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    FHW0805 Search Results

    FHW0805 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WIRE WOUND CHIP INDUCTORS Wire wound chip inductor is a perfect combine by means of combining hing precision coil framework with superb wound technology. Comparable with traditional inductor, it is improved technology, reduced volume and changed the lead into a kind of

    50MHz FHW1210HC2R7 25MHz FHW1210HC3R3 FHW1210HC3R9 FHW1210HC4R7 FHW1210HC5R6 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: WIRE WOUND CHIP INDUCTORS Wire wound chip inductor is a perfect combine by means of combining hing precision coil framework with superb wound technology. Comparable with traditional inductor, it is improved technology, reduced volume and changed the lead into a kind of

    96MHz FHW1812IF331 796MHz FHW1812IF391 FHW1812IF471 PDF


    Abstract: FHW1210IF561ST FHW0805 1210HC 134 B 360 SMD FHW0805UC6N8
    Text: 广东肇庆英达电感器件有限公司 GUANGDONG ZHAOQING YINGDA INDUCTOR CO.,LTD 表面贴装元件 SMD COMPONENTS 绕线型片式电感器 Wire Wound Chip Inductor 绕线型片式电感器是对传统电感器进行技术改进,缩小体积,把引线改为适

    Temperature85 Time1000Hours FHW0805UF4R7ST FHW1210IF561ST FHW0805 1210HC 134 B 360 SMD FHW0805UC6N8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 广东肇庆英达电感器件有限公司 GUANGDONG ZHAOQING YINGDA INDUCTOR CO.,LTD 表面贴装元件 SMD COMPONENTS 绕线型片式电感器 Wire Wound Chip Inductor 绕线型片式电感器是对传统电感器进行技术改进,缩小体积,把引线改为适

    camber20mm Temperature85 Time1000Hours PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 广东肇庆英达电感器件有限公司 GUANGDONG ZHAOQING YINGDA INDUCTOR CO.,LTD 表面贴装元件 SMD COMPONENTS 绕线型片式电感器 Wire Wound Chip Inductor 绕线型片式电感器是对传统电感器进行技术改进,缩小体积,把引线改为适

    camber20mm Temperature85 Time1000Hours 3050MHz PDF


    Abstract: 1050MHz FHW1008
    Text: GUANGDONG ZHAOQING YINGDA INDUCTOR CO.,LTD SMD COMPONENTS Wire Wound Chip Inductor Wire wound chip inductor is a perfect combine by means of combining hing precision coil framework with superb wound technology. Comparable with

    camber20mm Temperature85 Time1000Hours 8530M 1050MHz FHW1008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Wire wound chip inductors Wire Wound Chip Inductor Wire wound chip inductors are a perfect combination through combining high precision coil frameworks with established winding technology. Comparable with traditional inductors, they yield an improved technology, reduced volume and change the


    srf 2325

    Abstract: FHW0805UC1R0 FHW0603UC012 FHW1210 FHW0805UC1R2 FHW0805 FHW0805UC1R8 FHW1008 FHW1008UC1R0 IF1801
    Text: W I R E WOUND C H I P I N D U C T O R •mm^n^femm WIRE • WOUND CHIP INDUCTOR OUTLINE * W i r e wound c h i p in d u cto r is c o m b in in g h in g p r e c i s i o n a c o il p e r f e c t c o m b in e fra m e w o rk te c h n o lo g y .C o m p a ra b le w it h t r a d i t i o n a l

    OCR Scan
    HP4291A HP4284A; fflHP4263BiaKÃ HP4263B. srf 2325 FHW0805UC1R0 FHW0603UC012 FHW1210 FHW0805UC1R2 FHW0805 FHW0805UC1R8 FHW1008 FHW1008UC1R0 IF1801 PDF