Sheet -1- Publication Release Date: November 18, 2003 Revision A2 W681310 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W681310 is a general-purpose single channel PCM CODEC with pin-selectable µ-Law or A-Law companding. The device is compliant with the ITU G.712 specification. It operates off of a single +3V

    W681310 W681310 20-pin fst 239 850C PDF


    Abstract: AN527 PIC16C57 PIC16C5X microchip an527 AN5* MICROCHIP
    Text: AN527 Software Stack Management Author: Stan D’Souza Microchip Technology Inc. INTRODUCTION The PIC16C5X has a stack which is only 2 deep, and, as a result, only two nested calls can be made i.e., only one call within a call routine . If more than two levels of

    AN527 PIC16C5X 16C54 AN527 PIC16C57 microchip an527 AN5* MICROCHIP PDF

    sfh 6176

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W6810 SINGLE-CHANNEL VOICEBAND CODEC Preliminary Data Sheet -1- Publication Release Date: July 2005 Revision A11 W6810 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W6810 is a general-purpose single channel PCM CODEC with pin-selectable µ-Law or A-Law companding. The device is compliant with the ITU G.712 specification. It operates off of a single +5V

    W6810 W6810 20-pin sfh 6176 PDF

    sfh 6176

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W681310 3V SINGLE-CHANNEL VOICEBAND CODEC Data Sheet -1- Publication Release Date: April 2007 Revision B14 W681310 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W681310 is a general-purpose single channel PCM CODEC with pin-selectable µ-Law or A-Law companding. The device is compliant with the ITU G.712 specification. It operates from a single +3V

    W681310 W681310 20-pin sfh 6176 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W681512 SINGLE-CHANNEL VOICEBAND CODEC Data Sheet -1- Publication Release Date: September, 2007 Revision C14 W681512 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W681512 is a general-purpose single channel PCM CODEC with pin-selectable µ-Law or A-Law companding. The device is compliant with the ITU G.712 specification. It operates from a single +5V

    W681512 W681512 20-pin PDF


    Abstract: W682510 VPP 203
    Text: ADVANCED W682510/W682310 DUAL-CHANNEL VOICEBAND CODECS -1- Publication Release Date: April 2005 Revision A10 W682510/W682310 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION The W682510 and W682310 are general-purpose dual channel PCM CODECs with pin-selectable Law or A-Law companding. The device is compliant with the ITU G.712 specification. It operates from

    W682510/W682310 W682510 W682310 W682510, W682310) 20-pin 24-pin VPP 203 PDF

    parallel port interface visual basic step by step

    Abstract: 16-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter - Voltage or Current Model DAC707 DAC708 DAC709 OAC707 OAC700 MC706 DAC708BH/QM
    Text: H r r - b r o w n D AC705/706/707 DAC708/709 * H Microprocessor-Compatible 16-B IT D IG IT A L -T O -A N A L O G C O N V E R T E R S FE A T U R ES • HIGH ACCURACY: Linearity Error ±0.003% of FSR max Differential Linearity Error ±0.006% of FSR max • M0N0T0NIC TO 14 BITS OVER SPECIFIED

    OCR Scan
    DAC705/706/707 DAC708/709 16-BIT DAC708 DAC709 24-pin parallel port interface visual basic step by step 16-Bit Digital-to-Analog Converter - Voltage or Current Model DAC707 OAC707 OAC700 MC706 DAC708BH/QM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ITTELEDi'NE PHILBRICK 4068 Monolithic 12 Bit, High Speed D/A Converter The 4068 is a monolithic, current-output 12 bit D/A con­ verter that combines high speed settling and true 12 bit performance on a single chip. A full 5mA output step settles to ±0.01%FSR ± V2 LSB in 300nsec typical,

    OCR Scan
    300nsec 400nsec 10ppm/Â CMOS+4068 PDF


    Abstract: AN 7134 NV11 IC AN 7134 7134 OP-AMP 339 PIN DIAGRAM DAC-7134B binary weight resistance dac DAC713
    Text: DATEL INC □ 7E D llO M n E L SbSlSbl G0Q.0ÛLS b DAC-7134B, DAC-7r134U 14-Bit Microprocessor-compatible Multiplying D/A Converters T-5 -09-90 FEATUR ES G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION • 14-Blt linearity (0.003% FSR The DAC-7134 achieves true 14-blt linearity by combining a fourquadrant, multiplying DAC with on-chip, PROM-controlled correc­

    OCR Scan
    b515L DAC-7134B, DAC-7rl34U 14-Bit DAC-7134 DAC-7134, DAC-7134U DAC-7134B HP5082-2811 AN 7134 NV11 IC AN 7134 7134 OP-AMP 339 PIN DIAGRAM binary weight resistance dac DAC713 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4065 12 Bit/60nsec Current Output D/A Converter The 4065 is a true 12 bit, straight binary, current-output digital to analog converter with TTL compatible inputs and externally programmable output ranges of 0to+4mAand ±2mA. Its speed and the low capacitance of the resistor network are responsible

    OCR Scan
    Bit/60nsec 100nsec PDF

    4052 C

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ' TELEDYNE COMPONENTS 2 flE D T-51-09-12 a i i 7 t.aa oautiS37 1 4065 12 Bit/60nsec Current Output D/A Converter The 4065 is a true 12 bit, straight binary, current-output digital to analog converter with TTL compatible inputs and externally programmable output ranges of 0to+4mAand ±2mA. Its speed

    OCR Scan
    T-51-09-12 oautiS37 Bit/60nsec 100nsec 4052 C PDF

    ic 4081 pin diagram

    Abstract: 4081 analog switch ic 4082 teledyne philbrick converter Pin Diagram of ic 4081 teledyne converters Philbrick 4081 and ic 4082 16 pins TTL 4081
    Text: £ TELEDYNE SäE COMPONENTS D m ùW bQ H QQQti 24Q 1 • 4080 Series T -5 1 -0 9 -1 2 12 Bit/250nsec Voltage Output D/A Converters The 4080 Series of 12 bit voltage-output D/A converters pro­ vide the ultimate in high speed, high performance digital to analog conversion. Fully three times faster than their nearest

    OCR Scan
    Bit/250nsec 250nsec 400//A ic 4081 pin diagram 4081 analog switch ic 4082 teledyne philbrick converter Pin Diagram of ic 4081 teledyne converters Philbrick 4081 and ic 4082 16 pins TTL 4081 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •WTELECYNE PHILBRCK 4080 Series 12 Bit, 250nsec Voltage Output D/A Converters The 4080 Series of 12 bit voltage-output D/A converters provide the ultimate in high speed, high perform ance digital to analog conversion. Fully three times faster than their nearest competitors, these D/A’s settle a 10V step

    OCR Scan
    250nsec 250nsec 60nsec) 70nsec) PDF