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    F 79C5V1 Search Results

    F 79C5V1 Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    LM2917MX/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2907MX/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2917M/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2907M/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 14-SOIC -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy
    LM2917N-8/NOPB Texas Instruments Frequency to Voltage Converter 8-PDIP -40 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments Buy

    F 79C5V1 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TAK CHEONG Lic e n se d b y O N Se m ic o nd uc to r, A tra d e m a rk o f se m ic o nd uc to r C o m p o n e n ts In d u strie s, LLC f o r Ze ne r Te c hno lo g y a n d Pro d uc ts. 5 0 0 m W D O- 3 5 H e r m e t ica lly Se a le d Gla ss Ze n e r Volt a ge

    79Cxxx BZX79Cxxets. PDF


    Abstract: 79C47 79c12 79C13 79C5v1 79C20 79C75 axial zener diodes marking code 77 79C68 79C30
    Text: TAK CHEONG Li censed b y ON Semico nd uctor , A tradem ark o f semico nd uctor Com ponents I ndustri es, LLC for Zener Tec hnolo gy and Pro ducts . 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators AXIAL LEAD DO35 Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating

    DO-35 79Cxxx BZX79CxxxDevice 79C6v2 79C47 79c12 79C13 79C5v1 79C20 79C75 axial zener diodes marking code 77 79C68 79C30 PDF


    Abstract: 79c15 79C2V7 79C6V8 79c18 79c10 BZX79C2V4RL BZX79C2V7RL BZX79C3V0RL BZX79C3V3RL
    Text: BZX79C2V4RL Series 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators This is a complete series of 500 mW Zener diodes with limits and excellent operating characteristics that reflect the superior capabilities of silicon–oxide passivated junctions. All this in an axial–lead

    BZX79C2V4RL DO-35 204AH 204AA r14525 BZX79C2V4RL/D 79C12 79c15 79C2V7 79C6V8 79c18 79c10 BZX79C2V7RL BZX79C3V0RL BZX79C3V3RL PDF

    zener 79C10

    Abstract: 79c18 79C6v2 79C12 79C27 79C5v1 79C30 79c15 79c10 Zener Diode marking 3a
    Text: BZX79C2V4 THRU BZX79C33 Shanghai Lunsure Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd Tel:0086-21-37185008 Fax:0086-21-57152769 Features • • • Zener Voltage Range 2.4V to 33V Metallurgical Bonded C onstrrction Double Slug Type Construction 500mW Silicon Zener Diodes

    BZX79C2V4 BZX79C33 500mW zener 79C10 79c18 79C6v2 79C12 79C27 79C5v1 79C30 79c15 79c10 Zener Diode marking 3a PDF


    Abstract: 79C5V1 79C15
    Text: MCC BZX79C2V4 THRU BZX79C33   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# Features • • • Zener Voltage Range 2.4V to 33V Metallurgical Bonded C onstrrction Double Slug Type Construction

    BZX79C2V4 BZX79C33 500mW 100mA DO-204AH 79C5V6 79C5V1 79C15 PDF


    Abstract: 79C15 79C2V4 79C5V1 79C4V7 79c12 79C13 79C2V7 79C11 79C7V5
    Text: TAK CHEONG Licensed by ON Semiconductor, A trademark of semiconductor Components Industries, LLC for Zener Technology and Products. 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating Symbol Value Units Maximum Steady State Power Dissipation

    DO-35 DO-204AH) BZX79C2V4 BZX79C200 79C5V6 79C15 79C2V4 79C5V1 79C4V7 79c12 79C13 79C2V7 79C11 79C7V5 PDF


    Abstract: 79C33 79c15
    Text: TAK CHEONG Licensed by ON Semiconductor, A trademark of semiconductor Components Industries, LLC for Zener Technology and Products. 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating Symbol Value Units Maximum Steady State Power Dissipation

    DO-35 DO-204AH) BZX79C2V4 BZX79C200 79C2V7 79C33 79c15 PDF


    Abstract: BZX79C3V9
    Text: TAK CHEONG 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating Symbol Value Unit Maximum Steady State Power Dissipation @ TL ≤75°C, Lead Length = 3/8” PD 500 mW 4.0 mW/°C -65 to +200 °C Derate Above 75°C

    DO-35 DO-204AH) BZX79C2V4 BZX79C200 79C2V4 BZX79C3V9 PDF


    Abstract: 79C2V4 79C2V7
    Text: MCC TM Micro Commercial Components BZX79C2V4 THRU BZX79C75   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# Features • • • Zener Voltage Range 2.4V to 75V Metallurgical Bonded C onstrrction

    BZX79C2V4 BZX79C75 500mW DO-35 DO-204AH 79C56 79C2V4 79C2V7 PDF


    Abstract: 79C5 79C27 zener 79C10 79C2V7 79C6V8 79C15 0c2030 79c18 79C3V9
    Text: MCC BZX79C2V4 THRU BZX79C75   omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth    !"# $ %    !"# Features • • • Zener Voltage Range 2.4V to 75V Metallurgical Bonded C onstrrction Double Slug Type Construction

    BZX79C2V4 BZX79C75 500mW DO-35 DO-204AH 79C2V4 79C5 79C27 zener 79C10 79C2V7 79C6V8 79C15 0c2030 79c18 79C3V9 PDF


    Abstract: 79C12 79C5v1 79c18 79C6v2 79C5V6 79c39 79c10 79C13 79C3V9
    Text: TAK CHEONG Licensed by ON Semiconductor, A trademark of semiconductor Components Industries, LLC for Zener Technology and Products. 500 mW DO-35 Hermetically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators AXIAL LEAD DO35 Maximum Ratings Note 1 Rating Symbol Value

    DO-35 79Cxxx BZX79CxxxDevice 79c15 79C12 79C5v1 79c18 79C6v2 79C5V6 79c39 79c10 79C13 79C3V9 PDF


    Abstract: zener 7.5 B 47 79C7V5 79C24 zener diode DO-35 79C3V3 79C5V6 izk 1n758 9.1 zener diode
    Text: MCC ZENER DIODES 1/2W ZENER DIODE / DO-35 MCC PART NUMBER 1N5221B 1N5222B 1N5223B 1N5224B 1N5225B 1N5226B 1N5227B 1N5228B 1N5229B 1N5230B 1N5231B 1N5232B 1N5233B 1N5234B 1N5235B 1N5236B 1N5237B 1N5238B 1N5239B 1N5240B 1N5241B 1N5242B 1N5243B 1N5244B 1N5245B

    DO-35 BZX85C10 BZX85C11 BZX85C12 BZX85C13 BZX85C15 BZX85C16 BZX85C18 BZX85C20 BZX85C22 2W ZENER DIODE zener 7.5 B 47 79C7V5 79C24 zener diode DO-35 79C3V3 79C5V6 izk 1n758 9.1 zener diode PDF

    orient 817b

    Abstract: UJT-2N2646 UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS L 1011 817B CI 817b MDA2500 UJT 2N2646 Zener Diode SOT-23 929b 2N2646 pin diagram diode 913b
    Text: DL150/D Rev. 2, May-2001 TVS/Zener Device Data PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION NORTH AMERICA Literature Fulfillment: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303-675-2175 or 800-344-3860 Toll Free USA/Canada

    DL150/D May-2001 r14525 DLD601 orient 817b UJT-2N2646 UJT-2N2646 PIN DIAGRAM DETAILS L 1011 817B CI 817b MDA2500 UJT 2N2646 Zener Diode SOT-23 929b 2N2646 pin diagram diode 913b PDF

    GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual

    Abstract: diode 930 6V8A 2n2646 practical application circuits UJT 2N2646 Transient Voltage Suppression Manual Bidirectional Diode Thyristors 1.5ke 30A Zener Diode SOD323 pdz 4 .7b 919b diode varistor SVC 471 14 melf diode marking code
    Text: DL150/D Rev. 2, May-2001 TVS/Zener Device Data PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION NORTH AMERICA Literature Fulfillment: Literature Distribution Center for ON Semiconductor P.O. Box 5163, Denver, Colorado 80217 USA Phone: 303-675-2175 or 800-344-3860 Toll Free USA/Canada

    DL150/D May-2001 no422-3781 r14525 DL150/D GE Transient Voltage Suppression Manual diode 930 6V8A 2n2646 practical application circuits UJT 2N2646 Transient Voltage Suppression Manual Bidirectional Diode Thyristors 1.5ke 30A Zener Diode SOD323 pdz 4 .7b 919b diode varistor SVC 471 14 melf diode marking code PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: hep c6004 2sb504 2SC 968 NPN Transistor sje 607 motorola c6004 diode BY127 specifications K872 af118 Motorola Semiconductor hep c3806p
    Text: & SEM ICO N DU CTO R This guide has been prepared by the Motorola HEP technical staff to provide a cross-reference for the Hobbyist, Experimenter, and Professional service techni­ cian. The information contained herein is based on an analysis of the published

    OCR Scan
    thT404 ZV15A ZY33A ZT696 ZV15B ZY33B ZT697 ZT706 ZV27A ZY62A triac zd 607 hep c6004 2sb504 2SC 968 NPN Transistor sje 607 motorola c6004 diode BY127 specifications K872 af118 Motorola Semiconductor hep c3806p PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: — ¡n c Licensed by a tradem ark ON of Com ponents Industries, Zener Tech nolo gy S em iconductor, S em iconductor and LLC for Products. 5YM 5EM I SEM ICO NDU CTO R 5 0 0 m W D O -35 H erm etically Sealed Glass Zener Voltage Regulators Maximum Ratings Note 1

    OCR Scan
    BZX79C2V4 79c27 PDF