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    FCN-700 SERIES Search Results

    FCN-700 SERIES Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    M304 Coilcraft Inc Designer's Kit, 132/148 Series RF inductors, RoHS Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    ALVCH16374TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    HD74BC573AFP Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74BC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    ALVCH16245TE-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74ALVC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation
    74AC125FPEL-E Renesas Electronics Corporation HD74AC Series, , / Visit Renesas Electronics Corporation

    FCN-700 SERIES Datasheets (1)

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    FCN-700 Series Fujitsu Electronic Component Data Book Scan PDF

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    socket 939

    Abstract: B1122 FCN-700 700a2 FCN-700A1 JIS B1122
    Text: 700 Series ACCESSORIES POLARIZING KEY, LOCK SPRING • DIMENSIONS 7.6 (0.299) 4 (0.157) Note : Can be ordered in units of 10. 8.7 (0.342) φ3 (0.118) 15.5 (0.610) 4 (0.157) 8 (0.315) 0.85 (0.033) 1.5 (0.059) Part number : FCN-700A3 (lock spring) Part number : FCN-700A2

    FCN-700A3 FCN-700A2 FCN-700A1 FCN-705P050-AU/M FCN-707J050-AU/B B1122, socket 939 B1122 FCN-700 700a2 FCN-700A1 JIS B1122 PDF


    Abstract: idc 10 pin T-022 fcn-7 "idc connector" 20 pin for press tools
    Text: 700 Series IDC TOOLS • FEATURES • Special IDC tools are used to assemble FCN-700 series connectors and flat cables. • All tools are simple and easy to use, even for firsttime users. • Users who have IDC tools manufactured by us do not have to buy hand presses or cutting cables.

    FCN-700 FCN-707T-T001/H FCN-707T-T101/H FCN-707T-T022/H FCN-707T-T025/H FCN-707T-T036/H 707P idc 10 pin T-022 fcn-7 "idc connector" 20 pin for press tools PDF


    Abstract: 728p l type connector 723B 723D 723J 724P
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: fcn-723d 728p FCN724P FCN-600 Series FCN-725P 723D FCN-600 723B fcn-724p
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin

    FCN-728P026-L/A FCN-728P034-L/A 724p fcn-723d 728p FCN724P FCN-600 Series FCN-725P 723D FCN-600 723B fcn-724p PDF


    Abstract: 724P fcn-723d FCN-724P004-AU fcn-724p 728p FCN-700 Series 723B 723D 723J
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: 724P 728p 723B 723D 723J fcn-724 fcn-724p
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: fcn-724p 728p 723B 723D 723J
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: 728p FCN-600 Series FCN-725 723B 723D 723J 724P
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: fcn-723d l type connector 723B 723D 723J 724P
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: fcn-724p 069 839 26 contacts connector 2.54 723D 728p FCN-600 Series 723B 723J 724P
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: fcn-724p 728p 723B 723D 723J 724P
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin


    26 contacts connector 2.54

    Abstract: 728p FCN-600 Series fcn-723d fcn-724p 723D 723J 724P 723B FCN-724P014-AU
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: fcn-724p 728p fcn-723d 723B 723D 723J 724P
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: 728p 723B 723D 723J 724P FCN724P
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: 723B 723D 723J 724P 728P FCN-700 fcn-724p FCN-600 Series
    Text: FUJITSU TAKAMISAWA COMPONENT CATALOG PC BOARD MOUNTING CONNECTORS 720 SERIES CRIMP TYPE CONNECTORS • FEATURES The 720 series connectors (crimp connector) are designed for a wide range of uses, and come in many shapes, two contact arrangements (one and two rows), and various pin



    Abstract: p1309 nec V850e2m manual renesas v850e2 hardware manual TSG20
    Text: Cover User’s Manual 32 V850E2/PG4-L User’s Manual: Hardware Renesas microcomputers V850 Series All information contained in these materials, including products and product specifications, represents information on the product at the time of publication and is subject to change by

    V850E2/PG4-L R01UH0336EJ0101 db10h p1309 nec V850e2m manual renesas v850e2 hardware manual TSG20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: August 1995 Edition 1.0 FUJITSU DATA SHEET FCN-704*/705*/744/745* A u r , - a u /m s , -707/747*-au/> FCN -700/740 Series Board Plug/Socket and IDC Plug/Socket Connectors FEATURES Thismini-headerand socket were developed to provide acompact set of connectors— their combined height is less than half that of the Model 700 connector. Unique plastic

    OCR Scan
    FCN-704 FCN-700/740 FCN-700 374cl75b DG17751 FCN-704V7057707V7447745* FCN-747* 03ftt0 10Qt0 374ci75b FCN-705P034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: cP April 1991 Edition 1.0 DATA SHEET FCN-702*/704*/705k/744k/745*icAUf,-747*-Aus FCN-740 Series Box Plug and Mini IDC Socket Connectors FEATURES This mini-header and socket were developed to provide a compact set of connectors — their combined height is less than half

    OCR Scan
    FCN-702 /705k /744k FCN-740 FCN-700 FCN-700A1 FCN-700A2 FCN-700A2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <P August 1995 Edition 1.0 DATA SH EET FCN- 754P* * * ‘/0 FC N -750 Series PCB Connectors 2 Rows 2.54 mm Grid Terminal 2 ROWS 2.54mm GRID TERMINAL PCB CONNECTORS FEATURES The FCN-750 series connector is slim — only 7 mm (0.275 in.) high and wide - and takes up very little space. The pins are in a

    OCR Scan
    FCN-750 07T-T101/H FCN-757T-T015/H FCN-700 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Square Type □ 5.0m m X1.0m m T y p e No. Series L ig h tin g C o lo r LN 268R PH Red LN 368G PH G re e n LN 468Y PH Am ber Absolute Maximum Ratings T a = 2 5 'C PD(m W ) I f( m A ) Red 70 25 G reen 90 30 Am ber 90 30 Lig h tin g C o lor V „(V ) T o p rC c )

    OCR Scan
    468YPH 368g PDF

    facon diode

    Abstract: facon CB-283 703 H 8 amp diode Facon Semiconducteurs CL20-600 3MSb2G3 CL44-703
    Text: FACON 45E J> m 3MSb2G3 OOOODSM □ • FCN FACON SEMICONDUCTEURS/SEMICOPJEHJCTORS OI -o I mouldings m o u lag es VRRM Types V RMS re c o m ­ m ended m ax V (V ) ■d on re ­ s is tiv e lo a d s u r c h a rg e r é s is tiv e *d s m / *fsm I r p e r d io d e

    OCR Scan
    CB-352 CB-282 3MSb203 -32UMF CB-283 facon diode facon CB-283 703 H 8 amp diode Facon Semiconducteurs CL20-600 3MSb2G3 CL44-703 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Round Type Series <t> 5 . 0 mm Type No. Unit mm ¿ 5 .0 ± 0.2 Lighting Color L N 3 1 G P H L " .G reen LN31 G P H L G . G reen L N 3 1 G C P H L .G reen LN31 G C P H L ( G ) .G reen PD{mW) If ( h i A ) CO Green ★

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: LN142WP38
    Text: - f e MM EH Two Color Lighting % « Square Type Series 5 . 0 m m X2.0m m T y p e No. L ig h tin g C o lo r LN 142W P34- G re e n , A m b e r LN 142W P38- G re e n , O ra n g e Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta=25 °C PD CmW) If< mA ) l Fp ( m A ; * V „(V ) Topr 'O :

    OCR Scan
    LN142WP34. LN142WP38. LN142WP34 LN142WP38 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FCN-7047705770777447745*-au/* FCN-747*-au/* FCN-744P*-AU/R STRAIGHT BOX PLUG WITH SIMPLE LOCK DIMENSIONS Mini-header straight type «- A -» L. R wl _ n 6.25 (0.246) - 2.54 _ j (0.100) — tp- -a—a—□- - - — B—D- -a—^

    OCR Scan
    FCN-7047705770777447745* FCN-747* FCN-744P* FCN-744P010-AU/R FCN-744P014-AU/R FCN-744P016-AU/R FCN-744P020-AU/R FCN-744P026-AU/R FCN-744P030-AU/R FCN-744P034-AU/R PDF