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    CS-VHDCIMX200-003 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CS-VHDCIMX200-003 VHDCI SCSI (SCSI-5) LVD/SE Cable - .8mm 68-pin VHDCI SCSI Male to Male 3m Datasheet
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    Abstract: Nokia 6100 LCD TA2040 Transceiver Broadcom 3G RF interfacing 8051 with bluetooth modem Tripath TA2040 AMPLIFIER pixelworks L7205 tft interface with 8051 trw radar ac
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR TIMES JULY 2000 / 1 JULY 2000 FOCUSED ON EMERGING SEMICONDUCTOR COMPANIES Radar Scope Bay Microsystems Bay Microsystems was recently founded to develop chips. What kind? The company wouldn’t disclose any details to us. One rumor is “high-speed interfaces” whatever


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    Abstract: thyratron pl 21 Mallory Vibrator Data Book National Electronics ignitrons bat CR Li Mn lab test result Helipot POTENTIOMETER Bendix Transistors selenium rectifier westinghouse 5000W AUDIO AMPLIFIER 6cl6
    Text: 1q5 OCZ CHICAGO, 5' Three Regional Conventions SHARE THOS Pleose Route COPY! to ,titiSCON 1956 the replacement for tubular ceramic and mica capacitors RMC DISCAPS 520 .260 .860 .890 RMC RMC .570 .355 .400 1.290 .760 .790 RMC 470

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    Abstract: schematic diagram 48V solar charge controller solar inverters schematic diagram 555 timer for buck boost converter flash schematic diagram inverter 12v to 24v 30a resonant self oscillation half bridge LED ballast solar charger schematic 24V 48v battery charger schematic diagram Siliconix DataBook circuit diagram for 48v automatic battery charger
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY FEBRUARY 2001 IN THIS ISSUE… COVER ARTICLE New 5-Lead SOT-23 Oscillator is Small, Very Stable and Easy to Use . 1 Andy Crofts Issue Highlights . 2 VOLUME XI NUMBER 1

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    Abstract: data circuit schematics satellite connector inverters china portable DVD circuit diagram Battery chargers china portable DVD circuit diagram Regulated Charge Pump for portable dvd china Battery chargers for portable dvd china LTC4261 mobile battery charger circuit using 7805 DCT20EFD LTC4011
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY MARCH 2006 IN THIS ISSUE… COVER ARTICLE Take the Easy Road to Digitally Managed Power .1 Andy Gardner Issue Highlights .2 Linear Technology in the News….2 DESIGN FEATURES Cascadable, 7A Point-of-Load

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    Abstract: fs r6a CIRCUIT DIAGRAM IN5711 vishay LIMITING INRUSH CURRENT mosfet LTC6910-1 coiltronics ctx02-13664 MMD-0840 CTX02-13664 LTC3439 mmd series mosfets
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY VOLUME XII NUMBER 4 DECEMBER 2002 COVER ARTICLE Ideal Diode Controller Eliminates Energy Wasting Diodes in Power OR-ing Applications . 1 David Laude Issue Highlights . 2 LTC in the News . 2

    400MHz OT-23 S-191 MMD0840 fs r6a CIRCUIT DIAGRAM IN5711 vishay LIMITING INRUSH CURRENT mosfet LTC6910-1 coiltronics ctx02-13664 MMD-0840 CTX02-13664 LTC3439 mmd series mosfets PDF

    7805 12v to 5v 2a

    Abstract: 12V, 20A automatic charger schematic sw 2604 ic schematic mini Audio transformer 200k to 1k ct input LT6702 7803 3V 1A positive voltage regulator 48v, 20 amp battery charger circuit diagram 36V Li-Ion mn battery charger schematic 12v car volt stabilizer circuit diagram of 1000 watt electronic stabilizer
    Text: LINEAR TECHNOLOGY JUNE 2009 IN THIS ISSUE… COVER ARTICLE Two New Controllers for Boost, Flyback, SEPIC and Inverting DC/DC Converters Accept Inputs up to 100V .1 Wei Gu Linear in the News….2

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    Abstract: schematic diagram inverter 12v to 24v 30a schematic diagram inverter 500w USING MOSFET 4606 MOSFET INVERTER ltsx e3 mosfet driver ic mt 1389 de aot 110 optocoupler 4558 opamp schematic ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v LTPG e3
    Text: May 2008 Product Selection Guide Operational Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers Hot Swap Interface Filters High Frequency Silicon Oscillators Comparators µP Supervisor References High

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    Abstract: ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltls e3 Weston 2281 thermometer LT3060ITS8 Transistor SR 6863 TO-126 LTC3855EUH-1 LTPG e3 5Dx diode SMD LTABA
    Text: November 2009 Product Selection Guide Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers LED Drivers Hot Swap Interface Filters RF/Wireless Silicon Oscillators Comparators Supervisory Circuits References

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    Abstract: ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltsx e3 mt 1389 de LM 4440 AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT w10 mic package bridge rectifier PF08109B smd code marking 162 sot23-5 ul 1741 grid te inverter datasheet ltqt e3
    Text: May 2009 Product Selection Guide Amplifiers Data Converters Linear Regulators Switching Regulators µModule DC/DC Converters Battery Chargers LED Drivers Hot Swap Interface Filters High Frequency Silicon Oscillators Comparators P Supervisor References Reference

    D-59387 D-73230 1-800-4-LINEAR lm 7803 3V Positive Voltage Regulator ic 4440 40w amplifier 12v ltsx e3 mt 1389 de LM 4440 AUDIO AMPLIFIER CIRCUIT w10 mic package bridge rectifier PF08109B smd code marking 162 sot23-5 ul 1741 grid te inverter datasheet ltqt e3 PDF

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    Abstract: telemecanique contactor catalogue A5 GNC mosfet philips ecg master replacement guide Elektronikon II keltron electrolytic capacitors PART NO SELEMA DRIVER MOTOR AC 12v dc EIM Basic MK3 lenze 8600 Atlas copco rc universal 60 min
    Text: NEED IT NOW? BUY REMAN! SEE PAGE lxx xx xvi SOLUTIONS, SOLUTIONS. Q A r e q u a l i t y, c o s t , a n d t i m e i m p o r t a n t to you? A ELECTRICAL SOUTH! Q Do you spend too much of your valuable time dealing with too m a n y d i ff e r e n t r e p a i r v e n d o r s ?


    ed27 diode

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Time-Delay and Integration TDI Image Sensor (128 x 1024 element) with Small, High Performance Pixels R.H. Dyck, Y.S. Abedini, J.s. Kim, K.K. Shah Fairchild Weston Systems Incorporated, CCD Imaging Division TIME-DELAY AND INTEGRATION (TDI) This high value is attributed to the good charge transfer efficiency

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    Abstract: Fairchild Weston Systems 2628 line scan sensor CCD181M CCD181 F-05 Loral
    Text: LORAL FA IR CHILD IflAG :.NG 14E D 557=1010 ÜDQQbSÖ Q PRELIMINARY FAIRCHILD WESTON SYSTEMS CCD181M Line Scan Module ~T-¥/~s5~ CCD IMAGING DIVISION FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ CCD181 line scan se n so r 1024, 1728, 2048, or 2592 elements T T L level digital I/O interface

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    Abstract: Fairchild Imaging CCD line scan sensor
    Text: LORAL FAIR CH IL D IMAGING 14E D □□□□t.35 2 • — T -V /’ S S PRELIM INARY FAIRCHILD WESTON SYSTEMS CCD IMAGING DIVISION CCD181KM Color Line Scan Module FEATURES ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ S§ CCD181K Color line scan se n so r

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: THE EVOLUTION OF CCD IMAGING Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corporation D u rin g W orld War II, the New York p h o to g ra p h y operation designed and m anufactured 90 percent of the aerial cameras used by all Allied forces, and the firm adopted the name Fairchild Camera and Instrum ent

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    Abstract: 2048 x 1 ccd linear array CCD3000 CCD CAMERA MODULE CCD linear array Fairchild Imaging CCD CCD catalog ccd sensor camera design CCD LINEAR SENSOR 2048x1 Fairchild Imaging
    Text: m LORAL FAI RC HILD IMAGING DbE D SSTTaiñ GOGOSGfl 1 FÄLL1987 CCD IMAGING T -0 -S S - CCD Imaging & Signal Processing Catalog Supplement Fairchild Weston's CCD Imaging Division continues as the Industry's technology and performance leader with regular development of CCD sensors, sensor modules,

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    Abstract: CCD143ADC CAM3000F CCD153ADC RS170A CAM1500 CCD133ADC nikon CCD CCD111ADC CCD222ADC
    Text: LORAL FAIRCHILD IMAGING ObE D • 557^010 OOODSOb ñ ■ ; SENSORS -tv ORDER CODE ELEMENTS CCD111ADC CCD111BDC CCD123DC CCD133ADC CCD134DC CCD143ADC SL140425 CCD145DC CCD151DC CCD153ADC c 0 o (A 0 c □ ni nUU r> OOLMOl “ /■'•/'■»r'lH (g C <L> (0

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P R E LIM IN A R Y Fairchild Imaging Sensors CAM1351 Line Scan Camera FEATURES Anti-blooming Electronic exposure control Single channel DC restored video Small sealed compact enclosure 1024 element linear CCD sensor Remote operation 200 ft Dynamic range 2000:1 min.

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Fairchild Im aging Sensors CAM1301R Line Scan Camera FEATURES Anti-blooming Electronic exposure control Single channel DC restored video output Compact sealed enclosure 1024 element linear CCD sensor Remote operation 200 feet Dynamic range 2000:1 minimum

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    Abstract: fairchild ccd CAM1600R
    Text: Fairchild Imaging Sensors C A M 1600R Line Scan Camera 3456 - ELEMENTS CAM1600R FEATURES High resolution: 3456 elements per line. Compact enclosure. Burled channel CCD sensor. Clock controlled operation-digital system compatibility. Dynamic range: >1000:1.

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    Abstract: nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719
    Text: TABLE OF CONTENTS Catalog Number 11Q New For 1989! • Over 7,900 New Products • 13 New M anufacturers PRODUCT INDICES tiamp*,'fminei forskSockets ' Solder Equipment endTtfob ] vriHp\< lint Equipment, Panel Meters, Aejulpmant, i A P R E M IE R C o m p an y

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    11PM104 thyristor TAG 8506 nais inverter vf 7f operation manual 922AA1Y-A4P optek A400 817 Sprague 513D sprague 926c Sprague 195P Rapa relay 12vdc triac tag 8948 Mascot 719 PDF