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    ER 35 TRANSFORMER Search Results

    ER 35 TRANSFORMER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    WB1040-SML Coilcraft Inc Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
    AS8426-A Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    B0727-B Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc Buy
    AS8954-A Coilcraft Inc Telecom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc
    CR7984-CLD Coilcraft Inc Datacom Transformer Visit Coilcraft Inc

    ER 35 TRANSFORMER Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Specification PQ60150SMx03 35-75V 100V 15V 45W 2250V dc Sixteenth-Brick I nput Transient I nput Output Max Pow er I solation DC-DC Converter The PQ60150SMx03 PowerQor Mega sixteenth brick converter is a next-generation, board-mountable, isolated,

    PQ60150SMx03 5-75V PQ60150SMx03 PDF

    ferrite core transformer design

    Abstract: B66350 B66350G0000X127 B66350G0000X187 B66350G0500X127 B66350G1000X127 B66350G1500X127 N27 transformer core
    Text: Ferrites and accessories ER 35/20/11 Core Series/Type: Date: B66350 September 2006 Data Sheet  EPCOS AG 2006. Reproduction, publication and dissemination of this data sheet and the information contained therein without EPCOS’ prior express consent is prohibited.

    B66350 ferrite core transformer design B66350 B66350G0000X127 B66350G0000X187 B66350G0500X127 B66350G1000X127 B66350G1500X127 N27 transformer core PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Specification PQ60012SMx25 35-75V 100V 1.2V 30W 2250V dc Sixteenth-Brick I nput Transient I nput Output Max Pow er I solation DC-DC Converter The PQ60012SMx25 PowerQor Mega sixteenth brick converter is a next-generation, board-mountable, isolated,

    PQ60012SMx25 5-75V PQ60012SMx25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Specification PQ60018SMx25 35-75V 100V 1.8V 45W 2250Vdc Sixteenth-Brick I nput Transient I nput Output Max Pow er I solation DC-DC Converter The PQ60018SMx25 PowerQor Mega sixteenth brick converter is a next-generation, board-mountable, isolated,

    PQ60018SMx25 5-75V 2250Vdc PQ60018SMx25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical S pecification PQ60240QGA05 35-75V 24V 5Amp 2000Vdc Quar ter-brick Input Output Current Isolation DC/DC Conver ter The PQ60240QGA05 PowerQor Giga quarter-brick c on ve rt er is a n ext -gen er a tio n, b oa rd -m ou nt a bl e, iso la t ed , fix ed s witch ing f requ enc y DC/DC co nver ter. Th e po wer dis s ip at ed b y t h e co nv er t er is s o l ow t ha t a h ea ts in k is n ot

    PQ60240QGA05 5-75V 2000Vdc PQ60240QGA05 005-2QG624D PDF


    Abstract: PQ60480QTA03 C8860
    Text: Technical S pecification PQ60480QTA03 35-75V 48V 3Amp 2000Vdc Quar ter-brick Input Output Current Isolation DC/DC Conver ter The PQ60480QTA03 PowerQor Tera quarter-brick c on ve rt er is a n ext -gen er a tio n, b oa rd -m ou nt a bl e, iso la t ed , fix ed s witch ing f requ enc y DC/DC co nver ter. Th e po wer dis s ip at ed b y t h e co nv er t er is s o l ow t ha t a h ea ts in k is n ot

    PQ60480QTA03 5-75V 2000Vdc PQ60480QTA03 005-2QT648C IPC-A-610C C8860 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Specification PQ60120SMx04 35-75 V 100V 12V 48W 2250V dc Sixteenth-Brick I nput Transient I nput Output Max Pow er I solation DC-DC Converter The PQ60120SML04 PowerQor Mega sixteenth brick converter is a next-generation, board-mountable, isolated,

    PQ60120SMx04 PQ60120SML04 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Specification PQ60033SMx15 35-75 V 100V 3.3V 50W 2250V dc Sixteenth-Brick I nput Transient I nput Output Max Pow er I solation DC-DC Converter The PQ60033SMx15 PowerQor Mega sixteenth brick converter is a next-generation, board-mountable, isolated,

    PQ60033SMx15 PQ60033SMx15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical S pecification PQ60120QEA25 35-75V 12V 25Amp 2250Vdc Quar ter-brick Input Output Current Isolation DC/DC Conver ter T h e P Q60 120Q E A25 Pow e rQ or Ex a qu art e r-br ic k c on v er t er is a n ext -ge ner a ti on , b o ar d- mo un t ab l e, iso la t ed , fixed

    PQ60120QEA25 5-75V 25Amp 2250Vdc 005-2QE612J PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Specification PQ60025SMx20 35-75V 100V 2.5V 50W I nput Transient I nput Output Max Pow er 2250V dc Sixteenth-Brick I solation DC-DC Converter The PQ60025SMx20 PowerQor Mega sixteenth brick converter is a next-generation, board-mountable, isolated, fixed switching frequency DC/DC converter

    PQ60025SMx20 5-75V PQ60025SMx20 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Technical Specification PQ60050SMx10 35-75V 100V 5V 50W 2250V dc Sixteenth-Brick I nput Transient I nput Output Max Pow er I solation DC-DC Converter The PQ60050SMx10 PowerQor Mega sixteenth brick converter is a next-generation, board-mountable, isolated, fixed switching frequency DC/ DC converter

    PQ60050SMx10 5-75V PQ60050SMx10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Telecommunication ADSL MICROFILTER Transformers E N O H P APS-9006BP 3 3 LINE PHONE RJ-11 RJ-11 DE LTA ELE CT RO NIC S INC . AD SL SP PO AP LITT TS S-9 ER 006B P 4 E N LI L1 4 L2 dB -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 The ADSL low pass filter is used to block any

    APS-9006BP RJ-11 UL1950 200Hz 30KHz 50KHz 1004Hz RJ11e PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ov em ay ,1 0N PM4329 be r, 20 05 10 :1 8: 35 AM PM4329 HDLIU 32 Hardware Specification Released In co n Th ur sd HDLIU 32 Released Issue No. 4: Nov 2004 Do wn l oa de d by C on te n tT ea m of Pa r tm in er Hardware Specification Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc., and for its customers’ internal use.

    PM4329 PM4329 PMC-2031990, PMC-2021518 PDF

    asus F3J inverter

    Abstract: T3509 schematic asus f3j inverter ALC660 asus f3j c2406 diode R5538D001 asus F3J Power inverter C2407 ASUS
    Text: A B C D E F2J SCHEMATIC R11 ER Content PAGE 1 2 3 4 PAGE SYSTEM PAGE REF. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 YONAH CPU (1) YONAH CPU (2) CPU CAP/THERMAL SENSOR CLOCK GEN.

    RTL8111B asus F3J inverter T3509 schematic asus f3j inverter ALC660 asus f3j c2406 diode R5538D001 asus F3J Power inverter C2407 ASUS PDF

    flyback transformer

    Abstract: 12 pin flyback transformer 10 pin flyback transformer schematics 11 pin flyback transformer schematics PA1032 PB2110 ER14.5 High frequency transformer PA1006 ER14.5 TRANSFORMER er 35 power transformer
    Text: HIGH FREQUENCY CONVENTIONAL WOUND MAGNETICS ER Platforms - ER9.5, ER11 and ER14.5 Transformers and Inductors Power: 1W to 9W Three Different SMT Platforms Custom designs available Electrical Specifications @ 25°C — Operating Temperature -40°C to 125°C

    PB2090 36-72v, 200kHz 12v/0 1500Vdc flyback transformer 12 pin flyback transformer 10 pin flyback transformer schematics 11 pin flyback transformer schematics PA1032 PB2110 ER14.5 High frequency transformer PA1006 ER14.5 TRANSFORMER er 35 power transformer PDF

    ER 35 e transformer

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Autoo transsformerr P PVEA 2000 Transformer to adapt the ma ains highe er or lowe er voltage by 6% or 13%. Article no: Input: Outputt: Load: Veight: Protecttion: Perform mance: Mountiing: Standarrd: 78800-0015 230 V 50-60 Hz L – N N See beelow 2000 VA



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: nt Encapsulated PC Transformers 1VA - 160VA Power Transformers 1VA - 7.5kVA Encapsulated Styles 1VA - 500VA Special Mounting Configurations In Standard Configurations and to Customer Specifications magnetics nuvotem Toroidal Transformers for Universal Application

    160VA 500VA 6400K 6500K PDF

    melcher SMR 121.5ER-7

    Abstract: Melcher family SMR SMR 121.5er-7 melcher, uster, switzerland 126ER-7 melcher smr MELCHER SWITCHING REGULATOR 123ER-7 123ER-8 126ER-8
    Text: 5975062 ME LCHE R 89D 00025 INC M C L C H E R f Ackerstrasse 56 Postfach CH-8610 Uster Telefon 01 9413737 Telex 57154 meus ch Telefax 9409858 eIektronische G eräte AG S w itzerlan d /— / T - ttlt- S Switching Mode Regulator Input voltage Vi = V0+ 5 V . .35 VDC

    OCR Scan
    CH-8610 melcher SMR 121.5ER-7 Melcher family SMR SMR 121.5er-7 melcher, uster, switzerland 126ER-7 melcher smr MELCHER SWITCHING REGULATOR 123ER-7 123ER-8 126ER-8 PDF


    Abstract: Scans-0017279 12e13
    Text: EDISWAN I2EI3 BEAM T E T R O D E Indirectly heated G EN ER A L The 12E13 is a beam tetrode which has a maximum anode dissipation of 35 watts and a maximum cathode current of 175 mA. It is intended for use as a series or parallel regulator valve in stabilised power supply units.

    OCR Scan
    12E13 12E13 2X40 Scans-0017279 PDF

    brush dc motor control 200v 20a

    Abstract: AC DC transformerless power supply IN5353 180v dc motor drive circuit diagram transformerless power supply circuit spice model dc motor liteon transformer lc-130 spice model of power TRANSFORMER simulation model electrolytic capacitor zener diode 20w
    Text: A C -D C POW ER SUPPLY DESIGN APPLICATION NOTE 35 P U L S E W IDTH M O D U L A T IO N A M P L IF IE R h t t p :/ /W W W .A P E X M X C R O T E C H .C O M INTRODUCTION High power PWM amplifiers are now available in the 200V to 500V range with current ratings in the 10A to 20A range. Such PWM can be

    OCR Scan
    IN5328B IN5353 ERLOWERSOUTPUTRIPPLEBUTSIGNALGROUNDlSAT57 AN35U brush dc motor control 200v 20a AC DC transformerless power supply 180v dc motor drive circuit diagram transformerless power supply circuit spice model dc motor liteon transformer lc-130 spice model of power TRANSFORMER simulation model electrolytic capacitor zener diode 20w PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CUSTO M ER T E R M IN A L RoHS L E A D P b — F R E E Yes Yes S n 100% ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS 25°C u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e n o t e d : .140(1 4) [3.55] .625 [1 5.88 .860 MAX. [21.84] W W E - M ID C O M INDUCTANCE: 35 0 jiH m in ., 100k H z, lOOmV, 8mADC, J 1 - J 2 ; J 3 - J 6 , Lp.

    OCR Scan
    100MHz. 30MHz. 45MHz. 60MHz. 80MHz. PDF

    EE-25 200 6 transformer

    Abstract: MAX4501-05 manchester code encoder diagram state EE-25 transformer Transformer EE-25
    Text: P I f i Q9f0t 1 1 1 U T11D M I L - S I U - l & j / IVDe b 1 U M H Z Low Level Serial Interface Features ÛEROFLEX Optional transformer isolation Internally set threshold Matched to 50 ohm system impedance power on and off Operates with ±5 volt supplies Power management

    OCR Scan
    CT2500 CT1698 CT1698FP THE-1553 SCDCT1698 EE-25 200 6 transformer MAX4501-05 manchester code encoder diagram state EE-25 transformer Transformer EE-25 PDF

    AM 22A

    Abstract: igbt 2A GE 731 igbt 500V 22A
    Text: M O D E L 7 7 2 1 SERIES N EW PR O D U CT H Bridge Pow er Module Drives DC motors, transformers and other loads. Paralleled ultrafast diodes included. Standard applications are off-line DC motor control and power conversion. M O DELS/RA N G E 77 21 -1A 22 A 500V IGBTs with 8A 60 0V ultrafast diodes

    OCR Scan
    O-247 Rt/R25 721-1A AM 22A igbt 2A GE 731 igbt 500V 22A PDF

    ER 35 e transformer

    Abstract: 1000 kVA transformer FRSR.2
    Text: TRANSFORMER DISCONNECT LTFS SERIES d a y k in ELECTRIC CORPORATION TRANSFORM ER DISCO NNECT T h e Daykin LTFS S eries offers a w ide selection of tra n s fo rm e r VA ratin g s in o n e c o m p a c t N E M A 1 enclosure. Prim arily used to pow er interior lighting.

    OCR Scan
    3/32Mx ER 35 e transformer 1000 kVA transformer FRSR.2 PDF