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    FOX CLOCK OSCILLATOR Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TB67S559FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping Motor Driver / Bipolar Type / Vout(V)=50 / Iout(A)=3 / Clock Interface Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67S539FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping Motor Driver/Bipolar Type/Vout(V)=40/Iout(A)=2/Clock Interface Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67S149AFTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping Motor Driver/Unipolar Type/Vout(V)=84/Iout(A)=3/Clock Interface Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67S549FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping Motor Driver/Bipolar Type/Vout(V)=40/Iout(A)=1.5/Clock Interface Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TB67S589FTG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Stepping Motor Driver / Bipolar Type / Vout(V)=50 / Iout(A)=3.0 / CLK input type / VQFN32 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    FOX CLOCK OSCILLATOR Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLOCK OSCILLATOR ORDER FORM This form was developed to assist you in placing an order for oscillators with Fox. Each line is numbered to correspond with the numbered paragraph on the order guide page 42 . (Copy this sheet and send to Fox) 1. a) Customer Name:

    F1100E F1100H F3000 KFO90AT F3345 F3355 F3400 F4100 F4200 PDF

    274 transistor

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •99 FOX ELECTRONICS " P 5t -<*3 11E D | 3 7 0 1 W ODOOZSfl b J F1100T / TRANSISTOR CLOCK OSCILLATOR The FOX F1100T Clock Oscillators are Discrete Transistor Oscillators which are TTL Compatible and are low cost. Fox oscillators feature a high quality welded

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    370112B F1100T/TRANSISTOR F1100T 274 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS HE D I 7 = St -*3 3 7 OIT25 0DÛ02SÔ t, | F1100T/ TRANSISTOR CLOCK OSCILLATOR The FOX F1100T Clock Oscillators are Discrete Transistor Oscillators which are TTL Compatible and are low cost. Fox oscillators feature a high quality welded package that offers a hermetic seal to provide

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    OIT25 F1100T/ F1100T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX RTC72421 / REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE The FOX RTC72421 module is a Real Time Clock designed for use with microprocessors. The built-in 32.768 kHz standard clock quartz oscillator eliminates the need for regulation. The RTC72421 uses little or no external hardware depending on

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    RTC72421 RTC32768 2421A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS b3E D • 3701TE2 □□0057b 5S2 ■ F5L / 14 PIN DIP ECL OSCILLATOR FOX FOX F5L ECL Clock Oscillators feature a high frequency range. The standard 14 pin dip all metal package provides shielding to minimize RF radiation, helping to meet FCC EMI specifications.

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    3701TE2 0057b F51h PDF


    Abstract: Fox clock oscillator F1100 F1100 F1114 f1115 f1114 fox F1116 F1145 k1100a F1144
    Text: 1 FOX ELECTRONICS 5SE D • 3701*122 G0G03ST 3 ■i'T:5 0 - £ > F1100 SERIES / TTL CLOCK OSCILLATORS FOX F1100 Series Oscillators are TTL Compatible and are manufactured using state of the art thick film hybrid technology. Fox oscillators feature a high quality welded

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    Q0D03ST F1100 K1100AM 820ering 10-55Hz, 55-2000Hz, 14VDC 04VDC Fox clock oscillator F1100 F1114 f1115 f1114 fox F1116 F1145 k1100a F1144 PDF


    Abstract: 25PPM fox ECL oscillator
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS fc3E D • 37D1122 DDGOSTt 522 ■ FOX F5L / 14 PIN DIP ECL OSCILLATOR FOX F5L ECL Clock Oscillators feature a high frequency range. The standard 14 pin dip all metal package provides shielding to minimize RF radiation, helping to meet FCC EMI specifications.

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    37Dn22 110MHz 170MHz 100PPM 25PPM fox ECL oscillator PDF


    Abstract: K1100AM K1100A f1114 fox F1115 Fox f1100 20.000 G F1100 F1116
    Text: 1 FOX ELECTRONICS 5SE D • 3701*122 G0G03ST 3 ■i'T:5 0 - £ > F1100 SERIES / TTL CLOCK OSCILLATORS FOX F1100 Series Oscillators are TTL Compatible and are manufactured using state of the art thick film hybrid technology. Fox oscillators feature a high quality welded

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    370n22 0G03S' F1100 K1100AM 10-55Hz, 55-2000Hz, 14VDC 04VDC F1114 K1100A f1114 fox F1115 Fox f1100 20.000 G F1116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T^’S'O FOX ELECTRONICS *"« ¿ 3 11E D | -3701122 00002SS 0 | F1100H / TTL CLOCK OSCILLATOR The FOX F1100H Clock Oscillator is TTL Compatible. It has been designed for low current consumption and fast rise times. Its standard 45/55 symmetry allows it to directly drive microprocessors

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    OOOQE55 F1100H 50MHz. 10-55Hz, 55-2000Hz, 2x10-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ' FOX ELECTRONICS TI 37Dn5S GODDl? b d* T~SO-£3 FllOOK / GATE OSCILLATOR WITH TTL OUTPUT The FOX F1100K clock oscillators are Gate type oscillators which are TTL Compatible and are low cost. Fox oscillators feature a high quality welded package that offers a hermetic seal to provide

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    37on5s F1100K 2x10-8 PDF


    Abstract: K1100AM F1100 Fox clock oscillator F1100 f1114 fox Fox f1100
    Text: 5SE D FOX ELECTRONICS • 37DnS2 □ 0 G 0 3 S cì 3 ■ " P 5 Q - £ > F1100 SERIES / TTL CLOCK OSCILLATORS FOX F1100 Series Oscillators are TTL Compatible and are manufactured using state of the art thick film hybrid technology. Fox oscillators feature a high quality welded

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    37DnS2 0G03Sc F1100 K1100AM 10-55Hz, 55-2000Hz, 127mm) F1100-Y K1100A Fox clock oscillator F1100 f1114 fox Fox f1100 PDF


    Abstract: F1160A Z80A j00005 F1160 37g1
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS ESE D 37G 1T5B 0000333 S "T -S O -Z 3 > F1160À / MOS COMPATIBLE CLOCK OSCILLATOR The FOX F1160A is a MOS Compatible Clock Oscillator capable of driving high capacitance loads up to 300 pF from 4 MHz to 6 MHz. The F1160A is compatible with Motorola K1160A Oscillator.

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    37G1T5B F1160Ã F1160A K1160A Z80A j00005 F1160 37g1 PDF


    Abstract: frequency counter module IC real fox 020 32768-B RTC32768
    Text: FOX RTC32768 / REAL TIME CLOCK MODULE The FOX RTC32768 module is a Real Time Clock designed for use with microprocessors. It features a built-in quartz oscillator, time and date functions and an integrated circuit with an available 1Hz output. An external battery can be connected to the RTC as

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    RTC32768 2768A 32768B RTC32768A frequency counter module IC real fox 020 32768-B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS SSE D 3701152 0Ü00333 5 "T-S 0-Z3> F1160À / MOS COMPATIBLE CLOCK OSCILLATOR The FOX F1160A is a MOS Compatible Clock Oscillator capable of driving high capacitance loads up to 300 pF from 4 MHz to 6 MHz. The F1160A is compatible with Motorola K1160A Oscillator.

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    F1160Ã F1160A K1160A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4ÛE J> FOX ELECTRONICS m 3701^22 DD004bl =110 • FOX F3120 / TTL TRI-STATE ENABLE/DISABLE OSCILLATOR The Fox F3120 Clock Oscillator employs a Tri-State function for control of the output. Applying a logic '1' voltage level to Pin 1 enables the oscillator and a logic 'O' disables the output to

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    DD004bl F3120 55-2kHz, 2x10-8 PDF

    274 transistor

    Abstract: fox clock F1100T JL-01 Fox clock oscillator
    Text: •99 FOX ELECTRONICS " P 5t -<*3 11E D | 3 7 0 1 W ODOOZSfl b J F1100T / TRANSISTOR CLOCK OSCILLATOR T h e F O X F 1 1 0 0 T Clock Oscillators are Discrete Transistor Oscillators which are T TL Compatible and are low cost. Fox oscillators fea tu re a high quality w elded

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    370112B F1100T/TRANSISTOR F1100T 274 transistor fox clock JL-01 Fox clock oscillator PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS 4ÛE T> m 3701122 OOODMbl 110 « F O X F3120 / TTL TRI-STATE ENABLE/DISABLE OSCILLATOR ~ 7- * " * ^ ° - 3.3 The Fox F3120 Clock Oscillator employs a Tri-State function for control of the output. Applying a logic '1' voltage level to Pin 1 enables

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    370n22 F3120 55-2kHz, 2x10-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS 3ME D • 3701^22 0000411 4 BiFOX F5C-5 / HCMOS GATE ENABLE/DISABLE OSCILLATOR T - S o - ^3 The FOX F5C-5 Clock Oscillator employs a Logic Gate for control of the output. Applying a logic '1' voltage level to pin 1 enables the oscillator output

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX E L E C T R O N I C S 3 7 0 1 ^ 2 2 G 0 Ü Ü 4 2 M fi 34E J> H5C/HALF SIZE HCMOS OSCILLATOR I FOX H5G-5/GATE ENABLE/DISABLE The FOX H5C is a Hybrid Clock Oscillator capable of driving HCMOS circuitry and up to 10 TTL loads. The H5C features low current drain and a smaller

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    2x10-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS 4ÛE T> m 3701122 OOODMbl 110 « F O X F3120 / TTL TRI-STATE ENABLE/DISABLE OSCILLATOR ~ 7- * " * ^ ° - 3.3 The Fox F3120 Clock Oscillator employs a Tri-State function for control of the output. Applying a logic '1' voltage level to Pin 1 enables

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    370n22 F3120 55-2kHz, 2x10-8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS 31E D • 37011SS OOOOM18 2 « F O X F5C-3 / HCMOS TRI-STATE ENÀBLE/DISABLE OSCILLATOR T- ^ 0 - 2 3 The FOX F5C-3 Clock Oscillator employs a Tri-State buffer for control of the output. Applying a logic 'O' voltage level to pin 1 enables the

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    37011SS OOOOM18 PDF


    Abstract: Z80A K1160a Zilog Z8000 F1160AA f116 Z8000
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS 2SE I> • 3701122 D000334 7 ■ I -SO- 2 3 F1160AA / DUAL OUTPUT CLOCK OSCILLATOR The FOX F1160AA is specifically designed to drive microprocessors such as the Zilog Z8000 and Z80A, NEC n PD 780C-1 and similar models which require a MOS output and a TTL output at

    OCR Scan
    F1160AA Z8000 780C-1 K1160AA. 100mA 2x10-8 K1160AA Z80A K1160a Zilog Z8000 f116 PDF


    Abstract: rasco 1 motorola rasco 1 37g1 fox F5C series Motorola RASCO
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS TI ÔËJ BTOITSH OOQDlöS S•J"~. V T~ / HIGH SPEED CMOS OSCILLATOR The FOX F5C is a hybrid clock oscillator capable of driving High Speed CMOS circuitry and up to 10 LS TTL loads. The F5C can drive capacitive loads as high as 50 pF. The low current drain, with 20 mA

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    37G1152 37Q1T2E VDD-50% jl27mm) RASCO rasco 1 motorola rasco 1 37g1 fox F5C series Motorola RASCO PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FOX ELECTRONICS 3ME D • 3701T22 OOOOMIS S B F O X F5C-3 / HCMOS TRI-STATE ENÀBLE/DISABLE OSCILLATOR T- .50-23 The FOX F5C-3 Clock Oscillator employs a Tri-State buffer for control of the output. Applying a logic 'O' voltage level to pin 1 enables the oscillator output and a logic '1' applied to pin 1

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    OOGD41Ã 2x10-8 PDF