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    Ericsson reference manual AXE 10

    Abstract: AXE switch ERICSSON commands apz 212 20 Ericsson reference manual AXE 10 telephone exchange APZ 212 55 axe 10 apz 212 20 Ericsson AXE 10 catalogue BYB 202 byb 501 AXE 10 pstn
    Text: Training Catalogue Wireline Year 2000 E Training Catalog Wireline Table of Contents. 2 Introduction . 5


    AXE switch ERICSSON commands

    Abstract: Ericsson AXE 10 AXE switch ERICSSON apz 212 33 apz 212 30 byb 501 node b ericsson hardware ericsson msc rnc bsc apz 212 ericsson AXE10
    Text: Openness in AXE Einar Wennmyr In recent years, the term open system has become a catch phrase in the data and telecommunications industries. Open systems are expected to improve time to market and make it easier for operators to introduce new features that will help them to attract and retain their subscribers. As

    01--A AXE switch ERICSSON commands Ericsson AXE 10 AXE switch ERICSSON apz 212 33 apz 212 30 byb 501 node b ericsson hardware ericsson msc rnc bsc apz 212 ericsson AXE10 PDF

    ericsson AXE10

    Abstract: axe10 ericsson USEFUL ericsson COMMANDS AXE ericsson UMTS manual Ericsson AXE 10 axe10 erlang AXE 10 commands
    Text: CO 20/00 s26-27 OK 26 00-12-13 13.24 TECHNOLOGY Sidan 1 WAP Technology editor: Eric Peterson,, +46 8-719 03 37 CONTACT No. 20 2000 The art of interface design The interfaces for WAP applications must meet more rigorous requirements than is the case for other areas of application development.

    s26-27 ericsson AXE10 axe10 ericsson USEFUL ericsson COMMANDS AXE ericsson UMTS manual Ericsson AXE 10 axe10 erlang AXE 10 commands PDF

    Ericsson HLR

    Abstract: timer schema Ericsson SPARE PART axe 10 database features DBMS Transaction processing Number Portability ERICSSON schema timer switched schema home location register ERICSSON relais schema
    Text: The NDB Cluster – A parallel data server for telecommunications applications Mikael Ronström The number of services in telecommunications networks is increasing. Most of these services require the network to store information that must be made available in real time. Such information is critical: failure to reach it

    RONM97. UAB/B/U-97 Ericsson HLR timer schema Ericsson SPARE PART axe 10 database features DBMS Transaction processing Number Portability ERICSSON schema timer switched schema home location register ERICSSON relais schema PDF

    bosch automotive

    Abstract: amd 8085 Alsthom atmel 8085 skidata AM386DE siemens nokia connectors GEC Alsthom intel 8086 Am486SX
    Text: HITEX DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Cost Effective and Customer Oriented Development Tools Solutions Provider July 1999 Page 1 The Company Coventry, UK Karlsruhe/Munich Sunnyvale, CA u founded in 1976 u 105 employees in Germany, 130 employees worldwide u headquarters Karlsruhe,

    HiTOP98-Environment HiTOP98 32-bit bosch automotive amd 8085 Alsthom atmel 8085 skidata AM386DE siemens nokia connectors GEC Alsthom intel 8086 Am486SX PDF

    philips tws 101 emergency light

    Abstract: inverter yec ynv-w06 auo -039 seagate sata hard drive CIRCUIT diagram WD3200BEVT22ZCT0 sandisk micro SD Card 2GB APA2057 OV772 TS-L633
    Text: Aspire 5735/5735Z/5335 Series Service Guide Service guide files and updates are available on the ACER/CSD web; for more information, please refer to PRINTED IN TAIWAN Revision History Please refer to the table below for the updates made on Aspire 5735/5735Z/5335 Series service guide.

    5735/5735Z/5335 philips tws 101 emergency light inverter yec ynv-w06 auo -039 seagate sata hard drive CIRCUIT diagram WD3200BEVT22ZCT0 sandisk micro SD Card 2GB APA2057 OV772 TS-L633 PDF

    E1 to fiber optic converter circuit

    Abstract: stm-1 nortel BTS ericsson LP-UNEQ ERICSSON BTS product LP-UNEQ STM-1 HDB3 and CMI which is better Ericsson Base Station G-783 vc-4 digital cross connect
    Text: LXT6051/LXT6251 SDH Chipset SDH and ITU Standards Application Note January 2001 Order Number: 249311-001 As of January 15, 2001, this document replaces the Level One document known as AN9801. Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    LXT6051/LXT6251 AN9801. LXT6251As E1 to fiber optic converter circuit stm-1 nortel BTS ericsson LP-UNEQ ERICSSON BTS product LP-UNEQ STM-1 HDB3 and CMI which is better Ericsson Base Station G-783 vc-4 digital cross connect PDF

    ericsson bml 403

    Abstract: PBL3764 TRANSISTOR ztx 105 3a OE RSG Series TRANZORB ericsson slic JW216 TRANSISTOR ztx 105 3a circuit diagram
    Text: ERICSSON ^ September 1989 PBL 3764 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description Key Features The PBL 3764 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC is a bipolar integrated circuit in 75 V technology which replaces the conventional transform er based analog line

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    PBL3764N* 3764J 3764/2J 3764QN* 3764QC 3764/2QC 3764CC ericsson bml 403 PBL3764 TRANSISTOR ztx 105 3a OE RSG Series TRANZORB ericsson slic JW216 TRANSISTOR ztx 105 3a circuit diagram PDF

    RCA 4136

    Abstract: bm 5067 TRANZORB
    Text: ERICSSON $ September 1989 PBL 3765 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description Key Features The PBL 3765 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC is a bipolar integrated circuit in 75 V technology which replaces the conventional transform er based analog line

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    3765N* 3765J 3765/2J 3765QN* 3765QC 3765/2QC* 3765CC S-164 RCA 4136 bm 5067 TRANZORB PDF


    Abstract: SIEMENS THYRISTOR b g44 hafo TRANSISTOR BJ 033 FNHR transistor et 454
    Text: ERICSSON ^ September 1989 PBL 3798 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description Key features PBL 3798 is an analog Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC , which is fabricated in a 75 V bipolar, m onolithic process. • O n-chip switch mode regulator to

    OCR Scan
    3798J 3798QC PBL3798 SIEMENS THYRISTOR b g44 hafo TRANSISTOR BJ 033 FNHR transistor et 454 PDF

    SIEMENS VF 100

    Abstract: Nytronics 33 TRANSISTOR BJ 033 Nytronics OE RSG Series TRANSISTOR BC 321 ABB Thyristor YST HAFO PBL3799J 7w74
    Text: ERICSSON ^ September 1989 PBL 3799 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description Key features PBL 3799 is an analog Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SLIC , which is fabricated in a 75 V bipolar, monolithic process. • On-chip switch mode regulator to minim ize power dissipation

    OCR Scan
    thresho799QC S-164 SIEMENS VF 100 Nytronics 33 TRANSISTOR BJ 033 Nytronics OE RSG Series TRANSISTOR BC 321 ABB Thyristor YST HAFO PBL3799J 7w74 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERICSSON ^ Preliminary May 1997 PBL 3% 30/1 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description Key Features The PBL 386 30/1 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit SL.IC is a 90 V bipolar integrated circuit for use in Digital Loop Carrier, FITL and other telecom m unications equipment.

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    2x900 1N444S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HC5515 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R SLIC Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Features Description • Dl Monolithic High Voltage Process The HC5515 is a subscriber line interface circuit which is interchangeable with Ericsson’s PBL3860 for distributed

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    HC5515 HC5515 PBL3860 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R PRELIMINARY October 1996 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Features Description • Dl Monolithic High Voltage Process The HC5515 is a subscriber line interface circuit which is interchangeable with Ericsson’s PBL3860 for distributed

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    HC5515 PBL3860 PBL3860 1-800-4-HARRIS PDF

    Thyristor Xo 602 MA

    Abstract: PED relay cross reference
    Text: Preliminary ERICSSON ^ May 1997 PBL 386 40/1 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description Key Features The PBL 386 40/1 Subscriber Lina Interface C ircuit SLIC is a 90 V bipolar integrated circuit for use in Digital Loop Carrier, FITL and other telecom m unications equipment.

    OCR Scan
    2x900 Thyristor Xo 602 MA PED relay cross reference PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HC5515 HARRIS S E M I C O N D U C T O R S LIC Subscriber Line Interface Circuit January 1997 Features Description • Dl Monolithic High Voltage Process The HC5515 is a subscriber line interface circuit which is interchangeable with Ericsson’s PBL3860 for distributed

    OCR Scan
    HC5515 HC5515 PBL3860 2200pF, SGT06U13 1N4454 200Hz, PDF

    3726 speech ic

    Abstract: 3726 mic bridge rectifier ic 3726 PBL+3726/9
    Text: ERICSSON ^ March 1996 PBL 3726/19 Universal Speech Circuit Description Key Features PBL 3726/19 is a standard version of the PBL 3726 fam ily of mask-programmable, m onolithic integrated speech circuits for use in electronic telephones. The circuit is intended for use with a piezoceram ic microphone and receiver.

    OCR Scan
    S-164 3726 speech ic 3726 mic bridge rectifier ic 3726 PBL+3726/9 PDF

    ZENER DIODE IN 47 1W 47A

    Abstract: PBL3881
    Text: ERICSSON ^ September 1997 PBL 385 70 Universal Speech Circuit Description. PBL 38570 is a monolithic integrated speech transmission circuit for use in electronic telephones. It is designedto accomodate either a low impedance dynamic or anelectret microphone. A separate input for DTMF dialling tones that is controlled by a mute signal,

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    1522-PBL ZENER DIODE IN 47 1W 47A PBL3881 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERICSSON ^ September 1997 PBL 385 70 Universal Speech Circuit Description. PBL 38570 is a monolithic integrated speech transmission circuit for use in electronic telephones. It is designedto accomodate e ith e ra low impedance dynamic or anelectret microphone. A separate input for DTMF dialling tones that is controlled by a mute signal,

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    1522-PBL S-16481 PSOP PDF


    Abstract: SPF 455 H 5 mtx 1.5uF 470
    Text: m HC5515 H A R R IS S E M IC O N D U C T O R s u e Subscriber Line Interface Circuit January 1997 Features Description • Dl Monolithic High Voltage Process The HC5515 is a subscriber line interface circuit which is interchangeable with Ericsson’s PBL3860 for distributed

    OCR Scan
    HC5515 HC5515 PBL3860 20ki2, SGT06U13 1N4454 200Hz, 910kfl, 216nF SPF 455 H 5 mtx 1.5uF 470 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERICSSON $ May 1996 PBL 3853 Universal Speech Circuit Description Key Features The PBL 3853 is a biopolar integrated speech circuit w ith specific parameters making it highly suitable to be used as a line interface and speech circuit in a telephone line powered electronic payphone. Emphasis has been put on low current consum ption in

    OCR Scan
    S-164 PDF

    3726 speech ic

    Abstract: IC 3726/18 about38 ic 3726
    Text: ERICSSON $ March 1996 PBL 3726/18 Universal Speech Circuit Description Key Features PBL 3726/18 is a standard version of the PBL 3726 fam ily of the m ask-program ­ mable, m onolithic integrated speech circuits for use in electronic telephones. It is designed for use w ith a low impedance microphone. Transm itting and receiv­

    OCR Scan
    for3726/18SO 3726/18SO-T S-164 3726 speech ic IC 3726/18 about38 ic 3726 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERICSSON ^ September1997 PBL 3766, PBL 3766/6 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description Key Features T he PBL 3 7 66 S u b scrib e r Line Interface C ircuit SLIC is a m on olithic integrated circuit, m anufactured in 75 V b ip o la r tech n o lo g y. T he PBL 3 7 66 SLIC fa cilita te s the

    OCR Scan
    September1997 PDF

    k 3767

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ERICSSON ^ September 1997 PBL 3767, PBL 3767/6 Subscriber Line Interface Circuit Description Key Features T he PBL 3 7 6 7 S u b scrib e r Line Interface C ircuit SLIC is a m on olithic integrated circuit, m anufactured in 75 V b ip o la r tech n o lo g y. The PBL 3 7 67 SLIC fa cilita te s the

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