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    FIFO BUFFER THRESHOLD Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    74VHCT541AFT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74VHC541FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, Octal Buffer, TSSOP20B Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G125NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    7UL1G126NX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, XSON6, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TC7SET125F Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation One-Gate Logic(L-MOS), Buffer, SOT-25 (SMV), -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    FIFO BUFFER THRESHOLD Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DLP-USB1 DLP Design USB to FIFO Parallel Interface Module DLP-USB1 FEATURES Send / Receive Data over USB at up to 1 M Bytes / sec 384 byte FIFO Transmit buffer / 128 byte FIFO receive buffer for high data throughput Simple interface to CPU or MCU bus No in-depth knowledge of USB required as all USB



    Abstract: USB1
    Text: DLP-USB1 DLP Design USB to FIFO Parallel Interface Module DLP-USB1 FEATURES Send / Receive Data over USB at up to 1 M Bytes / sec 384 byte FIFO Transmit buffer / 128 byte FIFO receive buffer for high data throughput Simple interface to CPU or MCU bus No in-depth knowledge of USB required as all USB



    Abstract: LF3304
    Text: LF3304 LF3304 DEVICES INCORPORATED Dual Line Buffer/FIFO Dual Line Buffer/FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION 100 MHz Data Rate for Video and other High-Speed Applications One 24-bit, Two 12-bit, Three 8-bit Data Paths, or One Double Depth 12-bit

    LF3304 24-bit, 12-bit, 12-bit 100-lead LF3304 12-bit LF3304QC12G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LF3304 LF3304 DEVICES INCORPORATED Dual Line Buffer/FIFO Dual Line Buffer/FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION 100 MHz Data Rate for Video and other High-Speed Applications One 24-bit, Two 12-bit, Three 8-bit Data Paths, or One Double Depth 12-bit

    LF3304 LF3304 12-bit AOUT10 PDF


    Abstract: lf3304 i
    Text: LF3304 LF3304 DEVICES INCORPORATED Dual Line Buffer/FIFO Dual Line Buffer/FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION 100 MHz Data Rate for Video and other High-Speed Applications One 24-bit, Two 12-bit, Three 8-bit Data Paths, or One Double Depth 12-bit

    LF3304 24-bit, 12-bit, 12-bit 100-lead LF3304 12-bit lf3304 i PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LF3304 LF3304 DEVICES INCORPORATED Dual Line Buffer/FIFO Dual Line Buffer/FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ 100 MHz Data Rate for Video and other High-Speed Applications ❑ One 24-bit, Two 12-bit, Three 8-bit Data Paths, or One Double Depth 12-bit

    LF3304 LF3304 12-bit AOUT10 PDF


    Abstract: 15VZ
    Text: LF3304 LF3304 DEVICES INCORPORATED Dual Line Buffer/FIFO Dual Line Buffer/FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ 100 MHz Data Rate for Video and other High-Speed Applications ❑ One 24-bit, Two 12-bit, Three 8-bit Data Paths, or One Double Depth 12-bit

    LF3304 24-bit, 12-bit, 12-bit 100-lead LF3304 12-bit 15VZ PDF


    Abstract: BUFFER FIFO lf3304qc12
    Text: LF3304 DEVICES INCORPORATED LF3304 Dual Line Buffer/FIFO Dual Line Buffer/FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED FEATURES DESCRIPTION ❑ 100 MHz Data Rate for Video and other High-Speed Applications ❑ One 24-bit, Two 12-bit, Three 8-bit Data Paths, or One Double Depth 12-bit

    LF3304 24-bit, 12-bit, 12-bit 100-lead LF3304 12-bit BUFFER FIFO lf3304qc12 PDF

    fifo memory

    Abstract: Avalon QII55002-7
    Text: 4. On-Chip FIFO Memory Core QII55002-7.1.0 Core Overview The on-chip FIFO memory core is a configurable component used to buffer data and provide flow control in an SOPC Builder system. The FIFO can operate with a single clock or with separate clocks for the input

    QII55002-7 fifo memory Avalon PDF

    "7 Segment Display"

    Abstract: common anode 7-segment display R8A66174SP m66300 HC138 HC373 PRSP0020DG-A R8A66160 R8A66174
    Text: REJ03F0278-0101 Rev. 1.01 Oct.06.2008 R8A66174SP PARALLEL-IN SERIAL-OUT DATA BUFFER WITH FIFO DESCRIPTION The R8A66174 is a CMOS LSI with 63-byte FIFO First-In First-Out Memory . The commands or up to 63bytes data can be stored from 8-bit data bus. The data stored in FIFO can be outputted as serial data by

    REJ03F0278-0101 R8A66174SP R8A66174 63-byte 63bytes M66300. "7 Segment Display" common anode 7-segment display R8A66174SP m66300 HC138 HC373 PRSP0020DG-A R8A66160 PDF

    motorola D213 user guide

    Abstract: SEMICONDUCTOR J601 eeprom u505 AD9226 J306 J307 J406 sine wave inverter schematic and firmware CR502 vr301 potentiometer
    Text: High Speed ADC USB FIFO Evaluation Kit HSC-ADC-EVALB FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Buffer memory board for capturing digital data used with high speed ADC evaluation boards to simplify evaluation 32 kB FIFO depth at 133 MSPS upgradable Measures performance with ADC Analyzer

    AD9289 AD9289 AD9480-LVDS AD9430-LVDS AD922x AD9283 AD9057 EB05870-0-7/07 motorola D213 user guide SEMICONDUCTOR J601 eeprom u505 AD9226 J306 J307 J406 sine wave inverter schematic and firmware CR502 vr301 potentiometer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: High Speed ADC USB FIFO Evaluation Kit HSC-ADC-EVALA-SC/HSC-ADC-EVALA-DC FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Buffer memory board for capturing digital data Used with high speed ADC evaluation boards 32 kB FIFO Depth at 133 MSPS upgradeable to 256 kB Simplifies evaluation of high speed ADCs

    AD9071 AD9059 AD9051 AD10xxx AD13xxx AD6644 AD6645 C04750-0-5/04 PDF


    Abstract: 4 pin usb connector J306 r410411 c50450 J307 AD9240-EB adc 515 40-pin connector for LVDS lg u504 24
    Text: High Speed ADC USB FIFO Evaluation Kit HSC-ADC-EVALA-SC/HSC-ADC-EVALA-DC FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM Buffer memory board for capturing digital data Used with high speed ADC evaluation boards 32 kB FIFO Depth at 133 MSPS upgradeable to 256 kB Simplifies evaluation of high speed ADCs

    AD9071 AD9059 AD9051 AD10xxx AD13xxx AD6644 AD6645 C04750-0-5/04 r4104-11 4 pin usb connector J306 r410411 c50450 J307 AD9240-EB adc 515 40-pin connector for LVDS lg u504 24 PDF

    syn 7580

    Abstract: 80960CA intel 8212 data sheet BSDE diode marking code 4n TPS 1028 1840H bicon TTL catalog Bt8215EPF
    Text: Bt8215 Bidirectional Cell Buffer The Bt8215 Bidirectional Cell Buffer simplifies full-duplex communication between a 32-bit wide system bus and a 8-bit duplex peripheral bus. The buffer depth in each direction is 2048 bytes and can easily be expanded with off-theshelf FIFO parts. Special modes for buffering ATM cells are included.

    Bt8215 Bt8215 32-bit 53-octet Bt8215; syn 7580 80960CA intel 8212 data sheet BSDE diode marking code 4n TPS 1028 1840H bicon TTL catalog Bt8215EPF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LF3312 12-Mbit Frame Buffer / FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED Preliminary Datasheet Features 12,441,600-bit Frame Memory 74.25MHz Max Data Rate May be Organized Into the Following Configurations: • 1,555,200 x 8-bit single channel • 1,244,160 x 10-bit (single channel)

    LF3312 12-Mbit 600-bit 25MHz 10-bit 12-bit 16-bit 20-bit 24-bit PDF


    Abstract: LF3312BGC position sensitive diode circuit
    Text: LF3312 12-Mbit Frame Buffer / FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED Preliminary Datasheet Features 12,441,600-bit Frame Memory 74.25MHz Max Data Rate May be Organized Into the Following Configurations: • 1,555,200 x 8-bit single channel • 1,244,160 x 10-bit (single channel)

    LF3312 12-Mbit 600-bit 25MHz 10-bit 12-bit 16-bit 20-bit 24-bit LF3312 LF3312BGC position sensitive diode circuit PDF

    LF3312 m

    Abstract: LF3312 LF3312BGC
    Text: LF3312 12-Mbit Frame Buffer / FIFO DEVICES INCORPORATED Preliminary Datasheet Features 12,441,600-bit Frame Memory 74.25MHz Max Data Rate May be Organized Into the Following Configurations: • 1,555,200 x 8-bit single channel • 1,244,160 x 10-bit (single channel)

    LF3312 12-Mbit 600-bit 25MHz 10-bit 12-bit 16-bit 20-bit 24-bit LF3312 m LF3312 LF3312BGC PDF


    Abstract: am7202-25
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am7202-25/35/50/65/80 CMOS First-In First Out FIFO 1024x9-Bit Buffer DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • RAM based FIFO Status flags - full, half-full, empty • 1024x9 organization Retransmit capability • Cycle times of 35/45/65/80/100 nanoseconds

    OCR Scan
    Am7202-25/35/50/65/80 1024x9 1024x9-Bit Am7202 am7202-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a Am7203-25/35/50/65/80 CM O S First-in First-out FIFO Advanced Micro Devices 2048x9-Bit Buffer DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • RAM based FIFO • Status fla g * - full, half-full, empty • 2048x9 organization • Retransmit capability • Cycle times of 35/45/65/80/100 nanoseconds

    OCR Scan
    Am7203-25/35/50/65/80 2048x9 2048x9-Bit Am7203 512x18 12286x9 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: H Advanced Micro Devices Am7201 -25/35/50/65/80 C M O S First-In First Out FIFO 512x9-Bit Buffer DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • RAM baaed FIFO • Statu* flag« - full, half-full, empty • 512x9 organization • Retransmit capability • Cycle tim e* of 35/45/65/80/100 nanoseconds

    OCR Scan
    Am7201 512x9-Bit 512x9 AM7203 PDF


    Abstract: 67C4502
    Text: a P re lim in a ry Advanced Micro Devices Am7204-25/35/50/65/80 CMOS First-in First-out FIFO 4096x9-Bit Buffer DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • RAM based FIFO • Status flag« - lull, halt-full, empty • 4096x9 organization • Retransmit capability • Cycle times of 35/45/65/80/100 nanoseconds

    OCR Scan
    4096x9-Bit 4096x9 Am7204-25/35/50/65/80 Am7204 67C4502 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MITSUBISHI <DIGITAL ASSP> M66300P/FP PARALLEL-IN SERIAL-OUT DATA BUFFER WITH FIFO DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The M 66300P/FP is a C M O S -typ e la rg e -s c a le inte grated c irc u it w ith 63 -byte FIFO (F irs t-In F irst-O ut M e m o ry). C om ­

    OCR Scan
    M66300P/FP M66300P/M66300FP M66300 M66300FP PDF


    Abstract: be21 generator controller ILACC 506-200M-50
    Text: PRELIM INARY a Am79C900 Integrated Local Area Communications Controller ILACC™ Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Integrated Ethernet controller and Serial Interface Adapter. On board 48-byte FIFO, DMA controller, and advanced buffer management scheme.

    OCR Scan
    Am79C900 32-bit 80X86, 680X0. 10BASE5 10BASE2, 10BASE-T, 10BASE-F. 48-byte be21 generator controller ILACC 506-200M-50 PDF

    intel 8055

    Abstract: BPK70 intel 7242
    Text: in te i 7242 DUAL FORMATTER/SENSE AMPLIFIER FOR BUBBLE MEMORIES FIFO Data Block Buffer Error Detection/Correction Done Automatically Dual Channel Daisy-Chained Selects for Multiple Bubble Memory Systems On-Chip Sense Amplifiers MOS N-Channel Technology Automatically Handles Redundant

    OCR Scan
    20-Pin tcYC-11 AFN-01358A AFN-01358A intel 8055 BPK70 intel 7242 PDF