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    F-139 EQUIVALENT Search Results

    F-139 EQUIVALENT Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TMP89FS60BFG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1414-0.80-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS63BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP52-1010-0.65-002 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS62BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP44-1010-0.80-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FS60BUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/P-LQFP64-1010-0.50-003 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TMP89FM82DUG Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation 8-bit Microcontroller/Processing Performance Equivalent to a 16-bit MCU/LQFP48-P-0707-0.50D Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    F-139 EQUIVALENT Datasheets Context Search

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    mobile rfid payment

    Abstract: homelink United Electronics camera motors
    Text: Selected Financial Highlights $496 $1.23 $406 $397 $.89 $334 $.81 $286 $.69 $.64 $208 $.47 $139 $.28 $89 $.08 94 F Y 93 99 00 97 98 95 96 F Y 93 Net Sales Growth 99 00 97 98 95 96 94 Diluted Earnings Per Share Growth* millions of dollars Financial Highlights

    related700 mobile rfid payment homelink United Electronics camera motors PDF

    91A SOT23

    Abstract: FMMT591A FMMT491A DSA003699 91A PNP
    Text: SOT23 PNP SILICON PLANAR MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTOR FMMT591A FMMT591A ISSUE 3 - OCTOBER 1995 FEATURES Low equivalent on resistance RCE sat = 350mΩ at 1A TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS 0.6 0.6 +25 ° C 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 SYMBOL VALUE UNIT VCBO -40 V 0.1 Collector-Emitter Voltage

    FMMT591A FMMT491A 100mA -100mA* -500mA* -50mA, 100MHz 91A SOT23 FMMT591A FMMT491A DSA003699 91A PNP PDF


    Abstract: electrolytic capacitor smd code marking 139 CLL SMD Capacitor symbols CCB003 MGB111 Aluminum Capacitors SMD Chip EDP marking code SMD CAPACITORS smd transistor marking code cr
    Text: BCcomponents DATA SHEET 139 CLL Aluminum electrolytic capacitors SMD Chip Long Life Product specification Supersedes data of January 1998 File under BCcomponents, BC01 2000 Jan 18 BCcomponents Product specification Aluminum electrolytic capacitors SMD (Chip) Long Life

    CCB060 SMD CAPACITORS 106 E electrolytic capacitor smd code marking 139 CLL SMD Capacitor symbols CCB003 MGB111 Aluminum Capacitors SMD Chip EDP marking code SMD CAPACITORS smd transistor marking code cr PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components Product specification Non-solid Al - electrolytic capacitors SMD Chip Long Life CLL 139 FEATURES • Polarized aluminium electrolytic capacitors, non-solid, self healing handbook, 2 columns • Extended voltage and capacitance range • SMD-version, fully moulded,

    MBA669 PDF


    Abstract: wwvb hp 2800 HP-4284 dcf ferrite antenna ca2g JJY60 ferrite winding
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet CMA-XX-XX C-MAX CLOCK ANTENNA – SPECIFICATION 60mm For Core 1. Material For Winding 1. No. of Turns 1. Inductance 3. Unloaded Q 4. Winding type 5. Wire Colour CQ2M or equivalent 40kHz 60kHz 77.5kHz 190 T 2.33 mH 108 Min Solenoid

    40kHz 60kHz HP-4284 100mm 100mm 40kHz, HP4284 wwvb hp 2800 dcf ferrite antenna ca2g JJY60 ferrite winding PDF


    Abstract: electrolytic capacitor smd code marking SMD CAPACITORS 106 E IEC 68-2-28 philips smd electrolytic SMD Capacitor symbols SMD ALUMINIUM CAPACITORS 69108 MGB111
    Text: Philips Components Product specification Aluminium electrolytic capacitors SMD Chip Long Life 139 CLL FEATURES • Polarized aluminium electrolytic capacitors, non-solid, self healing handbook, 2 columns • Extended voltage and capacitance range • SMD-version, fully moulded,

    CCB060 CCB003 CCB003 electrolytic capacitor smd code marking SMD CAPACITORS 106 E IEC 68-2-28 philips smd electrolytic SMD Capacitor symbols SMD ALUMINIUM CAPACITORS 69108 MGB111 PDF

    electrolytic capacitor smd code marking

    Abstract: 139 CLL SMD Capacitor symbols SMD CAPACITORS 106 E CCB003 4.7 uF polarized capacitor smd capacitor philips philips smd electrolytic philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors MSA283
    Text: Philips Components Product specification Non-solid Al - electrolytic capacitors SMD Chip Long Life CLL 139 FEATURES • Polarized aluminium electrolytic capacitors, non-solid, self healing handbook, 2 columns • Extended voltage and capacitance range • SMD-version, fully moulded,

    MBA669 CCB003 electrolytic capacitor smd code marking 139 CLL SMD Capacitor symbols SMD CAPACITORS 106 E CCB003 4.7 uF polarized capacitor smd capacitor philips philips smd electrolytic philips ELECTROLYTIC capacitors MSA283 PDF


    Abstract: uA3302 MA3302 A339 M3302 M339 jA339 A339PC MA2901 PA239
    Text: F A I R C H juA 139 • mA239 • /¿A339 MA2901 /uA3302 Quad Comparators I L D A Schlum berger C om pany J-jnear_D ivision C omparators Description Connection Diagram 14-Lead DIP and SO-14 Package Top View The mA 139 series consists o f four independent precision

    OCR Scan
    mA239 juA339 MA2901 /uA3302 iA139 mA139 acA239 JUA2901 aiA3302 ni43Dn uA139 uA3302 MA3302 A339 M3302 M339 jA339 A339PC MA2901 PA239 PDF


    Abstract: transistor a effet de champ b c 264 transistor bc264 F-139 equivalent transistor BC 55 TRANSISTOR effet de champ BC 264 CB-76 50 transistor BC 1 BF 212 transistor
    Text: BC 264 FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR, SILICON, N CHANNEL TRANSISTOR A EF FE T OE CHAMP, SILICIUM, CANAL N - LF amplification Amplification BF V DS 30 V max. ' dss 2 . . . . 12 mA à V GS = 0 in 4 groups en 4 groupes F 2 dB max à V q § = 0 f » 1 kHz Plastic case F 139 B — See outline drawing CB-76 on last pages

    OCR Scan
    CB-76 lY21sl BC264 transistor a effet de champ b c 264 transistor bc264 F-139 equivalent transistor BC 55 TRANSISTOR effet de champ BC 264 CB-76 50 transistor BC 1 BF 212 transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: »IONICS INC BÖMÖÖÜM 0000400 1 H D 10 B1E D PO W ER M O SFET r - v /- f > 3 PHOTOVOLTAIC RELAYS FOR 28V DC AIRCRAFT APPLICATIONS SPS T/N O DUAL SPST/NO . DUAL S P S T /N C S PS T /N O DIH-133 DIH-134 DIH-135 DIH-139 FEATURES • Low Logic Level Input Compatibility

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    DIH-133 DIH-134 DIH-135 DIH-139 STD-704 MIL-R-28750 2fl4S60M PDF

    LM339 equivalent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM 13 9 /A /239 /A /339 /A /2901 -F,N • MC3302-N DESCRIPTION FEATURES The LM 139 series co n s is ts o f fo u r inde­ pendent pre cisio n voltag e co m p a ra to rs w ith an o ffse t voltag e s p e c ific a tio n as low as 2.0m V m ax fo r each c o m p a ra to r w h ic h were

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    MC3302-N 12VDCl 139/A LM339 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: J120 MOSFET DIH-134 pml 003 am MIL STD 704 DIH133 DIH-133 DIH134 DIH-135 DIH-139
    Text: » IO N IC S IN C B1E T> 2fiMflfi04 OOQDMOO 1 P O W E R M O S F E T t I D IO ' - '/ z- p s PHOTOVOLTAIC RELAYS FOR 28V DC AIRCRAFT APPLICATIONS S PS T/N O DUAL SPST/NO. DUAL S PS T /N C S PS T /N O DIH-133 DIH-134 DIH-135 DIH-139 FEATURES • Low Logic Level Input Compatibility

    OCR Scan
    2fiMflfi04 DIH-133 DIH-134 DIH-135 DIH-139 STD-704 MIL-R-28750 -V/-83 2H2222 J120 MOSFET DIH-134 pml 003 am MIL STD 704 DIH133 DIH-133 DIH134 DIH-135 DIH-139 PDF


    Abstract: MN74HC139 MN74HC139S
    Text: High-Speed CMOS Logic MN74HC Series M N 7 4 H C 1 3 9 / M N 7 4 H MN74HC139/MN74HC1 39S C 1 3 9 S Dual 2 -to -4 Line Decoders • D e s c rip tio n M N 74H C 139/M N 74H C 139S are high-speed silicon gate CMOS, 2-to -4 line decoders decoding one o f 4 o u tp u t lines c epending on

    OCR Scan
    MN74HC MN74HC139/MN74HC1 MN74HC139/MN74HC139S MN74HC139/MN74HC139S 54LS/74LS. MN74HC1 39/MN74HC139S MN74HC139 MN74HC139S PDF


    Abstract: SM6J45 SM6D45 SM6D45A SM6G45 SM6G45A SM6J45A 4a2d
    Text: - SM6 D, G, Jj45 TT-6 • 139 - * 2 I 3 - I OG I A c fo r n a i 6 A, 200 Y 600 V ( L , = 25 °C ) n S lt t f t t t O T O - 220 A B / ' y * r — :J le I drm Vt m S M 6 D 45 S M 6 G 45 S M 6 J 45 200 400 600 V d sm m T j — 125 ”C , 60 ( 50 H z, I 2 ■t

    OCR Scan
    00V-MOV OTO-220AB/V SM6D45 SM6G45 SM6J45 H-101 359RGA SM6J45 SM6D45A SM6G45A SM6J45A 4a2d PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M ITSU B ISH I HIGH SPEED CMOS M 74H C 139P /FP /D P DUAL 1 -0 F -4 D E C O D E R /D E M U L T IP L E X E R DESCRIPTION The M 74H C 139 is a sem iconductor integrated c ircu it con­ PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW sisting of a 2-b it binary to d iv id e -b y -4 d e c o d e r/d e m u ltip le x ­

    OCR Scan

    C8050 equivalent

    Abstract: cny21 equivalent S13MD1 SHF600-1 moc641 QCPL-4502 CNY17-1Z PS2016 CNY17-3Z K8031P
    Text: 10. Cross Reference The fo llo w in g C ross-R eference is m ea nt to serve as a guide fo r existing com p etitive devices to T oshiba's ph o to co u p le r pro du ct line. Toshiba's nearest equivalent devices are selected on th e basis o f general sim ila rity

    OCR Scan
    TLP635 TLP636 TLP678 PC716 PC723 PC725 PC733 PC733H PC810 C8050 equivalent cny21 equivalent S13MD1 SHF600-1 moc641 QCPL-4502 CNY17-1Z PS2016 CNY17-3Z K8031P PDF

    TLP181 equivalent

    Abstract: NEC ps2401 TLP3022 equivalent TLP541G "cross-reference" s13md1 sharp TLP3061 equivalent TLP560J "cross-reference" PC357 "cross-reference" TLP734 equivalent pc716 sharp
    Text: 10. Cross Reference Code Definitions A : D irect R eplacem ent B : M inor Electrical Difference C : M inor M echanical Difference D : M ajo r Electrical Difference E : M ajo r M echanical D ifference F : Call T O S H IB A * G : No Equivalent The fo llo w in g Cross-Reference is m eant to

    OCR Scan
    SIEMEN27 PC4N28 PC4N29 PC4N30 PC4N32 PC4N33 PC4N35 PC4N36 PC4N37 PC110 TLP181 equivalent NEC ps2401 TLP3022 equivalent TLP541G "cross-reference" s13md1 sharp TLP3061 equivalent TLP560J "cross-reference" PC357 "cross-reference" TLP734 equivalent pc716 sharp PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC7W139F/FU T O SH IB A TO SH IBA CM OS D IG ITAL INTEGRATED CIRCU IT SILICON M ONOLITHIC TC7W139F, TC7W139FU 2-TO-4 LINE DECODER The TC7W 139 is a high speed C2MOS 2 to 4 LINE D ECO D ER /D EM U LTIPLEXER fabricated with silicon gate C2MOS technology. It achieves the high speed operation sim ilar to equivalent

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    TC7W139F/FU TC7W139F, TC7W139FU PDF

    din 41316

    Abstract: iec 384-4 ll philips 22c SMD CAPACITORS GN 139 Marking 2G2 marking .H22 tAN philips smd 41316 DIN 1/74AC 138 smd
    Text: Aluminum Electrolytic SMD" Capacitors Series CLL 139 3 Aluminum Electrolytic SMD Capacitors Series CLL 139 Applications Features • SMD technology, low mounting height • Polarized Aluminium electrolytic capacitors, non-solid electrolyte, self healing

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •m l 1.5 11.9 GHz Band Chip Multilayer D.B.MIXER Model No. SLM-170A Equivalent Circuits Shape & Size 3.2 2.0 0.95 0.95 K >K >l ixers [Hl 1 RF LO 2 Ground 3 IF in T I— r 4 Ground 5 Ground 6 4 5 6 Top View >H-t— 0.4 LO(RF) — ♦— K - 0.4 0.4 Side View

    OCR Scan
    SLM-170A 1400-1900MHz 1400-2000MHZ 400MHz 12dBTyp. 13dBm -10dBm 80MHz RF-45 PDF

    lcd panel 2000

    Abstract: 7087b
    Text: TOSHIBA TENTATIVE T6K19 TO SHIBA CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T6K1 9 DOT MATRIX LCD DRIVER The T6K19 is an M LA driver for medium to small-sized Unit : mm dot matrix LCD panels. It supports a 4 / 8 -bit 80-series/ 6 8 -series parallel-MPU or serial interface, and can drive

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    T6K19 T6K19 80-series/ lcd panel 2000 7087b PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TOSHIBA TENTATIVE T6K19 TO SHIBA CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T6K1 9 DOT MATRIX LCD DRIVER The T6K19 is an M LA driver for medium to small-sized Unit : mm dot matrix LCD panels. It supports a 4 / 8 -bit 80-series/ 6 8 -series parallel-MPU or serial interface, and can drive

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    T6K19 T6K19 80-series/ rd1a PDF

    Circuit using ic 1895 bel

    Abstract: 80MPU BEL 1895 T6K19 nc1306 toshiba ad 149
    Text: TOSHIBA TENTATIVE T6K19 TO SHIBA CMOS DIGITAL INTEGRATED CIRCUIT SILICON MONOLITHIC T6K1 9 DOT MATRIX LCD DRIVER The T6K19 is an M LA driver for medium to small-sized Unit : mm dot matrix LCD panels. It supports a 4 / 8 -bit 80-series/ 6 8 -series parallel-MPU or serial interface, and can drive

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    T6K19 T6K19 80-series/ 68-series) Circuit using ic 1895 bel 80MPU BEL 1895 nc1306 toshiba ad 149 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available

    OCR Scan
    FMMT591A 350mi2 FMMT491A -100m -50mA, 100MHz PDF