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    FJ 5161 Search Results

    FJ 5161 Result Highlights (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    EL5161IWZ-T7 Renesas Electronics Corporation 200MHz Low-power Current Feedback Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    XFN516100.000000I Renesas Electronics Corporation 150fs Small Plastic Package Quartz-based PLL Oscillator Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    EL5161IWZ-T7A Renesas Electronics Corporation 200MHz Low-power Current Feedback Amplifiers Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    SN75161BNE4 Texas Instruments Octal General-Purpose Interface Bus Transceiver 20-PDIP 0 to 70 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

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    wfx 883

    Abstract: 1117 3.3 Electronic CAP100RP eh17f 5EHK hp laptop MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram hp dv CAP100RP DS90C032 national semiconductor 400045 DS90CR582
    Text: April 25, 1997 Dear Valued Customer: Enclosed is our first edition of the LVDS Owner’s Manual & Design Guide. It can be ordered from our Customer Support Centers or through our Website as literature# 550062-001. It can also be downloaded from our Website starting in June. There is

    RS-422, wfx 883 1117 3.3 Electronic CAP100RP eh17f 5EHK hp laptop MOTHERBOARD pcb CIRCUIT diagram hp dv CAP100RP DS90C032 national semiconductor 400045 DS90CR582 PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 2-6 Fiber Optic Connectors and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . See Page 121 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 10-122 Fiber Optic Cable, Connectors, and Accessories . . . . . . See Pages 118-122

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    Abstract: lm 6806 AABV aahb SOT23-8 aajP SOT TOPMARKS abzb 6704M aabi XS16
    Text: SOT TOPMARKS: 4 Letter ID Coding SOT TOPMARKS: 2 Letter ID Coding SOT Topmarks - November 15, 2000 Sorted By Part Number 4 Letter ID Coding Sorted By Topmark All Characters Used to Identify Part Number Part Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package Prefix Number Suffix

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    jd 1801 data sheet

    Abstract: AAAM SOT23-6 ABAA sot23 SOT23-6 JD 1801 fm 4213 ic AAHB LM 1117 bs33 SOT23-6 AAFQ
    Text: SOT TOPMARKS: 2 and 4 Letter ID Coding SOT Topmarks − August 31, 2003 Sorted By Part Number Sorted By Topmark Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package LM 4040A IM3−2.1 FZEF SOT23−3 MAX 809L UR AA SOT23−3 LM

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    Abstract: adkv ABAA sot23 MAX809LUR ACGV 4173H AAAC SOT23-8 IC XR 2240 UR31 AK SOT23-3
    Text: SOT TOPMARKS: 2 and 4 Letter ID Coding SOT Topmarks − April 01, 2003 Sorted By Part Number Sorted By Topmark Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package Part Prefix Number Suffix Topmark Package LM 4040A IM3−2.1 FZEF SOT23−3 MAX 809L UR AA SOT23−3 LM

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    Abstract: MKAB QFP44 IN34 IN56 TDA1318 TDA1318H fj 5161 QFP44S10
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification DCC read amplifier TDA1318 FEATURES fD I G I T A L • Differential inputs for a low-power head configuration • Low-noise current sources for the sense currents of the DCC head COMPACT CASSETTE • Reduced power consumption by separate on/off

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    Abstract: MN3001 mn3002 delay MN3002H 512-STAGE MN3002
    Text: MN3001, MN3002 MOS 1C, L S I M N3001 ,M N 3 0 0 2 T O .7 » , 512 g , 5 1 2 6 7 t □ > ' 1 f B B D Dual 5 1 2 - S t a g e ,5 1 2 - S ta g e B B D for Analog Signal Delays H flS ^ /D e scrip tio n MN3001 l i f t St L tz2 -Hi? 512 IS B B D £ 1 1- y 7 " i;

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    Abstract: AMP low temperature pidg terminals AMP PBT connector tool B5870
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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OP-22/883 PROGRAMMABLE MICROPOWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER SINGLE OR DUAL SUPPLY P r e c i s i o n M o n o l i t h i c s Inc. 1.0 SCO PE This specification covers the detail requirements for a monolithic micropower operational amplifier. It is highly recommended that this data sheet be used as a baseline for new military or

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    OP-22/883 OP-22AJ/883 OP-22AZ/883 MIL-M-38510) PDF


    Abstract: COM78804
    Text: 7 / ö. STANDARD MICROSYSTEMS CORPORATION^ COM78804 PRELIMINARY 3 5 M a rc u s B'vc! . H a u p p a u ge N Y 11788 5161 2 7 3 - M O O • rw X-510-227-8898 Four-channel Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter Quad UART PIN CONFIGURATION FEATURES □ Four independent full duplex serial data lines

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    Abstract: irf 5630 transistor 2SB 367 IRF 3055 AC153Y transistor ESM 2878 TIP 43c transistor 2sk116 bf199 bd643
    Text: 5 transistor 1 A-Z datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-00-0 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechllich geschutzt. Alle

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION TM4256EQ5, TM4257EQ5 262,144 BY 5-BIT DYNAMIC RAM MODULES O C T O B E R 1 9 8 5 - R E V IS E D N O V E M B E R 1 9 8 5 a SINGLE-IN-LINE PACKAGE 2 6 2 ,1 4 4 X 5 Organization TOP VIEW Single 5-V Supply (1 0 % Tolerance) 24-Pin Single-in-Line Package (SIP)

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    Abstract: EL optocoupler 817 detail TEA1100 TEA1101 diode 7755 smps repair TEA1101T TEA11011 BATTERY MONITOR opto coupler 817
    Text: JUL ft 1993 INTEGRATED CIRCUITS earn mm TEA1101; TEA1101T Battery monitor for NiCd and NiMH chargers Preliminary specification Supersedes data of February 1993 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 May 1993 Philips Semiconductors PHILIPS PH ILIPS

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS TDA1301T Digital servo processor DSIC2 Product specification File under Integrated Circuits, IC01 January 1996 PHILIPS Philips Semiconductors Product specification Digital servo processor (DSIC2) TDA1301T FEATURES - 28-pin SO package

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    Abstract: dot matrix display 5x7 to display w letter date of cg tet fcom 4e LCD 1601 display nju64238 SAA 1061 NJU6423B NJU6423BF 92NE
    Text: NJU6423B 2 0 - C H A R A C T E R 2 - L I N E D O T M A T R I X LCD C O N T R O L L E R D R I V E R PACKAGE OUTLINE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU6423B is a 1 Chip Dot Matrix LCD controller driver for up to 20 -character 2 - line display. It contains voltage converter, bleeder resistance, CR

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    Abstract: NJU6423B NJUG4236 32Xa cpvf ME07
    Text: oo < ' f / 7 7 P h LCDu > 'y 2 0 ÍÍT 2 ít K - h v F h ij y ^ X OJ m p tr H :,N tn CN ín • >K — ih lh & tN *O * O _l *,\ K 1 ïâ iK ? m Z" i? A -U m r> P _¿_ X r\ V ih i¿_ ih _¿_ G "j- K ih VT- ih A CVJ 1 V □ £ O CM j— A H ti n Üi CQ Q «

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    Abstract: Keramische Werke Hermsdorf Manifer 183 VEB Kombinat zf filter Ringkerne DDR DDR-102 keramische werke hermsdorf spulen Schalenkerne HERMSDORF EE-55 FERRITE
    Text: FERRITE-HANDBUCH K WH KOM BINAT VEB KERAM ISCHE W ERK E HERM SDORF/THÜR. DEUTSCHE DEMOKRATISCHE REPU BLIK A U S G A B E 1970 Abbildungen und Werte gelten nur bedingt als Unterlagen für Bestellungen. Rechtsverbindlich ist jeweils die Auftragsbestätigung.

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    Text: SSI 32P4742/4742A/4746/4746A Read Channel with 1,7 ENDEC, 4-burst Servo Sam M bns A TDK G roup/C om pany Advance Information January 1995 D E S C R IP T IO N FEATURES The SSI 32P4742/4742A/4746/4746A devices are high performance BiCMOS single chip read channel

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    Abstract: MC6809P MC6309 mc6809 MC68B09 MC6809s MC6809L mc6809 Application note an-820 MC6800C JQ 8
    Text: MOTOROLA 8 - B IT M IC R O P R O C E S S IN G U N IT The M C6809 is a re v o lu tio n a ry h ig h -p e rfo rm a n c e 8 -b it m icroprocessor w h ic h su p p o rts m odern p ro g ra m m in g techniques such as p o s itio n in depen­ dence, reentrancy, and m odular p rogram m ing.

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    Abstract: "lcd 2 8" PD7533 558 timer NEC disk controller 75336GC PIN DIAGRAM OF 7 segment display LT 542 77777AV upd75390
    Text: USER’S MANUAL NEC M\ 4-B IT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCOMPUTER aPD75336 ^PD75P338 b457525 00*14044 b6T NEC Corporation 1991 n The information in this document is subject to change without notice. No part of this document may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without th e prior w ritten

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    Abstract: EPSON motor em 402 induction cooker fault finding diagrams ECG transistor replacement guide book free stepping motor EPSON EM 234 stepping motor EPSON em 331 S576B transistor d389 maranyl TMS1601A
    Text: Issued March 1988 8773 Data Library Contents list and semiconductor device type index Data library contents Subject Title Number Communications Equipment B. T. telephone connection system Digital compact paging system Escort 2 + 6 telephone switching system

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    Abstract: L0512 MV8000 TTL catalog CL1101 8038 ic tester circuit diagram tl 2345 ml gcr encoder parallel bus arbitration 30GRAMMABLE
    Text: PROGRAMMABLE ’ROGRAMMABLE 30GRAMMABLE L DGRAMMABLE LG 3RAMMABLE LOG ÏRAMMABLE LOGI ÌAMMABLE LÄGIC a Advanced Micro Devices Programmable Array Logic Handbook Prepared by the Product Planning and Applications Staff at Advanced M icro Devices, Inc. Brad Kitson, Editor

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    Abstract: 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503
    Text: Volume I Selector Guide 1 Discrete Transistor Data Sheets 2 Case Dimensions 3 Volume II Selector Guide Amplifier Data Sheets 5 Tuning, Hot Carrier and PIN Diode Data Sheets 6 Technical Information Case Dimensions 8 Cross Reference and Sales Offices 9 MOTOROLA RF DEVICE DATA

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    1PHX11136Q-14 MHW721A2 13001 S 6D TRANSISTOR atv5030* motorola 2N5591 MOTOROLA 13001 6D TRANSISTOR BGY41 MHW710-1 construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 7119 amperex bf503 PDF

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    Abstract: kCy 2800 AVT 4028 TDK CP 3607 edac 96 pin edac connector moy SMD TA8101 mil-c-21097 connector smd code marking WJM 302-182-520-201
    Text: S ISO 9001 FM 63475 E 1 F 1 C COMPLIANT GROUP A world class manufacturer of high quality electronic connectors with offices in Canada United States England Taiwan China EDAC components are available through a worldwide network of Distributors and Manufacturers Representatives

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