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    FRAME BUFFERS Search Results

    FRAME BUFFERS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74VHCT541AFT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74VHC541FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G125NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G126NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SET125F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-25 (SMV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    FRAME BUFFERS Datasheets Context Search

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    Modem Status Indicator

    Abstract: GMSK GMSK fm pn sequence notes Datasheet Reed-Solomon CMX989 gmsk demodulator dotting word gmsk fm modulator
    Text: Transmit Processor VDD 136-byte Frame Buffer IRQN Inter-frame time fill DATA BUS BUFFERS D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 WRN RDN CSN A0 A1 A2 ADDRESS AND R/W DECODE Receive Processor Zero insertion 136-byte Frame Buffer insert Frame Flag Zero removal insert Colour Code

    136-byte CMX989 35-bit Modem Status Indicator GMSK GMSK fm pn sequence notes Datasheet Reed-Solomon gmsk demodulator dotting word gmsk fm modulator PDF

    rda 6232

    Abstract: CH341A TS16 TXC-03114 2B12C CH3401 TXC-03114BILQ
    Text: QE1F-Plus Device Quad E1 Framer-Plus TXC-03114 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame HoldOff frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode • Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    TXC-03114 TXC-03114-MB rda 6232 CH341A TS16 TXC-03114 2B12C CH3401 TXC-03114BILQ PDF


    Abstract: 03104 bilq AMI 52 732 V TS16 TXC-03114 national alarm RFTS-10 X77H-X70H
    Text: QE1F-Plus Device Quad E1 Framer-Plus TXC-03114 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode • Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    TXC-03114 TXC-03114-MB CH341A 03104 bilq AMI 52 732 V TS16 TXC-03114 national alarm RFTS-10 X77H-X70H PDF

    TSE 4041

    Abstract: CH341A TXC-03104-MB
    Text: QE1F Device Quad E1 Framer TXC-03104 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode • Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    TXC-03104 TXC-03104-MB TSE 4041 CH341A TXC-03104-MB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QE1F Device Quad E1 Framer TXC-03104 DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode • Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    TXC-03104 TXC-03104-MB CH341A PDF


    Abstract: 2B12C CH3401 CH1290 1F7 1f8 1f9 CH3405
    Text: BACK QE1F Device Quad E1 Framer TXC-03104 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode • Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    TXC-03104 TXC-03104-MB ch341a 2B12C CH3401 CH1290 1F7 1f8 1f9 CH3405 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product Brief Lantiq OCTALFALC™ Eight-channel E1/T1/J1 Framer and LIU PEF 22558 E Frame Aligners • ITU-T G.704 frame alignment/ synthesis for 2048/1544 kbit/s • Programmable frame formats include: E 1 - double and CRC4 multi-frame T1 - F4, F12 D4 ext. super frame (ESF),

    SLC96) 128-byte PB-e-0009-v1 PDF


    Abstract: a9na
    Text: E1Fx8 Device 8-Channel E1 Framer TXC-03109 DATA SHEET DESCRIPTION • Eight-channel offline framer supports standard and frame hold-off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check, selectable out of frame criteria and change of frame alignment alarm, plus transparent non-framing mode

    TXC-03109 TXC-03109-MB SI11-0 a9na PDF


    Abstract: 8X3 multiplexer g.703 e1
    Text: E1Fx8 Device 8-Channel E1 Framer TXC-03109 TECHNICAL OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION • Eight-channel offline framer supports standard and frame hold-off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check, selectable out of frame criteria and change of frame alignment alarm, plus transparent non-framing mode

    TXC-03109 TXC-03109-MA txc-03109aiog 8X3 multiplexer g.703 e1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E1Fx8 Device 8-Channel E1 Framer TXC-03109 FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Eight-channel offline framer supports standard and frame hold-off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check, selectable out of frame criteria and change of frame alignment alarm, plus transparent non-framing mode

    TXC-03109 PDF


    Abstract: bosch j1939 j1939 J1850-protocol philips application notes bosch can industrial CAN PROTOCOL
    Text: Application Note Extended Frame Format - A New Option of the CAN Protocol Hans-Christian Reuss Product Concept & Application Laboratory Hamburg, F. R. Germany Keywords CAN Protocol Specification Vers. 2.0 A+B, Standard Frame Format, Extended Frame Format, Compatibility, Bus

    P8xC592 SAE-J1939 bosch j1939 j1939 J1850-protocol philips application notes bosch can industrial CAN PROTOCOL PDF


    Abstract: SYN155C TXC-02050 TXC-03114 TXC-03361
    Text: QE1F-Plus Device Quad E1 Framer-Plus TXC-03114 PRODUCT INFORMATION DESCRIPTION FEATURES • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent nonframing mode

    TXC-03114 36-Bit TXC-03114-MC vlsi SYN155C TXC-02050 TXC-03114 TXC-03361 PDF

    bosch can 2.0B

    Abstract: bosch j1939 Bosch Bosch microcontroller integrated circuit BOSCH j1939 j1850 bosch can 2.0A CAN protocol books p8xc592 sae j1939
    Text: Application Note Extended Frame Format - A New Option of the CAN Protocol Hans-Christian Reuss Product Concept & Application Laboratory Hamburg, F. R. Germany Keywords CAN Protocol Specification Vers. 2.0 A+B, Standard Frame Format, Extended Frame Format, Compatibility, Bus

    P8xC592 bosch can 2.0B bosch j1939 Bosch Bosch microcontroller integrated circuit BOSCH j1939 j1850 bosch can 2.0A CAN protocol books sae j1939 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QE1F Device Quad E1 Framer TXC-03104 DATA SHEET • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode • Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03104 TDE15-TDE8, TDE23-TDE16 TDE31-TDE24. TXC-03104-MB PDF

    76 COC 9K

    Abstract: VIP 22A 2048KHZ 44145 ch3406
    Text: QE1F Device Quad E1 Framer TXC-03104 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION ^ * Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode * Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03104-MB 76 COC 9K VIP 22A 2048KHZ 44145 ch3406 PDF


    Abstract: byc 22d
    Text: QE1F Device Quad E1 Framer TXC-03104 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION = • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode • Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03104 TXC-03104-MB 1SA5 byc 22d PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QE1F Device Quad E1 Framer TXC-03104 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION = • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode • Frame alignment detection and loss of frame

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03104 TXC-03104-MB PDF


    Abstract: HD64401
    Text: HD64401 C P -Frame Buffer Interface Controller FBIC Description The HD64401 frame buffer interface controller (F B IC ) is an interface IC for use between the HD64400 graphic data processor (G D P) and frame buffers consisting of M P- D R A M s (multi-port

    OCR Scan
    HD64401 HD64400 and94005-1819 HD64401CP PDF


    Abstract: HD64401 HM538121
    Text: HD64401 C P -Frame Buffer Interface Controller FBIC Description The HD64401 frame buffer interface controller ( F B IC ) is an interface IC for use between the HD64400 graphic data processor (G D P ) and frame buffers consisting o f M P - D R A M s (m ulti-port

    OCR Scan
    HD64401CP- HD64401 HD64400 HM538121 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E1 Fx8 Device a n 8-Channel E1 Framer TXC-03109 X-S w i t c h DATA SHEET PRODUCT PREVIEW DESCRIPTION FEATURES Eight-channel offline framer supports standard and frame hold-off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check, selectable out of frame criteria and change of frame

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03109 TXC-06103, TXC-06112, PHAST-12 STS-12 TXC-06125, PREVIEWTXC-03Ã 09-MB TIC147 PDF


    Abstract: digital trainer schematic diagram laf 0001 CH3401 J0123 ccs ldl HP 3D6 000A75 X77H-X70H TO SI 788 48D
    Text: H i/1 I - = - ^ • QE1F Device Quad E1 Framer TXC-03104 DATA SHEET FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame Hold-Off frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and

    OCR Scan
    FBE12-FBE8. TXC-03104-MB CH341A digital trainer schematic diagram laf 0001 CH3401 J0123 ccs ldl HP 3D6 000A75 X77H-X70H TO SI 788 48D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet September 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations New Device Code LU3M38 Eight Ethernet MACs for 10/100 Mbits/s Frame Switching — Receive frame statistics are appended to each frame at the end of the DMA transfer for custom

    OCR Scan
    LU3M38 DS97-478LAN DS96-124LAN) 5002b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: QE1F-Plus Device tmän S w it c h Quad E1 Framer-Plus TXC-03114 x- FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Offline framer supports Standard and Frame HoldOff frame alignment with CRC-4 multiframe check and selectable out of frame criteria, and transparent non-framing mode

    OCR Scan
    TXC-03114 800-521-CORE INARYTXC-03-\-\4-M PDF

    lucent m12 timing receiver

    Abstract: 5104 dm AC20 AC22 LU3M38
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet September 1997 m icroelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations New Device Code LU3M38 Eight Ethernet MACs for 10/100 Mbits/s Frame Switching — Receive frame statistics are appended to each frame at the end of the DMA transfer for custom

    OCR Scan
    LU3M38 10Base-T, 100Base-T4, 64-bit, DS97-478LAN DS96-124LAN) lucent m12 timing receiver 5104 dm AC20 AC22 LU3M38 PDF